Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 847: You should be too tired!

She is the kind of person who requires no impurities in marriage and feelings.

I haven't talked about scumbags before. Knowing what natures scumbags are, she resolutely broke up and will never look back.

To Jiang Beiyuan, he deceived her to hide from her, and let people touch him!

"So, sister, what do you want to do?" Ding Baoyi put her cheek in one hand, looking at Yan Nian boredly.

"I've thought about it, no matter whether Jiang Beiyuan did a major maintenance project or not, I will treat him as if he did it!"

"Huh?" Ding Baoyi was stunned for several times.

I saw Yan Nian with a serious face: "After get off work today, you and I will go to the bathing center again. I will also find a handsome guy to give me a massage, so that my heart will be balanced!"

"Ha ha,"

Ding Baoyi rubbed her forehead, not knowing what to say, "Is this the conclusion you thought about all night?"

"I can only think so! I understand all those great principles, but I can't listen to them!"

People are like this, as long as things don't happen to themselves, they understand the truth.

Once you are a party, all the correct decisions and ideas fly away!

"But what's the difference between you and broken cans?"

"It's just breaking the pot! Why can a man be able to make a big guarantee, and a woman should just swallow?"

"Please! Now this possibility is not established yet, is it!"

"Anyway, I will treat it as if it was established. I will invite you to enjoy a meal this afternoon. I will pay for the money. I will also apply for a membership card at that time and charge 1,000 back to 500!"


Ding Baoyi did not comment.

Obviously they are all mothers, so why are the brain circuits so strange!


At the same time, Jiang Beiyuan finished an operation and just came out of the operating room.

Today’s second-level operation, Jiang Beiyuan is the chief surgeon, and it is Yu Lili who has just returned to the hospital to beat him.

The two people cooperated very well. When in the operating room, a few unknown nurses also joked that Jiang Beiyuan and Yu Lili were soul-level co-op partners.

Yu Lili smiled after listening.

But Jiang Beiyuan's face was getting colder and colder, causing the atmosphere in the entire operating room to turn cold, and the little nurses were so scared that they didn't dare to say anything.

Yu Lili washed her hands and came out. The doctors in the same group went back to rest. Only Jiang Beiyuan was leaning against the wall, lazily. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his slender fingers.

"what happened to you?"

Seeing that his face was a little pale, Yu Lili hurried over.

The latter coughed twice and frowned, "My head is a little dizzy, take a moment."

This is the first time that Yu Lili has seen the weak Jiang Beiyuan, and her heart hurts.

"I will help you go back to rest, you should be too tired!"


She leaned on his shoulders, seeing that he didn't resist, Yu Lili felt so happy.

She wished that time could pass more slowly, it would be better to stay at this moment.

Helping Jiang Beiyuan onto the sofa in his lounge, Yu Lili boldly reached out and touched his forehead.

Fortunately, it is not very hot, it should not be a fever.

"Take your temperature, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Yu Lili ran to pour the water and asked Jiang Beiyuan how his temperature was.

"37 degrees, no fever."

"This is a bit of a low-grade fever. Do you want me to get medicine on the first floor?"

"No thanks."

Jiang Beiyuan leaned on the sofa, closing his eyes and rubbing his eyebrows.

"I'll just lie down for a while."

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