Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 861: It’s not that you take the initiative, don’t count

"Ah! What a mess!"

Jiang Qingchi didn't listen carefully to what Mu Yanzhu called. He looked around and scratched his neck.

Seeing strange buildings all around, I made my palms sweat!

"Where is this, what should I do, I seem to have sat before!"

It's all because he has been comforting this young lady, he has forgotten that he is going to kindergarten!

"Which stop did you get off the bus?" Mu Yanzhu asked.

"Sunshine Kindergarten!"

"Three stops have passed, and the front is Sunshine Elementary School."

Hearing this, Jiang Qingchi stood up and hurriedly got off the car. Mu Yanzhu took his hand.

"Don't worry, you get off with me in front, and I will take you to another bus to your kindergarten."


Jiang Qingchi lowered his head and sniffed. His eyes were red. After all, the only half-old child said it was a fake not to panic.

What if you can't go back!

"Hehe, you are a man, and a man can't cry!"


Jiang Qingchi held his head high and held back the redness of his eyes.

When he arrived at Sunshine Primary School, Mu Yanzhu took him to the bus stop opposite.

Jiang Qingchi had no change, so Mu Yanzhu gave him a dollar.

"You can get on the 1st or 2nd bus."

"Your money, I will pay you back next time. My parents won't let me owe someone else."

"You have already given me a piece of candy, just like I bought it."

Mu Yanzhu kept the purple candy in her pocket. She didn't want to eat it. She couldn't say why, but she wanted to cherish it.


"But what?" Mu Yanzhu looked down at the boy who was half a head shorter than him.

"This piece of candy is very expensive, several hundred. My godmother brought me from Russia on a business trip."


Mu Yanzhu frowned her delicate brows.

She only has this dollar in her pocket!

No more extra money!

The bus is coming.

Jiang Qingchi waved at her, said goodbye, and hurriedly got in the car.

"Hey wait a minute--!"

Mu Yanzhu trot over and ran to Jiang Qingchi.

In the sun, she lowered her head to hold his face, and kissed his mouth!

"Return your sugar money, goodbye little brother!"


Jiang Qingchi stood in place for a long, long, long time.

The two round eyes were so big, so big, so big.

Until the driver's uncle rang the bell, Jiang Qingchi supported the railing and got into the car. The moment he put the coin, he cried with a "wow".

The whole car was shocked.

The little guy was born with a well-crafted face, exquisite features, big eyes and long eyelashes, indescribably flattering.

Now crying like this, pitifully, the grandparents in the car wanted to coax them like their grandsons, and they all pulled him to ask what's wrong.

Xiao Jiang Qingchi stood next to him, holding his hand, just crying, not talking.


Jiang Qingchi cried all the way.

When I called Yannian to report that he was safe, for some reason, he held back and did not cry.

But in the afternoon Yannian came to pick him up, and he cried again with a "wow", Jin Doudou kept falling down, Yannian had never seen him cry so sad.

But when I asked him, he didn't speak, he didn't say anything!

Until he got home, Jiang Beiyuan came back, the little guy yelled at his father and threw his arms into Jiang Beiyuan's arms!

"Dad, your son lost his first kiss today!"

Yan Nian: "!!!"

Yuli: "Bow bark!"

Jiang Beiyuan said calmly and put him on the ground, squatting down and looking at his son.

"Three-minute time statement."

Hearing this, Jiang Qingchi took a deep breath, and then began to talk to Jiang Beiyuan about what happened today.

Yannian couldn't laugh or cry.

Can you take a bus ride to have an affair?

But the son still kisses the father, this matter is different, she said!

"Dad, didn't you say that the first kiss is for my daughter-in-law, then I won't find my daughter-in-law!"

"It's not your initiative, it doesn't count."

"Huh, then I can rest assured!"

This suffocated breath for a day, nowhere to go, now Jiang Beiyuan said "do not count", it all at once.

Jiang Qingchi stopped making trouble now.


The next day.

A family of three was sitting at the table for breakfast, and Yannian suddenly retched.

The old and the young look at the same time.

Yannian hammered her chest and waved her hand, "It's choking, it's okay!"


Jiang Beiyuan was a thoughtful master, squinting her eyes slightly.

"It's okay, I'll just drink some saliva."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the cup in front of him and drank several sips of water.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at her for a moment, and saw her getting up, he also got up, Xu Shi got up too hastily, his mind swayed, his eyes turned black and almost fainted.

"Dad, are you okay!"

Jiang Qingchi was the first to notice Jiang Beiyuan's strangeness, seeing that his face was pale and his lips were a little pale.

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