Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 866: Smelly dad, hate you!

Jiang Beiyuan left the house directly after speaking.

It is impossible for him to coax his son in this life.

If Jiang Qingchi was a girl, he might be coaxing.

Jiang Qingchi went out very slowly. Jiang Beiyuan waited for him at the door for five minutes. He was very impatient and asked him to get in the car quickly.


Jiang Qingchi sat in the back seat of the car and didn't say a word to Jiang Beiyuan along the way.

The atmosphere in the carriage was very silent.

Jiang Qingchi has been looking at the rows of trees outside. The little guy's profile is very delicate, his outline follows Jiang Beiyuan, but his eyes are like words, clean and clear, and don't provoke mundane dust.

At this moment, the two big eyes were turning around, very spiritual and angry.

At the door of the kindergarten, Jiang Beiyuan stopped the car and looked sideways.

"get off."

"Smelly father, I hate you!"

Jiang Qingchi suddenly shouted at Jiang Beiyuan, and then got out of the car and ran away.

Jiang Beiyuan squinted slightly, his eyes dark.

Watching his son with two short legs drifting away.

When he saw him entering the kindergarten, he turned his gaze back and drove away without saying anything.


Jiang Qingchi's mood was extremely low all day today.

He thinks Cheng Huan is the best-looking girl in kindergarten, and he is the most handsome boy in kindergarten.

He and Cheng Huan are talented and beautiful, and the two best-looking people should be together.

But Cheng Huan said that he was a short winter melon, and he liked his father, and he said that he was going to marry him. The little guy felt uncomfortable!

In the afternoon when I was in physical education class, I saw Cheng Huan and a few girls swinging. Jiang Qingchi leaned against a pillar, watching this scene from afar, and wanted to cry again.

what the hell!

In Cheng Huan's heart, there is no place for him at all!

He was so sad today. He deliberately didn't sit with her when he was in the group. He deliberately lent his eraser to the fattest girl in the class. He deliberately sat with the other girls for lunch. Cheng Huan didn't even see all this!


He was really angry.

It seems that he is just being passionate!

He doesn't like such a girl anymore!

"Jiang Qingchi."

A woman's voice sounded behind him.

Jiang Qingchi turned his head to look over, and it was Yu Lili's face that met him.

He knew this woman. He had met in a restaurant before. He didn't like this woman.

"What's the matter, what are you sad about here?" Yu Lili squatted down and stared at this small face carved out of the same mold as Jiang Beiyuan.

"Huh! Which eye do you see me sad?"

Jiang Qingchi raised his chin proudly, eyebrows raised, and his indomitable posture, from a certain angle, looked like Jiang Beiyuan.

It really is a father and son...

Yu Lili was soft in her heart, raised her hand, trying to touch his face, but the latter stepped back vigilantly.

"Bad aunty, what do you want to do to me?"

"You misunderstood. I think you are so uncomfortable. Could it be that you like the girl named Cheng Huan?"

"What's up with you?" Jiang Qingchi resisted Yu Lili very much, and was very tired of her face.

"Because I can help you, Cheng Huan's mother and I are good friends, as long as you are willing to do me a small favor, I will—"

"No need!"

Before Yu Lili's words were finished, Jiang Qingchi choked back severely by saying "No need".

"I don't like Cheng Huan anymore!"

Jiang Qingchi hugged his arms proudly, and bumped his heels.

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