Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 870: Not allowed to notify family members

The meeting room became a mess.

Loud shouts, footsteps, and concerns and inquiries are endless.

The closest to Jiang Beiyuan was Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang held Jiang Beiyuan's head with one hand and looked at the stupid doctors beside him.

"Hurry up and call for an ambulance! This is the treasure on our chest. If there are any shortcomings, please stop living!"

"Oh oh oh."

In response, the rest of the doctors, some were calling 120, and some went out to find a stretcher.

"Director Wang, do you need to notify Dr. Jiang's family?"

"Of course!"

As soon as Wang Shuang's words fell, a slender hand suddenly grasped him.

Looking down, Jiang Beiyuan didn't know when he opened his eyes, stood up with his arms supported, his body still staggered.

"Families are not allowed to be notified."

"Doctor Jiang! What's wrong with you! It scared us to death!"

The doctors who were walking around were nervous, and some were sighing.

Jiang Beiyuan stood straight, his deep eyes looked around slowly, his lips pressed into a line, and at this moment there were still some pale lips without blood.

"Families are not allowed to be notified."

He repeated it again, in a cool tone, with a tone that couldn't hold his beak.

The others looked at Wang Shuang one after another.

I don't know what to do.

Along with a rough sigh, Wang Shuang waved his hand, "You don't need to notify the family or call an ambulance!"

After speaking, Wang Shuang's gaze was directed at Jiang Beiyuan next to him, angrily.

This stubborn man!

"Go away, let's not do this research!"


The rest of the doctors in the central hospital stayed here, and Jiang Beiyuan and Wang Shuang left the meeting room.


Inside the taxi.

"You go to the hospital with me for a check-up now, or I won't let you go back."

Wang Shuang watched Jiang Beiyuan, who closed his eyes and calmed down beside him, and tried to persuade him.

It is impossible for him to let Jiang Beiyuan do anything.

For one thing, this man is the backbone of thoracic surgery, he is indispensable for major operations, he is very important.

Secondly, for several years of feelings, Jiang Beiyuan is not so much his subordinate, it is better to say that he is his child, excellent, cool tempered, and deal with everything indifferently, but it also needs people to care.

Let Wang Shuang stop talking, Jiang Beiyuan said nothing.

Knowing that he was a hard-hearted man, Wang Shuang slapped his thigh and sighed.

"Zhang Fan told me before, saying that you are too tired these few days, the amount of surgery is too large, and your complexion is not pretty. I was thinking about it. After this research is finished, I will give you a holiday and let you rest for a few days. It seems that you may not be too tired. There is a high probability that you are sick. You have to have a checkup so that everyone can rest assured."

"Don't do it."

Jiang Beiyuan still closed his eyes, his voice was deep and mean.

"It must be done! If there is nothing to do, then you can go back and rest for a few days, and then go back to the hospital if you have enough rest! If there is anything, we should discuss and deal with it early!"

"If you disagree, I will call your wife now and tell her about your fainting today."

Hearing the latter sentence, Jiang Beiyuan opened his eyes, and his deep pupils glowed with a sharp gloom.

"threaten me?"

"I am also for your own good! You know I don't have a son. I always think of you as a son, but I also understand that you don't care about my father, but whether it's your chest, center, or your home, everyone needs you. , I have been the director of my chest for so many years, I definitely won't let you have trouble!"

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