Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 878: I won't let you have a craniotomy!

"I really don't hate you anymore. We are both clean."

"Let's live your life..."

Ma Xueyan raised her hand and touched Yannian's face.

There are tears in the corners of the eyes.

"You have a good husband, he is very good and loves you very much..."

"What do you mean?"

Ma Xueyan didn't say much about the rest.

Just say that Yannian and Jiang Qingchi stayed in the guest rooms these days, and the guest rooms are all cleaned up.


at the same time.

The child Jiang Qingchi sitting in the living room took out the children's mobile phone and called his father.

But my father came up and asked his mother what was going on. The kid was very wronged.

"Why dad never ask me how!"

"Oh. How are you?"

"Hmph, I'm pretty good, but grandma is a bit weird."

"Did you call grandma when you came in?"

"Yeah, I'm very polite, OK?"


As soon as Jiang Qingchi's words fell, the door of Jiang Beiyuan's consultation room was suddenly kicked open.

"Hang up first and talk tonight."

Jiang Beiyuan packed his phone and looked over.

Xu Kuangjie was pulled by Zhang Fan and Zhao Quan, and Chen Shuo and Gao Wei were behind him.

"Lao Jiang, you want to have a craniotomy?!"

Xu Kuangjie looked incredible.

Jiang Beiyuan squinted slightly, and his sharp black pupil looked at Zhang Fan aside like a sharp sword.

Zhang Fan raised his hands, "The conscience of heaven and earth is what Wang Shuang said and told me!"

"Wang Shuang..."

The hostility in Jiang Beiyuan's eyes tightened a little bit, as if it could solidify into a mass of ice.

"Lao Jiang, don't worry, the old squad leader only told us a few brothers. He didn't even say his girlfriend, and he didn't have the courage to say his sister-in-law!" Zhao Quan argued for Zhang Fan.

Xu Kuangjie impatiently brushed away Zhao Quan's arm that was holding him, strode over, hooping Jiang Beiyuan's arm.

"What about your film, show me it!"


The latter flicked his hand away and leaned on the back of the chair, with long eyebrows, a lazy figure, and a mean voice, nothing like a sick person.

Xu Kuangjie looked around and saw a portfolio next to him, stooping to take it without saying a word.

After opening it, Xu Kuangjie smiled when he saw a blood clot in the upper right corner.

Scared him!

"Just such a gadget to have a craniotomy? Which quack doctor told you? I must destroy him!"

"This is in the hospital, don't shout!" Zhang Fan hammered Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie ignored Zhang Fan, took out the lighter from his pants pocket and directly lit the film.

"Hello! You can't play with fire in the hospital!"

The brothers behind him, Zhang Fan grabbed Xu Kuangjie’s lighter, and the others grabbed Xu Kuangjie’s film.

Xu Kuangjie only looked at Jiang Beiyuan.

Look at his dark eyes, look at his eyebrows like new leaves, and look at his face as unreal as if it were covered with moonlight.

When Zhang Fan said in the group that Jiang Beiyuan was about to open his skull, he put down the contract he was going to negotiate, and rushed over without saying a word.

Now that Xu Kuangjie's eyes are red when he sees him sitting here.

"I had thoracic drainage back then. The operation you performed on me, I don't have a scar on my body now, let alone the sequelae.

"You, I have a baby, a small blood clot. I will find you the best doctors in the whole world, and the best doctors in the world, and give you the most advanced surgery. Medicine is so advanced these days, I will not Letting you have a craniotomy will not cause you anything!"

Three years ago, Jiang Beiyuan had a car accident, and there was no craniotomy at that time.

Craniotomy now?

Xu Kuangjie refused!

Nor! !

This IQ200's brain, if a piece of gauze is accidentally sewn in, what should I do if Jiang Beiyuan becomes a fool by then!

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