Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 882: Let the dog talk

Jiang Beiyuan ignored him, he took a move forward, his slender eyebrows were flat, and he couldn't see any hidden emotions.

Xu Kuangjie hugged Yuli in his arms. He was not very good at chess, so he played the red chess in his hand at will.

"By the way, you sent your wife and children back to your hometown. Did you hold back your big move? Tell your brother, how do you plan to deal with Yu Lili?"

"It's up to you."

"Why don't it matter to me?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Kuangjie was unhappy.

"First, you are my brother. How did I not help with your affairs for so many years? Second, the woman Yu Lili also provoke me. I have threatened to ruin her whole body. You can't let her I'm shameless!"

"What's wrong with me for your face."


His indifferent made Xu Kuangjie his teeth itchy with anger.

If it were in ancient times, Xu Kuangjie felt that Jiang Beiyuan must be the kind of fairy wearing a white robe, who does not eat the fireworks in the world, and does not care about anything on the surface, but he is very ambitious.

"I have checked Yu Lili and Shengtian. She has acted very carefully in the past few years. Except for the last illegal operation that was investigated, the rest of the handle can not be found temporarily. It seems that following her father Hao Mao, she has also become cunning. Quite a lot."


Jiang Beiyuan listened quietly. His sleeves were half-rolled, and a small arm exposed was clean and distinct. As he pushed the chess piece forward, his slender fingers stopped directly.

Xu Kuangjie couldn't understand this game.

But he also knows a little that Jiang Beiyuan's move directly entered the opponent's camp.

"There are moves, it's a bit risky, but I have to go."

The voice just fell.

For some reason, the well-behaved Yuli kept screaming.

Xu Kuangjie patted its forehead, "What's your name? It's not that you are a bit dangerous!"

But Yuli still kept shouting "barkingly".

It hadn't barked like this in a long time, and it was the day when it was difficult to give birth last time.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at Yuli and slowly opened his lips, "Let it say."

Xu Kuangjie: "What do you say to a dog?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

Time was suddenly embarrassed.

The two elders in their thirties stared at each other and stopped talking.

The doorbell rang just right at this time.

Xu Kuangjie's eyes rolled twice.

"I'm going to open the door!!!"

It is rare for him to be so positive that he put Yuli down and rushed towards the door.

What came in was a foreigner with white skin and blue eyes, wearing glasses with brown frames, and greeted Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan's dark eyes swept past Xu Kuangjie calmly.

Xu Kuangjie: "Introduce, this is Jack, a world-famous expert on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

Jack was pulled by Xu Kuangjie to sit down, and then took out a copy of his surgery plan from his briefcase.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Xu has explained your situation with me. My opinion is that minimally invasive methods can be used. We will use the most advanced equipment to remove an intracranial hematoma. The success rate of the operation is as high as 90%. %, and the probability of recurrence is almost zero..."


Jiang Beiyuan maintained an absolute gentleman's etiquette, listened to the doctor's speech in silence, smiled and said sorry.

"I won't have surgery for the time being, I will bother you."

"..." Xu Kuangjie winked at Jack.

Receiving Xu Kuangjie's eyes, Jack nodded hurriedly.

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