Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 888: Unless he doesn't love me anymore

At this moment, the little ball grabbed her clothes, her soft black hair rubbed against her front.

"Mom... Dad really doesn't want us?"

"No, stop thinking about it."

"But why doesn't Dad answer my mother's phone? Dad... never doesn't answer my mother's phone..."

"Too busy, your father is a hero who rescues the wounded."

"I don't want my father to be a hero, I want my father to be with me now... Mom, will I die?"

"Shut up, I'll just beat you up now."

Yan Nian buttoned Jiang Qingchi's hat directly, pressing his head and pressing it into his arms.

The son cried, and his little shoulders trembled, which was distressing.

Yannian also twitched her heart, turned her head and looked out the window, it was still raining outside, the corners of the window were covered with raindrops, and the air was so dull that people could not breathe.

She stared at the window, her embarrassed face reflected on it, and a picture flashed through her mind.

It was also such a rainy day, and it was also such a dark night, the long road was long, a thin and long figure, carrying her, ran in the same rainy night.

"Brother Jiang Ting, will I die?"

"will not."

"But I'm so dizzy, I really seem to be dying..."

"Reaper dare not ask for a surly girl like you."

"Then who dares to ask?"


The picture stopped abruptly.

What echoed in her mind was the slender figure. The boy's back was strong, not wide, but very warm.

Warm enough, at this moment, she can feel that warmth.

It was so warm that the deep and determined voice sounded in my ears, obviously so cold, so simple, but so caring about her.


Until Jiang Qingchi in his arms pulled her sleeve.

The red face, his chin slightly raised, looked at her ignorantly.

Yannian asked what happened.

Jiang Qingchi blinked, "Why are you crying?"

"Really? It's rain."

Yannian raised her hand and wiped the wet corner of her eye.

"Does mom miss dad?"

"Well, kind of, your father won't want us unless—"

"Unless what?"

"Unless, he doesn't love me anymore."

That boy has loved her since he was eighteen.

Only a little bit of memory was restored. Whether it was running in the rain or his stiff back, it was his calm gentleness.

So unless Jiang Beiyuan doesn't love her anymore, he will not want her and his son if he doesn't believe it.

Although, he really owed her some explanations.

"Mom will call Dad again, OK?"

Yannian couldn't refuse her son's expectant eyes.

The mother and the son are connected, and the eyes of the mother and son were filled with the same arc of expectation.


Accompanied by the sound of "beep..." on the phone, the light in both eyes dimmed a little.

"Mom, I hate my dad. Why did he send my mom and me away without answering my mom's call? He really doesn't want us anymore..."

"It should be my phone is broken, I'll call your godmother!"

Yan Nian didn't know what she wanted to prove, and immediately called Ding Baoyi, and the other end of the phone was quickly connected.

Ding Baoyi is at home and the signal is very good. Ask Yannian what's wrong.

Yannian sighed, and briefly explained the current situation to Ding Baoyi.

"Okay, I'll go to the central hospital and wait for you two!"

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