Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 895: Main text finale

Yannian looked around anxiously.

The airtight walls and windows were blocked, and now the only place where there is no fire is the door.

She wanted to escape, the only way was to untie the rope, and quickly flee to the door before the fire spread.


In the TV series, the protagonist, who is **** by the kidnapper, uses all his best to put the rope on the chair to break in. This is impossible in reality.

Unless it is a very thin shoelace, but Yu Lili tied her, the rope is thick and heavy, and her wrists are red now, and there is no damage to the rope.

"Hey buy, Yu Lili, you **** woman, you crazy, lunatic,..."

While cursing, thinking of escaping, thinking and crying.

It doesn't help to cry.

It's like a traveler in the mud, waiting a little bit for all of his body to sink.

The waiting process was the longest, and also the most painful and suffering, she didn't want to die.


A burning pillar fell directly in front of Yannian, right at her feet.

"Wow-Jiang Beiyuan!"

The instinct to survive, the instinct to fear, swarmed up, Yannian cried hoarse, scared to death, thought of countless ways of death, and didn't want to die like this.

She is still so young, and the child in her stomach is hard-won, and she has finally made it to this point. She is so tired and sad. She hasn't apologized to Jiang Beiyuan yet, she hasn't said that she doesn't want to get a divorce...


The dangling dog barking gradually approached, suddenly drawing back Yannian's attention.

She stretched her eyelashes in a daze, stopped crying, and stared at the lame Yuli, struggling to jump over the pillar and come directly to her.


Yannian cried again, like a child, with tears all over her face.

Yuli didn't speak, but quickly bit the rope with his teeth.

With Yuli's help, the rope was quickly untied. Without further ado, Yannian hurried to the door under the guidance of Yuli.


Another pillar was in front of him, shocked Yannian jumped, and half a step back, the fire behind has spread.


Another pillar fell to her left. The moment the pillar fell, Yannian screamed while covering her ears.

Her hands are trembling, it's not that she doesn't want to walk now, it's because her legs are soft and she can't walk at all.

She had never been so soft, like a patient with Parkinson's disease, her legs trembling terribly, and she knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

"What to do... I seem... I can't seem to leave..."

"Bow bark!"

Yuli in front of her barked non-stop at her.

Hei Doudou's eyes were bright and clear, two lines of clear tears sliding down the corners of Yuli's eyes.

Yannian was shocked.

The first time I saw Yuli crying so much, crying so sadly, but looking straight at her.

This kind of look made Yannian think of Jiang Beiyuan.

If she died here today, that man would cry like that.

Do not.

It will make you cry more sad and painful.

Just like that time, he mistakenly thought that she had died in the office of the fire, so he squatted in the corner, crying and lost the whole world.

Jiang Beiyuan...

Jiang Beiyuan.

Reading his name over and over again, this is her driving force, her light and power.

Yannian supported the floor and stood up with trembling legs reluctantly.

"Go, Yuli, we must go out, we must."

Because she couldn't see a Jiang Beiyuan who was desperate for life.

Because she can't let Jiang Beiyuan stay in this world alone.

Xu Kuangjie said that no one can take her place.

She also wants to grow old with her Mr. Jiang for a long time.


People always have such a power to motivate themselves in their hearts.

It's like a long run.

When you can't run, you think about the person you like, or you think about a goal, a motivation, and you often end up with endless strength to sprint to the finish line.

Yannian only thought of Jiang Beiyuan in his heart, and he only thought of him, his appearance, his voice, his gentleness, and even his pain.

The thought of not wanting to die and not wanting to leave him alone supported Yannian and finally came out of the ruins.

She breathed in the fresh air, bent over and coughed several times, unable to hold it any longer, and fell directly to the ground.

Her leg cramped.


Yuli kept shouting at Yannian.

"Good boy, I have to rest for a while, I really can't move my legs now..."

Yannian waved her hand and said, panting, looking at the house behind her that had been burned out by the fire, she felt lingering.

If she comes out later, she will die inside now!

"Yuli, thank you—"

The words of thanks were not finished yet, but Yuli kept running towards the front.

No matter how Ren Yannian called it, it didn't look back, limping on one leg, shaking it, as if to run into a desperate situation.


Yu Lili was already on the main road.

It's dark now, and there is no moon tonight, but there are many stars. Because of the remote location, there are no vehicles passing by on this road. Only Yu Lili's car parked there.

She was about to get in the car and go to the pier to take a boat and leave. Suddenly, the corner of her clothes was bitten by something.

Looking down, it was a big golden dog biting the corner of her clothes.

"Where's the dog? Get out!"

He kicked it and knocked Yuli down.

The next second Yuli roared like crazy, and directly bit Yu Lili's calf.

"Ah--! You crazy dog!"

No matter how Ren Yu Lili beat her, Yuli just didn't let her go.

The pain in the calf came piercingly, and the scarlet Yu Lili opened the car door, took out a sharp knife from the main driver's seat, and slammed it towards Yuli.

"Dead dog, do you think your life is too long?!"

Stabbed one knife after another, with each knife stabbing Yuli's back, the blood from the stabbing splashed on her face. It should be so painful, but the dog still didn't let go.

Yu Lili is going crazy.

The phone in her pocket was ringing non-stop, and it was so noisy that she must have urged her to get on the boat.

"Ah, there is something wrong with your dead dog!!!"

She has been stabbed several times, and it is still not letting go, it seems to be like her.

Yu Lili's face was hideously twisted, she pulled out the **** knife, and this time, she stabbed directly at Yuli's heart.

The next second, a slender hand directly held the blade.

The blood flowed out along the distinct joints, with a strong smell of blood.

Yu Lili was stunned, let go of her hand in astonishment, her eyes widened and shrank twice.

"Jiang...Jiang could could..."


The man with dark pupils, at this moment, was like Satan emerging from the depths of hell, full of brutal hostility, and the other intact right hand, firmly strangling Yu Lili's neck.

"I can let you die now!"


The sound of flesh and blood hitting the ground was so piercing that Yuli fell to the ground with his eyes open, his entire body convulsing.

From the corner of his eyes, Jiang Beiyuan caught sight of this scene, gritted his teeth, and left Yu Lili without saying a word, and hugged Yuli.

Yu Lili recovered and hurriedly drove away...

Can't care about so much now, she just wants to leave here, she wants to live!


"It's okay, it's okay."

Jiang Beiyuan hugged the dog, his hands covered with blood, and he couldn't tell whether it was the blood on his own hand or the blood on Yuli's body.

The blood is so red and hot, burning like hot, and so dazzling.

He feels like he can't hold it...

He has always installed a positioning system in Yannian's mobile phone. It just so happens that today is Chen Shuo's birthday. He was eating nearby and saw Yannian's location in the ruins, and then he stood still.

He had always been careful and thoughtful, and soon noticed something was wrong. He drove over without a second word, and then saw Yan Nian sitting on the ground, and there was a ruin burned out in the distance.

Yannian said that he was okay, but he had a cramp in his leg, so he asked him to find Yuli.

"Jiang Beiyuan, my heart is flustered, and my heart beats very fast. I'm... now my hands are shaking, I'm so worried about Yuli, you must find it!"

She was crying in his ear, speaking incoherently.

He wanted to comfort her by holding her, she kept saying that she was okay, just let him go to Yuli.

Now Yuli was in his arms, twitching constantly, just looking at Jiang Beiyuan for a moment.

It seemed to have something to say, its eyes were very bright, and a few Kongming lanterns rose not far away, drifting into the sky far away, and Yuli's eyes became bright and dark.

"I know your teeth are not sharp anymore, and you can't bite hard things anymore. I bought you a lot of meat sauce and I went back to eat, understand?"

Jiang Beiyuan hugged Yuli up, staggering slightly. His 188 is the big one, now his head is hanging between the **** Yuli neck, hot tears are falling, he closed his eyes, unknowingly, even crying There was a sound.

It was like the day his elder brother died.

He couldn't save the people he cared about, and he watched the helpless pain and anxiety of life passing from his hands, and repeated it today.

He was in pain.

I was bent over in pain, and felt the dog in his arms, and his breath became weaker and weaker. When he heard the trance, it seemed to be barking twice.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at it dimly with teary eyes, and the cold liquid ran across his cheeks, tearing two painful scars.

The eyes are facing each other, and all the words are hidden in the eyes.

He hummed, then spoke with difficulty:

"I once said that I owe you a life, so please rest assured, your children, I will take good care of you, and I will make them safe and secure."


Yuli finally closed his eyes without regret.

In the sky, a meteor slid down and disappeared forever.


The wind from the north was whizzing past, fierce, icy, and bitter. It made people feel so deeply that winter had come again without knowing it.

Yannian was carried by Jiang Beiyuan on the way to the parking lot.

The journey was short and long, and the silence was worth a thousand words.

Yannian lay on Jiang Beiyuan's back.

She carried Yuli on her back.

And Jiang Beiyuan, with four lives on his back, didn't say a word, just walked silently and calmly.

Yannian cried so much pain in her limbs and limbs. She lost a bit of strength. She lay on Jiang Beiyuan's shoulders, with searing tears running down his neck, ironing the front of his clothes all the way.

The cold wind was blowing, making her fingers tremble. She was wearing Jiang Beiyuan's coat, but she still felt as biting as cold as she was drinking snow on a cold night.

I still remember that the first time I took Yuli home was in one summer.

The wind was still warm at that time, the sunset was hanging down, and the sunset was soft.

At that time, his legs were not disabled, and he was still a three-month-old puppy.

At that time, there was still freezing on the lake in the distance, and even the lush lotus in the lake could be seen.

At that time...

At that time...

She cried so badly, although Jiang Beiyuan had comforted her, let her stabilize her emotions, and don't affect the children in her stomach.


Arrived at the door.

The night was dim, the black Rolls-Royce turned off, and Yannian only noticed Jiang Beiyuan's hand.

A circle of gauze was wrapped in the middle of his left hand, and blood faintly penetrated.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Yannian asked anxiously, holding his hand.

Jiang Beiyuan hooked the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, I'm afraid that you will be scared when I hug Yuli's blood."


"Well, don't lie to you."

"Jiang Beiyuan..."

Yannian plunged into his arms.

"sorry Sorry……"

She cried out and grabbed the skirt in front of him.

"I'll never get divorced again, never leave you again, if I tell you the third divorce, I'll—"

"Okay, I know."

He pushed her away slightly, and his intact right hand wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Don't cry, Yuli doesn't want to see you crying so uncomfortably now."

"But, I'm still very uncomfortable. I killed Yuli. If it wasn't for me to come out holding it, uh..."

"Come, take a deep breath, take your time."

Under Jiang Beiyuan's guidance, Yannian took five deep breaths back and forth, and finally calmed down.

"It's not your fault, it's the man who took its life."

Jiang Beiyuan was patient, and said word by word, he kissed his own eyes.

"Wait for Yuli, I told my son that after entering the door, you should take a bath first. I will call Dr. Liu and ask her to come over and check your body. I'm afraid you will be emotional."

"it is good."

Yan Nian didn't have any more willfulness this time. Everything listened to Jiang Beiyuan's words. At the end, he said, "Then tomorrow morning, let's go and bury Yuli together. Let's bury it properly. It saved me twice. "



Back home, Yannian put Yuli in the doghouse.

Yuli, who was wrapped in gauze, looked nothing unusual from the outside, and the **** location was covered by Jiang Beiyuan.

The three puppies gathered around and leaned into their mother's arms, barking, but her mother was motionless and fell asleep peacefully with her eyes closed.

Jiang Beiyuan went to Ding Baoyi's house to pick up Jiang Qingchi.

He didn't hide Jiang Qingchi's matter, and clearly told him that Yuli had left us forever.

Letting children correctly understand death is also an education.

When Jiang Qingchi arrived at the door of his house, he drove two short legs and ran to Yuli's nest, holding Yuli and crying.

I remembered that he had bullied Yuli before, and he felt very uncomfortable. It turns out that there are some lives before you can see it for the last time, and it will disappear forever.

He kept calling Yuli's name, and said sorry to it, it would never hear it anymore.

It fell asleep so peacefully and peacefully, and the goose-yellow light fell on Yuli's body, adding a layer of warmth to it.

The three puppies were still barking at their mother. Gradually, they soon seemed to understand something. They closed their mouths together and quietly shrank into their mother's arms.

Quietly accompany their brave and fearless mother.

They know that mother is a hero.


Jiang Qingchi’s room is actually very well located. Sitting on the head of the bed, you can see the stars and the moon on the window outside.

Jiang Beiyuan has always wanted to buy an astronomical telescope for his son, but has been busy forgetting it.

But today there is no moon, only stars in the sky.

A gleaming "star" slipped slowly down the sky.

"Dad, this is a meteor!"

Jiang Qingchi looked at Jiang Beiyuan who was holding him, and asked pitifully and expectantly.

Actually this is an airplane.

Jiang Beiyuan hooked the corner of his mouth, his eyes glowed with light, fragmented, and sad, rolling in his eyes.

"Well, it's a meteor. When one star falls, the other star will make up for it, glowing in its original place."

"Dad, the star that was added later is Yuli, right?"

"Yes, very smart. Yuli will always look at us and protect us in the sky."

"Dad, if mom tells me this, I don't believe it. Mom must be lying to me and making me happy, but dad, you won't lie to me, so what you say is true, right?"

"It's true, it's always turned into a star, guarding your bed, you will see it every night when you sleep."


The little guy hugged Jiang Beiyuan's neck and cried again.

"Dad, you said before that Yuli is our family. Every time Yuli sleeps, you tell me not to make a sound. You said that family members should respect each other."

"Dad, you said that a dog can live for more than ten years, but Yuli is only five years old. He can live for several years, several years, several years. Dad, I am really sad. We will take good care of Yuli’s children. Come on, they don’t have a mother, they are really pitiful!"

"Dad, I will treat my mother well. I will never say that she is unreliable anymore. It is not easy for my mother. Actually, my mother took me to live with my godmother during this period. I saw my mother in the evening. If someone secretly shed tears, she should miss dad too!"

"So Dad, I will be obedient. Our family is good. Dad will always protect me and my mother. We will never separate. Okay?"

"it is good."

After listening quietly, Jiang Beiyuan hugged his son tightly, and his generous palm clasped the back of his head.

From now on, never separate again.


Jiang Beiyuan buried Yuli in the best cemetery in Zhicheng.

Here is also the cemetery closest to home.

On the tombstone of Yuli, the words "Jiangbeiyuan's pet dog Yuli" are written on it, and on the tombstone are photos taken by Yuli when he was five months old.

At that time, it was still a lively and lovely little golden retriever, with his tongue stuck out, his eyes narrowed with a smile, very cute.

Yannian searched for a long time last night, only to find this single photo of Yuli.

I suddenly realized that since I had a child, I have cared too little about Yuli, and I have never photographed it again.

Now, it always stays at the most carefree age. The sunlight on the photo is transparent, and it is shining from all directions. Now, although the north wind is bleak, it is warm and warm.

The front of Yuli's tombstone was piled with delicious meat sauce and sausages.

Yannian squatted down, covering her mouth, tears couldn't help falling.


"If there is an afterlife..."

"If a hostess goes to a pet store to buy you, praise you for being cute and spiritual, remember not to follow her..."

"The hostess is actually very willful. If she puts you on the lap of the handsome hostess, remember to bite him immediately..."

"Because the male owner is afraid of dogs."

"You just have to bite him, he will never want you..."

"If, if you are reluctant to bite him, remember to run away from home when they have a conflict in the future and never come back..."

"Remember, remember... Please remember..."

Yan Nian could not cry.

Jiang Qingchi also squatted down, hugged the crying mother, and kissed her mother's face.

"Mom, don't feel uncomfortable. We still have Yuli's baby. Mom must take good care of the baby in her stomach and take care of Yuli's baby."


Yannian hugged her son and wept in pain.

Whales sleep in the tides of the sea all their lives.

For dogs, their best life is dedicated to their owners.

The master is their world.

So when you come home from get off work, remember to look back at your friends who are lying in the nest waiting for you to go home.

You are the radiant light in its eyes.


"If you want me to say, that woman Yu Lili is asking for trouble."

"She didn't catch the boat at the pier yesterday, so she asked her assistant to buy her a ticket to Cape Town."

"It was three o'clock in the morning, and now it's the off-season for travel, and she is the only one on the plane."

"She was holding a fake passport and a fake ID card, thinking she would leave Zhicheng safely. Haha, who would have thought that the plane was hit by a draft on the way, the plane was destroyed and the people died, and she died straight away."

"Tsk tsk, this is her retribution!"

Xu Kuangjie talked to Jiang Beiyuan and threw a news report in front of Jiang Beiyuan.

"Let's see for yourself. The news that just came out today has been reported. Yu Lili's body has been transported back, but the captain has been pitiful. I don't know if it was God’s will or something. At that time, she could obviously go by boat. of."

Xu Kuangjie is not clear about the matter between Yuli and Yu Lili.

He rubbed his chin with one hand and tilted his head for a moment.

"That woman Yu Lili, it stands to reason that she has a careful mind. She has been in business for several years, and she should have been a fox. She really wants to leave. Why didn't she catch the ship yesterday?"

"You can shut up."

Jiang Beiyuan said lightly, packing up his lounge.

Xu Kuangjie came back to his senses and wondered, "What are you doing? Don't be a doctor again?"

Jiang Beiyuan said nothing.

He quickly packed his things and left the lounge with a cardboard box.

In the early winter afternoon of this day, behind him was a dangling light and shadow, and the sun fell over his feet, lengthening his shadow.

"Hey Xiaojiang--"

Wang Shuang called Jiang Beiyuan to his office.

In the office, there are only two people, Jiang Beiyuan and Wang Shuang.

Jiang Beiyuan was rubbing the ring on his left ring finger, while Wang Shuang stared at his left hand and kept looking at it.

"Take a good rest, and come back to the hospital when your hand hurts!"

"Well, remember not to tell my wife about this." Jiang Beiyuan said every word, his low voice was very determined.


Wang Shuang was silent.

Soon, his eyes turned red.

This boring man, never tell his little wife anything.

Blood clots are, and so are hands!

Because of the stabbing, I didn’t get a good treatment in time, which caused several tendons to be broken. Although more than 20 stitches are not a major problem, but—

Jiang Beiyuan's left hand cannot do strenuous exercise right now.

As long as one year, the scalpel cannot be used flexibly.

also possible……

I can't use the scalpel flexibly for a lifetime.

"Actually you can transfer to surgery, or you can sit for a consultation, don't have an operation, or just—"

Before Wang Shuang's words were finished, Jiang Beiyuan stopped.

"For me, I can't take a scalpel, it would be meaningless to be a doctor."


"From now on, maybe, there is really no Jiang Beiyuan in the central hospital."

Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking and left.

Lonely cold.

He, Jiang Beiyuan, is still a stunning beauty in the world, with a breeze in his sleeves and a book, and he is alone before leaving. There is a silver water at his feet.

The light gave birth to tender grass on the desert island.

Also let the flowers shed tears.


Funan villa area.

Yannian cooked a table of good dishes today, set up the dishes, and waited for Jiang Beiyuan to return.

There was movement in the hallway.

She happily unbuttoned her apron and went to open the door, and took the box in Jiang Beiyuan's hand and put it on the ground.

"You are a thirty-three man. You are still so self-willed. If you want to be a doctor, you can be a doctor. If you want to be a boss, you can be a boss. When you resign this time, when will you go back to the hospital?"

Yannian asked if he didn't care. Jiang Beiyuan was taking off his coat, his slender eyebrows were calm, "I won't go back for a long time, maybe, I won't be a doctor in my life."

His voice was too low for the latter sentence, and he did not hear clearly, so he asked again.

"It's okay, I mean, I can spend time with you."

He touched her head with his right hand, with a gentle, flawless smile on his lips.

Yannian asked him to wash his hands, and then went to the room to call out his son, and let him have a meal.

Before eating, Yannian went to feed three puppies.

I said before that the three names of Dahe, Dahu, and Dahai are too ugly.

So Yan Nian changed the names of the three dogs.

Called: Chang'an, Changming, Changsheng.

Very nice, very meaningful, and very touching name.

"Happy birthday!"

At the table, Jiang Beiyuan and Yannian drank red wine and Jiang Qingchi drank Coke.

After clinking the glasses, Yan Nian was very happy today. She smiled with crooked eyes. She drank two sips of red wine and then put down the glass, looked at Jiang Beiyuan and Jiang Qingchi.

Finally, his eyes fell on Jiang Beiyuan again, smiling sweetly at him.

"Now, I wish my old Jiang always be handsome and good, and wish my Xiao Jiang always... uh, successful weight loss!"

"Bad mother, hum."

The little guy has already started to lose weight, I believe it will not take long before he can lose his jaw line.

"Well, I wish my son progress in learning and happiness every day!"

"As long as my parents are with me, I will be the happiest child in the world!"

"Yes, I will never separate."

Yannian feels inwardly, and only after losing, will I know that we must cherish the people in front of me and the life in front of me.

I poured another glass of wine and wanted to drink more, but the glass was taken by Jiang Beiyuan without saying anything.

"Drink less during pregnancy, you are not drinking well."

In any case, he is still Jiang Beiyuan who likes to control her in everything.

Yannian raised his eyebrows unconvinced.

"That's better than your alcohol. I finally passed the pregnancy period, and I don't have vomiting or diarrhea. I have to let me taste it."


Jiang Qingchi on the side laughed happily when he saw his parents bickering.

He hoped that mom and dad would always be noisy and noisy, instead of saying things like separation in anger.

Because as long as you don't separate, you can get through the big difficulties together.


That night.

Yannian lay on Jiang Beiyuan panting, breathing calmly.

His left hand dropped to his side, and Yan Nian wanted to pick it up and play with it. The latter put his hand back in silence, and touched her hair with his right hand.

"Tired? Take you to a bath?"

"Not tired, I am happy today."

Yannian pulled down his right hand stroking her hair, playing with it, drawing his lifeline and career line.

His fingers with slender joints and a generous palm is still such a perfect hand.

"Husband, today's birthday is also past, let's have an operation, please, huh?"


Jiang Beiyuan was silent.

Yannian raised her small face and looked into his deep eyes with clear apricot eyes.

"I really beg you, my good husband, brother Jiang Ting, let's have an operation, Zhang Fan and Xu Kuangjie have told me about your condition, and an operation must be done."

"After you give birth safely, I will have surgery again, okay?" He was patient.

"not good!"

Yan Nian is very determined.

"What if your situation gets worse?!"

"My situation is clear to me. It won't get worse in a short time. It's not worse than half a year."

"Poor! Why not! Half a year is more than six months, what should I do if the cancer cells spread?"

"Cancer cells?" Jiang Beiyuan squinted his eyes slightly, the arc of peachy eyes thoughtfully.

"Yeah, you don't need to hide it from me this time. I know you are in the early stage of the tumor. Although you are hiding something like this from me, I am really angry and angry, but I am even more angry that you do not have an operation! Anger plus 10086. "

After speaking, Nian lay on him and nudged angrily.

"No matter, I will have the operation tomorrow, or I will ignore you again!"

If such a big thing is kept from her, who can't be angry if she doesn't have an operation!

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan sighed helplessly, pinched her soft little chin, and looked at her sullen eyes.

"I don't know how the two said to you. I am not a tumor, but a blood clot, a very small blood clot. I only need a minor operation. I don't think it is necessary to do it now. I will do it after you have given birth."

"The blood clot is also very serious! Is it a sequelae of the last car accident?"

"Well, it's not a big problem."

"No! No matter whether it is a big problem or not, it must be resolved quickly, lest there will be many nights dreams!"


Jiang Beiyuan was silent again, as if weighing something.

Seeing that he was silent, his words and thoughts were anxious, and he hugged Jiang Beiyuan directly.

Hugging so tightly that he might leave as soon as he let go.

She opened her heart in front of him:

"I'm really scared, I can't lose you, so many things have happened to us, sometimes I dream of something unexpected happened to you, and leave me, I don't want you to have trouble, I it very much. love you."

Love him very much.

Even if she can't remember the process of dating.

But I still love him.


After Yan Nian's rumblings all night, Jiang Beiyuan finally agreed to the operation.

The bell rang at twelve o'clock in the morning last night, at the last moment, words and thoughts fell in his ears, softly and sincerely said to him:

"Happy birthday, my brother Jiang Ting, I want to spend every birthday with you now and in the future."

He was very moved and hugged her for a long, long time.

He also wanted to accompany her every birthday, every holiday.

Do not.

Is every day.

The next day, the experts Xu Kuangjie asked for finally had the opportunity to gather together.

Just before Jiang Beiyuan was lying on the surgical stretcher and being pushed into the operating room, Yan Nian held his hand.

She told him:

"Jiang Beiyuan, I am here, you must remember that your words and thoughts have been waiting for you to come out safely, and I will be by your side no matter what happens."

Jiang Beiyuan bends his lips.

"I won't allow myself something."

"Well, I'm just outside, waiting for you to come out."

She let go of her hand.

The weight is loosened together.

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in my heart.

But at this time, she did not allow herself to have such a hunch.

Xu Kuangjie sat in the hallway and tried to persuade him to relax.

Whatever he was looking for were the most advanced doctors, who would not have a craniotomy or shave their heads, and the risk of surgery was very small.

The more he kept making noise, the more disturbed he was.

"Xu Kuangjie, stop talking and worry about yourself."

"What am I worried about?"

"I know you and Zhang Fan united to lie to me. What kind of brain tumor is there? Jiang Beiyuan will not let you go when he comes out."

"What? It's clearly Zhang Fan. I'm innocent. Why are you arguing with me?!"

"I don't know, I'm talking about you two together anyway."

"I go--!!!"

Xu Kuangjie was so angry that he could spit out blood.

Is this shooting yourself in the foot? !

Yannian ignored him, looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, folded her hands, put her hands in front of her, and closed her eyes.

Jiang Beiyuan.

It will be fine.

No matter what happens in the future, she will be with him.

through thick and thin.


I'm not good enough, but thank you so good for loving me so wholeheartedly.

Do not count gains and losses.

(End of text)

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