Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 897: Fanwaiyan Reading the Husband (2)

Yannian recovered, and hurriedly walked to the study.

Jiang Qingchi tilted his head and looked at him, wondering why his mother was so anxious.

Pushing the door open, seeing the two men talking about work inside, Yannian walked directly to Jiang Beiyuan, holding his delicate face in both hands, and kissed hard with a "click".

"You fool!"

Yannian let go of him, her clear eyes filled with tears, and the accumulation was full, and the next second she held Jiang Beiyuan's left hand.

"After more than 20 stitches, I didn't tell me. The reason for resigning is because of a hand injury. You always do this, Meng Sao Wei, can you think about it for yourself?!"

Jiang Beiyuan frowned.

Perceiving his cold look, Yannian bit her lower lip and released him.

"Sorry, I... I saw your case accidentally. Was it the injury that Yuli suffered?"

"Who is Yuli?"

"It's our pet dog, it has saved our lives twice!"

"That one--"

Xu Kuangjie coughed twice when he saw the needle inserted.

"If you two want to get bored, I will leave now."

After speaking, he quickly fled the scene of the crime.

The kiss just came out, and he felt embarrassed when he heard it!

After Xu Kuangjie left, Jiang Beiyuan turned away, his long eyelashes drooping, and his fingers flipped through the documents.

"It's okay to go out, I'm still busy."

"Then don't be too tired, I won't bother you."

Yannian walked out annoyedly.

It's over...

She just kissed Jiang Beiyuan, would he be very angry?

As soon as Yannian left, Jiang Beiyuan pulled a tissue from the side, trying to wipe the mouth that Yannian had kissed.

Before I met, I thought about it and gave up.

Isn't she Mrs. Jiang?

A kiss is actually right.


Jiang Beiyuan was finished, and still slept in Jiang Qingchi's room at night.

Woke up thirsty in the middle of the night, went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, passed by the master bedroom and found that the door was open.

Haven't you slept yet?

He subconsciously opened the door and went in, wanting to see what Yannian was doing so late.

The moonlight spread, and the silver-white light spread to the bed and fell on the woman in the middle of the bed.

She fell asleep.

The features are handsome, the eyebrows are beautiful, and the white skin is as delicate as a baby.

Jiang Beiyuan watched Yannian, his eyes slowly falling, falling on her arm.


She held the coat he wore during the day in her arms and refused to let go.

It was like a little woman who was insecure and wanted to rely on her husband.

He felt a little uncomfortable, to be precise, his heart was a little bored.

From this angle, he could see the tear marks on the corner of her eye, and he leaned forward in a ghostly manner, bending his index finger to stroke her long eyelashes.

The eyelashes, which are like butterfly wings, flutter gently. This touch is very beautiful.

Jiang Beiyuan hooked his mouth, unaware that he was smiling.

He raised a hand and touched Yannian's hair.

This action gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It was like doing this often before, but he couldn't remember it anymore.

However, her hair is quite soft, just as soft as her lips.


Jiang Beiyuan quickly retracted his hand, put it behind him, wiped it, and took a step back stiffly.

What was he thinking about.

Turning his head and leaving the bedroom quickly...

Everything is like nothing happened.


Song Yikai felt that he had to take up the post by himself.

Xu Kuangjie warned him about Jiang Beiyuan's amnesia, not to let him tell anyone in the company.

Song Yikai is not a fool, so he can't talk nonsense.

The black Rolls Royce stopped at the gate of Jiang Nian Group.

Under the sun, the four characters of "Jiang Nian Group" are pleated with brilliance and luxury without casting.

Jiang Beiyuan looked up, squinting slightly.

It's really called Jiang Nian Group.

"Boss boss!"

Song Yikai happily greeted him, straightened his tie, and began to introduce himself.

Halfway through the introduction, Jiang Beiyuan said, walking towards the company.

He is wearing a black suit today, his figure is as good as ever, and he walks with great temperament. From the lobby to the president's elevator, employees are greeting him.

He nodded lightly, calmly, calmly, and calmly, just as usual.

Song Yikai was watching. Jiang Beiyuan's eyes were still clear and his aura was still compelling. No one would think that this man had lost his memory.

Get on the elevator.

Song Yikai took out a bottle of blueberry-flavored yogurt from his bag and handed it over.

Jiang Beiyuan raised his eyebrows, "Why do you give me this too?"

"Huh? Boss, don't you like yogurt the most?"

"Fortunately, I don't like it very much now, but thank you."

Jiang Beiyuan reached out to take it.

"Boss, do you really have amnesia?"


Jiang Beiyuan watched the rising numbers of the elevator with a cold expression.

Seeing this, Song Yikai pressed the corners of his mouth vigorously.

I don't like yogurt anymore, it should be amnesia.

"Boss, one hour after the shareholders' meeting, I have helped you sort out the materials for the meeting."

"Okay thank you."

", you still don't say thank you to me, my scalp is tingling with politeness!"

"Have I been rude before?"

"Yes! Ah, no, I mean, you are such a noble and cold person, you don't often say thank you."

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan's eyes flashed with thought.

It seems that he shouldn't thank Yannian anymore.

No wonder she looked very disappointed every time he thanked her.


At six in the afternoon, Yannian called Jiang Beiyuan.

"Supper is ready, what time will Mr. Jiang get off work?"

Very soft tone, but her Mr. Jiang didn't appreciate it.

"I have already eaten, and I still have work to be busy, so I will go back later."

"About what time, do you need to leave the door for you?"

"No, I have the key."

"Well, don't be too tired from work. Drive safely on the way back. Be careful."


Jiang Beiyuan hung up the phone.

This time, I didn't say "Thank you for your concern" to her.

But Yannian felt particularly uncomfortable in her heart, as if she had crushed a stone.

Yannian sighed, and the sigh reached the ears of her son beside her.

"What's wrong with you, mom?"

The little guy is a master who knows what he says.

Yannian reluctantly hooked her mouth, "Your father won't be back for dinner tonight."

"Huh? But I remember Dad never came back after six o'clock!"

"Don't say six o'clock, it would be nice to be back at nine."

"Mom, don't be angry, should I call Dad and ask?"

"no need."

Yannian lowered her head to drink the porridge, and felt full after taking two mouthfuls, and wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Your father is no longer your father."

"Dad is not a daddy, who else can it be?"

"I don't know, it's not Jiang Beiyuan anyway, you eat slowly, and I wash the dishes after eating."

Yannian left and went back to the room.

Watching his mother's sad and lost back, the little guy couldn't eat anymore, scratching his head hard!

What can I do about this? My father has always been very cold to his mother. This question is too big for him!


Yannian went to take a shower, washed the dishes, and lay on the bed.

Nowadays, most of the housework at home is contracted by her.

Back then, let alone cooking, Jiang Beiyuan was reluctant to ask her to do things like washing dishes.

"I marry you home for pain, not for you to be an old mother."

He often said this. When he said this, his voice was filled with gentleness and firmness, with a tone like a spring breeze.

What now?

He was so good and so good, considerate and attentive, she was used to something wrong with him, so she was fine at every turn.

Although Jiang Beiyuan also has time to look for things, but--

Now think about it, ninety percent, she is looking for something!


Yannian sighed heavily.

What can she do? Now that she is pregnant, she has more than enough energy and lacks energy. Jiang Beiyuan has now returned to the company. There are so many young and beautiful female employees in the company...

The more I think about it, the less practical.

Jiang Beiyuan before the amnesia, she believed in his absolute loyalty.

Now it's not working anymore. Jiang Beiyuan doesn't love her anymore. In case she is unprepared and his soul is taken away by a little fairy, then everything will be too late...


Yannian slept in a daze until dawn.

The breath of the bedroom was so cold that you could not breathe.

He didn't return all night.

He walked out of the bedroom with a sense of disappointment, and as soon as he went out, he met the man who had just come out of the gym.

Jiang Beiyuan was wearing sportswear, and his thin sweat slowly slid down his angular jaw line to the front of the front... very sexy.

Seeing Yan Nian, Jiang Beiyuan was startled for a moment.

"Why did you wake up so early today?"

It's only half past six now.

"Can't sleep, are you just coming back?"

"No, I came back around eleven last night."

"It was so late, so did you go to your son's room to sleep again?"

Jiang Beiyuan gently shook his head.

"Afraid to wake up Qingchi, I will spend the night on the sofa."

It turned out to be so.

Yannian started making buns in her heart.

Would you rather spend the night on the sofa than go back to the master bedroom?

"You don't want to go back to the bedroom to sleep, I won't force you. Today I will clean up the guest room next door. If you want to sleep with your son or go to the guest room in the future, it's up to you. Don't be on the sofa, in case you catch a cold. My son and I are worried about you."

"I just clean up the guest room myself."

After Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking, he walked to the bathroom while wiping his sweat.

Yannian stood there, staring at his back, never so weak.

Seeing his appearance, I couldn't ask for it to go to the guest room to sleep!

She wanted to say a few more words to him!

But now he doesn't give her this opportunity.

He sealed his heart.


At breakfast, Yannian bit the poached egg and sighed.

Comparing your heart to heart, she used to be so angry with Jiang Beiyuan when she was wayward!

"Why is mom sighing?"

Jiang Qingchi asked worriedly.

Now the little guy is most worried about his mother.

"Nothing..." Yan Nian faintly glanced at Jiang Beiyuan on the opposite side.

He was eating calmly while reading the newspaper, not at all killing her.

"I went to the group."

When he was full, Jiang Beiyuan got up to leave.

Yannian finally couldn't hold it back, chased to the entrance of the entrance, and grabbed Jiang Beiyuan's sleeve.

"I want to go to Jiang Nian with you."


Jiang Beiyuan calmly brushed away his clothes, raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Yannian looked at him baffledly: "I was your secretary before, you definitely don't remember."

"I have Song Yikai and Zhao Quan as subordinates, that's enough."

"But wouldn't it be better to have one more secretary to share with you? If you doubt me, you can call and ask Zhao Quan and Song Yikai. I was your secretary before!"

"I didn't doubt you. Now that you are pregnant, you should rest at home."

After Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, as if to leave, Yannian stopped in front of him again.

"I've only been four months old. The woman was pregnant in October and gave birth to a child. Do you want me to be suffocated at home for more than six months?"

"...That's up to you."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was weak, and there was no extra emotion on his handsome face.

Yannian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, then I will quickly clean up, you can wait for me for five minutes!"

Jiang Beiyuan gave a hum, and looked at Jiang Qingchi with a gentle and kindly look over his words.

"Hurry up, I'll take you to kindergarten today."

"Okay Dad!"

The little guy lowered his head to eat buns and drink soy milk, his cheeks filled up.

Yan Nian squeezed Jiang Qingchi's eyes fiercely, madly jealous!

If she had been behaved before, maybe Jiang Beiyuan would be so gentle to her!

Now she has fallen into a jealous situation with her son!


On the way from the lobby, there are quite a few employees.

Seeing Jiang Beiyuan and Yannian coming at the same time, the employees were very insightful and greeted: "Good for Mr. Jiang" and "Good for Mrs.".

Yannian's eyebrows are crooked, and those who come are not rejected, "How are you!"

Following Jiang Beiyuan to the president elevator, she raised her eyes to look at him, her smile did not take back.

"Have you heard, the employees are calling me Mrs."

Jiang Beiyuan looked down.

Seeing her laughing stupidly, her eyes bright as stars, as if she had gotten some treasure.

What is so happy about this kind of little thing?

"Since we are a husband and wife, they should call your wife."

Jiang Beiyuan retracted his gaze and said lightly.

Yannian didn't want to talk to him anymore.

I don't understand her heart at all!

At noon, as a secretary, he came into the office to find Jiang Beiyuan with two lunches.

Song Yikai stood beside Jiang Beiyuan, reporting with him about his afternoon schedule.

Seeing the words and thoughts of entering the door, Song Yikai understood that he should leave.

"Boss, I'll go out first. Your meeting time is two o'clock in the afternoon."

"The meeting is an hour earlier."


Song Yikai looked at Jiang Beiyuan, then at Yannian, and finally at Jiang Beiyuan.

"But you used to have a nap with your wife, and it's still a big nap..."

"Listen to him."

Yan Nian put the lunch box on the coffee table and smiled.

Taking a nap?

It would be nice to have lunch with her!

Song Yikai felt distressed, but he didn't say anything and left soon.

The boss after amnesia has really become indifferent.

Yannian sat on the sofa and opened one of the lunch boxes.

"You come over to eat first, I go to the cafeteria to buy all your favorite dishes."

"I'm not too hungry, you eat first."

Jiang Beiyuan was sitting at his desk, looking at the contract, serious and handsome and gentle.

"It's okay, I'll just wait for you, wait for you to eat together."

She wants to get closer to him.

Even a little bit is good.

Jiang Beiyuan did not look up.

"I should eat it very late, or go back to your office to eat, don't wait for me."

His attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away completely blows up Yannian.

"Jiang Beiyuan, don't you want to stay in the same space with me?!"

Her hysteria caused Jiang Beiyuan to finally put down the work at hand and glanced at her.

Seeing her beautiful eyes and angrily look, Jiang Beiyuan came over silently, sat beside her, and had a meal first.

During the meal, he was speechless, he did not speak as usual, and did not communicate with her a few words.

Yannian's repressed breathing is not smooth anymore.

When will the original Jiang Beiyuan come back? !

She is really fed up with such tepid days!

After five minutes, Jiang Beiyuan finished scribbling and went back to work at his desk.

In his eyes now, it seems that there is only work, work, and work!

Yannian sat on the sofa and took a few deep breaths, then poured a glass of water and passed it patiently.

"You were too eager to eat just now, drink some water, slowly."

Jiang Beiyuan didn’t look up. He flipped through the documents with his left hand, and took the water glass with the other. He suddenly touched Yannian’s soft fingers and hurriedly let go. The glass fell on the ground without holding it firmly, and the water splashed out and wet his. Shirt neckline.

"Are you okay? No burns, right?"

Yannian asked anxiously, hurriedly drew a tissue, to wipe Jiang Beiyuan.

"Nothing, the water is warm."

Jiang Beiyuan hid in the back, the sign of resistance was obvious.

Yannian didn't let him hide, pulled his tie and sat directly on his lap.

"I'll wipe it for you!"

"I will do it myself."

He frowned strongly to ask her to go down, but she couldn't go down.

She was stubborn and terrible.

"Yan Nian." Called her, her voice was light, Jiang Beiyuan was obviously impatient.

"Jiang Beiyuan..."

Looking at the displeasure in his eyes, Yan Nian was buried in his arms in frustration, and his little hand was weakly grasping his shirt.

If she can, she even wants to kneel down for him, if kneeling can restore his memory.

"Please, don't resist me so okay, I'm not that scary, I am Yannian, it is your heart and mind..."


Jiang Beiyuan felt another wet in front of him.

Those are tears of Yannian.

He stopped moving and didn't push her again.

I don't know how long it has been before, Yan Nian finally raised his eyes, her clear eyes like a crystal of tea, squeezing in the water.

This is a pair of black and white eyes, without any impurities.

Jiang Beiyuan looked into the depths of her eyes and saw his reflection.

I have to say that her eyes are really beautiful, Jian Shui Qiu Tong, very tasty.

"Have you seen other men with these eyes?"

Jiang Beiyuan suddenly opened his mouth, letting Yannian startle.

"Do you want me to look at other men?"

"I don't want to."

"Why?" Yannian was expecting his answer.

She's the kind of temperament that can't hide her happiness, all on her face.

It's like now.

But in the next second, Jiang Beiyuan's words completely shattered her hope.

He said: "You are Mrs. Jiang, of course you must be loyal to your husband. This is the duty of a wife."

What is the duty of a wife?

It turned out that in his eyes, it was only because she was his wife.

In other words, Jiang Beiyuan doesn't care if his wife is replaced by someone else today, right? !

Yannian hugged his neck.

Crying again.

Jiang Beiyuan naturally pushed her away, but the latter didn't let go, even rubbed his hair.

"I don’t care. Mrs. Jiang can only be my words. No other women can nor marry you. You can never divorce me. I can mention these two words to you, but you can’t mention it to me. No! Well, Jiang Beiyuan, you bastard!"


Jiang Beiyuan's brows were tightened and they were twisted.

Did this woman like to be so sloppy before?

But, did she know that he was a normal man?

"You come down, Yan Nian."

"I do not!"

It's been a long time since she hugged him, she really wanted to have close contact with him, and missed her Mr. Jiang too much.

Above his head, Jiang Beiyuan's voice became hoarse, "Yan Nian..."

"What are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You, do whatever you want, I won't have any objections."

It was buried in his arms as an ostrich.

Jiang Beiyuan was taken aback for a while.

This woman is really--

"That is not what i mean!"

"I don't know! Anyway, I understand that meaning!"

"Do you know what I mean?"

"I don't know anything, I know what I mean!"

After Yannian finished speaking, he leaned over and kissed him, and with little hands idle, he untied his tie.

Jiang Beiyuan took a deep breath, holding her collar, and lifting his words to the ground like an eagle catching a chicken.

"Go back to work!" The corners of his mouth were red, his breath was shaking, and his eyes trembled slightly.

Yannian's ears are red.

So far, for the first time she has been so proactive.

But he refused.

Still so simply and decisively refused!

This hurts self-esteem!

"I'm back to work!"

Yannian blushed and eyes blushed, wiped two tears, and trot away.

Jiang Beiyuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Being a mother, is she so sweet-tempered, like a child who has not grown up.


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