Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 901: Fanwaiyan Reading the Husband (6)

Yannian returned home.

The old and the young are in the house, Jiang Qingchi is lying on the table doing homework, Jiang Beiyuan is sitting aside, holding the financial newspaper in his hand.

"Son is back!"

Yannian is very naive, and only greets Jiang Qingchi, not Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Qingchi's eyes rolled, looked at Jiang Beiyuan, and then hurriedly asked Yannian: "Mom, are you looking for your godmother?"

"Otherwise, do I have other girlfriends?"

"Hey, my mother used to say that godfather is also your best friend, a male best friend!"

"After all, there is no pure friendship between men and women, whether it is a friend or a partner."

Yan Nian was a little bit yin and yang, and the corner of her eyes stared in Jiang Beiyuan's direction. Seeing that he had no response, she went back to the room after speaking.

Now someone is a dull **** with slow response!

The little guy hurriedly looked at his father, winking at him.

"Dad, don't worry now, mom is looking for godmother, not my godfather!"


Jiang Beiyuan buttoned the magazine in his hand, and stroked the back of Jiang Qingchi's head with his generous palm.

The light is concealed, and his handsome lines are covered with warm colors.

Jiang Qingchi proudly looked at his handsome and charming father, he smiled, "Dad, you are now eating dumplings!"


"When my father didn't lose his memory before, my mother said that as long as my father was jealous, he would eat dumplings. My father didn't like my mother talking to any boys, otherwise my father would eat a lot of dumplings."


Jiang Beiyuan hugged his son on his lap and squeezed his face in an affectionate manner.

It's really a little slippery.


After the shower, Yannian lay on the bed, not wanting to move, very lazy.

After a while, Jiang Beiyuan came in and took his pillow and quilt from the bed.

That posture is to go out.

Yannian squinted her eyes slightly, "What happened to you?"

Jiang Beiyuan didn't look at her, but lowered his eyes, "You don't want to see me."


Yan Nian was anxious, grabbed his pillow on the bed and smashed it towards his back.

"Yeah! I won't wait to see you! Go wherever you like to sleep! It's better to find that Cui Linlin, anyway, you protect her!"

Then Jiang Beiyuan really left the room.

In the past, he would never ignore her emotions as he does now.

It's all right now, she is unreasonable to make trouble, he doesn't want to take care of it!

Yannian took a deep breath and exhaled again.

What a crazy rhythm...

Ding Baoyi kept her steady, but after being used to someone for so many years, she became more and more pampered and proud, and she almost didn't know her surname!


Yan Nian has been flipping through the wedding photos taken with Jiang Beiyuan that evening.

At that time, his peach blossom eyes were so passionate, so gentle, and so intricate.

She looked at him one by one, stroking his face, like some kind of stabilizer, feeling her heart calmed down a little bit, not so anxious.

In the second half of the night, I fell asleep deeply, and woke up the next day and found myself lying in a warm arm.


Lifting his eyes, it was the man's chin bone, his thin lips pressed slightly, and his arms were still around her waist.

Yannian blinked.

I thought I was dreaming.

Wasn't someone "pushed" out by her last night?

Can't help but raise his hand to touch his face, dry arc, delicate features.


This sigh was put in my heart, but I couldn't help but say it.


In the next second, the thin red lips moved.

"You hope it's not alive?" Jiang Beiyuan also woke up.

Yannian raised her eyebrows, "Didn't you leave last night?"

"The door to the guest room is locked. I didn't find the key. My son is asleep. I'm afraid of waking him."


Yannian pretended to nodded calmly, his eyes were stained with a nasty touch, "Then you are not afraid to wake me up."

Jiang Beiyuan did not answer.

Yannian was so happy in her heart that her nasal bubbles were about to come out.

This man is still very boring, so he can just say it if he wants to sleep with her. He still makes so many excuses.

But she softened.

She was so soft, she was gone.

"Husband I love you!"

Holding his face, Jiang Beiyuan was really going crazy by her.

"Can pregnant women be more reserved?"

"You are my husband, why should I be reserved? Don't you dare to say you don't want to—well!"

Sealed with a kiss.

The sun shines the sweetness of the morning golden.


As expected, Cui Linlin came back to Jiang Beiyuan two days later.

Cui Linlin is doing well now. She is the boss of a clothing company, and her career is on the rise.

Jiang Nian Group recently entered the apparel industry and signed a six-month contract with Cui Linlin's company.

At this moment, Jiang Beiyuan and Cui Linlin are in the office, and they are talking about official affairs.

Yan Nian sat beside Jiang Beiyuan.

She listened quietly, this time she was very tolerant, not saying a word, even serving tea and pouring water.

Five minutes later, Jiang Beiyuan said faintly: "It's getting late, Cui should also go back."

Hearing this, Yannian was delighted.

My own men have grown a lot!

If it weren't for the amnesia, the white lotus like this used to not need her to worry about.

Cui Linlin was upset, she had just arrived, but Jiang Beiyuan drove her away.

"If Jiang always has time, why not give it to me, Jiang Nian Group is so big, I'm afraid I will get lost!"

"Mr. Cui was fine when he came, and lost his way when he left?"

Yannian asked without a smile.

Cui Linlin smiled, "Isn't it dark? Of course I'm afraid I might be lost accidentally."

"That's OK, if that's the case, why don't I send Mr. Cui to Mr. Jiang, we still have an international conference to be held, Mr. Cui has delayed him for such a long time, and you must be upset in your heart, right? Mr. Cui?"

"Hehe, then trouble to say and read me."

Cui Linlin also maintained a posture of not smiling, her sharp nails pinched the flesh.

Jiang Beiyuan glanced at Yannian calmly, and there was a slight softness in his eyebrows.

Mrs. Jiang's skills in splinting and stabbing people are really good, and she can't be underestimated.

Yannian stood up and waved his hand calmly, "Please, Cui!"


The two people left the president's office and walked into the elevator.

Yan Nian stood on the left, she didn't wear high heels, she was not as tall as Cui Linlin, but she did not lose to her in terms of momentum.

"Take your sorrowful tail away and don't show it to make people laugh."

Cui Linlin sneered, "You are still as uncomfortable as before!"

"It's better for you to be so hypocritical than you can pretend."

"Hehe, I thought Beiyuan would treat you so much better, but I couldn't think of it. After you two got married, there was not much affection. He still protected me yesterday."

"This is in the company. You are his partner. Based on interest considerations, he naturally has to give you face. You are a businessman. You should know this better than me."

After speaking, Yannian looked at Cui Linlin.

"However, if this little thing makes you misunderstood, you would be too ridiculous!"

"Am I ridiculous?"

Cui Linlin disagreed.

"Back then Beiyuan hated me so much and said that he hated my scheming, but now he is still willing to establish a cooperative relationship with me, presumably he doesn't care about the past with me. It's hard to misunderstand his behavior?"

"That's because of him—"

The word "amnesia" was about to come out of the mouth, almost to say it, and then swallowed back abruptly by Yannian, and pursed his mouth in disdain.

"All in all, he is now married. Since you have a bit of morality and conscience to be a woman, you should know that Xiaosan has been cast aside by others these days."

After speaking, the elevator door opened.

This is the lobby on the first floor.

Yannian and Cui Linlin walked out.

There are not many people in the hall now, so Cui Linlin has no scruples.

She raised her head proudly like a peacock.

"In my eyes, there is no man who does not steal, especially a successful man like Beiyuan. I cooperated with him this time to fight for the previously lost happiness. I don't think there is anything wrong with fighting for my own happiness, and I look more beautiful than you. He has eyes and he can see."

"You are more prettier than me? Hahaha, I laugh so hard!"

Yannian laughed so much that her stomach hurts.

"Who gave you the courage to say this? Liang Jingru? If I remember correctly, you and my husband are the same age, you are 33 this year, I am less than 27, I am 6 years younger than you, The six years of weather-beaten are all on your face. Take out the mirror and take a photo to see who is the best!"

"I'll just say what you said, do you need to choke me so many?" Cui Linlin snorted.

"Useful, very useful! You don't look at your own virtues, you are still far away if you want to be my husband's mistress! I dare to use my human head to guarantee that your nose is absolutely whole, otherwise I'll cut off my head and use it as a stool for you to sit on!"

"You never finished? What happened to my facelift?"

"Plastic surgery is nothing, you can do it yourself, but whoever asked you to lick your face to join my husband, so don't blame me for verbal attacks and personal attacks on you!"


Cui Linlin was about to refute, her eyes flashed, and she saw a figure in a suit and leather shoes approaching behind her.

" are too bullying! Does my nose have any grudge against you? You keep talking about me!"

Cui Linlin's tears came just as it said, and they were pitiful like pearls.

But in Yannian's eyes, there are only nausea and nausea.

"What's your old lady doing? You said you were so wronged because of plastic surgery! You have the ability to get out of my house, stay away from my family, Mr. Jiang, don't think about ruining other people's families all day, and ignore your moral bottom line!"


A cold, familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

It is Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan followed several high-level officials behind him. He stood with Yannian and glanced at Cui Linlin.

Cui Linlin was already crying, and the delicate makeup on her face took a lot of effort.

"Mr. Jiang... Why is your secretary like this? I have to say that I have a facelift, and he pinched my nose and insisted that I want to check it. It would be too much to point to other people's looks!"

"Damn, Cui Linlin, you white tea! How can you pretend like before! When did I pinch your nose?"


Jiang Beiyuan called her name again, his eyes burning sharp, his voice dull and serious, "Now apologize to Mr. Cui."

"Why should I apologize? Can't you see that she is acting?!"


Jiang Beiyuan said every word, his face was cold and plain.

Cui Linlin was still raining in Ewha, and she cried so much.

In the past, Jiang Beiyuan must have seen through this kind of move, he has never, never, never accused her of another woman!

"I won't apologize! You protect this vixen! Anyway, you don't have me in your heart!"

After speaking, he ran out of the company.

Jiang Beiyuan stared at Yannian's back, and hurriedly looked at the female minister behind him, "Go and see Mrs. Jiang."

"Oh yes, President Jiang."


Cui Linlin was still crying, as if she was wronged.

Jiang Beiyuan looked at her and nodded slightly.

"For her disrespectful behavior, I am sorry to Cui on her behalf."

"It's okay... I'm not a grudge."

Cui Linlin took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears, finally stopped crying.


Jiang Beiyuan's conversation suddenly changed.

"Yan Nian is my secretary and my wife. Although she is spoiled by me on weekdays, I know her temperament. She can't do things about pinching Mr. Cui's nose."


Cui Linlin faltered, speechless.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say anything more, and left soon, without negotiating too much with Cui Linlin.


Yannian took a taxi and returned home.

All the pillows and quilts that could be thrown on the bed were thrown on the ground by her!

If it weren't because there are still two **** in my stomach now--

She, Yan Nian, can definitely fight with Cui Linlin regardless of her!

I'm so mad at her!

And that stupid man!

Why am I missing my memory? I don't even have the ability to identify and mount!

This is deliberately to **** her off!


At the end of school time in Jiang Qingchi, Yannian went to the kindergarten to pick up her son.

"Son, if your dad comes back, remember not to open the door for him!"


The little guy is ignorant.

"Mom, have you quarreled with Dad?"

"Well! This time it involves a matter of principle, very serious, very serious!"

"Then mother quarrels belong to quarrel, don't divorce dad, OK?"

Hearing that, the fire in Yannian's stomach was like being soaked in water, and it wilted a lot.

She bent over and picked up her son.

Eyes moved and guilt.

"Sorry, my mother is indeed very headstrong sometimes, but she will never get divorced if she gets angry. Don't worry."

"Okay, if the divorce is true, I will ignore any of you! Humph!"

"Your mother, I'm so beautiful, are you willing to ignore me?"

Yannian rubbed her son's forehead, and the mother and son laughed happily.


Little Jiang Qingchi thinks he is a very principled person.


When Jiang Beiyuan came back in the evening and heard a knock on the door, the little guy couldn't help but open the door to his father.

After all, Dad has a hard day at work. How could he be turned away? It's so pitiful.

"Where is your mother?" Jiang Beiyuan picked up his son and looked around.

"Mom is in the bedroom and she said she wouldn't let me open the door for you!"

So angry?

The door was not opened to him.

"Mom is okay?"

Jiang Beiyuan worried about the two **** in her stomach.

After being in contact for a period of time, I also understand that Yannian is a child's temper, not growing up.

Jiang Qingchi rubbed his forehead, "It should be okay, I have had a lot of food tonight!"


With a good appetite, Jiang Beiyuan was relieved temporarily.

"Oh! Dad, mom is so uncomfortable! But you should coax mom, you used to be very good at coaxing people! You just have to tell mom,'Daughter-in-law I was wrong,' and mom will be happy. I won't make trouble with you!"

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