Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 903: Fanwaiyan Reading the Husband (8)

Half an hour later, a seafood restaurant in Funan Villa District.

Sitting across from Yannian was Yannian's college student named Zhong Chen. He had just returned from studying abroad and was two years younger than Yannian. He was gentle and gentle, with glasses, white skin, clean and verdant temperament.

Zhong Chen looked at his words and smiled, "Senior Sister, you are still so beautiful!"

"Ah, it's okay, getting old and old."

Yannian looked down to drink tea, a little absent-minded, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Then what are you doing now?" Zhong Chen asked again.

He had just returned to Lucheng, and there were no acquaintances around him. Hearing that Yannian lived nearby, he made an appointment with Yannian for a chat.

"I opened a floral company, and you, you should be a master now!"


Facing the current situation of high employment pressure, Zhong Chen sighed.

"What about a master's degree? Let alone a master's degree this year, the gold content of overseas returnees is not high. I haven't found a job yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, before he could reply, a round head suddenly appeared under the table.

"Uncle Turtle, don't you mind my mother with three children?"


Zhong Chen was stunned. He looked at this little guy who was similar to Yannian three points, then looked at Yannian in amazement, "This...this is..."

"Sorry, my son."

Yannian scratched her head awkwardly, and picked up a little guy's collar unhappily, "Jiang Qingchi, didn't I let you stay diagonally opposite?!"

"Mom, you are pregnant, can't you stop?"

"What do you know! Adults speak, and children use it at the same time!"


Zhong Chen had already recovered from the shock, looking at Yan Nian blankly.

"Senior sister, are you married?"

"Yes, you didn't see the ring on my hand?"

Yannian raised her right ring finger.

Zhong Chen couldn't laugh or cry, "I thought you were wearing them casually, because I remember that after you broke up with Senior Wen Yu, you threatened not to marry in this life."

"Oh, Tong Yan Wuji, he said casually when he was young."

"You are not too old now!" Zhong Chen spoke very smoothly, with high emotional intelligence.

"I'm the mother of three children!"

"But you are still very beautiful, you are very young dressed like this, or my goddess hahaha!"


The two of you said a word to me, Jiang Qingchi couldn't get in at all, and the little guy grabbed his bangs for a while.

Originally, I wanted to spoil my mother's blind date, so how come they seem to have a good time talking.

Alas, if someone is interested in my mother, how can this be good!


After eating and returning home, the little guy hurried to his room and took out his phone watch to call his father.

The phone was connected quickly, and Jiang Qingchi immediately began to report:

"Dad is bad! The uncle who ate with mom today is a turtle, you have to be careful!"

"What happened to the returnees?"

"What if a sea turtle can eat people?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

It suddenly came to light: This turtle is not a returnee.

"Well, that uncle returnee will eat your mother, so you can't let your mother meet him."

"What you said is easy, alas! Let me tell you that. The two of them had a very happy chat today. Uncle Turtle talked very funny. He made his mother laugh several times. I gave him eight points for his looks and his temperament. Give him eight points, but I have to give him nine and five points for his character. He is a very sunny person and talks a lot. He is better at coaxing his wife than his father!"

"I see, I'll talk about it when I go back tonight."

Jiang Beiyuan rubbed his temples and pursed his thin lips.

Now that Yannian and his son have gone home, they will be fine for the time being, and the boy dared not to kidnap civilian girls during the day.

hang up the phone.

As soon as Jiang Qingchi turned his head, he saw the words and thoughts staring at him with his arms behind him.


The little guy hid the watch in a hurry, and waved his little paw at his mother.

"Mum, good afternoon!"

"You just called your dad, didn't you?" Yannian narrowed her eyes slightly and thought.

"No! I'm calling Tiantian!"

"Don't pretend to be garlic, you can tell me clearly now!"

Yannian carried her son's collar directly outside.

Five minutes later, Yannian waved his son away.

Jiang Beiyuan, Jiang Beiyuan, who really has you, even let his son be your spy.

Yannian has a little more fox-like calculations in her heart...


Night fell.

Jiang Beiyuan, the president's office of Jiang Nian Group, is processing the last document.

The blue glass windows reflected his slender silhouette, and there were lights and shadows, and his motion of turning his pen was a little impatient.

Song Yikai came in and made a cup of coffee for Jiang Beiyuan.

I thought the boss must be working overtime again today.

"Bring the coffee, and bring me a bottle of yogurt. It will be heated."


Song Yikai blinked, "Boss, don't you like to drink yogurt?"

"Can I drink it now?"

"Oh oh oh..."

Song Yikai hurried out carrying coffee.

The phone rang.

Jiang Beiyuan's long finger slipped and connected.

"Clear the pond."

"Daddy and dad are not good. If my godfather wants to invite mum to dinner tonight, he will only invite mum and he will not let me go!"


Jiang Beiyuan's breath was cold and cold, "Send me the restaurant address immediately."

One returnee at noon is not enough, do you want to **** him off at night?

The one named He Huaiguang, he checked, Tong Yannian has been a classmate since junior high school, and she has been a thief with Yannian for so many years, is she the only woman in the world?


Song Yikai, who came in carrying the yogurt, was directly hit in the face by the mobile phone flying from the opposite side, and he staggered back a few steps.

"Boss, what are you doing!"

Song Yikai, who was injured at work, carefully touched the bridge of his nose.

The bridge of his nose is the tallest from the top and bottom of his body, but don't smash it.

The man at the desk was still holding his arm, angrily, "My son is more worry-free than being a mother."

Song Yikai: "..."


Grace restaurant.

He Huaiguang decided the position by the window early, and after seeing Yan Nian and Jiang Qingchi, he waved at the two people.

Yan Nian walked over with her son, and then put his son beside He Huaiguang out of anger.

"He has to follow me, he can't drag him away."

"It's okay, look at the menu, what do you like to eat?"

"Whatever, you order!"

Yannian sat opposite, took off her scarf, and took off the furry red hat on top of her head.

"Your hair is messed up, I will stroke you."

He Huaiguang reached out and was intercepted midway by a small paw.

"Goddamn, take a rest, I can just get my mother!"

Jiang Qingchi's small claws scratched Yannian's hair stiffly.

Yannian snorted, "You went with a team surnamed Jiang, but I gave birth to you in October."

"Mom, I don't understand what you are talking about."


Yan Nian ignored Jiang Qingchi and looked around.

Someone Jiang asked his son for the address of the restaurant. He should come over tonight.

As he was thinking, the corner of his eyes aimed at the table diagonally in front, and a dark black slender figure sat down.

Hey, he wore a black suit and a black hat. What I didn't know was the **** messenger in the TV series.

Do you think she won't recognize her? I underestimate her.

Yannian couldn't help but hooked the corners of her mouth, her brows and eyes became warm and warm.

But let's not say, he wears a hat so cute, she has never seen Jiang Beiyuan wear a hat.


Jiang Qingchi's paw waved in front of Yannian. From his perspective, Yannian was smiling at He Huaiguang.

"You are not allowed to smile at men other than my dad, neither is my godfather, I am angry!"

He is the messenger who defends the marriage between the amnesia dad and the unreliable mother. Nowadays, even the godfather is not allowed. After all, the godfather is not a relative, and the blood is thicker than water.


Yan Nian came back to her senses, cleared her throat, and ignored Jiang Qingchi, instead she folded her hands on her chin and smiled at He Huaiguang.

"You are so handsome today!"

He Huaiguang nodded in cooperation, "It's okay, you have been missing a pair of eyes to discover beauty!"

"Uh, you're still cute if you don't talk as before."

Yan Nian Buxiang continued to laugh, smiling like a swaggering peony, and squeezed Jiang Qingchi's small face in front of him, and then the voice suddenly increased by several decibels.

"Oh, do you think your godfather is very handsome and charming today?"

"There can be several godfathers, but there is only one father, so my father is the most handsome."

Jiang Qingchi said solemnly.

In the heart of the little guy, no one can compare with Jiang Beiyuan.

"Yeah! I think your godfather is much handsomer than your father. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the muscles on his arms are so developed. He is the lover of my dreams! Tsk tsk, I knew you should marry your godfather. !"

Yannian's voice was raised several degrees, while silently squinting at the opposite man.

From her angle, you can only see the man's deliberately lowered brim, and can't see his face!

In other words, why didn't he show at all?

Do you really care about her?

Don't care at all?

Did all the likes you said that day fart?

Yannian was breathless like stuffed cotton.


It's so boring, right? I'm going to **** her off, right!

With a "crunch", Yannian stood up and looked at He Huaiguang condescendingly.

"Let's live there in the future! If you like, all three children will have your last name!"

As soon as the voice fell, a person stood in front of him.

The man in the brown cashmere coat has a bright body, a cold face, and a lonely temperament.

Yannian looked at the people coming, and the man diagonally across...

What? !

Standing in front of her is Jiang Beiyuan, who is the man who wears a black hat and has the same figure as Jiang Beiyuan diagonally across?

"Mrs. Jiang, have you had enough trouble?" Jiang Beiyuan had his arms still arms, he was a head higher than her, and his aura was absolutely crushing words and thoughts.

Yannian bit the corner of her mouth and then squashed her mouth.

"Does it have anything to do with you? Anyway, you don't care about me anymore, just give me a look at every turn."

"Dad, you are finally here!"

Jiang Qingchi sighed beside him.

"Quickly persuade Xiao Nian, she has to change her surname with her three children, this woman is really hopeless."

"Shut up!" Yannian glared over.

"Cut, cut..."

Mothers who are bullying and afraid of hardship know to scare children.

Jiang Beiyuan's gaze fell directly on He Huaiguang, three to seven minutes cold, he did not speak, and under his calm expression was a sword, light and sword shadow.

He Huaiguang patted his forehead.

"Oh! I remembered that my cousin's house has no natural gas. I'll go over to see Ha, let's go first, and your family of three will chat!"

After speaking, he quickly fled the scene of the crime.

He was originally the one who was pulled into acting by Yannian. He was flying abroad at 9 o'clock tonight. Now it's 8 o'clock. If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the plane!

Jiang Beiyuan seemed to understand something, and the corners of his thin lips opened a slight arc of sarcasm.

He picked up his son, turned away without saying anything.

"Hey Jiang Beiyuan——"


Yannian chased it out. The scarf blocked half of her face, and the tie was loose. Her legs were not as long as Jiang Beiyuan. She walked too fast, and her heels buckled.


It's really bad.

Can't walk anymore.

Hearing the movement behind, Jiang Beiyuan turned around and hurriedly put down his son when he saw it, strode to Yan Nian, squatted down to check her foot injury.

After rubbing her twice, Jiang Beiyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the tendons were only twisted, and the next second his eyebrows were stained with seriousness and blame.

"What do you wear high heels while pregnant?"

"Which eye do you see that these are high heels? It's only two centimeters, is it tall?"

Yannian glared at him, his eyes bulged, and her cheeks bulged, and she was inexplicably happy with her messy scarf.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say anything more, and helped her sit down on the bench by the roadside, covering her ankle with the palm of his hand.

"What are you doing?"

His fingers were slightly cold, and his words and thoughts reflexed back.

"Why do you say I am deliberately angry with me, fun?"

Jiang Beiyuan warmed his hands, then covered her ankles and rubbed her.

"Yeah, it's fun! It's fun! How else would I know if you really care about me?"

"Didn't I say that I like you?"

"But you loved me deeply before! How many and how long do you like now?"

"I'm slower."

Jiang Beiyuan opened his mouth, his voice was deep, and the sound quality was very magnetic.

"Since I already have feelings for you, I will be long in the future, and I will definitely fall in love with you one day. The premise is that you stay by my side, otherwise you are looking for a second spring like today. Will others treat you as well as me?"

"Are you good to me? Ha, you should really take the time machine to go back and see you in the past, that's really good to me!"

"What are you yelling, you don't know the blessing in the blessing."

Jiang Beiyuan squeezed her foot, Yannian hummed, didn't say much, didn't hide behind, put both hands on the chair on one side.

From her angle, she could clearly see the man in front of her with long, low eyebrows and a tall nose.

To be honest, this man's skin is always good.

No matter how many times she watched it, she felt that he was the most pleasing one.

What I said to He Huaiguang today, saying that he is more handsome than Jiang Beiyuan, was deliberate and an angry statement.

In Yannian's eyes, Jiang Beiyuan was the most handsome man she had ever seen, not one of them.

He is the one who amazed her time, and the one who tendered her years.

"By the way, where did you come from? The man in a black hat diagonally across from me, isn't it you?"

Hear the words.

Jiang Beiyuan laughed.

"Knowing that you will admit your mistake, deliberately find a subordinate who is similar to my body shape, and you are really fooled."

"Okay! You calculated me again!"

Yan Nian was so angry that she kicked Jiang Beiyuan's calf with the other foot.

Jiang Beiyuan let her kick it.

Suddenly, I felt that the woman who dared to kick him was probably the only one in the world.

But I wasn't angry, I didn't feel angry at all.

This feeling was very familiar, as if he had been pampering her in the past, pampering her, and helpless with her. He was the only one he was used to, and only herself.

"Does it still hurt?"

After kneading almost, Jiang Beiyuan finally glanced at her, and there was concern and pity in his eyes, not obvious.

"One more thing, but it's better than just before."

"My car is in the parking lot opposite, do you want to hug you?"


Did you need to ask such things before?

Just pick it up and it's over, now I am amnesiad.

"Do whatever you want!"

"Forget it."

Jiang Beiyuan got up and left.

"Son, let's go."

Yan Nian is anxious now--

"Husband hug me!"

This young and old, has no conscience, and left her alone by the roadside?

Jiang Beiyuan bends his lips slightly, then turned around again and hugged Yan Nian.

She has this virtue.

After being in contact for a while, he now feels nine points of her temper.

Yan Nian put both hands around Jiang Beiyuan's neck, leaning his head in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, sniffed.

I wanted to use He Huai light to stimulate him and make him soft, but how did she become soft in the end?

Jiang Beiyuan raised his words and thoughts up, and the pregnant woman was really a bit heavier.

He glanced sideways at the little guy next to him.

"Qingchi, keep up."

"Okay Dad, don't worry about me. I walk very smoothly and I don't wrestle like my mother."

Saying: "..."


Jiang Beiyuan put Yannian in the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Jiang Qingchi shook his small hands together, his eyes sparkling.

Who doesn't like to see his mom and dad being together, like this is good now.

"What to eat?"

Jiang Beiyuan started the car.

He knew that he didn't eat dinner for the freshman and the youngest.

He happened to not eat either.

Jiang Qingchi's head came over.

"Dad, I want to eat KFC!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "I'm asking your mother."


The little guy withdrew his head immediately.

Yannian did not open her eyes and looked out the window. The warm air inside the car was a bit hot, so she took off her scarf directly, "Listen to my son, I don't care."

Her attitude changed suddenly.

Jiang Beiyuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "What's wrong with you?"

Wasn't it okay just now? When he hugged her, she still rubbed his arms. Although neither of them spoke, he could feel the reliance of words and thoughts on him.

Undeniably, he enjoys the feeling that she depends on him.

"It's nothing."

Yannian threw out this sentence and didn't say more.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say much.

The air pressure along the way is very low.

The little guy in the back seat scratched his head. What's wrong? ? ?

When eating, the air pressure is also very low.

Jiang Beiyuan ordered almost all of KFC.

The table was full of hamburgers and fries, but Jiang Qingchi was the only one who was eating Hasai by himself, and he didn't move much. Jiang Beiyuan was not interested in these fast foods.

Yannian lowered her head to drink milk, Jiang Beiyuan felt a little uncomfortable looking at her appearance.

Forget it, men also want to coax women. Just pull down things like face, otherwise she doesn't eat or drink like this, and he looks uncomfortable.

"These things don't match your appetite. There is a Confucian cuisine nearby that is good. When my son finishes eating, can I take you to eat that?"

Jiang Beiyuan was patient and was so patient for the first time after losing his memory.

After all, she was six years older than her. Looking at this face, every time she felt that she was only eighteen, she was too tender and well protected.

Yannian shook his head, "No, I'm not hungry tonight."

"Eat if you are not hungry, you still have two children in your stomach who can't bear to eat anything, or else, go to the restaurant and order some food to take away later. Will you go home and eat?"

Yan Nian raised her eyes, and met the man's concerned eyes.

She finally nodded, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing her nodding, Jiang Beiyuan's brows stretched out.

They all talk about women's hearts, needles on the bottom of the sea.

This pregnant woman is even more difficult to serve.


When he got home, Jiang Beiyuan helped take off Yannian's coat, and looked at the black one-shoulder sweater she was wearing, frowning.

"Don't wear this kind of clothes in the future. Pregnant women should keep warm."


Yannian was taking off her shoes and hat, her face flushed by the north wind.

Jiang Beiyuan: "What's wrong with you?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable too?!"


"After you lose your memory, I am pleased to please you in this way. In fact, if it is not because of loving you, no one is willing to post other people's cold faces, but there must be a degree of hot and cold. Why am I dissatisfied with you? I'm always Meng Sao, if it was because of the potion He Huaiguang gave, I would apologize to you for this matter, and I promise that I will not hide this from you in the future, and I don't understand why you are still angry!


Jiang Beiyuan moved his lips, holding back the rest of the words.

Yannian snorted, "Okay, let's find our own bed tonight, don't sleep together, anyway, you are so unhappy."

After speaking, I went back to the bedroom.

The "bang" sound of the door slammed back to Jiang Beiyuan's thoughts, and he finally wanted to explain.

But the bedroom door has been locked.

Jiang Beiyuan dropped both hands weakly and sighed.

"Oh, dad, you are like this now, you really responded to a saying!"

The little guy leaning against the wall is a big little ghost, with both hands in his pockets, arrogant, that little face has already shown its sharp edge, it is not difficult to see that it will definitely be a character that will harm the country and the people in the future.

"What?" Jiang Beiyuan was puzzled.

"Move a rock and smash my head-ask for trouble!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

Jiang Qingchi: "Dad, if you sing a song to mom, mom will open the door for you!"

"Sing? I don't know how to do it."

"Do you want me to teach you?"

"In the old days, there was someone who loved you for a long time, but the wind was gradually blowing the distance so far..."

He hummed it subconsciously, he didn't even know that he could sing this song.

As I sang, my heart felt painful and numb, as if it had been pierced by the tip of a needle, with small holes in it.

A picture came to mind.

At night, in the flickering KTV, several brothers seemed to be hoarse with the microphone.

That day, my heart was as heavy as being torn apart, and I lost a very important person, thinking I would never see each other again in this life.

At this moment, he was suddenly thinking that if he lost his words and thoughts in this life, it seemed to be so painful.


It's hard to deny this.

He didn't want to lose her.

"It is painful to lose someone."

He seemed to have said this to someone, and in the end only left the lonely remnant.

"Daddy, you are so stupid, how can you sing such a sad song? Mom will definitely not open the door for you!"

The son's words brought back Jiang Beiyuan's trance.

He glanced sideways, "What do you sing?"

"Let me teach you! You idiot!"

Jiang Qingchi cleared his throat, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

In the next second, grandma's voice sang very rhythmically:

"Little Nian Nian, be good, open the door, open the door quickly, I want to come in~ Nian Nian Nian opens the door, my husband wants to come in, open the door quickly!"

"Just sing like that, you know?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "..."

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