Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 905: Fanwaiyan Reading Husband (10)

Yannian's birth was difficult again this time.

The situation was different from the last time when Huaijiang Qingchi was pregnant. This time, because they were twins, they were too big, so they had difficulty giving birth.

For a moment, Yan Nian suddenly believed his fate.

Whenever you live and when you die, God is doomed long ago.


After the anaesthetic, the speech and thoughts were very weak, and only the strength to speak was left.

"I have one thing to ask you..."

"You speak up." The doctor in a white coat looked at Yannian.

"When my husband comes over, remember to tell him, keep your child..."

"No, the hospital now clearly stipulates that any accidents that occur during delivery must be the first to save the adults, and you can rest assured, we will try our best to keep the three of you safe."

"I know you are afraid of compensation... afraid of taking responsibility... but this is my own will... in case... if I can't hold it in the middle... trouble, please keep my child..."

As she spoke, the corners of Yannian's eyes became wet.

"My husband has liked me for more than ten years... I haven't done anything earth-shattering for him... I have given birth to him three children in this life... I am already satisfied..."


The door of the operating room.

Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi both came, and Jiang Beiyuan also came, leaning against the wall at this moment, holding Jiang Qingchi in his arms because he was afraid of just crying.

Looking at the red light still lit in the operating room, Jiang Beiyuan's brows kept twisting, like deep unresolved snow.

A doctor came out from inside.

"Who is the husband of the mother, please?"

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan hurriedly handed Jiang Qingchi to Xu Kuangjie and immediately stepped forward.

"I am! How is my wife now?"

"It is preliminarily determined that dystocia is preliminarily determined," the doctor said, taking off the mask, "but your wife is more stubborn. She just made it clear that she wants to keep her young. She said that she gave you three children and her life is complete."

This fool!

Jiang Beiyuan's eyes turned red all at once.


He said without hesitation.

"If anything unexpected happens during the operation, please save my wife!"

"Okay, then please sign the operation consent form."

This is the hospital's regulations, and doctors follow the regulations.

Jiang Beiyuan picked up the signature pen, his little finger was trembling, and he had signed countless contracts. He had never been so flustered.

Jiang Beiyuan signed the informed consent for analgesia and painless delivery.

At such a critical juncture, he would not let his words and thoughts be fooled.

"Doctor, I want my wife to be safe, please..."

Jiang Beiyuan held the doctor's hand and begged for the first time.

Seeking so humble and helpless, his anxiety and panic are concentrated in his eyes.

The doctor nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, we will do our best."

After that, I re-entered the operating room.

Jiang Qingchi, who was held by Xu Kuangjie, suddenly cried and asked Jiang Beiyuan to hold him.

He is only a four-year-old child, he is smarter than other children on weekdays, and he is a little bigger, and now he clearly realizes the atmosphere is not right.

"Dad, is mom in danger?"

"will not."

Jiang Beiyuan hugged Jiang Qingchi, his brows were solemn and worried.


The little guy put his arms around Jiang Beiyuan's neck and buried his head in the fossa of his neck, and the golden beans kept falling down.

"I don't want my mother to have trouble! I don't want my brother! I don't want my sister! I want my mother! I want my mother now! Wow—"

"Mum will be fine, trust Uncle Doctor."

Jiang Beiyuan patted his son on the back of the head, comforting his emotions.

Why didn't he worry about it himself.

"Jiang Beiyuan..."

Ding Baoyi walked over without saying a word.

She looked at Jiang Beiyuan.

"I know you have amnesia, you may not know me, I am Yannian's best friend, a good best friend from childhood to big, I usually talk to me about any concerns about Yannian."

"You may not know, Yannian is very anxious every time she gets pregnant, and she likes to think more suspiciously. I admit that she has many shortcomings and many aspects are not satisfactory, but -"

"It's not easy for a woman to get pregnant, and it's not easy to have a baby. Now she is fighting against death inside. You can see that she was dystocia last time. This time she is willing to get pregnant for you, which shows that she loves you!"

"Just because she walked through the ghost gate twice for you, if she can survive this time, you will treat her better..."

"I know that you have amnesia and don't love her now, but if you don't love her, don't be so obvious. She has a big grin on her mouth. In fact, she is very delicate. Sometimes you move and look at each other, and she can think for a long time..."

Jiang Beiyuan quietly listened to Ding Baoyi's words, his eyes trembled.

He pursed the corners of his lips, and raised his eyebrows in the next second, his clear voice inexplicably carried the magic power that made the desert island grow tender grass.

"Who said I don't love her?"


Ding Baoyi was taken aback.

Jiang Qingchi hugged Jiang Beiyuan's neck. Hearing these words, he hated iron and wiped his tears and nose on his father's collar.

"Dad, you finally love mom, mom comes out of it, you have to say the three words'I love you' to her!"

Before Jiang Beiyuan could reply, another doctor in the operating room walked out with a pile of **** gauze in his hand.

The red blood is shocking.

Xu Kuangjie looked at the pile of blood, his temples jumping.

How could this be the same as last time, shouldn't it be bleeding again? I had known that the old Taoist priest should be invited over in advance to calculate the situation this time.

"How is my wife?!"

Jiang Beiyuan asked the doctor who came out anxiously.

"Oh! Bleeding! I'm going to the blood bank to adjust the blood, don't hold me!"

The doctor pushed Jiang Beiyuan away and ran away.

Jiang Qingchi looked at Jiang Beiyuan pitifully.

"Dad, what is heavy bleeding?"

"It's nothing."

"Um... it's mother's blood, right? My mother shed so much blood, will my mother be like Yuli--"

Before the last word was finished, Jiang Beiyuan covered his mouth.

"No! Shut up!"

Jiang Qingchi nodded like garlic, a thousand words turned into crystal clear tears, one by one, they fell down one by one, flowing down Jiang Beiyuan's fingers, soaking his generous palm.

Jiang Beiyuan's heart was terribly bitter, and he couldn't tell whether the palm of his hand was sweat or Jiang Qingchi's tears.


After a while, the doctor who had just gone to the blood bank to adjust the blood came back again with anxious expression on his face.

"There have been two pregnant women with heavy bleeding this morning. They are all type A blood. Now there is not enough type A blood in the blood bank! Who is your family member with type A blood?"

"I have blood type A!"

Ding Baoyi let out a cry.

"But I am menstruating today, can I still donate blood?"

"That's not it! The country clearly stipulates that blood donation is not allowed for three days before and after menstruation, and we will not ask for your blood." The doctor said every word.

But apart from Ding Baoyi, no one was blood type A anymore.

"Let her donate blood now, I will bear all the consequences!"

Dense cold sweat oozes from Jiang Beiyuan's forehead, and now all his mind is thinking about a person, love is all selfish.

He just wanted to say nothing, he just wanted her to get out of it quickly.

As for the rest of the women...

Xu Kuangjie punched him unceremoniously.

"Type A blood is not a rare blood type, just look for it! Your wife's life is life, and other people's life is also life! If there are consequences, then it will be too late for you to bear it!"

In a word, Jiang Beiyuan's sanity was pulled back in an instant.

Father, like son.


Jiang Beiyuan nodded and apologized with Ding Baoyi, and then hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Song Yikai.

"Now immediately notify all employees of the company with blood type A to come to the central hospital and give Mrs. Jiang a blood transfusion!"

Song Yikai heard Jiang Beiyuan's voice not quite right, did not ask much, and quickly issued the order.

And according to Jiang Beiyuan's instructions, one person said that the blood transfusion was 100,000 yuan.

One hundred thousand yuan is not made for nothing!

So in less than five minutes, a mighty group of people came from Jiangnian Group, vying to donate blood to Yannian.

The scene was chaotic, and the corridors were all chattering.

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was calm, and his cold voice was rarely raised several degrees:

"Stand in two rows and follow the doctor to do the test. The qualified donate blood, the unqualified go back to the company!"


The big boss gave an order, everyone did not dare to neglect, and stood in two rows at the fastest speed, no one dared to whisper.

Just like the head teacher in middle school had to arrange seats, everyone stood upright, waiting for the teacher's arrangement.

The doctors and nurses who came and went were all watching this scene.

There were two long lines in the corridor. So far, they had never seen such a long line of blood donation.


An unknown doctor grabbed Song Yikai curiously.

"Why so many people come to donate blood? The royal successor lies inside?"

"No! It's a national treasure!"

"Huh? The giant panda has an operation inside?"

"Well! You can understand that! That is our boss's treasure!"

Song Yikai sighed and said with a smile.


Now that the blood source was sufficient, the doctors never came out again.

The employees dispersed, Song Yikai also went back, Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie were still sitting here.

Jiang Qingchi was still lying on Jiang Beiyuan's back, sucking his nose from time to time, his stomach screamed several times, Xu Kuangjie wanted to take him downstairs for dinner, the little guy shook his head and said he was not hungry.

"Dad... Mom is very squeamish on weekdays. She shed so much blood today. It must be very painful. When Mom comes out, we will tell her together that we will stay with her for the rest of our life and never leave her, okay?"

"it is good."

Jiang Beiyuan lifted his son up, his eyes were sour and hot.

It was only at this moment that I realized that no matter how much money I earn in the company, it is not as good as having her and her children.

Unconsciously, it was dark.

However, the red light in the operating room was still on.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, Wan Lai was completely silent, Jiang Beiyuan was not drowsy at all, either he looked at the operating room or the ink-like night outside the window.

There is no moon today, only large tracts of stars twinkle.

Jiang Qingchi was held by Jiang Beiyuan, his small head moved down little by little, his upper and lower eyelids closed, opened again, and then closed again, and so on...

"Qingchi," Jiang Beiyuan couldn't bear it, and touched his son's little face, "Let Uncle Xu hug you to sleep."

"Don't don't~"

Jiang Qingchi yawned and said, "Dad, I'm not sleepy, I'm really not sleepy at all."

In order to prove that he is really not sleepy, the little guy also specially propped his upper and lower eyelids with his hands, and made a cute blinking action.

Holding his little hand pulled down, Jiang Beiyuan sighed and patted the back of his head.

"Be good, let's sleep on my back for a while."


Xiaoqingchi lay on Jiang Beiyuan's back.

Xu Kuangjie on the bench was already asleep with his arms in his arms, breathing long, and fell asleep slightly.

Ding Baoyi was not drowsy, and glanced at Xu Kuangjie. Seeing that his old man had nothing to do with his high morality, he sneered twice before turning to Jiang Beiyuan.

"It's past zero, and these two kids have no chance with Cancer."

"What?" Jiang Beiyuan raised his eyebrows, some not understanding.

"Yesterday happened to be July 22, and today is July 23. I have been born for such a long time, and it is estimated that I will be born today! This is just right. The day after tomorrow is the birthday of Yanyi, July 25, when you can celebrate together."


Jiang Beiyuan's voice was so light that he didn't really want to chat now.

Ding Baoyi didn't say more.

She believes that her sister will be fine if she is so young and hot.



Unknowingly, it was dawn.

Jiang Beiyuan squinted slightly to look out the window, and a red sun slowly rose from the horizon to the sky.

He hasn't seen the sunrise in a long time, and the fire-like color symbolizes the endless vitality.

The door of the operating room opened again, and a doctor came out.

The doctor looked at Jiang Beiyuan, took off his mask and smiled at him.

"The baby hasn't finished yet, but don't worry, the blood has stopped, there should be no problem. The mother has now regained consciousness. I have important things to tell you. Come in with me and wear sterile medical clothes."

"it is good."

Jiang Beiyuan handed the child to Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie, then followed the doctor to change clothes and entered the operating room.

There is a strong smell of blood in the operating room.

Yan Nian is unkempt, and at this moment, that little face is pale and bloodless, just like giving birth, it takes a lot of vitality, so women need to confinement to take good care of their bodies.

Jiang Beiyuan walked over, knelt down on one knee in front of Yannian, and held her hand forcefully and tightly.


He couldn't bear to look at her so weak.

He would rather look at the arrogant, unreasonable little woman with teeth and claws.

Staring at this face for an instant, loving him, my heart hurts with love, and there is a hazy wetness in front of Yan Nian's eyes.

"Are you stupid...Two lives and one life, of course you have to choose two lives..."

"No, I choose you."

Jiangbeiyuan's words and sentences, sentence by sentence, are heavy.

"Even if there are three lives in front of me, I will choose you. In my eyes, your life is more important than ten thousand lives."

Jiang Beiyuan kissed the back of her hand, rubbed her hand on his face and rubbed it lightly, and his eyes turned red as he spoke.

Yannian hooked her mouth, "I have something, I want to tell you... I'm afraid, in case there is no chance..."


"Actually, I have amnesia... for many years... But the day you lost your memory... I remembered everything... Actually... I have fallen in love with you since I was twelve... From girl to woman... I have always I love you...I love you so much..."

The mist completely blurred her eyes, making her almost unable to see the man's face.

He still has the most perfect silhouette, the most exquisite features, and the most enchanting peach eyes.

Even if time flows into the long river and forgets everything, she will never forget his appearance.

Yannian cried.

"I really love you so much... Jiang Ting is you... Jiang Beiyuan is you... I love you so unforgettable... No matter if you will regain your memory in this life... I don't want to give up on you anymore... Losing you...husband...can meet you...I am really the happiest woman in the world..."

"I know."

Jiang Beiyuan kept kissing the back of her hand, speechless, a little choked, and after some time, he finally raised his hand and wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes with his slender fingers.

"I love you too. Yannian, Mrs. Jiang, from the young to the young, I have always loved you from beginning to end. Even if we grow old in the future, you are dying, and I am old, I will only love you!"

"You... have you recovered your memory?"

Yannian held his breath and looked at this face.

The expression in his eyes seemed to change, becoming tender and gentle, moving and emotional, becoming less indifferent and calm.

"Well, I remember it all."


"When I first came in, I saw that you were so weak, and my brain slammed, and I felt like I was bumped. Now that I heard you say these things, I remember everything, so you have to be well and wait until you have a baby. Go home and punish me, I'll let you send it."


A drop of tears fell down the corner of Yannian's eyes.

"Then you wait... go home and kneel on the washboard..."

She would not let him go easily.

Mr. Jiang.

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