Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 919: The past of the outside (13)

According to Jiang Ting, Zhang Tianzhu was finally helpless, and then he called Gao Jingxiang to the office and confronted Yannian.

Gao Jingxiang lowered her head, her hair was still a little messy.

"I'm sorry... I was just jealous that the boys in the class liked her, so I shut her down in the women's bathroom... Never again..."

After this incident, Gao Jingxiang realized that words and thoughts were not easy to provoke, and that she would really grab your hair and beat you to death, no matter what.

"Okay, since everyone apologized to you, let's forget about this matter!" Zhang Tianzhu waved his hand and said.

Yannian nodded and said nothing.

Jiang Ting glanced at her, then at Zhang Tianzhu.

"Teacher Zhang, you should also apologize for your own actions."

The left half of Yan Nian's face is still swollen, this is Zhang Tianzhu's evidence.

However, Zhang Tianzhu would not apologize with Yanyi.

"Enough of you, Jiang Ting! I have taken you before and I know you are a righteous student, but this is our class's own business, you have managed too much today!"

While speaking, he waved impatiently.

"It's all right, you **** are making trouble every day, so my head is so big, go back to class!"

Gao Jingxiang took the lead and left wittily.

Jiang Ting stood still, motionless.

Finally, Yannian pulled him and pulled him away.

Jiang Ting seemed to be dissatisfied with her concession and frowned, "Stupid or stupid, I am helping you out."

"I know! Thank you, but forget it, I have something wrong today, I feel that after venting, I feel less uncomfortable!"


Jiang Ting gave up and went to the school infirmary with his words.

The doctor knew these two people. He was hit while playing basketball before, and the girl with the bag on her forehead smiled and looked at Jiang Ting, "Your girlfriend is quite capable of tossing."

Jiang Ting was silent, took the ice pack from the doctor, and wanted to personally apply Yannian's face.

The sudden cold touched her pain, and she grinned in pain, "Hey, why don't you explain to the doctor?"

"Explain what?"

"I'm not your girlfriend!"


Jiang Ting pursed his lips.

His dark eyes locked her face. From his perspective, he could see the black and white eyes, together with the fine fluff on the face, clearly. It was a kind of beauty called Guangyan.

Seeing him with a deep gaze, Yannian felt hairy, "By the way, you, why are you kissing me on the road?"

Jiang Ting's gaze followed her cheek and moved slowly to her slightly opened lips, "Why did you say you kissed you?"

"How do I know? I'm not in your stomach—well!"

Apricot eyes with clear words and thoughts were round and wide.

The person in front of him closed his eyes and looked rather focused.


I have to admit that Jiang Ting's eyelashes are really long. If he has a baby in the future, his baby will be very beautiful.

There is a cool touch of an ice bag on his face, but his lips are warm.

Yan Nian finally reacted and pushed Jiang Ting away.

"What the **** are you doing?!"

"I wait for you to grow up."

Word by word, he watched her.


Yannian jumped off the bed in the infirmary and fled.


She is going crazy.

This is a dream, right? !

An old boy who was six years older than her and was about to graduate, actually said that he would wait for her to grow up?

Does Jiang Ting like her?

But, when did this love start?

Before, obviously, she scolded her for having no brains and skills, saying that whoever marries her is unlucky, right?

The more I think about it, the more crazy it gets.

I was in a messy state all afternoon...

Until Ding Baoyi waved her hand in front of her.

However, the latter's eyes were straight and there was no reaction at all.


With a loud voice, Ding Baoyi finally pulled back her thoughts and stared at her.

"What's wrong?"

"I should ask you this, what happened to you today, your soul is gone, and your face is so red!"

"I, am I blushing?!"

"Nonsense, what's the matter with you, was beaten by the old class?"

"Cut... it's not that easy for a person like him to beat me stupid."

After speaking, he was lying on the table.

She still has no clue.

"Ding Baoyi, you said... when will I grow up?"

"Hehe, you are so stupid to ask this question. You will grow up when you are eighteen, and there are still six years!"

Six years?


Is Jiang Ting planning to wait for her for six years?

No, no, she has never been a temperament willing to burden people, especially in terms of emotions.


After school that day, Jiang Ting still went to Yannian's home for tutoring.

He kissed her twice, but talked to her with a blank face like an okay person.

But Yannian couldn't be so calm, she was so confused, she was pulling a bunch of twine, so much so that Jiang Ting said so much, she didn't even listen to a single punctuation mark.

A math problem has been explained three times, and seeing Yannian no response, Jiang Ting's gaze moved from the curly face to her face, "understand?"

From the perspective of words and thoughts, as far as his eyes are, he sees his thin, red lips. Thinking of the scene of him kissing her in his mind, his small face flushed suddenly, and he nodded quickly, "Listen...understand."

"Should I have a fever again?"

Jiang Ting raised his hand and was about to cover her forehead. Before putting it on, he was flicked away.

Yannian frowned and moved to the side to stay away from him.

Jiang Ting frowned, "What's wrong with you."

"Let's-keep our distance!"

"I scared you? Because of today?"


Yannian bit her lower lip and said nothing.

She looked like a frightened bird, which made Jiang Ting feel mixed.

No one feels uncomfortable when being resisted by someone I like.

"Those things in the infirmary, when I didn't say, if you mind, I will never touch you again."


Yan Nian still said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Ting took care of himself and stood up.

"I won't come to your house anymore. I will tell my uncle now that I won't be your tutor anymore."


Seeing him about to leave, Yannian suddenly became anxious.

"I didn't let you be my tutor! I just, I just can't accept your wishes. I really can't fall in love right now. If my dad knows, he will break my leg!"

Jiang Ting gave a hum, then turned around again.

"Let's study."

"it is good……"


The embarrassing days continued for a few more days, and soon the day for the youth chess competition in Lucheng arrived.

Yannian's focus is on the game.

By the way, she improved in the last mid-term exam. Jiang Ting promised her that she would teach her a few tricks!


Damn it!

Seeing that she was about to play, maybe her opponent was still the master from elementary school, then she was done, and she was so anxious to call Jiang Ting.

She took her father's old phone today.

"Where are you now, didn't you say you want to see me play?"

"Look back."

Simple two words.

The voice was low, firm, and steady, with the smell of not being beaked.

Yan Nian turned around.

Seeing that Jiang Ting, who was holding the phone, closed the line and strode onto the stage.

The light and shadow alternated with each other, and the light cut from the side dazzled the arc of the corners of his lips.

While Yannian's heart is calm, she feels something is wrong...

The mind turned three bends, and then he reacted.


Jiang Ting is that "master" right?

When the referee announced the entry of the two sides, seeing the person sitting opposite him, he was speechless and almost gritted his teeth, "Okay you, you tease me!"

"Let you get first, don't you get it?"

"I don't! You don't have to play tricks, I want to beat you upright!"

It turns out that Jiang Ting did not play tricks.

Because he was dignified and let his words.

In the end Yannian won for granted, but was not happy at all.

On the way back, the little mouth was still complaining: "You don't need to let me in the future! I will defeat you by myself!"

Jiang Ting screamed, with his hands folded on the back of his head, he walked leisurely, "Isn't it happy to make you first?"

"Yes, unhappy! Very unhappy!"

"That's it."

He suddenly smiled, staring at the small puckered mouth, and leaned over quickly.

The words were taken aback.

Silent, pushed him away, jumping with anger, "Jiang Ting! You are not allowed to kiss me casually in the future!"

Jiang Ting: "Every time you kiss sincerely, how can you casually?"


"I have kissed me so many times. From now on, follow me."

Although his voice is soft and the tone is no different from the usual speaking, it is somewhat inexplicably firm.

He said the phrase "follow me" for the first time, and if nothing else, it should be the last time.

Yan Nian snorted and looked away.

"I won't follow you! I have no brains, no ability, and stupid and stupid!"

The little girl remembered what he had said to her before, but in this respect she was very vengeful.

Jiang Ting raised his lips slightly, "I like to be clumsy and stupid."


Yannian's eyes flashed, and she couldn't say a word in the next second.

Because the person standing behind Jiang Ting was Yan Yuming, and he was looking at the two people with serious eyes.

Yannian was immediately stunned, like an eggplant that had been beaten by frost, wilting.


Even with that, Jiang Ting was also startled for a moment, and looked at it sideways, his two thin lips straightened.


Yannian’s study.

Yan Yuming sat and Jiang Ting stood.

As the head of the family, Yan Yuming has a straight face almost all the time, and this is also true now.

He stared at Jiang Ting with questioning and serious eyes. Jiang Ting knew that Yan Yuming had seen it, and now it was impossible to deny it.

"Uncle, I like to speak."

It is better to admit the facts openly than to explain them pale and weak.

Yan Yuming: "Xiao Jiang, I think you have studied well and behaved well. I thought you would be a righteous child. How could you—"

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I like this kind of thing, I can't control it myself."

If you like it, you like it.

I didn't think about tea and rice, I couldn't sleep at night, I was thinking of the person he liked.

He couldn't convince himself with calmness.

Yan Yuming slapped the table with anger!

"My family is so young!"

"I know……"

"Forget it! In that case, you won't use my house to tutor her in the future!"

Yan Yuming will never allow Yannian to fall in love.

Since childhood, he has been strict with his daughter. Although with Jiang Ting's help, Yannian's academic performance has indeed improved a lot, but as a father, he cannot put a brat who covets his daughter by his side.

Jiang Ting didn't say anything, and acquiesced.

Yan Yuming settled his salary for this month and asked him to leave.

But Jiang Ting didn't ask for this month's money, and left with a breeze.

Yan Nian was locked up all night by Yan Yuming.

Yannian is really wrong...

"Daddy, heaven and earth conscience, I didn't fall in love with Jiang Ting!"

"Then why didn't you hide when he kissed you?"

"He, he took the initiative to come over, moving so fast, how can I hide it!"

"Okay, this kind of thing will not happen again in the future!"


Yannian thought, fortunately, my father didn't know that Jiang Ting had kissed her several times before this.

If you know it, let's blow it up.


Since Jiang Ting left that day, Yan Nian hadn't seen him for a long time.

Actually, he didn't do her tutor anymore. Usually the floors of the middle school and the high school are far apart, so he doesn't need to come to her every day.

However, Yannian felt very uncomfortable.

It's like, she drinks yogurt every day, and suddenly one day she is not allowed to drink yogurt, and she feels uncomfortable.

When the flag was raised on Monday, Yan Nian curled her neck and looked at the flag-raising stand.

However, the flag-raiser has changed, not Jiang Ting.

Yannian felt even more lost...

Ding Baoyi is a good girlfriend of Yannian, and she naturally sees something wrong with Yannian during this period.

"What's wrong with you? People who don't know thought you were broken in love." During the break time, Ding Baoyi turned around and teased her.

Yannian narrowed her mouth.

"I haven't talked about a relationship, where did I get lost?"

But why is it so uncomfortable in my heart.

It's very stuffy, a bit out of breath, and I feel I can't lift the energy for anything.

This in the end is why?

Having dinner at noon, Yan Nian saw Xu Kuangjie in the cafeteria.

She met Xu Kuangjie several times and knew that this person was a good friend of Jiang Ting, but she didn't know the rest.

So he walked over and asked Xu Kuangjie how Jiang Ting was doing.

Xu Kuangjie looked at her up and down, "You're the girl who doesn't have all the hair."


"Ah, it's okay, I just made a joke."


This man is a fool, but it's really not a good thing.

Xu Kuangjie stopped joking, "Why, do you miss my old Jiang?"

"No! I, I just ask casually, you don't want to say it!"

"He recently quarreled with his mother, it was very violent."

Xu Kuangjie's face became serious.

"His mother plans to transfer him to the United States. He hasn't come to class these days. I heard that he will be transferred to the United States next week."

Jiang Ting is going to America? !

There was a "buzz" in Yan Nian's brain, and he didn't even hear anything this afternoon. When school time came, he immediately ran towards Jiang Ting's home address.

She knew that Jiang Ting lived in Shuixie Garden, and she had been there last time.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Yannian kept knocking on the door, and there was a doorbell next to her, but she stupidly knocked her hands red.

It was Jiang Ting who opened the door, dressed in a bright and soft white shirt, brown trousers, a clean face, and spotless.

Yannian was out of breath.

"I heard you are going to America? Really?"

"What if it's true?"

Yan Nian suddenly got stuck.

If it is true... she can't deny it, she is sad!

"Could you not leave!"

"Why?" There was a little light flickering under the boy's eyes, not obvious.

Yannian stared at him, her clear eyes flickered, "I, don't want you to go!"

"Why don't you want to let me go?"

"...Well, I admit, I, I am a little bit reluctant to bear you!"

I deliberately bite the word "a bit" seriously, it seems that by saying this, I can make my reluctance less heavy.

Jiang Ting's eyes softened suddenly, pulling her arm, pulling her into the room, and closing the door.

At the entrance, he looked down at her.

At this moment, the clear eyes and the reflection of him alone made Jiang Ting extremely satisfied.

"Look up." He hooked her chin with his long fingers.

Yannian obediently followed suit.

Look at him.

Did not speak.

But calmly used those apricot eyes to hook people away, bit by bit away from his heart, and in the end, they all belonged to her without any reservation.

Jiang Ting's throat rolled slightly, "Close your eyes."


She actually knew why Jiang Ting asked her to close her eyes.

Thought about it.

Still obediently closed his eyes.

The heart beats fast...


The sun gradually set, leaving only a little afterglow of the setting sun gleaming on the horizon.

And everything in the living room returned to calm.

Jiang Ting turned his face and coughed a little embarrassingly, "You go to my room to change clothes and I will wash you."

"Oh, then if I help you, you won't go to the United States, right?"

She has been thinking about it.

Jiang Ting smiled rarely, "Not going anymore!"

"Really?" Yannian's eyes lit up.

The boy smiled stronger, "Well, really."

Then Yan Nian was happy, and changed Jiang Ting's pants.

Jiang Ting stared at her innocent figure, a touch of pampering flashed across his eyes, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Guoteng.

"Oh...Don't do it against your mother. I have already contacted you in American schools. When will you come?"

"not going."

"what happened again?!"

"I'm afraid your daughter-in-law will run away with someone."

"Son... daughter-in-law?!"


Jiang Ting didn't explain any more words, and hung up the phone neatly.


Jiang Ting really does not go abroad.

He is not joking.

Back to school the next day, Zhang Fan in the front row felt incredible.

"You have finally come to school, didn't your mother let you transfer?"

Jiang Ting ignored him, walked to his seat and sat down. The eyes of the whole class were focused on the boy who had been missing for many days.

The latter calmly opened the schoolbag, took out the textbook from it, and put it on the table.

Xu Kuangjie turned around.

"What the **** do you think? Don't transfer?"


Jiang Ting's voice was faint, low and decisive.

Xu Kuangjie couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't tell me, it's because of that girl in junior high school!"

"Are you very free?"

"Tsk, I really don't bother to deal with other people's nostalgia! But don't blame the brother for not reminding you, the leader has spoken, during this period of time, we are paying close attention to puppies. The other night I caught a lot of young couples in the playground!"

"Xu Kuangjie, do you like Jiang Ting?! You don't have enough neck turns after class, and you have to look back at them after class?!"

Shouted the Chinese teacher on the podium.

The hall roared with laughter, and Xu Kuangjie blushed.

He is really thankless!


At noon, the attached middle school canteen.

Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi had a meal and were about to sit down. In a blink of an eye, they saw Jiang Ting and Xu Kuangjie also coming to the cafeteria for dinner.

Seeing that he was finally back to school, Yannian couldn't help bending her eyebrows and smiled happily.

Ding Baoyi followed her gaze and saw Jiang Ting and Xu Kuangjie who were cooking.

Ding Baoyi naturally knew that Yannian was not looking at Xu Kuangjie.

"Yeah, I used to say I hate people, saying that they dragged them two to eighty thousand yuan, but now someone doesn't turn their eyes."

Yannian came back to her senses, "Who, whose eyes are not turning? If you don't turn, you will die!"

"Okay, I won't tell you blindly and honestly, how far have you developed with this Jiang Ting?"

"To what extent, it's the relationship between the senior and the younger sister!"


Ding Baoyi looked like "I believe you, I have a ghost".

Yannian bowed her head to eat, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Ting.

What's wrong with her today, obviously he is standing there, why she feels that he is the same as light, all the light sources are concentrated on him, and she is a small firefly, can't help being attracted by the light source, he is all It's so charming that you can't remove your eyes.

There was a certain ambiguous tacit understanding in the darkness. While Yannian was looking at Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting also looked towards her.

Was caught!


Yannian hurriedly lowered her head, pretending to be casually grilling rice.


Eat too fast, choking!

A tall shadow above her head enveloped her, the next second, a bottle of yogurt was handed to her.

"Waiting for me at the school gate in the afternoon after school, I have something to tell you."


Yan Nian raised her eyes blankly, looking at Jiang Ting with innocent eyes.

Jiang Ting's throat rolled slightly, and the hand that had not taken it back touched her head, "Let's eat."


Then he watched him go away.

"Wow, what's the situation, what does Jiang Ting want to tell you?" Ding Baoyi was even more excited than the person involved.

Yannian took two sips of yogurt, "How do I know?"

"Tsk tusk, he just touched your hair, so he spoiled you, and said you two are okay?"

"It's okay! My dad won't let me fall in love early!"

"Come on! Who are you saying? If you really want to fall in love early, I can't stop you!"


Yan Nian was hit by Ding Baoyi.

If she really likes a person very much, she is willing to work hard for that person, even if she is rebellious.

But what is love?

Is it really appropriate to deviate from the scriptures for one person?

She is too young and too young to understand the true meaning of love.


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