Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 928: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (1)

Seeing that Yannian was already the mother of three children, Ding Baoyi didn't have a single word.

The emperor was not in a hurry, and the **** was in a hurry.

Ding Baoyi is annoying when he hears this.

"Why are you like my mother?"

"If you love knots or not, I'm worried that my grandson will be there in the future, leaving you alone. Who will take care of you then?"

"I think Jiang San'er is pretty good. Give me your little son!"

"Go, my son is only three years old, and you are already thirty, so you can be a grandmother!"


After a few words, they stopped talking.

Ding Baoyi is also anxious about this kind of thing.

But what can she do?

She is a frigidity patient!

This is a very serious physical problem!

A while ago, Yannian's things were finally finished, Ding Baoyi asked Yannian to accompany her to the hospital for a checkup.

The doctor said that she had no problems in all aspects, but that it was a psychological problem, because she had a grudge and strong defense against men from the bottom of her heart.

Ding Baoyi understood that reason.

From university to now, she has talked about several scumbags, most of whom cheated, and there was no successful relationship.

The point is, she is really super, very, extremely disliked of men being anxious.

very disgusting.

Thinking of this, Ding Baoyi patted Yannian on the shoulder: "Let me have a few drinks with me tonight."

"Are you sick? I'm a mother, why go to the bar to do?"

"Don't want to know how much you are worth now?"

"I don't want to."

"No, you think."

"I do not want."

"No, you think."


After three rounds, I was speechless...

"Let's come back early, otherwise my guy will have to shave me bald."

"Sure, I will protect you."


In the afternoon, Yannian sent a message to Jiang Beiyuan, saying that he would go shopping with Ding Baoyi and let Jiang Beiyuan pick up the children.

Now the boss Jiang Qingchi is in the second grade, Jiang Chun and Jiang Jingming have just started small classes, and both need someone to pick them up.

When it was a point, Jiang Beiyuan went to pick up the child, Jiang Chun and the first one ran out and let Jiang Beiyuan hold him with his little faces up.

Jiang Beiyuan, a girl who was carved with powder and jade, was naturally very close. Without a word, he picked up his daughter, held it with one hand, and looked at Jiang Jingming on the ground.

"hug you?"

Jiang Jingming shook his head, "No."

Jiang Chunhe: "My younger brother is so cold."

Hearing this, Jiang Beiyuan smiled and squeezed his daughter's face, "Who taught you how cold you are?"

"The little sister from Taipan said, she said that her younger brother is very cold, and no one likes it!"

"When he meets someone he likes in the future, he will not be cold."

After Jiang Beiyuan finished speaking, he held his daughter and asked the elder son to lead the younger son. The family of four walked home. The scene was very warm.

Seeing that it was half past six and the food was ready, Yannian hadn't come back.

Is this to rebel?

Does it take so long to go shopping?

I was about to call Yannian, and the message of Yannian came first.

Saying that Ding Baoyi has something wrong here, she will go back later.

Jiang Beiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly...


Meiye bar.

Today is Friday, so there are a lot of people in the bar, bustling and extremely noisy.

Today, Yan Nian wore a red dress that looked like a cheongsam with slits from her thighs. The red color reflected her white and delicate skin, and she did not look like a mother of three children.

Not to be outdone, Ding Baoyi's purple slanted-shoulder dress was like a violet under the night sky.

Two people sat down at the bar.

"Cengcengceng", all eyes were focused on.

Both men and women.

Yan Nian didn't expect to attract the attention of many women, and suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Aren't we a bit too much, or withdraw quickly?"

"Fart away."

Ding Baoyi asked the bartender for a prepared cocktail. She shook the glass, looking at her words with blurred eyes, "Tsk tusk tusk, you are really good, body and face are well maintained, unlike the mother of three children. "

"Stop teasing me, I'm always not at ease, why don't we leave?"

"What's wrong, haven't you all sent messages to your husband? Is it possible that he can leave his three children and come to you in person?"

"That's true, but it's still not good..."

She can admit that the more she gets married, the more frustrated she is. After all, she is not the same as Ding Baoyi. She was originally accompanied by Ding Baoyi, but she did not expect to attract so many eyes.

"Let's find a literary bar and read the book!"

"Then wait a minute, I'll talk after I finish this cup."

Ding Baoyi raised her head, swallowing the blue cocktail with the bitterness of her throat.

This is the smell of loneliness and loneliness belonging to a thirty-year-old woman.

Yan Nian: "You take a moment! If you are drunk, I don't have the strength to consign you back!"


at the same time.

Xu Kuangjie sat on the long sofa shaded by lights, discussing business with a client.

Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, the one-million-dollar contract was completed, and the man chuckled his lips and said "Mr. Xu, I wish us a happy cooperation" and left.

Xu Kuangjie did not leave soon.

There was a glass of Martini in front of him, chilling.

Xu Kuangjie likes to drink cold wine, and the glass and wine temperature are just 9.9 degrees.

During the period, a few beautiful women came to talk to each other, but they were all sent away by him.

It's not that he doesn't want to fall in love.

What's more, his physical problem has not been resolved yet, it's still the same!

So now, he is 36 and he is still a real bachelor!

The old Xu in the family doesn't know how many times he has urged marriage, his head is big!

But marriage can’t be forced. He is a man like a eunuch, so he might as well become a monk!

After a while, Jiang Beiyuan came and sat down opposite Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie suddenly got angry:

"Why do you have so many children? Have you considered how I feel! I am 36, just after Double Eleven, and I am still alone. You have everything, do you know how painful I am! "

Jiang Beiyuan: "?"

Xu Kuangjie pursed his lips, "I didn't take cephalosporin just now, so I was just joking..."

Jiang Beiyuan ignored him, picked up the clean glass opposite Xu Kuangjie, and rubbed the mouth of the glass with his slender fingers.

People are more popular than people, and the next year will be the same, but Jiang Beiyuan's temperament and appearance are all higher than Xu Kuangjie's.

It may be that his whole person is too cold, giving people a kind of unpredictable feeling, the more such a non-eating fireworks, the more able to attract a moth-like fatal woman.

However, Jiang Beiyuan is more agile than Xu Kuangjie in rejecting Peach Blossom.


Two words, concise and concise, with great momentum.

So much so that all the women who came forward to strike up a conversation were discouraged.

Xu Kuangjie narrowed his mouth, "Since childhood, you have been more popular than me, and you have not suffered much."

"Ten years of lovesickness, doesn't it count?"


Xu Kuangjie has nothing to say.

Having never suffered from lovesickness, this may be the only place where he is happier than Jiang Beiyuan.

However, he is 36, and he also wants to taste the bitterness of lovesickness.

"By the way, Yannian let you out today?"

Mention this, Jiang Beiyuan's face sank.

"I haven't gone home yet, I went to find her little sister."

"What about the three children?"

"The old man is back, taking care of it."

"Well...but don't say anything, Yannian and Ding Baoyi, tut, the friendship is really long!"

Jiang Beiyuan's lips twitched a little, "Aren't we?"

Xu Kuangjie loved these words very much and raised his cup.

"Come, a toast to friendship!"

"Come, a toast to friendship!"

The first sentence was said by Xu Kuangjie.

The second sentence was said by the red roses and violets at the bar.

Xu Kuangjie looked over curiously, wanting to see who would agree with him.

Looking at it, I felt something was wrong.

Those two women are very familiar.

Jiang Beiyuan turned his back to the bar and drank the glass of wine. He hadn't noticed the strangeness behind him.

Xu Kuangjie winked at the latter, "You turn your head and look, is it your wife over the bar?"

Jiang Beiyuan frowned and quickly looked over.

The woman in the red cheongsam has a slender figure and a splendid figure. Although she is just a figure from the back, her figure, stray hair, movements between gestures...

If Jiang Beiyuan could not recognize his words, he would not be Jiang Beiyuan.

Xu Kuangjie: "Tsk tusk, your wife is here to accompany your girlfriends, it's interesting!"


Jiang Beiyuan's black eyes narrowed slightly.

I can't wait to get lost in a seam, and then in that seam, I can only hold a person.

She is laughing.

The smile is like a flower, vivid and bright, bright and delicate.

Surrounded by wolves and tigers, Jiang Beiyuan is no stranger to those eyes.


Yannian classmate, really good.


The words and thoughts at the bar didn't notice the strangeness at the back, but felt the chills spread, and she couldn't help rubbing her arms twice with the cold.

"The temperature in this bar has dropped."

"Really, I didn't think so," Ding Baoyi was still drinking and said a good drink, but couldn't stop.

"Hey, I told you that Chun'er was bedwetting last time. I was afraid that Jiang Beiyuan and I would scold her after they found out. They secretly changed their sheets with Jiang San'er early in the morning. I thought it was Saner's bed wetting. He scolded, and he didn't explain."

While speaking, Yannian sighed.

"That silly boy... When I scolded him, he didn't say a word, and it felt something was wrong when I washed the sheets in the afternoon, as if the sheets belonged to Chun'er, not Jiang San'er."

Ding Baoyi listened quietly. This mother is different from before. Many topics in speech are about children and husbands.

"Jiang San'er is pretty good."

"Yeah, let him follow his father, he is boring and calm, and he doesn't have to be slow to do anything, but he is so young, he feels old-fashioned, isn't this bad?"

Yannian also hopes that the younger son can be more lively, naughty, arrogant, and cute just like the older son, even if it is wild.

Ding Baoyi: "Let's go with him. Everyone has his own destiny. Some people are born with such a temperament. It is difficult to change. Unless you encounter someone who can cure him in the future, you may not be calm."

"makes sense!"

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so it is not uncomfortable to think so.

"Two beautiful ladies—"

The bartender came over and handed Yan Nian and Ding Baoyi two masks.

"Today is our once-a-week mask dance at Meiye Bar. It will start in five minutes. Are you two going to attend?"

Before she could refuse, Ding Baoyi reached out and took the mask, "We are here, thanks!"

Speechless, she squeezed her arm, "I won't participate anymore, don't be foolish!"

"Tsk, what are you afraid of? It's just a ball, so many people are there."

"It's not that I don't know me, I'm a giant in thought, and I'm intimidating in action!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, you are my sister, I protect you, don't be afraid!"

Ding Baoyi has the ability to speak well.


Ding Baoyi's mask is a fox, and Yannian's mask is a rabbit.

After each put on their own mask, the two people mixed into the crowd.

Many people in the bar have participated in the mask party. The mask covers their faces and only reveals a pair of eyes. No one knows whether his face is ugly or beautiful, only the figure.

The flickering light and shadow fell, adding a bit of blurred light to the whole party.

Many men talked to Ding Baoyi.

Ding, who just said to protect Yannian, has already put Yannian aside when dealing with these men.

Yannian stood in the corner, during which several men approached her, but she shook his head and refused.

Facts have proved that her charm value is still there, and it is enough to find confidence.

Rejecting the fifth one, suddenly a man came to meet him.

The figure is tall, stiff, with broad shoulders, two slender and straight legs, the man wearing a wolf mask, his eyes scorching at Yannian.

These deep and narrow peach eyes somehow made Yannian think of Jiang Beiyuan in the first reaction!

But it's not right. How could Jiang Beiyuan come to such a place?

Of course, even if Jiang Beiyuan came, he was so cold-tempered, so lofty, and always dismissive of this kind of mask dance, how could he participate in such a naive activity.

After thinking about it, the person in front of him said, "Beautiful lady, is it an honor to invite you to dance?"

The sound was rustling, with a deliberately depressed texture.

Yannian feels that... this sound... is like...

Jiang Beiyuan's.

No no no.

It couldn't be Jiang Beiyuan, it was just a man who felt a lot like him.

Ever since, thinking about it this way, Yan Nian hurriedly refused: "Sorry, I already have an appointment!"

"Oh? Where is the person who asked you?"

"He will be here soon, he is my husband!"

"That's it."

This person adjusted slowly, squinting his eyes slightly, his eyes gleaming with a strange light.

The small movements of squinting made Yannian feel that this person is too much like Jiang Beiyuan.

Is it an illusion?

So far, she has never seen a person with a temperament similar to Jiang Beiyuan.

"Unexpectedly, you are married so beautiful."

"Um... so sorry--"

Before he finished speaking, his slender waist was buckled.

The man's slender hands are strong and strong, firmly holding her waist, and the other hand easily confines her two moving hands.

Yan Nian was annoyed, "Are you a rascal? Let go of me!"

"Why, afraid of being seen by your husband?"

The man's voice is low, "Don't worry, you are wearing a mask now, he can't recognize you."

"Ha, then you really underestimate my husband. Even if I turn to ashes, he will recognize me. Please let me go quickly, or I will- um."

Clear man breath.

It was piping hot and with a familiar taste, which made Yannian feel stunned for a moment.

This man...

This man...

It feels too Jiang Beiyuan to her.

But, if it wasn't Jiang Beiyuan, it was just a man similar to him, now this strange man kissed her!

"Your uncle's death is abnormal, wait for the defendant!"

Yannian pushed him away with enough strength, raised his hand, and slapped it down.

"Sue me? Jiang, Tai, Tai?"

Word by word.

As the last rising tail sound fell, the mask of the wild wolf was also taken off.

The face in front of Yannian’s eyes is handsome, with well-defined facial features, those sharp and thin lips that have been straightened, as well as a clear chin and sharp jaw line. Everywhere is superbly crafted. line.

With the clarity of this face, Yannian's heart jumped wildly.

"Old... old... old... father."

Jiang Beiyuan tore off the rabbit mask on her face.

"I'm fat, huh?"

Saying: "..."

It's over, she won't save her life!

Thirty-six counts are the best plan!


But Jiang Beiyuan took it back easily.

He resisted the burning breath in his heart, took off his coat, and did not cover his wife's shoulders.

"Tie your own buttons and wear them!"


Yannian lowered her head and buttoned her, both hands trembling.

Damn it, they were all killed by Ding Baoyi. The facts have proved that no one should take a fluke. For example, she has a long memory this time and will never come to the bar again. This time she will never come again.

Jiang Beiyuan grabbed Yannian's waist, turned around and left, planning to go home and clean her up.

"And Ding Baoyi!" Yannian said hurriedly.

"I let Xu Kuangjie take care of her."

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