Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 938: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (10)

From that day on, Xu Kuangjie was sad and happy.

The good thing is that he is finally a normal man, and the sad thing is that 30 million is gone, spending money as fast as water.

Ding Baoyi took 30 million and returned the 30 million to Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie was puzzled.

Ding Baoyi's voice was light: "This money will be returned to your mother for me, when I have never traded with her, after all, you gave more than she gave."

"Oh, if you marry me, I will give you more then."

As soon as the words came out, there was a loud noise, and both of them were stunned.

Ding Baoyi knows better than anyone that she cannot marry Xu Kuangjie.

Xu Kuangjie also knows that he cannot marry Ding Baoyi with such a knotty eye.

Leaving aside Ding Baoyi's willingness to marry or not, he can't make it through the barriers of his parents alone.

He is not as arrogant as Jiang Beiyuan. He can stand on his own or support himself without a family and property for a woman. Xu Kuangjie can't do this. He was not a rebellious person since he was a child.

"Just now, when I didn't say it." Xu Kuangjie cleared his throat and stopped the loss in time.

"It's okay, I didn't take it seriously."

Ding Baoyi's tone was slow.

She really doesn't care.

She really doesn't care...


The next day Ding Baoyi received a call from her ex-boyfriend.

To be precise, it was her first love boyfriend at the last AK conference.

The other party's name is Ling Zhihao, who was a senior from Ding Baoyi's middle school age, five years older than Ding Baoyi.

Ling Zhihao asked Ding Baoyi to eat in a western restaurant. As soon as he entered the door, he took her hand and sat down, saying that he missed her deeply.

Ding Baoyi pulled her hand back blankly.

"We have broken up and you are married."

"Bao Yi, I am not happy at all..."

Ling Zhihao sighed.

"In the past few years, I have often wondered, if we didn’t separate back then, would we be together now, would we live happily? You are a good girl, and I didn’t betray you back then. It’s not that we didn’t love each other. It’s that the parents disagree with us in love."


Ding Baoyi's eyes were pale.

"That time has been missed, it won't happen again, and I don't love you anymore."

"I don't believe you don't feel anymore for me."

Ling Zhihao looked at her.

"I know your situation in the past few years. You have been hurt and betrayed. You haven't met a good man, haven't you?"

"That's none of your business."

"No, I know you can't forget me,"

Ling Zhihao vowed that Ding Baoyi was still thinking about himself, and held Ding Baoyi's hand again.

"Otherwise, at the press conference a while ago, why did you say hello to me? I was drunk and you sent me to the hotel. You obviously care about me."

"It's just polite and polite among friends, and I didn't know you were married at the time!"

Ding Baoyi yelled, and was about to flick Ling Zhihao away again when the phone rang suddenly.

She recovered and stood up, walked to the entrance of the restaurant to answer the phone.

The voice at that end was familiar and deep: "Turn your head."

Ding Baoyi tilted her head slightly and saw the black Maybach not far away.

Smooth body, familiar license plate number.

Xu Kuangjie: "Come out, I am waiting for you."

"Oh, I see."

She hung up the phone and looked at Ling Zhihao who was frowning. There was no more waves in her heart.

The relationship at the beginning gradually faded with the passage of time. If Ling Zhihao is single now, maybe they still have a weak possibility of development, can only be said to be good fortune.

"You don’t need to contact me anymore, and don’t call me anymore. First, I won’t talk to you secretly. Second, even if you are divorced, it’s impossible for me and you. Good for each other."

After speaking, leave without reluctance.

Ding Baoyi got into Xu Kuangjie's car.

The sun outside was dazzling, dangling Xu Kuangjie's outline, making her not clear about the expression on his face at the moment.

After thinking about it, she decided to explain: "Between me and that man, we--"

"Don't make me look down on you."

Xu Kuangjie's big hands holding the steering wheel tightened, and the words fell apart.

"He's already married, isn't he? A woman should behave well and don't do things that ruin her family. When that happens, everyone will look down on you!"


His words were cold and ironic, like a sharp knife cutting her heart.

Her heart began to bleed, and he couldn't see it, because her face was calm to the point of no emotions: "Whatever you think."

Who wouldn't speak harsh words.

It doesn't matter even the heartache.


Ding Baoyi didn't want to fight with him. She was very tired and tired, and her heart was numb with pain. When she opened the door to get out of the car, Xu Kuangjie grabbed her arm.

"Your illness is healed now, it was cured by Lao Tzu. If you change to another man, you won't be so patient with you!"

"Then do I have to thank you? Three knocks for you?!"

"No need, I volunteered."

Xu Kuangjie leaned over to kiss her lips, slapped his face with a crisp sound.


A hysterical word fell, Ding Baoyi slammed the door.

Xu Kuangjie wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and there were mottled blood on it, **** it.

After he parked the car, he got out of the car, seeing Ding Baoyi stopped the taxi on the side of the road, strode over and took her arm.

"Stop making trouble, okay?"

"Let go!"

"Ex-boyfriend from now on, don't see you!"

"I didn't intend to see him again, and you are not qualified to control me."

not qualified?

She is saying he is not qualified?

"Ding Baoyi, is Lao Tzu your boyfriend?"

"Before, I didn't say compound."

The fire in Xu Kuangjie's heart lit up, "So what do you want?! What do you want me to do?!"

The passing pedestrians looked over here, whispering.

Xu Kuangjie realized that he and Ding Baoyi had become monkeys in the circus and let out an irritable breath.

"Let's get back in the car first, can we talk slowly?"


Ding Baoyi also realized that she had become a target of public criticism.

Like Xu Kuangjie, she is a face-to-face master, and Ding Baoyi can't do things in the street.

Back in the car, Ding Baoyi took out the cigarette case from her bag and lit a cigarette.

The blue-white hairspring entangled her.

She hasn't smoked for a long time, and she is not a heavy smoker.

Xu Kuangjie snatched her smoke and wiped it out.

"When will the smoking problem be corrected? Now go and check your lungs to see how scary it is."

Ding Baoyi didn't speak, and the word hospital flashed in his mind. He suddenly thought of something and his expression suddenly became serious.

Started by her sudden seriousness, Xu Kuangjie frowned, "What's wrong with you?"


There are not many people in pharmacies now.

Ding Baoyi took a box of Yuting to check out. The waiter looked at Xu Kuangjie who was standing at the door, then looked at Ding Baoyi, and said with a smirk the price of Yuting.

At the moment Ding Baoyi took out her wallet to pay, Xu Kuangjie suddenly came over, held her hand, and looked at the waiter: "Excuse me, we don't need this medicine."

After speaking, he pulled Ding Baoyi out of the drugstore.

He was very strong, he seemed to be angry, and he didn't know what he was angry with, so he walked to the side of the road with no one to let her go.

"Stop taking birth control pills!"

With an inexplicable roar, Ding Baoyi sneered, "Don't eat, do you want me to be pregnant with your child?"


"I don't know how to be a single mother, and I have no intention of raising a child. You can't be too selfish!"

"Leave it to fate!"

Xu Kuangjie sighed.

"If you are pregnant, I will marry you, and I won't let the child be a shady. If you are not pregnant, wouldn't it be your wish?"

"Why should I listen to you?!"

Ding Baoyi looked at him with mentally retarded eyes, and then went to the drugstore again.

Xu Kuangjie won’t be so angry. Forget it. She can eat if she wants to. This thing is not good for her health. He knows that this man knows that she doesn’t know how, but what can she do if she is stubborn about him?

Holding his breath, Xu Kuangjie drove away.

Ding Baoyi came out of the drugstore and Xu Kuangjie was no longer visible.

She squeezed the pill in her hand.

thought long time.

After a long time, her fingers became cold, and after a long time, her heart became a little strange from numbness.

Can't tell if the strangeness is the courage born out of breaking through the ridges, or something else.

Finally, she walked to the trash can and lost the pills...


Ten days passed.

Xu Kuangjie lost 100 million.

Ten million at a time, 100 million at ten times, who can stand this?

Wu Ting asked Ding Baoyi to meet at the original coffee shop.

Facing each other.

"I said why you don't care about the 30 million I gave you. It turns out that my son gave you 100 million!" Wu Ting was yin and yang strange.

One hundred million is not too much for the Xu family, but it is also painful.

The fertilizer does not flow to outsiders' fields, and no one wants to give their own money to irrelevant people.

Ding Baoyi didn't get angry but smiled: "Auntie, if you check your son's account privately, he won't be happy."

Wu Ting's eyes flashed upon hearing this.

"You woman is not only smart, but also shrewd."

"Thank you for the compliment. Your son and I are both grown-ups. You are in love with each other, and you didn't steal it. Your son gave me this 100 million voluntarily."

"What do you want?!" Wu Ting gritted her teeth.

"I didn't think about what to do, take one step at a time."

"Heh, I think you deliberately want to rely on our Xu family, and don't look at how many catties you are!"

Wu Ting paused after speaking.

"This weekend Kuang Jie will be engaged to the celebrity of the Zheng family. Then you will have no reason to stay by his side!"

Ding Baoyi said nothing.

She curled her eyebrows slightly, stirring the coffee in her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, he smiled softly, "If he agrees, I don't care, I don't care."

Wu Ting felt unreasonable and left angrily.

This woman is too cold to love Xu Kuangjie at all.

Even if they get married, they will certainly not be content with the status quo, but they are coveting the Xu family's money.

Thinking this way, Wu Ting became increasingly dissatisfied with Ding Baoyi.

Compared to a cold fox like Ding Baoyi, Wu Ting prefers a simple white rabbit like Zheng Qiaoqiao.


In the evening, Wu Ting went to Xu Kuangjie's house and talked to him about the engagement.

Xu Kuangjie was completely speechless, "Mom, I have no feeling for Zheng Qiaoqiao!"

"Son, don't tell me that you are going to marry the one named Ding Baoyi. You gave her 100 million, didn't you?"

"Mom-don't you keep checking my account? Do I still have some human rights?"

"I'll check what's wrong, that is our Xu family's money, and the fertile water does not flow to outsiders' fields!" Wu Ting said every word.

"I married her, she is not an outsider."

"I disagree!"

Wu Ting directly refuted Xu Kuangjie.

She was very dissatisfied with Ding Baoyi, and she didn't like it. She couldn't let a woman she didn't like be a daughter-in-law.

Xu Kuangjie disagrees: "I marry a wife, of course I marry what I like, otherwise the marriage will not last."

"Stupid boy, feelings are cultivated slowly, what a quiet girl, clean and pure, you will love her for a long time!"

"Mom, you don't understand, I can only treat Ding Baoyi, you can see for yourself——"

Xu Kuangjie found out his examination report in the hospital and showed it to Wu Ting.

Wu Ting looked at the report and couldn't say a word.

"This... when did this happen?"

"For several years, I thought I was disabled until I met Ding Baoyi. If you still want to hold a grandson in the future, you agree to be together with us, otherwise other women will get pregnant in the future, and 99% of them are not mine. ."


Wu Ting is speechless.

Is this why the son likes that girl?

Xu Kuangjie: "Ding Baoyi is my girlfriend now, and she might be pregnant with my baby in her belly."

"This this……"

Wu Ting's mind was confused.

On the one hand is his own son.

On the one hand is his grandson.

Both ends are important.

Now Xu Kuangjie is thirty-six, and Jiang Beiyuan of the same age has three children. Xu Kuangjie still has no one. It is fake if he is not worried, but the child depends on who gave birth to it.

Xu Kuangjie thought that when he said so, Wu Ting would ignore his personal affairs, he was wrong.

Wu Ting went to Jiang Beiyuan's house early the next morning to find Jiang Beiyuan.

Yan Nian sent three children to school, and only Jiang Beiyuan himself was at home.

Seeing Jiang Beiyuan, Wu Ting burst into tears, letting Jiang Beiyuan rescue Xu Kuangjie.

"Bei Yuan... You and Kuang Jie grew up together, and now his soul has been taken away by the fox. He can't listen to what I say. You should talk about him. Let him marry a good man. Yes, there are fewer conflicts after marriage like this!"

"Auntie, it's important to have a family relationship, but he doesn't like it, but it's no use. He decides the important matter of marriage." Jiang Beiyuan said in a breeze.

Seeing that Jiang Beiyuan wouldn't help her, Wu Ting was anxious, and wanted to kneel down for Jiang Beiyuan.

Helpless Jiang Beiyuan could only temporarily agree, "Well, I will persuade him."

"Be sure to persuade him to come back! Beiyuan, you are smarter than Kuangjie and have more ideas. You can find a way to let Kuangjie see the true face of that fox. He doesn't like her anymore!"

Wu Ting's meaning is very vague.

Want Jiang Beiyuan to be a wicked person, and let him stand between Xu Kuangjie and Ding Baoyi.

Jiang Beiyuan calmly closed his eyebrows, nodded lightly, "Try my best."

Wu Ting is satisfied.

Then in the afternoon Jiang Beiyuan called Xu Kuangjie to his company.

Jiang Beiyuan briefed Xu Kuangjie about Wu Ting's finding him.

Xu Kuangjie was annoyed and felt ashamed of his mother, "Don't take my mother seriously!"

He is no longer a kid, he is more than 30, and he has his own opinions.

"Do you want to marry someone?" Jiang Beiyuan said.

Xu Kuangjie raised his eyebrows, "Who are you referring to?"

"Near my girlfriend."

"...Well, think."

Jiang Beiyuan's face was calm, as expected: "Then marry."

"But my mother doesn't work at this level. The hukou and everything are held by my mother. She doesn't agree. I can't get married at all."

"Think of a way to get her to agree temporarily, and she is fine."

"What do you mean? Do you have a way?"

Xu Kuangjie's eyes are full of expectation, looking at his brother Dei, whom he has always liked since childhood.

Jiang Beiyuan hooked his finger, "reward."

The nature of the businessman is undoubtedly revealed.

Xu Kuangjie rolled his eyes and said, "Don't search me anymore. I have a tight hand these days and I really have no money!"

"Well, then I want to go."

"Okay, you just did it. I didn't help you less when you chased your wife. Anyway, I'm not having a good time. Don't think about it. When that happens, let Ding Baoyi harass Yannian every day, and Yannian must be a sister. Great, just step aside!"

The voice just fell.

The latter raised his lips slightly, rubbing his chin, and his black eyes narrowed slightly.

"You threaten me?"

Jiang Beiyuan smiled peacefully.

Especially innocent.

But it makes people so creepy.

Xu Kuangjie said:

"I was wrong... Lord Jiang."


"Brother Kuangjie and I are getting married!"

Three days later, Zheng Qiaoqiao threw a red invitation card directly in front of Ding Baoyi.

The cover design is exquisite and perfect, with blue roses inlaid on both sides, and two red hearts in the middle.

Ding Baoyi sat in the office, took a glance and then retracted her gaze, turning the pen with her palm down.

"This invitation is for me?"

Her voice was faint, pretending to be calm and making her tone sound casual.

"Yeah," Zheng Qiaoqiao snorted, holding her arms, "Brother Kuangjie and I have unanimously decided to invite you to our wedding next Monday!"

"Do you want to follow the money?"


"If you want to follow the money, I won't go." Ding Baoyi said lazily.

"Hehe, I heard that Brother Kuangjie gave you 100 million for no reason. He gave you so much money, and you are so stingy! But no matter what, he is going to marry me anyway. You can bring nothing, people come. Just fine."


Ding Baoyi put the invitation card away and put it in the drawer.

"A free meal, don't eat for nothing, I will go."

"It turns out that you have this kind of virtue, money greedy and stingy, and you don't deserve my Kuangjie brother at all!"

Zheng Qiaoqiao shook her hair and turned away proudly.

When she left, the smile on the corner of Ding Baoyi's mouth gradually solidified, as hard as ice.

After a while, the office door opened again.

The person here is Ling Zhihao.

"Bao Yi, why don't you answer my call?"

Facing this man, Ding Baoyi rubbed her forehead with a look of disgust, "I have blacked out your number and contact information. Don't contact me anymore."

"Bao Yi..."

"Don't call me that, didn't I understand what I said last time? We can't go back anymore. We just need to live our own lives!"

"You can go back if you want."

Ling Zhihao refused to admit defeat, watching her affectionately.

"I thought about it all night last night. I was willing to divorce for you. Would you like to be with me?"

"Oh, you should be divorced from your wife. It is also a scourge to keep a scumbag like you. I thought you were good before, but now it seems that you are nothing but that, but don’t put you in a high-sounding way. Look down on the second-married man, go away, stay away from me!"

Ding Baoyi's temples began to jump, don't open your eyes in disgust.

Now there is only disgust for Ling Zhihao. How could this kind of person be her first love? She was blind at first.

"Bao Yi——"

"She let you go, can't you hear?!"

The voice behind him resounded like Satan, 12 minutes of anger.

Xu Kuangjie carried Ling Zhihao by the collar and directly carried Ling Zhihao out.

He was 185, but Ling Zhihao was only 178. He took him out of the door, and Xu Kuangjie closed the door of Ding Baoyi's office.


"Jingzi, while your grandfather is still a little patient, you are a little bit funny and get off!"

Ling Zhihao's face couldn't help being called Wenzi.

"... Mr. Xu, I just came to find someone."

"Fart. The person you are looking for is mine. She is going to marry me, and she will dare to fight her idea in the future. I will let you crawl around in Zhicheng!"

"Married? Really?" Ling Zhihao was dubious.

Xu Kuangjie took out the invitation card.

The cover is facing Ling Zhihao.

No need to open, Ling Zhihao will wilt...

"It's impossible. Baoyi is an unmarriageist. How did you persuade her to get married?"

Xu Kuangjie replied high above the ground:

"Because of love."

Ling Zhihao: "..."


Ding Baoyi made an appointment to go shopping on weekends.

The two went shopping for an hour. Ding Baoyi shouted tired after not walking too much and stopped shopping.

"Back pain, let's find a place to eat."

"What happened to your waist?"

"...It's okay, don't ask."

"How are you and Xu Kuangjie?"

At the mention of this person's name, Ding Baoyi's brows and eyes dimmed.

"He is getting married."

"Ah? Xu Kuangjie? With whom?"

Yannian is completely confused, why is it so sudden?

"With a well-known lady."

"Then what are you?"

"Female girl."

"Are you stupid?"

Yan Nian was out of anger and swiped Ding Baoyi's club.

"Who told you to say that to yourself?!"


Ding Baoyi gave a wry smile, and said nothing. The two went to a restaurant to eat.

Yannian ordered roast duck and braised elbows. Ding Baoyi felt it was too greasy. She covered her mouth and waved her hand to let Yannian take the stuff away.

Especially the roast duck, she would vomit when she smelled it.

Soon there were other vegetarian dishes. Ding Baoyi got up and said that he was going to the bathroom.

After going for a long time, it didn't come out.

Yan Nian was a little worried, she wouldn't fall into the pit anymore, went to the women's toilet and saw Ding Baoyi holding on to the wall and bending over.

She is crying.

The silent one.

She tightened her lips, tears fell from her eye sockets, one after another, exactly in the trash can.

She, this is disgusting that her tears are dirty.

Yannian felt very uncomfortable and stepped forward to hug Ding Baoyi.

"Don't do that! Tell me if you feel uncomfortable!"

Ding Baoyi recovered, sniffed, and smiled at her, "I was so irritated by the onions just now."

"Fart! Which onion do we have?"

"Can I take it with me by myself?"

"Don't be blind with me."

Yannian sighed.

"You like him very much, right?!"

He knows who he is.

Ding Baoyi said nothing.

Yannian let go of Ding Baoyi a bit, patted her on the shoulder, frowning, "Don't hide it in front of me, I have been sisters for so many years, can I still understand you? You like him, so he You are so sad to marry someone else."


Ding Baoyi lay on Yannian's shoulder, covering her eyes with one hand.

"To be precise, I fell in love with him!"

Love hurts my heart.

More than any man in the past, it made her heartache.

He scolded her, she must bear it.

He satirized her, she had to bear it.

The relatives and friends around him saw her not pleasing to the eye, and she had to bear it.

She wants to show that she only cares about money.

She herself hated this look very much.

But playing a gold worshiper is better than losing dignity and pride in front of him.

Seeing Ding Baoyi's pain, Yannian's eyes turned red.

"If you love him, tell him so that he won't marry others!"

"He wants to marry someone else. I say nothing, it's his own business. Besides, the relationship between me and him is not equal, and his arrogant mother won't agree with us.... …Forget it, don’t mention him."

Ding Baoyi walked to the sink and washed her face.

She bent down and lowered her head, splashing water on her face, and before she could touch up her makeup, she suddenly began to retching.

Retch without any signs at all.

Her stomach turned overwhelmingly uncomfortable, she hadn't eaten anything yet.

Reminiscent of just facing the disgust of roast duck...

Ding Baoyi's mind turned quickly, and suddenly thought of something, that face turned pale in a moment...

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