Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 940: Extraordinary Xu Kuangjie (12)

Ding Baoyi had to admit that she couldn't describe the movement at this moment.

The most old-fashioned marriage proposal is placed in front of me, but it makes women unable to fight.

A man said to her "I like you".

Fancy confession, romantic, funny, and greasy.

But no one had ever solemnly said "I love you" to her.

The three words I love you are very heavy and heavy. This is a rock-solid agreement and promise. If you don't understand your true intentions, you won't say it easily.

Ding Baoyi exhaled and pulled Xu Kuangjie up from the ground, reaching out to him with a slender hand.

"Hurry up and put it on your wife."

She didn't know whether this decision was right or wrong.

I just know that at this moment, I want to trust this man without hesitation.

The sentence I love you touched the softest position in her heart.

When Xu Kuangjie put a ring on someone for the first time, his hands were shaking.

Even if it is signing a contract of hundreds of millions of dollars, his hands have not tremble like this.

"We two love first and then get married, or are we married?"

"What do you mean?" Ding Baoyi asked back.

Xu Kuangjie waved his hand, "No matter what, love is over anyway!"

In a word, Ding Baoyi made a big laugh.


Fifteen minutes later, the wedding venue.

The sitting guests were whispering, and the scene was a bit chaotic, but after seeing the bride and groom appearing, everyone was silent, their eyes focused on the protagonist.

Ding Baoyi is much more beautiful than Zheng Qiaoqiao.

A 30-year-old woman has the charm and sophistication that has been polished by the years, so it seems that her temperament is particularly elegant, does not make people feel acrimonious, and is just right. The fishtail style shows her good figure.

Ding Baoyi took Xu Kuangjie's arm and the two walked to the priest.

The priest silently wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking that nothing went wrong this time.

The singing of the wedding march played, and the priest again took the oath to be said.

"Mr. Xu Kuangjie, are you willing to marry Ms. Ding Baoyi next to you as your wife? Whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, in good times or in adversity in the future, you will love her, tolerate her, protect her, and be loyal to her alone. Until I get old and die."

Xu Kuangjie clenched Ding Baoyi's hand, his thick eyebrows sank:

"I do."

Throwing sound.

The priest looked at Ding Baoyi again and asked the same thing.

Ding Baoyi nodded, "I am willing."

There was thunderous applause.

Xu Kuangjie's parents also applauded, unable to distinguish how polite and sincere.

The only regret is that Ding Baoyi’s parents were not present today. Xu Kuangjie had already thought about it a long time ago and he will hold a Chinese wedding in the future, when Ding Baoyi’s parents in his hometown will be invited.

The wedding is over.

Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain the certificate.

She was 30 years old and he was 36 years old. They were married when they were the most mature and scarred years of each other.

Then that night Yannian was crying in Jiang Beiyuan's arms, as if she had married her daughter.

Jiang Beiyuan pinched the bridge of her nose, "Mrs. Jiang, you should be happy."

"Yeah, I'm happy, I'm happy, can't I cry with joy! Husband, let's supervise Xu Kuangjie together in the future. If he dares to treat Ding Baoyi badly, I will cut him to death."

As soon as he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao called.

Xu Kuangjie called Jiang Beiyuan.

"Someone shouldn't be busy in the bridal chamber now?" Jiang Beiyuan teased.

"Hey, what kind of room? I have an accident. Come to my company as soon as possible!"

Hearing that, Jiang Beiyuan’s face did not show any serious emotions, he hung up the phone calmly, looked at Yannian again, smiled and squeezed her face like just before, "Daughter, you go to bed earlier ,I go out for a while."

"Where are you going? Did Xu Kuangjie call you?"

"Well, he called. There is something wrong with the company, not a big one. I will come back soon after I'm done."

"it is good."

Seeing Jiang Beiyuan's face calm and unwavering, Yan Nian was relieved and asked him to go early and return early.

Jiang Beiyuan changed his clothes and was about to leave. At the entrance, his trouser legs were suddenly pulled.

Looking down, it was Jiang San'er.

The little boy in a creamy-white pajamas raised his face.

"Dad, I can't sleep today."

The younger son pretends to be sentimental and deep every night.

Jiang Beiyuan bent over to hug him, and went out with his son.


Xu Group.

Xu Kuangjie sat in the office and lit a cigarette.

He hasn't smoked for a long time. In order to give Ding Baoyi a good example, he first started by quitting smoking.

Soon Jiang Beiyuan came, and Xu Kuangjie saw Jiang San'er also coming. The child was not good at passive smoking, so he hurriedly pinched the cigarette.

"I asked you to come by yourself, why did you bring this kid here too?"

Jiang Beiyuan turned a deaf ear, sat on the sofa holding Jiang Jingming, and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Xu Kuangjie sighed and briefly talked about the situation tonight with Jiang Beiyuan.

In fact, he paid a heavy price for the scene between him and Zheng Qiaoqiao at the wedding today.

Zheng Qiaoqiao is a delicate body and expensive master, who will not accompany Xu Kuangjie in acting for no reason. Before that, Xu Kuangjie paid Zheng Qiaoqiao a quarter of her own shares in the company as compensation.

Unexpectedly, just after the wedding, Zheng Qiaoqiao suddenly changed her face and wanted to take the quarter of the shares, plus her and her father's shares in the Xu Group, to rush Xu Kuangjie to step down and buy the Xu Group in one fell swoop.

"I didn't expect Zheng Qiaoqiao to be such a person! My mother said that she is a simple white rabbit. This is a little white rabbit. It is clearly a thousand-year old demon. If you want to **** my blood, it is better for my wife. I am. Sorry for her, she was wronged by letting her stay alone on the wedding night."

The more Xu Kuangjie thought about it, the more guilty he became. He only thought in his heart that he must treat Ding Baoyi better when this incident passes.

For example, wash her feet in person at night.

Jiang Beiyuan was not interested in listening to Xu Kuangjie's sensationalism, and said lightly: "If you want Jiang Nian's help, just say it."

Before the Jiang Clan Group was controlled by Xiao Chuchen, Jiang Beiyuan came back from the mountains and rebuilt the brand new Jiang Nian Group. During this period, Xu Kuangjie helped him a lot. Jiang Beiyuan has never been a stumbling block, and the merchant's true character sometimes needs to be restrained.

Xu Kuangjie nodded, not reconciled, "On the one hand, I want your company's help, but you can help me think about it. I don't want so much money to be lost in vain. It hurts to think about it!"

"God father."

Jiang San'er, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Xu Kuangjie didn't care, "What's wrong, are you hungry?"

Jiang Jingming: "I want to ask my godfather a question."


"When a shareholder transfers equity to someone other than a shareholder, it should be approved by more than half of the other shareholders, right?"


Xu Kuangjie's mind suddenly hit the North Pole and then bounced back. He had an epiphany.

Jiang Beiyuan's thin lips curled up, "Children are smarter than you."

"Hahaha, San'er Xiaojiang, you are really an uncle's lucky star!"

Xu Kuangjie squeezed Jiang Jingming's small face and couldn't put it down.

"Hey Lao Jiang, this kid will have a great future. It must be Jiang San'er who will inherit your company in the future."

Jiang Beiyuan did not answer Xu Kuangjie's distant question, and raised his eyebrows, "Is it because of me?"

"Ang, I thought it was a big deal!"

However, it is not a big deal now.

Xu Kuangjie already knew what to do.

Because although he and Zheng Qiaoqiao signed a contract, it was an invalid contract and will not be counted.


Jiang Beiyuan said nothing and left with his son.

Xu Kuangjie sent it all the way downstairs and left soon.

This love, he remembered Jiang San'er.

It will be returned to Jiang San'er in the future.


Although Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie got the certificate and got married, they still have Wu Ting after they got married.

Just after the wedding, Wu Ting moved in to live with Ding Baoyi and Xu Kuangjie.

It was nothing, if the mother-in-law is a good servant, she can bear it.

However, a mother-in-law like Wu Ting is so mean and has nothing to look for. Ding Baoyi can't get her in all aspects.

The hatred is mutual.

Wu Ting does not like Ding Baoyi, nor does Ding Baoyi like this mother-in-law.

Like tonight.

The dinner was made by Xu Kuangjie, and the dishes were mediocre.

Ding Baoyi does not know how to cook. She usually has no time to learn at work. When she is single, she eats outside, or she cooks instant noodles at home.

Xu Kuangjie put vegetables into Ding Baoyi's bowl, and said, "We need to invite two nanny over at home, one for cooking and one for cleaning, what do you think?"

"One is enough, so what do you want to do?" Ding Baoyi disapproved.

"Well, listen to you, just ask for one."

After he got married, Xu Kuangjie's temper had abated a lot, and his machismo had also receded a lot. He would follow Ding Baoyi's advice.

Wu Ting put her chopsticks directly on the side and made an old face.

"What kind of nanny? As a woman, don't you know how to cook?"

"Then mom, you can cook, I and Kuangjie are busy, I'm still pregnant, hard work."

Ding Baoyi smiled so sweetly for the first time. She was in a bare-faced state at home, and her eyes were crooked.

Xu Kuangjie's heart was very warm, she rarely called him "Kuangjie", sticky and waxy, this novel feeling was like being scratched by a cat's claw.

Wu Ting's face suddenly stretched.

"Even if you are busy, you can't even have time to cook. If you are married and a woman, you must learn to take care of this family. Besides, are you busy with my son? Do you earn more money with my son?"


In terms of earning money, personal ability is limited. Ding Baoyi is the best among women, but compared to Xu Kuangjie, he is still inferior to him.

Ding Baoyi also put down her chopsticks, folded her hands on the table, her attitude is very respectful, but this is also the limit of her patience, because she also has self-esteem and pride.

"But Mom, I really can't cook."

"No way to learn! A woman who can't cook, will be laughed at. Didn't your mother tell you before?"

"Excuse me, my mother really didn't say it. My mother said that men cook all these years."

"You speak to me well!"

Wu Ting was furious.

"When I was so old with you, I would have been a full-fledged banquet for a long time ago. If you want to tie a man's heart, you must tie the man's stomach first, don't you understand!"

"Wow~ Mom, you can make a full banquet for the Han Dynasty. Then you can make it for me and Kuangjie at noon tomorrow. Don’t make it at night. Eating so much is not easy to digest. It’s hard work. I think your baby grandson will be sure too. I like to eat the Manchu Banquet."

Ding Baoyi finished speaking pretentiously, wiped her mouth and got up, "My husband, I'm full, go back to the room and wait for you."

She brushed Xu Kuangjie's face with her thin white fingers, with a bright and moving smile on her face, but the moment she turned around, her smile disappeared.

No way, already married.

Since God doesn't have long eyes and let her show up on a wicked mother-in-law, the soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover the earth, otherwise the rest will grow, and the mother-in-law will be constrained from the beginning. How will the future live? !

Wu Ting held her mouth resentfully, and looked at Xu Kuangjie, "Son, look at your wife, she's clever!"

On weekdays, Wu Ting often acted like a baby to her husband, but Xu Kuangjie’s father had not come back abroad, so she could only act like a baby to her son.

However, Xu Kuangjie really didn't want to participate in the affairs between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

One head, five big!

"Mom, don't worry about it. I have just got married. Isn't it okay to be in harmony?"

"I want to make peace, too, listen to how she **** me?!"

"But today is obviously you looking for something first, we talked well, you have to interrupt, alas, I don't care about you."

Xu Kuangjie got up and left.

His wife is still waiting for him in the room.

Wu Ting in the living room kept rolling her eyes with anger. This person is gone. Doesn't it mean she has to clean up the dishes? !

She is so angry!


Xu Kuangjie went to the company early the next morning, and Ding Baoyi was off today without work.

Originally, I wanted to lie down in bed and have a good rest. Soon Wu Ting came and knocked on the bedroom door and asked Ding Baoyi to go downstairs to cook for her.

Ding Baoyi patiently said: "Kuangjie found a nanny, who will come over soon, let her make it for you."

"The nanny doesn't know when to come. I'm hungry now. If you don't cook for me, who will cook it for me in the future? I'm still less than 60 this year, and I will be seventy and eighty. Will you stop serving me? "

Wu Ting is aggressive.

Ding Baoyi was speechless: "If you are hungry, you can cook it yourself. I am tired now and don't want to cook for you. Besides, I really can't cook. If I make some pig food, would you eat it?"

Pig food? ?

"you you you--!"

Wu Ting pointed to Ding Baoyi's face and wished to slap it over.

"You even said that I am a pig, is there any education? How did your parents educate you?"

"Oh, Mom, I didn't say you are a pig. Don't check in."

After talking, Ding Baoyi closed the door and went back to sleep.

This kind of day of fighting with her mother-in-law, she is very annoying when she is tall.

Whoever put it on, everyone is upset.

After Xu Kuangjie came back, Wu Ting burst into tears and cried with Xu Kuangjie, saying that Ding Baoyi had abused her and refused to cook for her. He took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears, crying like her intestines would be broken.

She is just such a son. Now that the son has a daughter-in-law, she doesn't care for his mother. She has a big psychological gap!

When Xu Kuangjie heard Wu Ting cry, she couldn't stand it!

His mother is almost in her sixties, although she is well maintained, the old woman is in her sixties... and she is still crying.

It's also contrived.

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