Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 950: I'm apostate for you (6)

When receiving the call from Song Yuan, Jiang Beize had already taken a bath and was ready to go to bed.

He also left a door for Song Nan's tomb, but knew in his heart that Song Nan's tomb would not be here today.

Song Nan's tomb treats him well, favors him, and is filial to him.

I still remember when I was in New York, occasionally Song Yikai fell ill and had a fever, and no one took care of him at home. Song Nan's tomb did not say anything, and went back with a plane ticket.

He doesn't care about his brother's feelings, so he and Song Nan's tomb will eventually be separated, it's just a matter of time.

Song Yuan asked Jiang Beize to go to her house. It was already late, and Jiang Beize politely refused.

"I have something to give you. It won't delay you for a long time. I will go abroad tomorrow. I have a plane ticket early in the morning. I don't know when I will be back."

Then Jiang Beize went.

The temperature in Lucheng is warming up a little bit, but you still have to wear cotton clothes. The temperature at night is low, and the wind blowing from the north is dry and cold.

There are a lot of pedestrians on South Road, many young couples go shopping arm in arm, and there are groups of three or two sisters talking and laughing.

Jiang Beize is alone. He is wearing a brown jacket and a pair of black trousers. He is well tailored and is a haute couture style. The straight trouser legs make his legs straight.

Three young girls walked towards him, one of whom called him in surprise.

Jiang Beize raised his eyebrows helplessly, wondering what the other party was doing.

"Oh, the three of us are your high school classmates. Didn't you go to the attached high school in high school, and then you transferred!"

"..." Jiang Beize nodded, although he still didn't remember who the three girls were, and kept polite and demeanor, he smiled and said it for a long time.

Jiang Beize was very popular in high school. He has clean skin like a girl, delicate face, and delicate features like a mixed race. Years have passed, and his appearance has not changed much.

The three girls were very happy, and took him to take a photo. Jiang Beize stood in the middle, compared to a scissors hand.

He disguised himself with the purest smile, like an innocent child, but his heart was already riddled with holes. What is different from the past is that now he will no longer go to secretly figure out who to let innocent people suffer. Implicated.

"you've changed."

After taking the photo, a girl looked at him and said.

Jiang Beize kept smiling, "Is there? Is it taller or thinner?"

"No, the feeling that you gave me before was full of thoughts, but now it feels that you are unhappy."

You are not happy.

It turned out that he was unhappy, so obvious in the eyes of others.

Jiang Beize didn't explain anything.

Saying goodbye to these people, he walked to Song Yuan's house. Song Yuan's family lived on the first floor of the community. It was good that he didn't have to climb stairs.

But the moment he entered, Jiang Beize felt bad.

The ground is full of debris, piled up in a mess, daily necessities and oil paintings.

Jiang Beize is obsessed with cleanliness. At the time in New York, his house must be kept absolutely tidy. The clothes must not be wrinkled, the shirt must not be stained, and especially the collar must not have grease stains. He can't stand it at all.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I made you laugh, I was packing my luggage, I didn't have time to clean the room."

"It's okay."

Not his home, he will leave after a while.

"What do you want to give me?"

Jiang Beize stood at the entrance of the entrance, and did not step forward, but Song Yuan pulled him in.

"Sit down first, I'll give you a picture later, I spent the afternoon painting today!"

"..." Jiang Beize didn't know where he could sit.

He didn't even have a place to stay with all kinds of things, but he could see that Song Yao's paintings were good. There was a painting on the ground similar to Picasso's "Guernica" in an abstract style, but not messy.

"You paint very well."

Jiang Beize praised sincerely.

Song Yuan poured tea in the kitchen, facing Jiang Beize, "Thank you, I think so too!"

Then Jiang Beize was still looking for a place to stay, so he couldn't sit on other people's paintings.

The sofa is full of stuff, and women’s underwear is spread out on the sofa...

By the way, she didn't know he was coming over, a woman so casual and sloppy, how could she take care of her spouse after getting married.

The person in Song Nan's tomb is not good at taking care of himself, and if the other party is the same, what should two people do if they live together?

Before getting married, Jiang Beize was already worried about the future of Song Nan's tomb. After all, he wanted his Nan brother to be well.

Better than anyone else wants to make him Nan Ge.


Feeling something scraped on his ankle, Jiang Beize lowered his head and saw that a not shallow cut was made in his ankle, and blood leaked out.

It was scratched by a broken bottle.

The culprit, a broken flask was placed in the middle of the picture frame, and it was painted. Jiang Beize didn't see the bottle, he began to think it was a painting.

Normal people, no one would put a broken bottle in a picture frame, right?

Thinking about this, Song Yuan had already come out of the kitchen and put the tea on the small coffee table, oops and shouted: "Why did your feet bleed and were scratched by the bottle?"

"It's okay..."

"Sorry, there are so many sharp weapons in my house that hurt you. I'll go get you a bandage."

Jiang Beize watched as Song Yao took out a medicine cabinet from under the sofa, and then casually wrapped a bandage around his leg.

Jiang Beize finally believed one thing:

Some people are glamorous in appearance, wearing clean clothes and exquisite makeup, but they are unable to take care of themselves or self-control at home.

It's not that Song Yuan is not good. At this moment, Jiang Beize really feels that Song Yuan is not suitable for Song Nan's tomb.

"Well, can I tell you something?"

Jiang Beize opened his mouth with a sincere voice, "I don't think you and Song Nan's tomb are very suitable. He is suitable for a family-type woman, because he prefers to roam outside. After returning home, someone can take good care of him. The best."

Upon hearing this, Song Yuan stood up, his face a little darkened.

"What do you mean, women should be a yellow face woman at home and take care of men?"

"I didn't mean that, you can see that you are very casual, including the furnishings in your home are... casual."

For the time being, Jiang Beize can only think of this word to describe Song Yuan's chaotic home, which is more polite.

"Song Nan Tomb would not like this."

"How do you know that he won't like it? Tell you the truth. I called you over today. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about the Southern Tomb. I thought I had told you clearly enough, but you still seem to be at a loss. I understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"I don't understand the difference between reality and ideal!"

Song Yuan said every word.

"You pretend to be innocent like this, I have seen a lot. Whether a man or a woman, the innocent look is actually annoying. If you really love him, you should definitely leave him and go Start again where he doesn’t know, so he can’t find you, and he will start a new life.”

"I haven't considered leaving him completely, because he will find me wherever I go, unless he really lets go of me, so it doesn't matter where I go."

Jiang Beize also patiently explained to Song Yuan.

He doesn't like to conflict with people, and he speaks well. After getting along for a long time, he knows what kind of person the tomb of Song Nan is like. Unless he doesn't like it himself, otherwise, what about the end of the world, it is only a matter of time before he finds him.

Seeing Jiang Beize's ignorance of admiration, Song Yuan was immediately annoyed and pushed Jiang Beize directly.

"I don't understand what you think? I used to be nice to you. If you didn't eat that set, you have to force me to tear my face with you, right?"


"Yes, I'm just looking at Song Nan's tomb. I want to marry him. You say I am casual and he likes to live at home. Then I will marry for him to live at home, right?!"


"If we are really together, I will give birth to him, and I will give birth to him as much as he wants, can you?"

Every time Song Yuan said a word, he pushed Jiang Beize like Taimei.

Jiang Beize chose to retreat until Song Yuan's last words pierced his ears, and was pushed to the ground by her inadvertently.

Condescendingly, Song Yao hugged his arms and stared at Jiang Beize.

"So do you have a uterus? Can you give him children? Say it? Say it!"


Jiang Beize couldn't say a word.

he can not.

He and Song Nan's tomb couldn't even get married, and they talked about how to have children.

"It seems that the uterus is not a good thing, otherwise how could your mother give birth to you like a silly girl!"

The cold voice that suddenly sounded behind him pulled back Song Yao's thoughts and Jiang Beize's thoughts.

The two people looked over at almost the same time, and walked over to the tomb of Song Nan at the entrance.

He looked like a knight, dressed in a cold, mean and indifferent expression.

Song Yuan looked at him, his eyes flushed.

She has been a delicate princess since she was a child, and no one has ever said that to her, saying that she is... simple!

"Song Nan Tomb, I order you to apologize to me immediately!"

"Could it be that I was wrong? I apologize to you."

Song Nan’s tomb’s face hasn’t been so stinky for a long time. If Song Yuan is a man, he will slap him right now. Does he need to listen to her beeping here? !

"Get me up."

Song Nan's tomb pulled Jiang Beize from the ground, Jiang Beize "hissed", and Song Nan's tomb noticed his injured foot, and the wound gauze had penetrated and bleeds.

"how did you make it?"

"...It's okay to be scratched by glass."

"Come up, carry you."

Song Nan’s tomb squatted down in front of Jiang Beize, and regardless of whether he agreed with him or not, he pulled his arm directly on his shoulder, then lifted him forward, let Jiang Beize lie on his back and stand up. Got up.

Song Yao, who was standing next to him, shed tears, pear blossoms with rain, "Song Nan Tomb, what you just said was really too much!"

She was said to be crying by a man for the first time!

"Crying for your sister, crying, look in the mirror, you are an ugly one, not all men will eat you."

After speaking, he left with Jiang Beize.

The knight is here to protect the prince today.

For the prince, the knight went with the princess.

Even though the princess was crying and screaming hysterically, the knight simply left.

Jiang Beize is not very heavy, so carrying him on his back, Song Nan's tomb feels that he has lost weight in the past few days.

"You won't stay at home all night, what are you doing here?"

"...She said there was something for me."

"Oh, then she told you to commit suicide by jumping off the building, did you do the same?"

Jiang Beize: "..."

Thinking of his uselessness just now, Song Nan's tomb was furious.

"She scolded you, didn't you know how to repay it? You are the righteous master, so you were humiliated by her? The brain is stuck with steel or cement, is it solidified?"

In fact, the sentence of Song Nan's tomb to scold Jiang Beize is quite light.

To be someone else, he had already shouted, "Is all **** in your head!"

Jiang Beize: "Some people have said that the appearance of a gentleman is the most demeanor of a man, and he doesn't compete with women for quick talk."

"Who taught you this?"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Nan's tomb wanted to bite his tongue!

This kid must say his second brother!

Second Brother Second Brother Second Brother X10000.

Anyway, in Jiang Beize's eyes, only his second brother was right! His second brother is the perfect man!

"My brother Nan."

The tomb of Song Nan was taken aback.

Eight hundred bends in his mind, accompanied by his words, suddenly turned back.

The heart is too, holding back the breath for more than half a month, all because of his three words, instantly dissipated a lot.

The corners of his mouth bend, his eyes sideways, "Your brother Nan hasn't taught you this way!"

"Brother Nan has a tofu heart and a grumpy temper, but never beats a woman. This is also the gesture of Nan Ge."

If Jiang Beize coaxed people, it would be terrible, and Song Nan's tomb would eat him very much.

The corners of his mouth were about to go to heaven, and he lifted Jiang Beize up, and if he got it cheap, he still sold well, "Why didn't I know that your Nan brother is so good."

Jiang Beize lay on the shoulder of Song Nan's tomb, lowered his head and rubbed his neck.

"Don't be with this Song Yuan, OK, she is not for you."

"Then who is right for me? You say."

He deliberately joked, but Jiang Beize was silent.

After a long while, he slowly said, "I haven't found a suitable one yet, so there will be in the future."

Sure enough, this kid is more cute than acting like a baby.

Song Nan’s tomb stopped being blind and poor with him, “I’ve met Song Yao twice. It was Song Yikai’s grandson who designed me to go there. It’s just to eat a meal. Nothing else. I’ve been on my side for half a month. I was looking for a job and missed you."

The implication is that I still don't want him to misunderstand, so explain it!

Jiang Beize knew that he had nothing to do with Song Yuan, so he hugged Song Nan's tomb tightly and did not answer.

Passing by a roasted sweet potato stall, Song Nan's tomb stopped and took out the money from his pocket to buy five roasted sweet potato.

"It's nice to be an older brother, and I'm still carrying my younger brother." The uncle who sells roasted sweet potatoes joked.

Song Nan's tomb exclaimed, "This kid can't help being very weak, and he is sick twice in three days."

Almost at the doorstep, Jiang Beize finally spoke: "Why don't you explain to the uncle who roasts sweet potatoes?"

"Explain what? Our relationship? Do you think it is necessary?"

Song Nan's tomb pressed the code to open the door with one hand, holding Jiang Beize's waist with one hand.

Entering the door of the house, he put him on the sofa and the roasted sweet potatoes on the table, went and took the medicine kit, and took one of Jiang Beize's legs and put it on his own.

The bandages are already dirty, Jiang Beize's skin is white, so the flesh is very obvious.

In New York before, Jiang Beize accidentally knocked on a bruise and he felt distressed for a long time because he recovered very slowly.

The two sword eyebrows of Song Nan's tomb were tightened, with cotton swabs and disinfectant in his hands, "It hurts a bit, bear with it."

"..." Jiang Beize's tears fell.

It’s not because it hurts to cry, or it’s hard to make Song Nan’s tomb give up on himself!

Just like he couldn't give up Song Nan's tomb at all, he couldn't bear it, and couldn't cut it off completely. Love hurts.

Each other has become a piece of meat and grows in the heart, it is very tormenting to dig out the meat in the heart.

Song Nan's tomb, who didn't know Jiang Beize's thoughts, thought he had a pain in his leg, so he touched his bangs and leaned in to kiss his eye.

"Does it hurt so much? Eat some roasted sweet potatoes, sweet things to relieve the pain."

Jiang Beize shook his head, stopped crying, and closed the corners of his mouth.

No one spoke anymore.

Strictly bandaging him from start to finish, Song Nan’s tomb put the medicine box aside, and then sat beside Jiang Beize.

Time was quiet, he crossed his hands and back his head, but he looked up at the ceiling.

After a long while.

"I have thought about it. I will have a good talk with my brother tomorrow and tell him that the person I like is you. I want to be with you and ask him not to match me with others. He should not agree to our marriage. But you don’t have to intervene in this matter, I will convince him."

"Stop talking..."

Jiang Beize didn't open his eyes. He turned his head and saw a large area of ​​night outside the window. It was darkness without a trace of light coming in.

"Actually, I didn't... want to be with you that much, you don't have to explain so much to your brother now."

"I'm upset, right?"

Song Nan's tomb was so angry that it became explosive.

"Cheng, I have to rely on you. This little temper is getting more and more headless. I haven't seen you like this in New York. It seems that the waters and soils of the city made you dissatisfied. Then I will make trouble with your master and tie you up tomorrow. Desert island, see if your mouth is still savage?"

Jiang Beize sighed inwardly, then hugged Song Nan's tomb's neck.

He buried himself in his neck, not wanting to be seen by his painful and struggling expression at the moment.

"It's not enough if I was wrong."

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know, Brother Nan, I'm tired, so take me to sleep, okay."


Sentence WC from Song Nan Tomb!

He really has nothing to do with the coquettish Jiang Beize!


Early the next morning, Jiang Beize woke up and there was no one at home.

The other side of the bed was empty, and Song Nan's tomb left him a note saying that he had gone to work.

As for the job, he didn't say.

Jiang Beize read the note back and forth several times, not feeling distressed is a fake, Song Nan Tomb is a particularly independent person, does not like to rely on his brother, and does not want to be a soft rice man who depends on his partner.

In terms of work, Jiang Beize does not have the same ambition and self-esteem as Songnan Tomb.

Xu is because he has had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. He has never worried about economic problems. Even if he doesn't work, his shares in Jiang Nian Group will be enough for him to live his life.

You know, the Jiang Nian Group today is as powerful as an empire. Even if it owns 1% of the shares in the company, it will have nearly 100 million in revenue by the end of the year.

But Jiang Nian is low-key, and the whole Jiang family is low-key. They don't show off or show off their wealth. They have always been restrained.

Jiang Beize felt that his body was not so weak, got up from the bed, put on a hooded coat casually, and went to cook.

He was hungry. He had been mentally overdrawn for more than half a month. Until now he felt so hungry and wanted to live, so he had to eat well.

The doorbell rang suddenly...

Jiang Beize took off his apron and opened the door. The courier standing outside said that he had his package and asked him to sign.

Jiang Beize was puzzled, "I didn't buy anything."

"Ah... but the recipient wrote your phone number and address, is Jiang Beize correct?"

"Well, I am Jiang Beize."

Jiang Beize looked at the package subconsciously...

Then he was surprised.

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