Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 956: Qingchi Fanchao has love! (1)

When you were one year old, I was four, and my age was four times yours.

When you were ten, I was fourteen and my age was 1.4 times yours.

You are 20 this year, I am 24, and my age is 1.2 times yours.

I don't want you to catch up with me.

Just beg you to stay closer and closer.

——Title: From Mu Yanzhu’s diary.


Every weekend, Mu Yanzhu likes to come to a bar called blue.

Unlike those wild and wild places, this bar is a literary style. There are two security guards at the door who are responsible for checking everyone who passes. Underages are not allowed to enter, and greasy uncles over 30 are not allowed to enter.

So it's safe here, and souls who like quiet gather together and don't disturb each other.

Mu Yanzhu likes to sit quietly in the corner with codewords. She now writes a contract for a magazine and earns 7,000 yuan a month, which is enough to support her living expenses and her brother's tuition.

"WewerebothyoungwhenIfirstsawyou, Iclosedmyeyesandtheflashbackstarts..."

Tyler’s English song echoed in all directions in the bar, and Mu Yanzhu’s fingers tapping the keyboard paused, and suddenly there was a slight pain in his fingertips.

"Ikeepwaitingforyou, butyounevercome."

She sang the lyrics along, and her nose and eyes were sore.

I have been waiting for you, but you never showed up again.

Jiang Qingchi.

Xu is because of his family, Mu Yanzhu thinks he matures earlier than his children of the same age.

When I was in elementary school, I fell in love at first sight with a boy who had only met once. The little boy was like a little angel who appeared when she was most depressed and gave her a crooked painting.

She knew that his name was Jiang Qingchi, that he was younger than her, and that he had lost his way by bus when he went to kindergarten for the first time.

But since that day, she never saw him again.

Every day, she went to the bus stop sign and waited foolishly, holding the remaining fluke, she could see him again.

I just want to look at you again, I can stand far away.

She thinks so, thinks of countless spring, summer, autumn and winter, countless days and nights, countless times when time overlaps, thinks of her parents and relatives passing away due to illness, thinks of being alone for 24 years...


He may have moved, or transferred to another school...

Otherwise, the family is rich, and occasionally taking the bus is just to experience the fun of civilians.

So she didn't wait.

After going to university, Mu Yanzhu never went to the bus stop sign again.

Now I am a senior and I am about to graduate, I think my heart is calm, but listening to this song, I still feel sore.

The last line of the lyrics sang so well:

"Causewewerebothyoung, whenIfirstsawyou."

If life is only as good as first time.

After finishing writing today's manuscript, Mu Yanzhu turned off the computer and left with his schoolbag.

The moment she opened the door, her spectacle case fell to the ground, bent over to pick it up, and several pairs of black canvas shoes passed in front of her. One pair was spotless and the laces were so white that they were dazzling.

Boys are so particular these days, her shoelaces are not so clean.

Feeling sighed in my heart, I quickly left.

The boy with the dazzling white shoelaces walked inside like a moon surrounded by stars. A boy hooked his neck and called him "Dachi", saying that he was waiting for a black fight game, and several people entered the bar with a grin. .


Mu Yanzhu now has two classes a week, which is not too much for one, two and three for the freshman. When there is no class, she likes to find the code words in the classroom.

It is autumn, and the temperature is gradually getting colder. Yesterday Mu Yanzhu turned out a white hooded sweater and long trousers from the bottom of the box. The sweater was given by her girlfriend. Her girlfriend is now engaged in purchasing in Korea and earns a lot every month. money.

A shout came from outside the door.

Mu Yanzhu raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

It's half past five.

Today is Friday. According to school regulations, freshman and sophomore students are required to go to evening self-study except weekends. After the junior year, evening self-study is gone.

But tomorrow is the orientation meeting. From her perspective, you can see a group of people outside the window rehearsing in the playground. Today, the colleges should not go to study at night.

Just thinking about it, the door of the front classroom was suddenly opened.

A boy walked in, tall, thin, handsome, with two books in his arms.

The boy looked at Mu Yanzhu and looked at the house number above his head with some confusion.

"This is Classroom 520, right?"


Mu Yanzhu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and hung his head. It seems that the students are still going to study in the evening today. Write it quickly. After sketching the last ending, this month's draft can be concluded.

"Miss sister, are you here to study for the evening?" The boy walked over and stood in front of Mu Yanzhu.

Miss sister?

Mu Yanzhu's dead water heart beat twice, and she has lived for more than 20 years. No one has called her that.


Shook his head, "No."

"Oh, our class is going to study at night in this classroom. There are still fifteen minutes to go to class..."

"Sorry, I will leave now."

I haven't finished writing yet, so let's go back to the dorm and write again.

Mu Yanzhu packed her things and packed the computer, mouse, toilet paper, charger, and inspirational notebook, etc., that were too late to turn off, into her big bag.

The cowhide book had already turned yellow. It was a birthday present from her father, so she was not willing to throw it away.

Opening the back door, Mu Yanzhu hurried away, bumping into someone outside, her head hitting their arms.

Hearing the other party's muffled hum, Mu Yanzhu raised his head, and was stunned before he could say sorry.

If the boy who just called her "Miss Sister" is barely handsome, then this boy can be said to be shocked.

Absolutely exquisite facial features, trimmed eyebrows, standard eye shapes, the eyes are black and white, clear and pure, deep eye sockets, just right double eyelids, and long eyelashes. The bridge of the nose is tall and straight, and the lips look like thin slices, and the color is healthy like honey.

Mu Yanzhu didn't expect to see this kind of stuff in his lifetime.

"Sorry... I bumped into you."

She touched the tip of her nose to apologize.

The other party shook his head, didn't even look at her directly, and then went in, threw the schoolbag to the end of the table, and raised his legs and started playing games.

Mu Yanzhu took a deep look at him, bowed his head and walked away quickly.




Mu Yanzhu felt that he was crazy!

I have loved Jiang Qingchi for more than ten years, just because of such a glance, I am not in love with empathy.

From the classroom all the way back to the dormitory, the heart thumped and thumped and did not beat at the normal frequency.

She had to admit that she was amazed by the boy who accidentally hit her.

It is an absolute, from the depths of the soul, the stunning level of spike.

What is his name? What constellation? How old is this year? Do you have a girlfriend?

She really...want to get to know him.

Looking down at the laptop in his hand, an outline of the end, slow to move.

Looking at the actor who was writing again, he suddenly lost interest.

The perfect hero in the book is not as amazing as the boy she saw.

But since he is studying at night in that classroom, it means he is a freshman or sophomore. After that, he will study at night in classroom 520 every night, which means she still has a chance to meet.

Although, compared to others, both in appearance and temperament, Mu Yanzhu felt that--

She, worthy, no, go!


The broadcasting station of Zhida University began to select people, with ten for the editorial department and ten for the recitation department.

During the four years of university, Mu Yanzhu was not interested in all kinds of school activities, but this time, when he heard that the selected candidates had extra bonuses every month, Mu Yanzhu went.

Today she wore a blue jacket, a ponytail, black jeans, and a pair of lousy canvas shoes at her feet.

Before I left, I looked in the mirror. She was very beautiful when she was a child. She was a little girl with big eyes and oval face. No one said that she was delicate and cute. The longer she grew, the uglier she became. I don’t know where it has changed. It used to look good.

When we arrived at the broadcasting station, we lined up next to the number, and it was Mu Yanzhu's turn to go in. There were three seniors and two seniors inside.

Mu Yanzhu introduced his name, major, and class.

"Well, I am writing novels, romantic novels, the type that domineering presidents fall in love with me, and the number of clicks is about 20 million..."

How can there be twenty million?

Who can't brag.

Several people looked at each other, and one of the acne-prone seniors said: "Since you said you write romance novels, what is your outlook on love?"

Concept of Love?

Mu Yanzhuzhen thought for a while. She has been single for 24 years. There is no concept of love, her brain is blank...

"Then let me change the question, what type of boys do you personally like?"

"I don't know. I can like a person for more than ten years, or I can empathize in an instant. To me, liking someone is a feeling, there is no standard."

"Then you mean you don't like handsome guys?"

"How is it possible?" Mu Yanzhu scratched his hair. Who doesn't like the handsome guy.

"If there is an ugly man who is desperate for you, and a handsome man who loves to answer you, which one would you choose?"

"the second."

Mu Yanzhu did not hesitate.

The senior asked her why.

Mu Yanzhu: "He doesn't respond to me now, so I can't afford him in a hurry."

"well said!"

A senior sister took the lead in applauding, realizing that it was a bit too late, and put down her hands angrily.

The senior who asked the question signaled that Mu Yanzhu could leave.

Mu Yanzhu carried his schoolbag to the teaching building.

In fact, she is a bit social phobia. She has just faced so many people and answered questions like an exam. Her palms are wet. As for whether she can choose, she is resigned.

Climbing to the 5th floor, to classroom 520, she sat down and turned on the computer.

It's 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the time is just right, he will be here later.


After half an hour, the door opened.

What came in was the boy who made her think about her day and night.

Mu Yanzhu stood up, his heart jumped to his throat.

It's him.

Only himself, he seems to be coming early.

"That... classmate... Did you study yourself last night?"

I stumbled and stumbled, and my throat hurts. It was like running 800 meters and blocking a bit of blood. I couldn't get up or down.

The other party finally glanced at her this time, and quickly retracted his eyes, ignored her, took out two books from his schoolbag and threw them on the table.

Mu Yanzhu saw that one of the books was on finance.

It turns out that he majored in finance.

What does this profession mean?

Make more money! It will be very profitable in the future!

"Classmate...Hello, I want yours..."

He hesitated and walked over, asking a boy for contact information for the first time in 24 years.

But he is really handsome, wearing a simple white-gray T-shirt, black trousers, and dressing casually. There is an aristocratic temperament between his gestures, which cannot be described in words.

The other party's slender fingers turned the pen and circled around, with a cool voice, "No."

The sound is also very nice, very magnetic and textured, not gentle, and a little bit mean, but Mu Yanzhu feels the sound is terrible.

"I don't mean anything else... just want to get to know you."

"I don't want to know."

"Oh...then, sorry to interrupt."

Forget it, people should think she looks ugly and don't want to take care of her.

Such a handsome boy, there must be no shortage of girls around him, he is cold, cool, and of course he may be gay.

She is sinful and narrow-minded.

Unless he is gay, this thought will make her feel a little better in her heart, otherwise the feeling of rejection will be extremely difficult.

I packed my computer, and planned to leave with my schoolbag, and there was a cool sound from behind: "What were you writing just now?"


Mu Yanzhu turned around, "Novel, what's wrong?"

"You type quickly."

"Thank you...I practiced it."


People didn't say more.

Mu Yanzhu touched his nose, turned and left.

Come to Japan for a long time.


The next day.

Jiang Qingchi did not go to study at night.

The class guide called him and told him that he had his things at the school gate and asked him to pick it up.

At the school gate, the uncle security man handed a bank card to Jiang Qingchi.

"A young man gave it to you. It looks about your age, and he didn't leave a name."

Hearing that Jiang Qingchi frowned, then ran out with the card.

As he expected, the boy in a white sweater, with a black schoolbag on his shoulders and headphones, walked alone on the road.


Jiang Qingchi shouted and ran over.

At the age of 20 this year, he is a head taller than the 17-year-old Jiang San'er.

"Can you change your taciturn temperament?"

Jiang Qingchi was not angry and jammed the bank in his arms.

"I'm your brother, can I still spend your money?"

Jiang Jingming took off the earphones, "Then you don't cost me, don't get frustrated with our dad."

"Who is frustrated with him? Many college students don't spend money at home these days."


"Stop it, I have money and I don't need it."

He waved his hand and let Jiang San'er go.

He has to go back to study at night.

Mu Yanzhu did not see Jiang Qingchi in Class 520 today, and walked to the dormitory lost.

Passing by the front door of the library, there are no street lights around, and the grass is flickering, like fireflies are flashing.

Mu Yanzhu lowered his head and danced with the group of bugs before bumping into the telephone pole.


Holding his forehead, he felt a bag.

What a shame.

Fortunately, no one was around, grabbing the bag and hurried away.

"Jiang Qingchi——"

The classmates who had escaped for a long time to study on their own, saw Jiang Qingchi, who seemed to be laughing.

"What are you doing here, don't you go to study at night?"

"Oh," Jiang Qingchi returned to his senses, his throat cleared, "Go now."

"Why did you just laugh, so ecstasy?"

"It's okay, I saw a sow hit a telephone pole."

I left after speaking.

sow? ?

The classmates looked around.

Where's the sow from the upright Lucheng University?


Mu Yanzhu rubbed his forehead and returned to the dormitory. There were still four girls in the dormitory, everyone was there.

She lives in a six-person room, and one of her sophomores has served as a soldier. The best-looking roommate, Feng Ruting, has a black face and a long straight face, who can dress up, and is making a video call with his boyfriend smilingly.

When she hung up the phone, the smile on Feng Ruting's face faded, and she threw the phone aside with disgust. She didn't like the boyfriend now, she only dated him because he was rich.

When she graduated from university, she found a better one and broke up with him immediately.

"Oh, yes, let me tell you, I don't know who voted for the school's draft rankings. Absolutely, the first place leads the second place by more than 5,000 votes.

"..." Mu Yanzhu lowered his head while changing shoes, indifferent to this topic.

A girl in the upper bunk was speechless: "Who is the first, how old is it?"

"Sophomore, what seems to be called... Jiang Qingchi."


As Feng Ruting's voice fell, Mu Yanzhu's shoe heel was suddenly broken by her.

"Who did you just say?!"

"I'll go and startle me."

Feng Ruting patted her heart, "Jiang Qingchi, what's the matter do you know?"

Mu Yanzhu took out his phone like crazy, and asked Feng Ruting about the voting website.

The moment I saw Jiang Qingchi's photo, it seemed as if something exploded in my mind with a "bang", and then the billowing smoke turned into fragments, floating lightly on the ground, everything turned into tranquility without the slightest weight.

Mu Yanzhu's hands were shaking, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He smiled and then cried.

It turned out to be him.

It seems that it should be him.

The other roommates looked at her as if they were mentally retarded, and the writer seemed suspicious all day long.

Mu Yanzhu didn't explain anything, she was not a person willing to explain too much.

She looked at the photo for a long time, until the sun came out, only to find that she was lying in bed without sleep.

People who have been waiting for so long suddenly appear by your side in an unprepared identity. Who is not excited about such unexpected surprises?

On the second day, Mu Yanzhu had a class. After class in the afternoon, I went directly to Room 520, Block A, Bo Xue Building.

There was no one inside, everyone was going to dinner, Mu Yanzhu was not hungry at all, sitting in the last row, waiting quietly.

She stared at the blackboard in front of her, her mood never so surging, until the turbulent ocean tide returned to calm.

He should have forgotten her long ago.

After all, it was so small at the time, but it doesn't matter, start over.

Start again, Mu Yanzhu, re-introduce himself.

Say this to myself over and over again.

The front door was pushed open, and several girls were puzzled when they saw Mu Yanzhu, because they were not classmates.

Mu Yanzhu sat still, the classroom was getting more and more people, and a boy who looked like a class committee came over and asked her what she was doing.

Mu Yanzhu hardened his scalp, "A substitute for the lesson."

People didn't say much.

These days, if you have money, you can find a substitute. Whoever has more money is the uncle.

Jiang Qingchi stepped into the classroom, his black and white checked shirt opened his arms, and there was a white inside. He had bangs in front of him, not long, and his hair was illuminated by the light, so he looked soft and well-behaved.

Mu Yanzhu stared at him for a moment.

He really changed a lot.

He has become handsome, taller, thinner, and has a good body. Like a model, it is no wonder that he is ranked first in the school.

Mu Yanzhu died and sat on his face all night to study.

Fortunately, her location is relatively remote, and the big guy plays with her mobile phone, and no one notices her.

She has been watching Jiang Qingchi, watching him with one hand propped on his cheekbones, bored and lazy, either turning his pen, or looking down at the phone, occasionally frowning and sharply curved.

get out of class is finally over.

She stopped Jiang Qingchi.

There were three or two people between the two, Jiang Qingchi was very cold, "Who are you?"


Who is she? Isn’t it too far-fetched to say that I saw it once in the bus when I was young?

"Hey~ I seem to think of you a little bit."

Jiang Qingchi squinted slightly.

The stupid person who bumped into the telephone pole.

Mu Yanzhu: "Yes, I often stay in your study room with codewords. Last time I asked you for your contact information, you didn't give it."

"Oh, then?"

Everyone in the classroom was gone, and Jiang Qingchi wanted to leave too. He carried his schoolbag across his shoulders, and only had to leave the classroom at the door, but maintained his absolute demeanor and waited for Mu Yanzhu to finish.

Mu Yanzhu took a deep breath, took out a wad of money from his schoolbag and handed it over.

"This is one thousand yuan, I want your WeChat, okay?"

Jiang Qingchi was stunned.

It's not that I haven't encountered confession since I was a child. I know how handsome he is. He is beautiful and ugly, tall and short. I see too many confession, and many of them can't remember their faces.

Today this is a bit interesting, give me money? fool?

"Is one thousand enough?" Mu Yanzhu didn't wait for him to answer with anxiety.

Jiang Qingchi snorted, "Can you still give ten thousand?"

Mu Yanzhu gritted his teeth for a month and a half of salary.

"Ten thousand... also works."


Jiang Qingchi smiled. He really met a fool, and that's right, people who can hit a telephone pole are usually not smart.

"Then give the money, ten thousand, I happen to be short of money."

"Are you short of money to spend?...Well, you wait. Tomorrow in this classroom, I will give you ten thousand, and you will give me your WeChat."

Mu Yanzhu only had one thousand in his hand, and the rest of the money was kept in the card.

Knowing that today is not up to date, Chong Jiang Qingchi nodded and left.

Passing by him, at such a close distance, I saw that his Junyi's face had no flaws, clean and clear, and the longer and more handsome she was, the longer and more shabby she was.

"and many more."

Jiang Qingchi opened his throat and glanced at Mu Yanzhu. He looked seven-pointed, there was no more.

But it doesn't matter. The less he lacks, the less he cares about what, so he doesn't care about the girl's looks and height, he can't remember anyway, some are so beautiful that they don't have recognition.

"It's just one number, not that expensive."

He drew two hundred yuan from Mu Yanzhu's hand, lowered his head and wrote a series of numbers on a note, put it on the table, and then left.

Copying his pocket with one hand, it's cool, and his spine is strong.

Mu Yanzhu looked back, picked up the piece of paper on the table, and wanted to scream!

Exhausted the whole body cells to hold back!


Jiang Qingchi took 200 yuan and went to the supermarket to buy half of the yogurt and half of the fruit. The money was gone all at once.

He is really not conceptual in terms of spending money.

It happened that a buddy in the same dormitory was also visiting the supermarket, and Jiang Qingchi called him over.

"I'll give you ten bottles of yogurt, you help me carry these things back, thank you."

The deal was a good deal, and they agreed.

Jiang Qingchi went back to the dormitory with two-sleeved breeze. His black high-top sneakers were spotlessly clean. He took off his socks and lost them directly.

Jiang Qingchi never washes socks.

Anyway, he has hundreds of pairs of socks, and he throws them away after wearing them every day, which is worthy of the friendship of this day.

"President Chi, your sister called you again!" A guy in the same dormitory laughed and teased.

Everyone knows that Jiang Qingchi has money in his family. He is the rich second generation, so he is called "Chi Zong Chi".

Jiang Qingchi washed his hair and wiped his wet hair, displeased, "I've said it many times, that's my mother!"

His mother is too young to be maintained, just like in her early thirties, she is called sister by her roommate every time!

"Hello, Mom."

Jiang Qingchi connected the video and saw Yannian's face.

Yannian took off the mask and applied lotion, while asking, "Do you still have money to spend?"

"Ang, I, I took a part-time job and paid a lot of money."

"Come on, just, I still don't know you? I just spent the private money saved before, and the private money is gone, I see what you do."

"Cut, I can do it myself, your son won't starve to death."

"Um... you can't die even if you go to beg with this face."

Yannian spit out unceremoniously.

"You said you have to ask your dad for a sports car, and you have to drive before you get a driver's license, so you want to drive on campus to show off your wealth?"

"Why can't I show off my wealth if I have money?"

"What does it mean to show off your wealth when you have money? At this point, you should learn from your brother!"

One is too low-key, one is too ostentatious, and the other is the first and the third, and the two brothers will neutralize it!

Jiang Qingchi was speechless.

"Mom~~ I just want a car, I really want to."

"Don't act like a baby, it's useless."

"Mom~~You are the best!"

"Don't call mom, it's useless to call grandma, I'll stand with your dad this time."

"When do you not stand with my dad?"


He was speechless, and finally sighed.

"Call me when you have no money, and I will transfer money to you. Your dad usually doesn't check my account."

After all, he was born by himself, Jiang Qingchi said he wanted to be independent, Jiang Beiyuan let him, but the heart of being a mother just can't come down, can't watch his son be hungry and cold at school.

Jiang Qingchi disagrees, and doesn't want to ask Yannian for money for the time being.

"Don't worry, your son will stop on the street. Some girls take the initiative to support me, and today they will take the initiative to give me 10,000."

"Don't tease me, please? A rich woman in her 50s and 60s is willing to take care of you, I believe, you college students, which one is not spending your parents' money now? There are also financially independent people, but they are few. Even so, they work hard. Money, silly, can you spend it for you? You really think your mother has no brains, right?"

Jiang Qingchi repeated: "There really are..."

"It's alright, then you will put up a card tomorrow, hang a big red flower on your neck, stop at your school gate, and see which girl is willing to support you unconditionally, for you to eat, drink and wear. Ask who it is, I absolutely Allow her to be our daughter-in-law!"

Jiang Qingchi was speechless now.

Except for this girl who gave him money tonight, there is really nothing else.

Those girls said they liked him, said they fell in love with him at first sight, and they gave him gifts, water and cards. It was all three minutes of heat. Who would be stupid? Give him money?

It should be even more impossible to provide him with food and clothing, like a son.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qingchi went to wash in silence, and the phone vibrated twice.

He saw the WeChat add friend dialog box with three words:

Mu Yanzhu.

Jiang Qingchi snorted.

The name is not good.


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