Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 958: Qingchi chapter is super love! (3)

It's half past nine.

Mu Yanzhu turned off the computer and stretched out before turning on the phone.

Two WeChat popped out——

"There is a boy in my class who wants to add you. I gave him your WeChat. You can add it or not."

"I think you'd better not add him. He is a verbose person and will delay your work."

Who to add?

Open the notification, and sure enough, there is a friend verification message.

"Hello, miss, my name is Xie Zijun, I want to get to know you."

This young lady called Mu Yanzhu regained consciousness.

Thinking of it, it should be the first time I saw the boy who called her Miss Sister, who was quite white.

Then Mu Yanzhu added.

At nine o'clock, the sophomore had a self-study in the evening. Xie Zijun walked with his roommate and looked down at the phone with a smile, "That senior sister added me."

The roommate disagreed, "Where do you like her? I think she looks average."

"General? Obviously beautiful."

Xie Zijun smiled, with appreciation in his eyes, "She is really talented. Last time I saw her writing a poem on the table, it was very artistic."

Xie Zijun prefers girls who are full of literary and artistic spirits compared to those girls who have nothing but a skin and only know how to dress. Sitting there makes people feel very quiet, and the whole world is quiet.

And Mu Yanzhu's eyes are beautiful, standard almond eyes, he likes round apricot eyes, not the charming Danfeng eyes.

Jiang Qingchi was walking behind Xie Zijun, and what Xie Zijun said fell into his ears.

Li Huan held Jiang Qingchi's neck and asked him if he would go to the school internet cafe.

"Go, I'll go to the supermarket to buy some snacks!"

After speaking, he went on his own.

Another roommate glanced at Li Huan, "What happened to President Chi today?"

"Who knows, weird."


Jiang Qingchi walked around with one hand while looking at his mobile phone, placing his finger on Mu Yanzhu's WeChat account, several times with the urge to delete her.

Oh, this person said that he liked him, and then added other boys. Is it so cheap to like him Jiang Qingchi?

But forget it.

Taking the initiative to delete her, it made her feel that he cares about her!

He really laughed off his teeth. So far, apart from his family and a few brothers, there is no one who can make him care about Jiang Qingchi!

When you get to the supermarket, fate is sometimes weird. The more you don’t want to see someone, the more you see someone.

Then Jiang Qingchi saw Mu Yanzhu buying mangosteen, and he was still muttering something in his mouth.

Mu Yanzhu wanted to pay the bill, turned around and saw Jiang Qingchi, and greeted him.

Jiang Qingchi snorted proudly, turned and left.

"Hey Jiang Qingchi——"

After paying the bill, Mu Yanzhu hurried to catch up with him and stuffed the bag of mangosteen in his hand.

"For you, this is the most expensive fruit in our school."

Jiang Qingchi dropped to the ground, "Do you really think I have no money?"


Mu Yanzhu picked it up without a temper, "Can't you buy it for you?"

"No, my girlfriend buys it for me!"

"Sorry I misunderstood. I asked Xie Zijun. He said you don't have a girlfriend now."

"Oh, I tell you you don't believe it. If someone tells you, you believe it."

Mu Yanzhu was stunned, "You didn't tell me, you called me stupid."

"You stupid, no brains, if I have a girlfriend, I won't go to class, and go shopping with her every day."

Hearing this, Mu Yanzhu smiled.

That's right, I haven't seen any girl around him all day.

"Sorry, I was really wrong this time. I am sorry for giving you a bag of mangosteen."

"How much mangosteen is worth? Do you know how much my jacket is?"

"How many?"

"..." Jiang Qingchi stretched out **** and shook them.

Special drag.

Mu Yanzhu nodded: "Two hundred?"

Jiang Qingchi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Two hundred clothes still want to wear on him?

Forget it, he still don't tell her 20,000 yuan, just look at her as if she has never seen the world.

Mu Yanzhu: "If you have no clothes to wear in the future, I will buy you clothes."

"You better buy me ten thousand."

Jiang Qingchi turned and continued walking.

Mu Yanzhu followed him, he walked with long legs and wind, she had to chase hard.

It's like age. She is 24 this year and he is 20. She and he will never be the same age, but she will be a little closer to him.

"Hey, do you know, I used to watch other children eat mangosteen, and I watched it eagerly. Because mangosteen is very expensive, I can only eat apples and peaches. Mangosteen!"

Wen Yan Jiang Qingchi glanced at her.

"That's all you can do."

"Hey, contentment is always happy!"

She laughed, two small pear vortices appeared on her cheeks, and her eyes were bent, stupidly stupid.

Jiang Qingchi only noticed that Mu Yanzhu has two small pear vortexes today. When he grinned, the two small nests were obvious. If you poke it, it is probably quite fun.

He retracted his gaze, "There are four pits on your face."


"Two on each side of the mouth and two on each side of the nose."

Mu Yanzhu: "..."

Can you not mention those two acne? ?


Jiang Qingchi returned to the dormitory and threw a bag of mangosteen in his hand on the table.

"Hey Fatty Li, how much does this bag of mangosteen cost?"

"You don't know what you bought yourself?" Li Huan was puzzled.

"I...forgot to watch it."

"The owner of the fruit shop in our school has a black heart and monopolizes all the supermarket fruit purchase channels. An apple costs ten yuan a piece. The market price of mangosteen is so expensive. This bag of twenty is worth three or four hundred."


Jiang Qingchi didn't ask much, and went to the bathroom inside to take a bath.

After taking a shower, I saw a roommate's paw stretched out into his bag of mangosteen.

Jiang Qingchi frowned, "Don't move my things!"

The roommate disagreed, "Just eat one, anyway you have money."

"Let it go, I say one last time."

Seeing Jiang Qingchi's cold face, the roommate put his hand back.

Jiang Qingchi was sitting on the bed and wiping his hair. The phone vibrated several times. It was all news from Jiang San'er.

"I'll pinch and count."

"Your bank card is estimated to have only 600 yuan left."

Jiang Qingchi: "How do you know?"

Jiang San'er: "I know how much private money you save."

"And I calculated your expenses for a day carefully."

Jiang Qingchi sneered.

He does not believe that he is so poor!

He saved more than 100,000 yuan in private money, okay?

From the first sophomore year to now, how can I spend money so quickly.

The bank card was dumbfounded.

852? ? ?

No no, it must be the way he opened it.

There must be two zeros missing!

After opening it several times, the number displayed is 852!

Jiang San'er: "Are you shocked by the numbers you saw?"


But Jiang Qingchi refused to admit that when he was an older brother, how could he be looked down upon by his younger brother, "There are more than 80,000, so don't worry about it!"

"Mom's birthday next week, are you going to buy a gift? You will definitely run out of money then."

After that, Jiang San'er transferred 10,000 yuan to his brother.

"Enough for you to spend a week."

Jiang Qingchi: "Don't look down on your brother, I don't want this money, I won't die of starvation!"

As the saying goes, there is no room for two Capricorns at home. How can the pride of Capricorn be easily shaken? !

Jiang San'er: "Is a sports car that important? Why do you want to frustrate dad."

"This is not stunned, this is the dignity of a man! Dignity!"

Jiang San'er: "I think you admit it as soon as possible, don't provoke dad, dad will count you to death."

After all, in Jiang Beiyuan's heart, only his wife and daughter are not his calculation objects.

He doesn't care if you are a brother or a son.

Jiang San'er had seen through that person a long time ago, and had already understood the truth.

Jiang Qingchi thought he was long-winded: "I'll wait until Mom's birthday."

"Then you will go home?"

"Of course I have to go back."

Jiang Qingchi left the phone aside.

He glanced at a bag of mangosteen on the table.

By the way, it was Mu Yanzhu’s birthday that day.

Mu Yanzhu.

This name is really awkward and awkward, just change her name quickly.


A few days later, it was another lesson in contemporary popular culture.

Mu Yanzhu was late, and when he arrived in the classroom, he found that there were no seats in the back.

No one likes to sit in the first row. Being under the eyes of the teacher means that you don't even want to look at your phone during the whole class.

But no way, who made her come late.

Bite the scalp and plan to sit down in the first row, pulling her arm with one hand, pulling her to the third row from the bottom.

"I'm here so late, I'll help you occupy a place in the future."

Jiang Qingchi dropped Mu Yanzhu's schoolbag on the table and said lightly.

Mu Yanzhu looked straight at his perfect profile.

Isn't this a dream?

Secretly pinched a thigh, not a dream!

As soon as I turned my head, I saw that face that was thinking about it! It's still an enlarged version!

"I envy you, your boyfriend is so handsome."

There were a few little girls next to Mu Yanzhu, secretly looking at Jiang Qingchi. There was a little girl who wanted to sit beside Jiang Qingchi boldly. Who knew that his schoolbag occupied a seat, and now the schoolbag was removed. The location has been taken.

"No, no, he is not my boyfriend."

Mu Yanzhu explained that he took out his mobile phone, book and pencil bag from his schoolbag and put them on the table.

From this angle, as long as you turn your eyes slightly, you can see Jiang Qingchi beside him.

He lowered his head and was playing with his mobile phone, his thin lips pressed lightly, and the contours of his face were sharply curved.

She laughed, her little ears flushed.

If it was really a boyfriend, she would wake up happily in her dreams.

Jiang Qingchi knew that Mu Yanzhu was watching him.

This boy is easy to be satisfied, give her a little favor and she will be happy.

That is, just a few days ago, when Jiang San'er said that he should have 600 yuan left, Jiang Qingchi had the concept of a little money.

There is no doubt that San'er's calculation ability can't be calculated wrongly. Why is there a difference of more than 200 yuan in the middle?

After thinking about it, it dawned on me that I had eaten Mu Yanzhu for a few meals. Every time he turned to her WeChat, she didn't charge any money. Over time, he didn't bother to transfer money to her.

Thinking about it, it's okay to give her a place.

"Are you eating together at noon?" Mu Yanzhu dared to chat with Jiang Qingchi when get out of class was about to end.

Jiang Qingchi put the earphones in his pockets, "have an appointment, another day!"

I left after speaking.

Jiang Qingchi’s appointment is not someone else, but Jiang Chunhe.

The girl who ate with him last time was also Jiang Chunhe. He loved his sister very much. The younger sister came and bought her a lot of delicious food. She bought her some bracelets and asked her to take them back. That day, she spent a lot of money.


Jiang Chunhe wore a yellow suspender skirt today and carried a little yellow duck schoolbag. She was 17 years old like Jiang San'er, the best time, youthful years, beautiful and lovely.

Jiang Qingchi walked over and touched his sister's hair naturally, "Come alone?"

"Yeah, Saner's **** helped me with my homework, but it's here."

"Does someone help you do your homework and scold them?"


Jiang Chunhe likes to bully his younger brother, Jiang San'er doesn't care about her anyway, who makes him the youngest.

Jiang Qingchi smiled, "Go, I invite you to dinner."

"Brother, let me ask you to eat, San'er said you are poor!"

"You two are really—"

Jiang Qingchi scowled, "I have money, is 80,000 enough for you?!"

"not enough!"


Jiang Qingchi hit her, very light, not heavy.

He is not willing to beat his sister.

Because his sister is his "right man".

When he was a child, he was bothered when he saw a lover. Sometimes he went to a coffee shop to drink tea. When he saw a beautiful girl, he persuaded his younger brother and sister to help him ask for someone's QQ account.

Jiang San'er never helped. He was very cold, and he was very happy if others came to disturb him.

Jiang Chunhe is enthusiastic, as long as Jiang Qingchi speaks every time, Jiang Chunhe Baozhun promised to be happy!

"Brother, let me help you, which one? Is it forty-five degrees?"

So Jiang Qingchi loves his younger sister very much, who is the jewel in the palm of the family.


When they arrived at the restaurant, the two people's outstanding appearance and temperament were instantly eye-catching.

Jiang Qingchi told Jiang Chunhe to sit down first, and then go to cook for himself.

The food at Lucheng University is very good, with both Chinese and Western food, and the dishes are not inferior to five-star hotels.

But it is expensive!

But the cost of a meal is nothing to Jiang Qingchi.

It was nothing for the former Jiang Qingchi.

After two steak meals, the three hundred yuan was gone. Jiang Qingchi felt a pain for the first time.

He still has five hundred dollars left...

He should not survive the day after tomorrow!

Mu Yanzhu also came to the restaurant, and had a meal to eat alone. My best friend Li Wanna called her and said to see her next week and asked her to prepare food expenses in advance.

Mu Yanzhu smiled and said yes.

Both he and Li Wenna were children who had no parents since they were young, and they share the same constellation. Their personalities are very close. The friendship has lasted for ten years and is getting better and better.

After Mu Yanzhu finished the meal, he sent the plate to the dining car. As soon as he turned his eyes, he saw two beautiful figures.

Jiang Qingchi is on the next table next to her.

Opposite him, is that very beautiful girl again.

Last time she was far away, Mu Yanzhu saw only a rough outline, but she was close this time. From her direction, you can see Jiang Chunhe's complete face.

The delicate facial features, fair skin, and big eyes blinked and blinked, and they were as smart and beautiful as a porcelain doll.

This kind of girl, from head to toe, is just like the kind that is a collection of thousands of favorites, smiling and raising her sleeves, exquisite and charming.

Mu Yanzhu was dumbfounded, there was still such a beautiful person.

But Jiang Qingchi said he has no girlfriend.

It should be my sister.

Because of this, the silhouettes of her and Jiang Qingchi are somewhat similar.

Mu Yanzhu turned and left.

After Jiang Qingchi and Jiang Chunhe had dinner, he saw a familiar back.


Was she seen again?

Forget it, if there is anything to explain, he said he has no girlfriend anymore.

"Brother who are you looking at?" Jiang Chunhe followed his gaze and looked at him, only to see the same back, not knowing which one Jiang Qingchi was looking at.

Jiang Qingchi shook his head, "No one, let's go, I'll take you back."

"Wait for the driver to pick me up, and you can send me to the school gate!"


Jiang Qingchi has a snack absent.

I don't know what I am thinking at this time.

Jiang Chunhe: "Hey, by the way, this weekend for my mom's birthday, I will buy a suit for mom, so don't run into me!"


"What are you going to buy for mom?"

"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet."

"Well, San'er said that I will come to you this Friday, go shopping with you in the afternoon, and buy gifts for mom!"

"Yes, I will contact him."

He sent Jiang Chunhe to the school gate, saw the driver coming, Jiang Chunhe got in the car, and Jiang Qingchi turned and left.

Let me explain.

Isn't it just a sentence?

I took out my phone and sent a WeChat message.

"I had dinner with my sister at noon today, dear."

"I know." Mu Yanzhu returned to Jiang Qingchi in seconds.

As long as she is not going to the bathroom or eating, she usually returns to Jiang Qingchi in seconds.

Jiang Qingchi: "How do you know?"

"I think you two are very similar in profile. I guessed that they should be brothers and sisters."


Jiang Qingchi didn't reply again.

Anyway, already explained!


Friday arrived soon.

Jiang San'er leaned against the big tree at the gate of the university, wearing headphones, with both hands in his pockets.

The sun fell on his head, on his shoulders, and the blue shirt he was wearing was shone with a dazzling golden light.

Several young girls were whispering around, hesitating to come forward, because they felt Saner was very cold.

San'er didn't look at them. He wore a watch on his left wrist. His wrist was white, with no hairs at all, and his skin was more delicate than a girl.

Soon Jiang Qingchi came.

Jiang Qingchi yelled "San'er" and then hooked Jiang San'er's neck.

The little girls who were whispering narrowed their mouths, "What? I already have a boyfriend."

"What kind of world is this, the handsome guys are all together, how can we find a partner?"

"Okay, let's go quickly, both of those two are so handsome, they don't look down on us!"

Several people walked away wittily.

Jiang Qingchi took off the hand on Jiang San'er's neck.

got used to.

Jiang San'er is lonely, lonely, not close to women, so sometimes he needs his brother as a shield.

"You two have a similar temperament, you are very withdrawn."

Not knowing what was going on, Jiang Qingchi suddenly thought of Mu Yanzhu, and said casually.

Jiang San'er squinted, "Who two?"

" one."

"I like lonely ones, so please introduce them to me."

Hearing that, Jiang Qingchi was suddenly annoyed, "She is 7 years older than you? Are you too old? Besides, you don't need two lonely people in a family."

Jiang San'er hooked up the corner of his mouth, knowingly, "It seems that I already have a sister-in-law."

"Go go, buy a gift for mom!"

When the two arrived in the downtown area, one was dressed in light blue and the other was dressed in dark brown.

Jiang Qingchi wanted to buy a set of cosmetics for Yannian, but Jiang San'er said that he couldn't make it through!

Because Yannian's cosmetics were all bought by Jiang Beiyuan. I remember that Jiang San'er bought Yannian's facial mask as a birthday gift when he was a child, but before he waited overnight, he was lost by Jiang Beiyuan!

Jiang Beiyuan looks down on the daily necessities that others bought for Yannian, whether you are a son or not!

Jiang Qingchi nodded, "What should I give? A scarf?"

"That's the thing around mom's neck. Dad will cut you to death."

"Um, the head office of shoes, right?"

"Mom has enough shoes. She said yesterday that she would be celebrating her birthday this year. Don't give her shoes."

"..." Jiang Qingchi was gone.

What's the gift here?

Don't ask for words or likes, just ask to pass the level of my father.

It's not good to give nothing.

Both brothers are very hard!

At this time, I sincerely envy Jiang Chun and get together!

Because the things Chun'er gives, whether it's mom or dad, will like it very much.

Finally, after strolling around, Jiang Qingchi fancy a wallet, Jiang San'er fancy a satchel.

Although they are all packages, they have different functions!

The satchel that Jiang San'er bought was 86,000, and the wallet that Jiang Qingchi bought was small, but more expensive than a satchel, costing 120,000!

After all, cheap things can't be given away. Jiang Qingchi is the one who wants the most face.

"I'll pay."

Both bags are made by Jiang San'er.

Jiang Qingchi coughed, "I will pay you back at the end of the year."

"No, it's all my dad's money anyway."

Jiang Qingchi is speechless!

Indeed, three children and one mother spent Jiang Beiyuan's money.

But his father is rich, and Jiang Qingchi cannot refute this.

Ready to leave the mall, passing by a department store, Jiang Qingchi glanced at the cosmetics placed outside and saw an orange lipstick at first glance.

It's a sample, you can open it for a trial, it's orange, warm tones, and it looks good when you look at it.

Jiang Qingchi didn't dare to be interested in this kind of things before, but today I think this color is very beautiful.

"How much is this lipstick?"

"Three hundred." The waiter looked at the high Jiang Qingchi, with a grin on his nose.

Jiang Qingchi frowned.

He only has three hundred left, are there more!

Seeing the handsome guy frowned, the waiter waved his hand hurriedly, "Two hundred will do, otherwise one hundred will do."

"One hundred, deal."

Then I bought it.

Jiang San'er was by the side: "Who did you buy for?"

"My mother."

"Believe you are a ghost."

"..." Jiang Qingchi didn't explain.

Jiang San'er: "Let me pinch and count, you really have no money."

Jiang Qingchi glared at him, "You can figure it out by pinching your fingers?"

"My sister visited you for dinner a few days ago, you will definitely treat her to a good meal, plus this lipstick, your remaining property on hand does not exceed two hundred yuan."

Damn, he can figure it out!

Jiang Qingchi had nothing to say.


Back to the dormitory, I was worried about how to spend the remaining two hundred yuan more decently.

A roommate yelled: "Chi, don't forget to hand in your homework. It's due today."

When Jiang Qingchi opened the education platform, he saw that elective course, contemporary popular culture needs to hand in an assignment, and the deadline is five minutes!

Time passed by every minute.

I heard that the teacher is very strict. If anyone dares not complete the homework assigned by him, he will drop off the subject at the end of the term.

In fact, Jiang Qingchi is not afraid of quitting the course. The key is to quit the course. Yannian will definitely nag him. If Yannian feels unhappy, his father is unhappy, and then his life will be difficult!

Just thinking about it, the phone rang.

It was a WeChat from Mu Yanzhu. The information was as timely as Dongfeng, and he sent him the homework answers!

Jiang Qingchi was too late to say thank you, copy and paste, and submitted the homework within the last minute!

Thank goodness.

Suddenly he let out a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the dialog box, this person is actually quite good, at least every time he can solve his urgent needs at critical moments.

Although the personality is a little withdrawn, but attentive.

Mu Yanzhu could think of many details that he could not think of.

For example, he casually said "lack of money to spend", and if it was someone else, he would disagree and think he was joking.

In fact, he himself said it jokingly, and only Mu Yanzhu took it seriously.

The girl seemed to be particularly concerned about every word he said.

"Thank you." Jiang Qingchi replied in three words.

"You're welcome."

Mu Yanzhu returned in seconds.

"I guess you may not have done your homework."

Then you guessed it!

Jiang Qingchi left his cell phone aside and played games on the Internet.


The class of contemporary popular culture has been adjusted. The teacher has something to do next week, so this Saturday night will make up for next week's class.

Mu Yanzhu didn't expect that Jiang Qingchi would really take a place for her. She obviously went very early and arrived in the classroom fifteen minutes earlier. It was unexpected that Jiang Qingchi had already arrived and was still in the old position, the third row from the bottom. .

"Do you only choose this subject in your class?" Mu Yanzhu looked at him.

Her eyes were wet, white and black were clearly distinguishable.

Jiang Qingchi felt that if she didn't wear rimmed glasses, these eyes might look better.

Of course, whether she wears glasses or not, this face makes no difference in his eyes.

"I have been in three classes, have you seen anyone besides you sitting next to me?"

"..." Mu Yanzhu shook his head ignorantly, his ears suddenly red.

The words he just said made her heart-stirring, but she felt that she was thinking too much.

Mu Yanzhu went to the bathroom between classes.

After returning, I saw a lipstick on my desktop.

Whose lipstick?

Looking around, looking east and west, looking at the owner.

Jiang Qingchi thought she was so stupid, "If you turn your head, you will fall off."

"Whose lipstick?"

"Give it to you." He put his cheek in one hand and turned his hand around.

"You gave it to me?"

"Otherwise, do you still know someone in this classroom?"

"Is this a birthday present?"

Mu Yanzhu laughed. When she wasn't smiling, the Liwu was not obvious, but when she laughed, the two small Liwus were like two small pokes, sunken, and the eyes were also bent.

She laughed so much, even with glasses, it was not ugly, because she was already radiant without makeup.

Jiang Qingchi watched Mu Yanzhu for a few more seconds this time.

He found that the two pimples on Mu Yanzhu's nose were almost healed, and they were no longer visible.

She is not the kind of person who looks amazing at first glance, but she is very patience. He feels more comfortable than those who have big eyes.

"Ahem...Don't you say that I haven't remembered your birthday, ah, yes, you and my mother have the same birthday, right? I wish you a happy birthday in advance."

Jiang Qingchi turned his face and said casually.

Mu Yanzhu's eyes were moved, "Can you accompany me for my birthday tomorrow? I have no relatives. I have a girlfriend and a younger brother, but they can't make it in a while. If you can accompany me on my birthday, then Great."

"I can't, I have to go home tomorrow to celebrate my mother's birthday."

If he doesn't go there, his father will kill him, because it's impossible to miss one on his mother's birthday.

A family of five is indispensable.

Mu Yanzhu felt lost, but that was someone's mother, so it made sense.

"Yeah, okay, then you go back to celebrate your mother's birthday, I am very happy today."


Jiang Qingchi glanced at her silently.

Get a panoramic view of her lost look.

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