"If I'm not mistaken, scalpels and palm cactus are both very sophisticated ninjutsu, how can they be used at the same time."

Uchiha couldn't think of it.

In less than ten minutes, Chu Xian completely healed Shirley's burns.

The newborn skin is whiter and supple than the original.

Chu Xian ended the treatment and gathered a water mirror for the other party to see.

Shirley looked in the mirror, her eyes lit up, and bowed gratefully, "Thank you, teacher." "

Chu Xian dispersed the water mirror and said, "I'll get you a prosthesis when I turn back, although it's not so flexible, it's better than nothing." "

Shirley said, "Prosthetics? Is it made of wood. "

Chu Xian said: "You will know by then." "

Shirley suddenly looked forward to it again.

Shimurada Hayabusa wondered, "Sensei, why don't you participate in the battle, if you are, you can definitely reduce a lot of damage." "

Last time in the battlefield of the Land of Water, there were Chu Xian's psychic snakes and medical techniques, and the casualty rate was greatly reduced.

At that time, they were much relieved to fight with the enemy.

When they arrived in the Land of Earth, there was no Chu Xian, and they were full of spirit and careful every time they fought.

Even so, they still saw many former 24 comrades-in-arms, one by one, dying.

Sadness is inevitable.

"Because my mission has been accomplished."

Chu Xian said.

"After completing the mission, you can no longer participate in the war?"

Shimurata Hayabusa was puzzled.

"You know, Konoha Village has a lot of tasks, and it's impossible to give me all the tasks because I'm more powerful. In fact, I rarely participate in missions, only special tasks, especially difficult tasks will be carried out by me. "

The three children were too young, and Chu Xian didn't tell them too deep a reason.

"That's true, too."

The three thought thoughtfully.

"Teacher, how do you manage to use two ninjutsu at the same time."

Uchiha stopped the water curiously.

"It's simple, it's because I developed a ninjutsu called distraction."

Chu Xian said with a smile.


All three were curious and eager to learn.

"Distraction is my inspiration from the Shadow Doppelganger, and you should know that the Shadow Doppelganger is autonomous. And distraction is only distraction, not separation, the difficulty is not very great. The disadvantage is that you can't be distracted too much, and you can't maintain it for a long time, otherwise it's easy to schizophrenia. "

Chu Xian said.

"So that's the case, can you teach us?"

Uchiha stopped the water expectantly.

This ninjutsu is so practical that once you learn it, it is equivalent to learning to fight left and right.

You can even divide your mind and fight each other.

But that is likely to be uncoordinated and counterproductive.

A special ninjutsu like the Distraction Technique, of course, Chu Xian will not turn it in.

"Since you ask me, I will teach you, but you can't spread it without my permission."

Chu Xian said.

"Of course, I haven't passed on any of the ninjutsu you taught, even if my clan found me."

Shimurada Hayabusa said.

"That's good."

Chu Xian nodded, and then taught them the technique of distraction.

Ordinary people are not as powerful as him and cannot be used without seals, so they need to be sealed.

Chu Xian showed the printing process.

Uchiha Shishui and Shimurata Hayabusa studied seriously.

Shirley couldn't learn without a hand, and stood very lonely.

It only took ten minutes for Uchiha to stop the water and learn it first, while Shimurata Hayabusa took five more minutes to learn.

After the two learned, they used two minds, each using the knife technique and ninja tool with each hand.

At the beginning of the mental technique, the two found it very interesting.

However, if you want to use two ninjutsu at the same time, you have to learn to seal with one hand.

After thanking Chu Xian, the two went out to practice together.

"Teacher, I should go too."

Shirley said.

"Go back and rest well, and I'll come to you when I get the prosthesis."

Chu Xian said.

"Thank you, teacher."

Shirley said gratefully.

Chu Xian looked at her departing back and thought: The Mu Dun research with Snake Pill teacher should have certain results, and it is no problem to make a Mu Dun prosthesis.

Tuan Zang's wooden prosthesis is made of a big snake pill. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, with the help of Chu Xian, the research progress of the big snake pill is faster, and it should be possible to get it out in advance.

Chu Xian used psychic techniques to come to the research institute on Sanfan Island.

More than a thousand islands in between, from the Land of Fire to the Land of Water, have become his private property.

The reason why he wants an island and not a country is mainly because the island has a small population and does not have such a strong national concept, and Chu Xian easily won the support of the islanders.

Simply put, the cost of domination is low.

Many other islands are points of maritime communication, and controlling them can control maritime trade.

When Chu Xian entered the research institute, he saw that the big snake pill was conducting a Mudun experiment.

Previously, in the war, they captured a large number of ninjas, of which more than 2,600 were used as experimental subjects.

With so many experimental subjects, the big snake pill is very happy.

"The third generation of Thunder Shadow is still alive, it is worthy of the existence of a physique comparable to a tailed beast, maybe he can fuse Mu Duan."

Chu Xian said.

"This man's vitality is indeed very tenacious, and he is the best experimental subject I have ever seen. But it is also unlikely that he will fuse Mu Duan, he has lost control more than a dozen times, and I injected him with some Yagi cells. "

Orochimaru said.

"I can see it."

Chu Xian said.

The three generations of Thunder Shadow were covered in red fruits, and in the cultivation tank, some branches and leaves appeared on their bodies, and there were also some purple scales of the Yagi Great Snake.

If he continues like this, he may end up with Kumi Takatsu.

"What's the matter with you coming today."

The big snake pill knew that Chu Xian was not very interested in specific research and had no talent.

Chu Xian's talent is mainly reflected in ninjutsu.

Now the two belong to the division of labor, the big snake pill studies various genetic technologies, and Chu Xian studies ninjutsu.

Then share the results.

"I have a student who broke an arm and wants to get a wooden prosthesis, you see if it works."

Chu Xian said.

"Mu Dun prosthesis, of course, can do it, but your students may not be able to control it. Even if I dilute the power of Mu Dun a hundred times, it is still very corrosive. "

Orochimaru said.

Too much dilution will not work, then the prosthesis lacks activity, and it is useless.

"I, a student, is still tolerant, and my strength is very weak, so I definitely can't stand it if I pretend to be her."

Chu Xian said 210.

"Then it's not an ordinary weakness, such a weak student cares what he does, let him retire as a civilian."

Orochimaru said.

"I was also weak before I met you."

Chu Xian said.

The big snake pill understood as soon as he heard it, Chu Xian was born weak, so he had compassion for the weak.

This kind of compassion is something that Orochimaru does not quite understand.

Because the big snake pill has been a teacher of ape flying sun since he was a child, and he is talented, he has been a strong person since he was a child.

"Aren't we studying these things to break the limits of talent, right?"

Chu Xian smiled slightly.

"That's also true, if your student has the consciousness of death, bring him here, and I will try to help him."

Orochimaru thought to himself: Just think of it as a special experiment.

"Try it with the experimental subject first, I want to use the sealing technique to curb the power of Mu Duan's prosthesis, maybe it can be controlled."

Chu Xian said.

"This is a good idea, then try it."

Orochimaru nodded.

Anyway, now that there are more experimental subjects, it doesn't hurt to use a few.

Then he grabbed a subordinate and cut off his left arm despite the other party's pleas.

Chu Xian immediately used the palm cactus technique to seal the wound for this subordinate forbearance.

Then temporarily detained.

The big snake pill wrapped the broken arm with earth and made a mold.

Then I got a little blood, a little wood cell, put it into a mold and started cultivating.

In order to speed up the cultivation speed, Chu Xian manipulated natural energy into it, and Mu Dun cells immediately absorbed natural energy and quickly multiplied.

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