The death of cannon fodder is nothing more than a string of numbers in the eyes of big people.

In Chu Xian's eyes, the death of every mercenary is equal to a large sum of money.

This money is to be compensated by Konoha Village.

"Fuyushan killed more than nine hundred mercenaries in a battle, so go on ~ there is no one on my side."

Chu Xian said.

"It's better than I thought, maybe six or seven thousand more people can be mobilized, and the strategic goal can be achieved."

Ape Flying Sun said with his pipe in his mouth.

Because of having to deal with the Sand Hidden Village at the same time, Konoha Village is almost a limit mobilizer.

If it weren't for the mercenaries, it would be difficult for Konoha Village to deal with two villages at the same time and launch an attack.

"After a fight like that, the strength of the five great ninja villages is estimated to be almost the same."

Chu Xian said.

"As long as we control the Land of Earth, our strength can be restored as quickly as possible. Moreover, the war makes people grow rapidly, and I believe that after this battle, some geniuses will emerge in Konoha. "

Sarutobi said.

After Chu Xian spoke, neither the dark part nor the root department could ask for people from the Mist Hidden Village, and they did not dare to turn their faces with Chu Xian, so they could only strengthen their determination to fight the country of earth.

Chu Xian's practice in the Land of Water also gave Ape Flying Sun Chopper some inspiration.

After conquering the other side, there is no need to rule directly, and only some rights with greater interests are ceded.

In this way, it is easy to obtain huge benefits, and at the same time, it can avoid direct conflicts with the people of the country.

There is no need to help the poor, it can be said that it is very easy.

"By the way, I heard that there is a suspected wooden ninja among your mercenaries, it is because you have successfully studied with the big snake pill."

Ape Fei Ri's eyes flashed.

In the fierce battle, some experimental subjects unsealed Mu Dun prosthetic limbs and burst out Mu Dun power.

The other Konoha ninjas were surprised to see it and reported the incident.

"It's just a coincidence."

Chu Xian did not hide it and said about Mu Duan's prosthetic limb.

This thing has been proven to be manufactured in mass production with little risk, and it can be sold to Konoha Village.

After listening to it, Ape Fei Ri was really moved: "I owe you guys to think of this method, although it is not really Mu Duan, but from the front-line report, the performance is also very good." "

After some experimental subjects were buried alive in the mine, they relied on the strength of Mu Duan's prosthetic limb to get out of the mountain abruptly.

After being injured, properly unsealing Mu Dun can also play a role in rapid self-healing.

If there is no serious injury, the knife wound will recover in about ten minutes.

That's pretty fast.

The equivalent of a nice medical ninja that everyone carries with them.

The strength of Mu Duan's arm is also very strong, comparable to Shangnin, and has a certain advantage in close combat.

In the battle of Fuyushan, the battle loss ratio was so good, in addition to the stable play of Watergate, there was also the credit of these pseudo-wooden ninjas.

"As far as I know, there are some ninjas who have retired because of physical disabilities, equip them with wooden prosthetic limbs, and they can return to the battlefield immediately. If the village wants it, I can be cheaper, seven million each. "

Chu Xian said.

There are many ninjas who have retired because of physical disabilities, all of them are organized, at least a thousand.

These are veterans and a great fortune.

"Seven million a piece, almost catching up with the value of one Shangnin."

Sarutobi said.

Generally, the value of Shangnin is only 20 or 30 million.

Sarutobi Asma is also considered elite among the upper ninja, and the black market is worth thirty-five million taels.

The value of the black market is actually depressed, after all, it is to make black money.

In fact, the value of an elite superior ninja is more than fifty million, or even more than 100 million taels.

Of course, this is priceless.

After the strength reaches a certain level, such as the four emperors in the pirates, although there is also a bounty amount, basically no one can get it.

This bounty amount is just a status symbol for them, a ranking game.

It is only because of the organization of such madmen that they will really hunt them for money.

"The intercolumn cells were provided to you by the village, and it stands to reason that the results of the research have been obtained, and the village also has a copy."

Sarutobi said.

"So I gave the village a discount, and if it were anyone else, I wouldn't sell it for 10 million."

Chu Xian said.

"How can such a strategic thing be sold, you should not only think about making money, but also think more about the interests of the village."

Sarutobi said.

"To open a company is to make money, and in order to study these things, I have invested tens of billions into it. And you also know that this thing can't be sold casually, it really doesn't make much money. "

Chu Xian said.

A slight exaggeration.

It is indeed a huge investment, but not only to study Mu Dun prosthetics, but all projects have spent tens of billions.

Chu Xian continued: "You calculate for yourself, how many prosthetics I have to sell to earn back." "

Ape Fei Ri calculated that selling a thousand wooden prosthetics is seven billion, and it has not yet been earned.

But he also didn't believe that Chu Xian really spent tens of billions. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He thinks that Chu Xian can definitely earn, but it's hard to say how much he earns.

"The village already runs a deficit in order to fight the war, and it can't get so much money at once."

The ape flew into the sun.

"Ask the daimyo to give money, otherwise give up the attack and let the Iwain ninja fight again."

Chu Xian said.

"How can the major affairs of the military state be changed overnight."

Sarutobi thought to himself: This method is good, you can talk to the daimyo when you go back.

Of course, you can't be too direct, just say that you can't attack without money, I hope the daimyo can be considerate.

"For the sake of the village, I can lend money to the village first, and then pay me back when the daimyo sends the money, with only three cents of interest every month."

Chu Xian said.

"For the sake of the village, you also need interest."

Ape Flying Sun said dissatisfied.

"This money is not mine, the whole company has to eat." The Ape Fei clan, as well as other large families, also have family property, will you lend money to the village. "

Chu Xian said.

"One cent of interest, give me face."

Sarutobi said.

Chu Xian is not a businessman, and he is not too dead, and he is finally set at two points of interest.

Lend ten billion to the village first.

The village must buy at least 1,000 wooden prosthetics with this 10 billion.

That's equivalent to most of the money going back to the company.

The remaining three billion can be used by Konoha Village at will.

For Ape Flying Sunchop, borrowing money and buying Mu Dun prosthesis was also a great joy, and his heart was suddenly much more relaxed.

He then immediately summoned all the ninjas in Konoha Village who had retired due to their disabilities.

A total of 1,245 people were counted.

Some of them are in their forties and fifties, and they were retired from the Second World War.

A small number are retired from peacetime duty injuries.

About 40% of them were disabled and retired from the war, and the wounds are still fresh and can be transplanted directly.

Severed hands and feet, blind and deaf accounted for a large proportion.

This is easier to do.

This is followed by injury to internal organs and impaired function.

This is more difficult.

Growing an internal organ from intercolumnar cells is much more difficult than growing hands and feet.

The difficulty of porting, the difficulty of sealing, is also higher.

The risk of using Mudun is relatively large.

A small part of it is a spinal and nerve injury, directly paralyzed, and it is not easy to save it.

This is the hardest thing to do.

Chu Xian temporarily returned this part of the ninja to the knife.

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