Yin sealing is a type of sealing.

Tsunade probably also borrowed the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, because Vortex Mito was also her grandmother, and it was natural to teach her the sealing technique.

Before obtaining the Yin Seal, Chu Xian studied the sealing technique on his own.

Before that, he had learned the Ghoul Seal, the Five Elements Seal, the Four Elephant Seal, the Bagua Seal, the Vajra Blockade, the God Forbidden Technique, the Four Purple Yan Array, the Four Chiyang Array and other sealing techniques, enchantment, and binding techniques.

These are the crystallization of the civilization of the whirlpool family.

There are also some partial doors, uncommonly used sealing techniques, which Chu Xian did not learn.

Now relearn and research.

"There are several sealing techniques that can seal the tailed beast, and the tailed beast is essentially a chakra."

After Chu Xian studied it carefully, he quickly found a breakthrough.

He decided to set up an artificial dantian on his body.

The location is chosen on the chest.

At first, I still experimented with Shinobu Taki....

This experiment is relatively safer, and the experimental subjects are more able to withstand the toss.

It took more than ten days and only six Taki Shinobi to successfully develop a sealing technique that could store Chakra for a long time.

This sealing technique is based on the five acts of yin and yang, and can seal the chakra of the attributes of yin and yang and the five elements.

Chu Xian named this sealing technique 'Dantian Fayin'.

After confirming that it was safe, Chu Xian set up a dantian magic seal in the center of his chest.

After the setting is completed, inject Chakra into the Dantian Fayin....

"It worked!"

A few minutes later, Chu Xian stored more than half of his chakra in the dantian, and the result was very stable.

This is also an expected result.

Using the Five Elements Seal and the Bagua Seal, he was able to stabilize the seal of the Great Snake of Yagi.

The Dantian Law Seal, which combines the advantages of more than a dozen sealing techniques, and after a lot of optimization and innovation, is finally condensed, it can be said that it surpasses the level of sealing techniques of the Vortex family.

This is Chu Xian's demon-level talent.

According to Chu Xian's expectations, this sealing technique was enough to seal a ten-tailed chakra into it.

In addition to storing chakra, it also has a switch, pressurization function.

The switch automatically adjusts the output and input amount.

Boost accelerates the output.

Chu Xian opened the seal and liberated the Chakra inside.

As a result, Chakra smoothly integrated into itself, was very stable, and was ready to use immediately after liberation.

Chu Xian adjusts the switch to increase the output and increase the pressure.

Chakra frees up faster and more.

The whole process is still very stable, and with Chu Xian's physical fitness, it can completely withstand it.

After trying a few times without any problem, Chu Xian was basically relieved.

"With the Dantian Fayin, in the future, I will refine some Chakra every day and store it, and over time my Chakra will reach a massive level."

Chu Xian was delighted in his heart.

Chakra this thing is the same as our physical strength, even if you don't use it, it will be consumed, I don't know where to consume it.

Just imagine that physical strength can be stored.

How wonderful it is to store a hundred days of physical strength and wait until the time of battle.

Finally, he tried to absorb natural energy, refine the Immortal Chakra, and store it in the Dantian Dharma Seal while refining.

This time it didn't go well.

Immortal Chakra is a chakra of its own, which is smelted with natural energy.

Since natural energy is more violent, it needs to be actively balanced.

But after entering the Dantian Fayin, the two will automatically separate and become chaotic again.

"It's not so much melting as mixing, so it separates as soon as it gets out of control."

Chu Xian quickly grasped the key point.

Immortal Chakra is temporarily refined and is not really smelted with its own Chakra.

The two, like water and oil, are only temporarily stirred and mixed together.

Balance by your own willpower.

But once out of control, the two soon separate.

"Gotta find a way to completely melt Chakra and natural energy together."

Chu Xian pondered.

Just as he was thinking and trying, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

Chu Xian sensed that it was Tsunade, so he paused his cultivation and went out to open the door.

Opening the courtyard door, he saw Tsunade standing outside with an embarrassed look and twisted, "Chu Xian, I'm sorry to disturb you." "

Chu Xian guessed at a glance that Tsunade had probably lost all his money again.

"Of the more than 50 million you won before, I accidentally lost all of them."

Tsunade said awkwardly.

"yes, do you want me to help you win it back."

Chu Xian said.

"Uh, don't you blame me?"

Tsunade was surprised, he thought Chu Xian would be very angry.

After all, that's more than 50 million!

"You are my teacher, how can I be angry with you, that is too rude."

Chu Xian said.

Tsunade's red lips opened slightly, and he was once again touched by his gentlemanly demeanor, and he actually wanted to cry a little.

Who the hell taught this child, how can he be so gentleman and polite.

Taught by the Great Snake Pill? It can't be.

Once she thought that Bofeng Shuimen was a gentle gentleman, but she didn't expect Chu Xian to be better than him.

How could this treasure boy be collected by the big snake pill and Jiraiya.

Fortunately, Chu Xian also worshiped me as a teacher.

"Tsunade-sensei, your eyes are a little dark, are you staying up late again."

Chu Xian said with concern.

Tsunade touched his eyes, thinking of how he stayed up late, and suddenly he was even more ashamed.

"Staying up late is not good for the skin, just so I will also order medical ninjutsu, do you want me to help you activate your skin."

Chu Xian said.


Tsunade readily agreed, thinking: he doesn't blame me for losing so much money, he still cares about my skin, and I should teach him some medical ninjutsu.

So he entered Chu Xian's house.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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