After some ideological struggle, more than five hundred Mist Ninjas basically resigned themselves, changed their clothes and masks, and joined the Longdi Cave Mercenary Company.

Chu Xian mixed the ninjas of the four ninja villages and asked them to capture some small islands nearby.

On small islands, there are usually only a few dozen, up to hundreds of ninjas.

Chu Xian was too lazy to make a personal move.

In order to save his life, the Mist Ninja reunited with his family, and really fought desperately.

Chu Xian did not treat them badly, and his salary was paid according to Konoha's standards, which was higher than the other four great ninja villages.

Ninjas fight for money, salaries are paid, and there is little will to resist.

There are still a very few people who want to escape, but they are mixed with Tang Shinobu and Frost Shinobu, and there is almost no chance of escaping.

Tang Shinobu and Frost Shinobu are not captured, and they can still go home after the battle.

If someone runs away, they will report it.

Caught back and sent directly to be used as an experimental subject.

At the same time, by rotating with the front-line troops, groups of Mist Ninjas were replaced in the same way and all were captured.

In just eight days, he captured more than 4,000 Mist Hidden Ninjas.

These ninjas were not convinced at first and unwilling, but they were eventually persuaded by Chu Xian and Orochimaru.

So far, the Longjidong Mercenary Company has a total of more than eleven thousand ninjas.

It's comparable to a big ninja village.

"Recently, the Mist Ninja suddenly disappeared, and there has been no incident for several days."

"It is impossible to disappear suddenly, maybe a big attack is brewing, and it is being prepared."

"Everyone must be more vigilant and ready to go to war at any time."


The border was free of the attack of the Mist Ninja, and suddenly became quiet.

But the Konoha ninja did not dare to relax, still patrolling around, looking for traces of the mist ninja.

Chu Xian knew the truth, but did not say it.

Only a shadow avatar was left to look like a tent, and the body was fully engaged in the war at sea.

There was nothing special about the tactics after that.

Chu Xian and Orochimaru led more than 10,000 ninjas to fight one island after another.

He tried his best to block the news, hoping to make the Wuyin Village react at night.

But in the case of psychic, it was really difficult to completely block the news, and it didn't take long for the Misty Hidden Village to know.

"Thousands of ninjas in masks and gray uniforms attacked Jima Island'!"

When the high-level of Wuyin Village got this news, they were all taken aback.

"Where are so many ninjas, are they Konoha ninjas?"

The third generation of Mizukage Yukinosuke said.

After experiencing the raw capture incident, his majesty decreased a lot.

"If it's a Konoha ninja, there's no need to disguise yourself. And the other party has hit Jima Island, and the island in front is estimated to have been captured, why is there no news before. "

The Great Elder said.

"Except for Konoha, who will send so many people to attack our island, it can't be Yunyin, they all have a lot to worry about."

"It may be Yanyin Village, to take revenge on the death of the previous second generation of Earth Shadow and Water Shadow."

"We have all formed an alliance to deal with Konoha together. At this time, come to retaliate, what will Iwain Village take to deal with the big snake pill, could it be that Onoki self-lining is stronger than the third generation of Thunder Shadow. "

"Tearing up the covenant is not once or twice, it may be to take advantage of our main force against Konoha and sneak up on us."

"Onoki, this old guy has always been conceited, maybe he really feels that his dust is stronger than the third generation of Thunder Shadow."

"No matter who the other party is, how do we deal with it now."

There was a lot of talk at the top.

"How else to deal with it, mobilize everyone immediately, organize a group of ninjas, and definitely take Jima Island back!"

The Great Elder said.

"I have to send someone to Sanban Island to see if it has been captured by the other side."

The third generation of Mizukage said.

He was robbed by the Great Elder, but he did not dare to have an opinion, so he could only add.

The top brass also took it for granted.

This Jima Island is a larger island than Sanbanjima, and more than a thousand Mist Ninjas are stationed on it.

It only took Chu Xian and the others more than an hour to completely take Zhimo Island.

Killed a batch of prisoners.

Because there are enough of his subordinates, the current prisoners, as long as they are strong and knowledgeable.

All others are used as experimental subjects.

"There are only two or three elite Shinobi, which is really uninteresting."

Orochimaru said with interest.

"No hurry, at this rate, we will soon be able to hit the mainland of the Water Country, and we should be able to see the top combat power of the Mist Hidden Village by then."

Chu Xian said.

"I hope they don't let me down."

Orochimaru said.

Chu Xian planned to rest on Jimo Island for a few days.

Treat the injured ninjas first to close people's hearts and boost morale. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rebuilt the ninja base, leaving a thousand people to garrison.

After resting for seven days, Chu Xian planned to set off again.

Unexpectedly, before departure, I suddenly received news that a fleet of ships was heading towards Jimo Island.

The fleet is full of ninjas, at least more than five thousand people!

"It seems that Wuyin Village already knows, everyone is ready, put them on the island to fight."

Chu Xian said.

Some of the islands in front were garrisoned by ninjas, and at this time he had more than 7,000 ninjas under his command.

With an order, everyone dispersed to the vicinity of the coastline and hid temporarily.

After waiting for a long time, the fleet of Wuyin Village appeared.

The fleet stopped far away, and then groups of ninjas jumped into the sea and ran directly ashore on the sea.

"~ Be careful, there are many ninjas perceived in front."

A sentient Mist Ninja shouted.

The leader of the team immediately raised his hand, ordered everyone to stop, and then let the water escape out of the line.

Thousands of water dunas lined up, neatly sealed, intending to use large-scale water retreat to storm the coastline.

In this way, whether it is a trap or an ambush, most of them will be broken.

"Water escape, water dragon technique!"

Thousands of water ninjas performed magic together, and they were on the beach.

Suddenly more than a dozen giant water dragons that were several kilometers long formed and rushed towards the coast.

Faced with such a large-scale ninjutsu, Chu Xian made a move.


He activated the psychic technique on the back of his hand, and three huge purple snake heads appeared, biting three giant water dragons as soon as they came out.

"What a big snake, I know, the other party is a big snake pill!"

"According to the information provided by Yunyin Village, they were broken by the water sent by the purple giant snake."

"Kill those three big purple snakes!"

The water ninjas were first startled, and then together they used their strength to manipulate the remaining eleven giant water dragons and rushed towards the purple giant snake together.

(Qian Li Hao) Water escape, fire fighting!

Chu Xian's right hand maintained psychic art, and his left hand sealed the seal, helping the Yagi Great Snake to launch the water escape.

The Yagi Great Snake is not able to ninjutsu, and although the amount of seawater he spews out is large, it does not have any morphological changes.

With the help of Chu Xian, he spewed out three high-pressure water jets, sweeping across like a fire hydrant.

After being restrained, this high-pressure water column still has a diameter of five or six meters, which is very thick and large.

Sprayed on the giant water dragon, directly broke them, turned into heavy rain and fell, forming a torrent on the beach.

Many Mist Ninjas did not stand firm and were washed back into the sea by the torrent.

"What kind of water escape is this, it is even stronger than our water escape class!"

"Everyone, beware, the Great Waves are coming."

The fleet parked several kilometres away was affected.

The water column of the Yagi Great Serpent was too powerful, and even if they did not deliberately attack the fleet, the huge waves caused by them posed a great threat to them.

Chu Xian needed experimental subjects, did not want them to be buried in the sea, and after breaking the water dragon, he took back the Yagi Great Snake.

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