"Kill us, you are so loud, we will stand here and wait."

Orochimaru sneered.

Tuan Zang snorted coldly, and suddenly released a powerful momentum.

His accompanying guards immediately surrounded Hokage's office, and as long as he gave an order, even Hokage killed him.

At the same time, the dark guards of the ape flying sun slash also moved to protect the Hokage.

Obviously, there is not complete trust between the dark part and the root.

This was also expected by Chu Xian.

Once the root ninja of Tuanzang moved, the most nervous thing was not Chu Xian and the big snake pill, but the ape flying sun slash.

"Enough trouble!"

Ape Fei Ri slapped the table and said angrily: "Tuan Zang, you treat this place as a place, I didn't give an order, are you qualified to speak." "

"Hinata, I'm for the village."

Tuan Zang's face sank.

Ape Fei's sentence "Are you qualified to speak" deeply stung Tuan Zang's self-esteem.

At this time, he couldn't tell whether he was acting or real.

If it's acting, it feels too real.

If it's true, I'm obviously acting.

"I know you're well-intentioned, but you remember, I'm the Hokage."

Ape Flying Sun said seriously.

"So you mean to say that I did something wrong, that I shouldn't have rebuked them, that they weren't wrong?"

Tuan Zang said.

"Of course they are at fault, and their sin does not reach 7."

Sarutobi said.

"Acting privately in times of war, attacking rashly without an order, is a capital offense at any time."

Tuan Zang said in a firm tone.

"That being said, it is not uncommon that there will be occasional disobedience to orders in order to grasp the situation of the war. What's more, they finally defeated Wuyin Village, and this capital crime can be avoided. "

Ape Flying Sun Chopper took the initiative to excuse them.

It is impossible to commit a capital crime, and he is not sure of it personally.

What's more, the Great Snake Pill and Chu Xian are talents, and unless they do something contrary to the will of fire, there is still room for things to turn around

Although I don't know if Tuanzo is real or acted, since this is the case, it doesn't hurt to take the opportunity to sing a white face.

"I see that you are clearly shielding your own students, and if you change to someone else, you will still be so tolerant."

Tuanzo questioned.

"I don't discriminate!"

Ape flying sun chopping iron bones and tunnels.

"I hope so, but I still think that this matter is absolutely unforgivable."

Tuanzo insisted.

"No matter how you say that they are meritorious, if they are sentenced to death, I am afraid that other ninjas will be chilled."

Sarutobi said.

"If you don't sentence the death penalty, more people will be chilled, at least I am chilled now."

Tuan Zang said.

"Chilling is to eat hot pot, there is a seafood hot pot restaurant over there in the tourist city, it tastes good."

Ape Flying Sun sneered humorously.

"Nikka, you'll regret it!"

Danzo knocked on his crutches and left angrily.

After he left, Ape Fei Ri sighed, thinking in his heart what to do.

The Root Ninja outside left, and the Dark Ninja returned to its place.

Chu Xian and the big snake pill just watched the play and did not speak.

After a while, the ape flew to the sun; "Tuanzang has always been more impulsive, don't care. Regarding the matter of Wuyin Village, I will send someone to investigate and figure it out before deciding. "

Chu Xian and the big snake pill both said that there was no problem.

After a few more conversations, mostly encouragement and praise, and then the ape flying sun chop let them go back to rest.

After the two left, Sarutobi immediately sent people to the Land of Water and the Village of Mist.

On the other side, after Tuan Zang returned to the roots, he first made a fire.

Then personally take people to the Land of Water and Wuyin Village to see what benefits there are, and take a share of it yourself.

Not only him and Ape Flying Sun, but also many families have already received news.

They have sent people to the Land of Water and the Village of Wuyin to seize resources and divide the benefits.

Chu Xian had long expected this, so he informed the Daimyo of the Land of Water and the Misty Hidden Village in advance, and the people who went after that had nothing to do with him, and he would never interfere in the issue of interests behind.

The reason for this is mainly for fear that some people will have no bottom line and damage their reputation.

For example, Tuan Zang.

After this guy arrived in the Land of Water, he directly approached the daimyo and forced the other party to hand over the contract signed with Chu Xian.

Dainagokawa Ueno could only obediently hand it over.

After reading the agreement, Tuan Zang sneered: "Transportation, finance, mining and other things are indeed very important, but you are still too tender." "

He then directly forced the daimyo (cece) to obey him, demanding that the daimyo hand over a large sum of money every month. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In his opinion, as long as the daimyo is held, the entire country of water is not yet giving and demanding.

Signing these agreements is simply redundant.

Of course, he did not dare to destroy Chu Xian's treaty and returned it to Furukawa Ueno.

Furukawa Ueno heard Danzo's request, of course he didn't want to agree, but he was not an opponent, so he could only swallow his anger and agree for the time being.

After that, the dark part of Konoha, Hinata, Uchiha, Inuga Butterfly and other family members all found Furukawa Ueno one after another and read the agreement.

They all returned it to him after reading it, and carefully did not dare to damage this contract.

Then various requests were made to the daimyo.

"Damn, it was Chu Xian and the Great Snake Pill who defeated the Land of Water, and it was not you, one by one, so arrogant."

Finally dismissed these people, Furukawa Ueno lifted the table.

He even felt that these people were even more arrogant than Chu Xian, and some of the requirements were even more excessive.

Especially the request of Tuan Zang, it is almost necessary to use him as a puppet.

The ape flying sun chop looks slightly better, but it is not much better.

In such a comparison, Furukawa Ueno suddenly felt that Chu Xian was a good person, he defeated the country of water, but only ceded part of his rights and interests, and did not interfere with the power of the daimyofu at all.

As long as he endured this humiliation, what could he do?

But Tuan Zang and the others couldn't continue to be dashing as soon as they came.

"Wuyin Village is unreliable, that little girl is a water shadow, it is estimated that it is difficult to protect herself."

Furukawa Ueno thought about it and found that Xie Suzu also had to tie Suzuto.

Chu Xian can defeat him and save him.

So he immediately sent someone to send a secret letter to Chu Xian, hoping that he would help.

"Chu Xianjun deliberately reminded me before, saying that these people behind have nothing to do with him, and I think they are not exactly the same group."

Furukawa Ueno waited with hope.

On the other hand, Orochimaru intends to establish a brand-new, ten-fold larger research institute on Sanban Island.

He went alone.

Chu Xian stayed in Konoha Village to rest, cultivate, and study ninjutsu.

Recently, I got the treasure of Wuyin Village, which contains a lot of thunder, water, earth, and a small amount of wind and fire.

There are also some occult techniques.

This adds up to more than seven hundred ninjutsu.

Most of the D-level and C-level ninjutsu are just simple form changes, and Chu Xian basically learns them by reading them once.

B-grade A-grade ninjutsu, he would only take a few minutes to learn at most.

S-level ninjutsu is learned in ten minutes.

Of course, there were some particularly difficult ninjutsu that he would take hours to learn.

There are also some secret arts, which have special requirements and are more difficult to learn.

Unknowingly, more than two months have passed, and Chu Xian has learned most of the ninjutsu in Wuyin Village.

The ninjutsu knowledge base has been greatly expanded.

"This Mist Hidden Village also has some good ninjutsu."

Chu Xian showed a satisfied smile.

For example, water evacuation dangerous threat, water mirror technique, water mackerel bomb series, water dragon bomb series and so on.

Lei Dun and Tu Dun also have some powerful ninjutsu.

The ninjutsu he learned in Konoha Village was not as much as this time, after all, the treasures of Konoha Village were not completely open to him.

Orochimaru's ninjutsu secret room is not comprehensive.

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