The Konoha Advisor has no real power, but according to the rules, the status is the same as that of Hokage.

You can participate in high-level meetings and provide advice.

As for whether the suggestion can be adopted by the Hokage, on the one hand, it depends on whether the suggestion itself is useful.

On the other hand, it also depends on the strength and power of the consultant.

The reason why Mito Menyan and Koharu do not have a high sense of existence is that they themselves are partial to paperwork and are usually in the office.

On the other hand, it is also their weak strength, and they are echo insects in some major matters.

Their family power is also very average.

"Chu Xian, this kid is so powerful, if he is allowed to be an advisor..."

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is very entangled.

You know, as long as the strength is strong enough, even the eunuch can be nine thousand ~ years old.

Moreover, the adviser is much more justified than the eunuch.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is a little jealous of Chu Xian's strength, because Chu Xian is very young, and what will be strong in another ten years.

When he retires, if the next Hokage is Watergate, he will be bullied by Chu Xian.

In addition to Watergate, others were used as Hokage, and they had to be bullied by Chu Xian.

The big snake pill should not let him bully, but he also didn't want the big snake pill to be a fire shadow.

"Letting Chu Xian be an advisor will not only affect me, but also leave hidden dangers for the next generation of Hokage."

Ape Flying Sun Chopping analyzes the pros and cons.

Unless you directly let Chu Xian be the next generation of Hokage, you can perfectly eliminate this hidden danger.

He thought carefully: Chu Xian handed over thousands of ninjutsu at once, and he obviously had a village in his heart, and it was not unavoidable to let him be a Hokage.

These thousands of ninjutsu are more real than any promise.

After thinking about it carefully, Ape Fei Ri said: "Okay, I promise you. "

Saying these words, Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not know what the future would be, and this butterfly was beyond his control.

I only hope that Chu Xian's temperament will not change greatly in the future.

"But you have to know that being a consultant is not so easy, and you need to deal with a lot of government affairs."

Sarutobi said.

"I don't work as a consultant to participate in government affairs, but for convenience."

Chu Xian said.


Ape Flying Sun was quite stunned.

"For example, if I want to ask someone Shangnin, with my current identity, the other party will definitely not say it easily. But if I were a consultant, they would have politely told me. "

Chu Xian said.

"You're talking about this convenience."

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is a little speechless, although the consultant does have this status, but it is overkill.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that on some issues of interest, I will make suggestions."

Chu Xian said.

Ape Fei Ri Chop understood, Chu Xian was not interested in general government affairs, but he also had his own demands.

As for what this appeal is, it is unknown for the time being.

It has already been promised, and it is useless to hesitate, and can only pray that Chu Xian's appeal will not harm Konoha Village.

"I will arrange the matter of the consultant as soon as possible, in addition to this matter, I also hope to hire your ninja."

Sarutobi said.

"Hire ninjas, has the war reached this level?"

Chu Xian asked.

After defeating Yunyin and Mist, Konoha was much easier overall.

As far as he knew, the major families and ninja schools still had a group of reserve troops that had not moved.

"We intend to attack the Land of Earth, and we need more manpower."

Sarutobi said.

Chu Xian was about to become a consultant, and it didn't hurt to tell him.

"Attack the country of earth, so it is, you can go to the Longdi Cave Mercenary Company to hire, I can give you a twenty-fold discount."

Chu Xian guessed that it should be influenced by himself.

It doesn't matter to him, it's a great thing that these people can shift their target from the Land of Water to the Land of Earth without interfering with his making money in the Land of Water.

As for whether these people can win or not is their business.

"Can it be cheaper, you also know that the village is not rich."

Sarutobi said.

"This is not buying vegetables, but asking the mercenaries to work hard, and it is already very face-saving to give eight discounts."

Chu Xian said.

If Konoha Village is not rich, there will be no village rich.

Not to mention the village itself, the annual allocation of the daimyo of the Fire Nation alone is three or four times that of other ninja villages.

The Land of Fire is so rich.

"That's true, too."

Sarutobi nodded.

After a few more words, he went back to arrange. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Knowing that Chu Xian wanted to be an advisor, at first the two advisors did not agree.

Because the most important thing for consultants is seniority, as disciples of a thousand hands, they have made a lot of meritorious work.

And when Sarutobi became the Hokage, it was also the two of them who firmly supported and assisted on the side.

Sarutobi was less than thirty years old at that time, how could he hold the position of Hokage.

It must have gone through many political struggles to succeed.

In order to get the two advisors to agree, Ape Fei Ri took out more than a thousand ninjutsu handed over by Chu Xian.

The two consultants were also shocked after reading it.

"These ninjutsu are more than enough to build a ninja village, such a huge contribution, can't you be an advisor."

Ape Flying Sun said with his pipe in his mouth.

"Ah this, where did Chu Xian get so much ninjutsu."

Mito stammered.

Although most of them are ninjutsu below grade B, you should know that most ninjas cannot touch ninjutsu above level B.

So this ninjutsu below grade B is enough.

Not to mention the A- and S-level ninjutsu, which are comparable to the collection of Konoha Village.

"Some were snatched from Wuyin Village, and some were created by him. This kid's ninjutsu talent is the highest I've ever seen, and even Mr. Kuruma is probably not as good as him. Such a talent, such a heart, if his heart is cold..."

Sarutobi did not continue.

Mito Menyan and Koharu were a little suspicious, so they looked at ninjutsu one by one.

I watched it for more than two hours.

Confirming that these ninjutsu were real, they looked at each other and saw the incredible color in each other's eyes.

Except for the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar, they had never seen such a great person again.

If Chu Xian wasn't too young, he would have been able to set up a monument to him immediately.

"Well, do you agree?"

Sarutobi said.


Neither had an opinion.

"Well, then, I can also count as having an explanation for him."

Sarutobi said.

The next day, the Hokage Office announced Chu Xian's appointment, and a new member was added to the advisory group.

In order to justify Chu Xian's name, Sarutobi revealed some of his contributions to the village, including uniting with the Great Snake Pill to defeat Yunyin and Wuyin Village.

Contributed more than a thousand ninjutsu things.

As soon as this appointment was made public, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

The defeat of Yunyin and Mist Hidden Village is no longer a secret among ninjas, and no one doubts it.

But the matter of contributing more than a thousand ninjutsu was dumbfounded when the ninjas saw it.

"More than a thousand ninjutsu, really fake."

"I remember that Chu Xian's parents died when he was very young, and his father was just a middle ninja, only a few low-level ninjutsu."

"It should be the ninjutsu robbed in Yunyin and Wuyin Village."

"That's too exaggerated..."

Some ninjas expressed shock, and some ninjas expressed skepticism.

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