Tian Yuqiao accidentally clashed with the current Twelfth Prince on the road and was almost trampled by his horse's hooves. In a moment of desperation, she could only use her only weapon, the frozen flesh, to attack the enemy.

The horse slipped and the Twelfth Prince was smashed in the face with the meat jelly by Tian Yuqiao, causing him to stomp on the ground in anger.

After all, he was only twelve years old now, and his mind wasn't mature yet. He was used to being high up in the sky, but now, he had been turned into a dirty, oily and sticky by a wild girl in ragged clothes. It would be weird if he didn't get angry.

He immediately ordered the guards and experts his father had assigned to him to bring Tian Yuqiao back. He also had to use a tooth for a tooth. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Tian Yuqiao had Jin bring Yutang and Yuan Tong back to the village. Watching them leave, Tian Yuqiao took out his small pistol from the Emptiness Realm.

She really hadn't used this before, she didn't expect it to be useful today.

She called out the money. There was no helping it, it was now an urgent matter.

The moment the money came out, he appeared to be on guard. His ears twitched as he looked around vigilantly.

"You idiot, you've caused so much trouble again. "Right now, you don't even have any poison that can be used to protect yourself. I want to see what you'll do later." Wealth began its journey as a monk.

"Alright, I didn't call you out to listen to your blabbering. Right now is the time to witness your strength, hurry up and think of a way for me to escape. " Tian Yu Qiao said.

She didn't want to hide in the Emptiness Realm, because if she did, she wouldn't be able to go home. Once a person entered the Emptiness Realm, she would only stay where she was. It was just that the people outside could not see her, so she was unable to move within the Emptiness Realm.

"What can I do? Unless you hide inside the Emptiness Realm, we can come out after those bad guys leave." Wealth turned into a blind eye.

"There's an old wolf slope nearby. There's an old wolf cave there. I lived there for a few days, so I'm familiar with the wolves there. Just think of a way to bring me over. Aiya, there's nothing I can do about it. Tian Yuqiao shrugged.

Wealth sniffed the air around him. Although he was just a small leopard, he was no ordinary small leopard. His nose was actually sharper than a dog's.

After distinguishing the scent, he led Tian Yuqiao around. He even specially chose those places that were very difficult to walk on. Tian Yuqiao did not know what kind of tricks he was playing.

Even so, after they left for an hour, they were still noticed by the two of them.

Fortunately, the two of them were diligent in their efforts and did not send out a signal to call the others over.

A cold smile formed on Tian Yuqiao's lips. Since you've delivered yourselves to my doorstep, then don't blame me for being impolite.

Wealth had long jumped onto a large tree by the side, ready to take action at any time.

Those two were truly worthy of being called the best experts. They were truly good at tracking.

"Fourth Bro, you surround her from that side. This little girl is not simple, she can actually hide in such a place. It seems like she wants to be on guard against us."

"Fourth brother, if it wasn't for you, why are you getting more timid when you're still so young? She was just a little girl in the countryside. What did she know? Maybe her family lives in this old wood. "

However, even though the thin guard said so, he did not dare disobey the fourth elder. He took a detour and decided to walk in front of Tian Yuqiao. The two of them would surround him from the front and back.

The man had just made a turn when he felt the wind above his head not very friendly. He subconsciously pulled out his knife and slashed at the target. Although he managed to hit the target, the small yellow beast was completely unharmed.

His treasured blade, which had killed countless enemies, had actually pierced through the little thing's body, as if it were transparent.

He didn't care about the amount of money he had, he directly bit the man's wrist.

After all, experts were experts. They still had some immunity to money and its saliva.

Quickly detecting that there was something wrong with his body, that person quickly took out a bottle of medicine from his bosom and applied it to his wounds. He then swallowed an antidote pill.

Tian Yuqiao did not give that person a chance. Regardless of whether that person really intended to take his life or not, as long as he was caught by them, it would definitely not end well for him.

Tian Yuqiao took the opportunity to pull the trigger. A series of dripping sounds could be heard, and the man was hit three times in the chest. He fell to the ground unconscious.

As for the one he called Fourth Brother, he was also a bit puzzled when he saw his brother die so quickly.

Seventh Brother had been with him for a long time, and his ability was considered one of the upper echelons amongst the guards. But now he was lying on the ground, just like that. It seemed like he had underestimated that stinking girl.

She quickly chased after him. When Tian Yuqiao pulled the trigger again, the fuck! The bullets just now had all been shot out by her.

Seeing the tall figure approaching her, Tian Yuqiao could only sit on the ground and play the trick of a child.

"Wa ~ ~ You guys are too good at bullying people. I'm just a little kid. You two adults, why would you want to kill me?"

"Little girl, don't play any tricks. What's going on with Seventh Bro? If you don't explain it to me clearly, this place will be your grave today. " Fourth Bro sized up the little girl in front of him with interest.

He kept having the feeling that even though she was crying right now, there was not a single trace of fear in her bright eyes. There must be something wrong with this little girl.

He held a dagger in his hand as he strode towards Tian Yuqiao. At this moment, the fortune was hidden behind Tian Yuqiao's Emptiness Realm.

When the person called Number Four was less than two meters away from Tian Yuqiao, based on his step size, he could arrive in front of Tian Yuqiao in a single step.

"Little girl, I'm sorry, but you are blind this time. Since you offended my young master, you can only blame yourself for living too long. Sigh, you can't blame me for that." Will you come with me, or will I take you? Pick one yourself. "

"ROAR ~"

Waves of wolf howls of varying length could be heard, scaring the birds in the surrounding forest into flapping their wings and flying away.

"There are actually wolves here, lass. You must have some guts." I thought this would be a boring mission, but I didn't expect it to be so interesting. "

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