Fourth Bro brought back the news of Tian Yuqiao's death. That Twelfth Prince actually expressed a bit of depression towards her death, as if he was missing a toy to play with.

The Eunuch Xu by his side was an old man who stood in front of the Emperor. He could be considered one of the emperor's most trusted aides, which was why he was specially sent to escort the Twelfth Prince out.

"Mistress, from what I see, this place is a bit special. Why would the wolf pack appear in such a close proximity to humans? Furthermore, the death of Seventh Bro and Fourth Bro's injuries were somewhat unusual. This servant knows the martial arts of the two of them, and will definitely not let a small beast harm their lives. "

Fourth Bro also said, "It's all my fault for not being able to check on Seventh Bro's wound. He really did die in a strange way." But now that his body is in the stomach of the pack of wolves, I'm afraid we can't trace him. "

"In my opinion, we should return as soon as possible. Don't worry His Majesty."

The Twelfth Prince said with a stern face: "That won't do, this time my royal father wants me to gather evidence of Big Brother's rebellion. How can this prince let royal father down? Although that is still my big brother and we have a brotherly relationship, if we return empty-handed this time, royal father will definitely think that I am very useless. "

Eunuch Xu's false beard that was plastered to his chin trembled as he thought to himself, "A little kid like you still intends to find traces of the crown prince? You are simply a fool's dream." The Emperor asked you to come here just to have fun and have fun, why are you so serious?

However, he naturally did not dare to say these words, as this little ancestor was very difficult to deal with.

Whether they would go or stay was naturally not a question that Tian Yuqiao was currently considering. Now that she was deep in the slope of the Old Wolf, there was a pool of stagnant water in front of her. It must have seeped through the cracks in the rocks when it rained.

She put her finger into the water and called for the money to help transport a large amount of water from the lotus pond. Fortunately, the lotus pond water was inexhaustible, so the amount of damage she could deal would automatically be replenished.

Soon, the originally dirty water in the small pond became clear. Tian Yuqiao could not help feeling a little depressed. He did not expect the Emptiness Realm Lotus Pond water to have the effect of purifying other water sources.

The pack of wild wolves could not hold it in any longer and rushed forward. They stuck out their scarlet tongues and started to collect the water in the pool.

There was the sound of water everywhere, and the wolves did not care. They let the water drop fall on their noses and foreheads.

After drinking it up, the wolves looked at Tian Yuqiao with a different look, becoming more amiable and gentle.

Tian Yuqiao had not thought that he would be able to buy so many wolves after just using so much water. It looked like there were at least forty to fifty wolves.

One of the one-eyed wolf actually felt less pain on its injured and infected eyelids after drinking the water that had been added by Tian Yuqiao.

He was a fierce and mature wolf, and was also the successor of the next generation Wolf King. However, during a hunt, he was blinded by a wild bull. However, this did not affect its battle strength in the slightest. Instead, it made its temperament even more violent and ferocious.

At the beginning, Tian Yuqiao was most afraid of this wolf. However, now, it seemed that it was actually trying to curry favor with her. It even shook its head at her.

Tian Yuqiao stretched out her small hand and caressed its head. Then, as if by magic, a small wooden bottle appeared in his hand.

She observed that the wolf's wounds should have been there for quite some time, but perhaps it was due to the circumstances that it was unable to form a scab.

He gently sprinkled the Golden Sore Medicine powder onto the wound of the one-eyed wolf. The wolf's body trembled for a moment, but it quickly calmed down. It seemed to have sensed Tian Yuqiao's kindness, so it did not move.

During all of this, the wolf cub was standing by Tian Yuqiao's side, observing the other wolves' movements. He was afraid that some of them would hurt his cute little sister.

The one-eyed wolf followed Tian Yuqiao's hand movements and actually narrowed its eyes. It had a very satisfied look on its face. Tian Yuqiao finished applying the medicine. Then, he dipped the handkerchief in the lotus pond water and cleaned the area around the wound.

He swapped the bottle gourd for another and poured out two Golden Sore Pills. Patting the wolf on the bridge of his nose, he opened his mouth and took deep breaths. Tian Yuqiao took advantage of this opportunity and threw the pill in his hand inside.

The wolf didn't care and just treated it as eating sugar beans. It licked its lips a few times and licked the sides of its mouth as if nothing had happened.

After all this was done, Tian Yuqiao asked the wolf cub to send him down the mountain.

Only when the sun set did she return to the village with the gold.

After waving goodbye to the wolf cub, Tian Yuqiao did not forget to tell him, "Do your best to drink that water. Oh right, take these bottles of medicine." As you should have seen, this bottle is used this way, and that gourd is used that way. If any of you get hurt in the future, just use this medicine. "You can come back to me after you use it. Our home is right there, in the big yard closest to the foot of the mountain."

The wolf child accepted the two small wooden bottles and two small gourds that Tian Yuqiao had left for him with great satisfaction. Just now, he had also seen that after the one-eyed wolf had consumed the medicine, his wounds no longer stank.

By the time Tian Yuqiao returned home, Lady Wang was already anxious like an ant on a hot pan. She was restless and had been waiting at the gate all this time.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Qiao'er, why did you come back so late?" Mother heard from them that you offended a seemingly rich young noble on the street today. I wonder if he has caused any trouble for you? "

Mrs Wang grabbed Tian Yuqiao and gave her 360 degrees, a comprehensive check without any blind spots.

Seeing Lady Wang being so nervous and concerned about him, Tian Yuqiao's heart could not help but warm up.

"Mom, I'm fine, they won't be able to catch me. Do you remember the time I was saved? This time it was those wolves and their children who saved me. " Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Yutang and Yuan Yuan also came over and pestered Tian Yu Qiao to tell her about how they escaped.

"Aiya, you stinking kids! Qiao'er just came back from outside and she's been tired all day. Hurry up and let her rest. Mother will prepare dinner for you guys." Lady Wang said with a doting expression.

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