Gold probed the mountain to find some people fighting with the wild wolves. Among them was Tian Yuqiao's savior, the wolf cub.

Although Tian Yuqiao did not know how he was dragged into this matter, nor did he know why those people would appear on the South Mountain, she had to save the wolf cub.

She had a small killing weapon in her hand, and she also had gold and wealth to help lead the way. If she wanted to avoid the enemies' attacks, it should be very easy. She was planning on hiding in the dark and shooting coldly, which was why she dared to go alone.

However, her action this time was discovered by Yuan Ji. He had no choice but to give them too much Void Stage Lotus Pond Water, making everyone's five senses and six senses especially sensitive.

Without a choice, Tian Yuqiao could only bring Yuan Su up the mountain. Otherwise, she wouldn't need to go tonight.

Yuan Ji carried his long rod with his eyebrows, and the two of them didn't even take out a lantern. They just borrowed the snow light on the ground to go up the mountain.

However, when the two of them followed Jin Ling to the location of the incident, what they saw were pieces of cold dead bodies. The corpses were still bleeding, and the pungent smell of blood was not easily dispersed by the north wind.

"Gold, quick, take a look. Where is the wolf cub?" Tian Yuqiao felt a little uneasy.

Wealth warned her that there were still some bad people in the southwest.

Tian Yuqiao did not dare to be careless. One had to know that these people killed without blinking an eye. They didn't know what kind of enmity they had with that young master of a rich family who had galloped in the streets that day. Judging from the clothes of the dead man on the ground, they were naturally the people who were with the young man, and the other group was the masked man in black.

Tian Yuqiao stealthily circled around the few men in black who were still alive. After aiming at them, she pulled the trigger. The sound of flowing water could be heard, and those people died without any precautions.

"Oh god, the people around that young master are all dead!" Tian Yuqiao was slightly nervous.

"Eh, this old man is still alive." Yuan Ji had an unexpected discovery.

Tian Yuqiao quickly walked over and took a look under the cover of the snow. That beard was quite similar …

He quickly pried open the old man's mouth and fed him some of the lotus pond water. A moment later, Eunuch Xu came to his senses with a look of terror on his face.

"Quick, quickly save my family's young master!" This was the first thing he said after he woke up.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless. In the end, Jin found the well-dressed young man. However, when he was discovered, he no longer had any signs of life, and his entire person had turned cold.

Eunuch Xu did not care about the pain on his body as he held the young man's body, tears streaming down his face.

The twelfth prince had actually tried to assassinate the First Prince because of his investigation. Someone must have revealed their motive for coming here. Otherwise, why would they be targeted by the First Prince's men?

Even though the clothes worn by those people were not distinctive, and they did not have any identity plates on their waists, and they used unmarked weapons, their boots were all specially made for the imperial guards.

Other than the First Prince's men, Eunuch Xu could not think of anyone else.

In the middle of the group of wolf corpses, Yuan Ji found a skinny and weak youth. Fortunately, he was only severely injured and had fainted. It was the one-eyed wolf lying next to him that Gold had discovered had saved him.

After feeding the wolf cub the Void Stage Lotus Pond Water and applying medicine to his wounds, Tian Yuqiao finally had the time to deal with the old man.

Eunuch Xu still had a look of disbelief on his face. He was sitting on the floor holding the body of the teenager in a daze, as if he was waiting for a miracle to happen.

He looked at the cold corpse of the twelfth prince and immediately pulled out a dagger from his waist, wanting to die. However, with a single swing of Yuan Su's stick, the dagger was knocked away, and the dagger was directly embedded into the trunk of a large tree to the side.

"My masters are all dead. As a servant, if I am not protective enough, I should be martyred."

"That's not right. If you die, who will report to his family? Isn't he going to die with regrets? " Tian Yuqiao blinked her eyes and said.

"But, I … "Sigh!" Eunuch Xu was filled with regret.

He should have pulled the little prince back. If he hadn't let him come here, then this matter wouldn't have happened.

It was a guard who had reported that he had discovered the secret mines of the First Prince's men on the southern side of the mountain. In the end, the young lord was so eager to help that he had actually brought twenty guards with him.

Only after arriving did he realize that he had fallen into a trap. Other than the stone Buddha, what other shitty mine was there?

By the time they realized it, it was already too late. Their group had already fallen into a group of black clothed people's ambush.

Even though the twenty guards he had brought this time were all quite skilled, they were still outnumbered. In the end, all of them had fought to the death with the black clothed men in order to protect the twelfth prince. However, the young prince's life could not be saved. A sword had pierced through his heart …

"Old man, please come back with us to recuperate." Tian Yu Qiao said.

"No, I have to bury the little mistress next to that Bodhisattva first."

There was only one stone Buddha on this mountain, so it was naturally the one from the rear courtyard of the South Mountain Temple. Right now, there seemed to be a hint of worry on the Bodhisattva's face.

Tian Yuqiao and Yuan Ji had applied the medicine on Eunuch Xu together. Fortunately, she had the Emptiness Realm Expert in her possession, so she managed to obtain the medicine with ease.

Eunuch Xu's eyes immediately lit up. He felt that this medicine could be used for personal use.

After applying the medicine, he forcefully held on and carried the twelfth prince's corpse to the stone Buddha. Yuan Ji and Tian Yuqiao helped him along the side. Eunuch Xu walked for a long time on the road that was not far away.

Yuan Ji helped dig a hole and found half a broken mat in the thatched cottage where he previously lived. He then rolled up the youth's body and hastily buried it.

In order to not be discovered by the First Prince's men, Eunuch Xu did not even dare to erect a tombstone.

He kowtowed towards the twelfth prince's grave, his head bleeding from the kowtow, but he paid it no heed.

However, after the last handful of soil was buried, tears started to flow out from the stone Buddha's eyes. As the tears fell onto the wolf cub's forehead, they disappeared. All of this was clearly seen by a large black dog in the depths of the forest.

After everyone left, a black shadow came out from the forest. It was Thor. There were no serious injuries on its body, but there were a few wounds. Especially the one on the forehead; it looked extremely ferocious.

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