When the wolf cub woke up, he discovered that the scenery around him had all changed. Everything seemed a little strange. Even Eunuch Xu who was usually by his side and blabbered on and on like an old lady seemed to have forgotten about him.

"Little brother?" He actually called his master that. It was really strange. Had that old thing been beaten silly? And where is this place? It looked so simple and crude.

Only his eyelids could move. He felt that even breathing was strenuous, and it even made the wounds on his body hurt.

Eunuch Xu saw that the youngster did not speak, but his eyes looked rather familiar, similar to his own young master's.

Ye Xiao sneered inside his heart. He must have missed his little mistress too much, which was why he had such an illusion.

The pack of wolves in Old Wolf's Slope had noticed that the group of men in black was about to make a move, so they told the wolf cub about this matter. The wolf cub, under the cover of the wolf pack, had secretly followed the group of people. In the end, he found out that they had gone to the vicinity of Tian Yu Qiao's home.

In order to protect her lovely little sister from harm, the wolf cub decided to follow in the shadows to protect her and her family. In the end, he had accidentally been caught up in a conspiracy and had lost his life.

After they finished their meal, they were also served with the soft and sticky rice porridge and chicken cakes.

"Many thanks, young lady. You are all very kind, and this old man has no way of repaying you. Please accept this piece of jade, leave it for me to think about."

After speaking, Eunuch Xu took out a jade pendant from his waist. That jade pendant was actually made of mutton fat jade. Surprisingly, she felt a sense of familiarity towards it.

Seeing that she did not accept, Eunuch Xu smiled and said, "Little girl, just take it. It's not worth any money. Just treat it as your thank-you gift that saved my life."

Only then did Tian Yuqiao accept the jade pendant. He didn't even bother to look at it as he directly reached into his sleeve and threw it into a corner of the Emptiness Realm.

The wolf cub, who was still lying on the brick bed with only his eyes left, started to cough violently upon seeing Tian Yuqiao.

Weird, didn't Fourth Brother say that the little girl was eaten by a pack of wild wolves? Then who was he seeing now? Could it be a ghost? Had he also died in that bloody battle last night?

When he thought about the possibility of that happening, Fang Wenhao's heart immediately flipped several times over. He felt that he had been too willful this time. If he had listened to Eunuch Xu's words, such a scene would not have happened.

Those guards who swore to protect him at all costs, as well as those who stayed behind in the town, all of them were afraid that they would be implicated along with their families …

Seeing him wake up, Tian Yuqiao laughed and pushed his head up a little.

"Big Brother Lang, I'll feed you some porridge." "You are still wounded, don't think too much. I will bury all your wolf friends in the mountains in the future." Tian Yuqiao mumbled to himself.

Hearing that little girl call him "wolf cub", could it be that he looked like a wolf? No, when they started fighting yesterday, it seemed like there was a group of wolves that had joined the battle. Within the pack of wolves, there seemed to be a thin and weak youth who was dressed in tattered clothes.

He was only the dignified Twelfth Prince, how could he be misunderstood to be that dirty kid?

However, when he accidentally saw his dirty arm, he was instantly stunned.

This was not him. His skin was originally as white and tender as jade, and even his royal sister was envious of it. How could it become like this?

Countless questions instantly assaulted his mind, followed by another wave of memories that did not belong to him. They were also constantly beating on his brain.

He felt a splitting headache coming on. Even the spoon Tian Yuqiao brought to his mouth was knocked over by him.

"Hey, Big Brother Wolf Child, what happened to you?"

Tian Yuqiao was frightened out of her wits and quickly called for the old man and Shopkeeper Yao.

The old man hurriedly checked the wolf cub's pulse, then frowned and said, "He's been through a lot of stimulation, so his mental state is a little hard to bear." Perhaps it was because his family or friends had died in front of him, but his heart was in turmoil. It's normal to have this kind of reaction. I've seen quite a few of these patients. "

"That's true, his wolf friends from yesterday all died, and there were even many bad people." Tian Yu Qiao said.

She didn't dare to tell Lady Wang the truth because she was afraid that she would be worried. Therefore, she only said that there were two sides fighting. However, she was straightforward with Yao Lao Wu.

The wolf cub fainted from the impact of the memory shards. He slept until dusk, waking up slowly. Now that he had taken the soup, the wounds on his body had already healed to a certain extent.

In order to not disturb their recovery, the two people of Yuan Yuan also temporarily moved to Tian Yu Hall's room to sleep.

During dinner time, Lady Wang and Tian Yuqiao came over to check on their injuries, especially towards the wolf cub.

The wolf cub closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep when he saw someone coming in.

Seeing that he was still sleeping and his breathing was steady, Lady Wang felt relieved.

Yuan Ji and Yuan Tong respectively fed the two people with rice porridge before stealthily leaving the room.

After everyone had left, the wolf cub finally opened his eyes.

Although the place he lived in was not even as good as the toilet in the palace, he had not expected to be late for such a delicious rice porridge. It was comparable to the porridge in the bird's nest cooked by the imperial palace's chefs.

After accepting all the memories that did not belong to him, he had realized that he was no longer himself but had come back to life from the dead! Furthermore, he had survived with the identity of a thin and weak youth.

Then, since the heavens had given him a second life, they must have wanted him to take revenge. The target of his revenge was definitely his royal brother.

To think that he would not even let a child like him off in order to obtain the throne that was so high up. It seemed that he had underestimated his royal brother's strength.

However, this was also good. He was no longer a prince but an ordinary wild child. With this identity, it would be much easier to find a chance to take revenge.

Now that he had no one to use, no one would believe him even if he told them his true identity.

Three days later, the guards who had received the notice came to pick Eunuch Xu up. Seeing those subordinates of his who used to be inseparable from him, treating him as if he were a stranger, and didn't even look at him, Fang Wenhao couldn't help but feel a bit bitter in his heart.

Since even they weren't able to recognize him, it was most likely that the elder brother who didn't normally see him was the same.

After making up his mind, he completely forgot about his original identity. Instead, he continued to recuperate at Tian Yuqiao's home as a wild child.

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