Yao Lao Wu, Yan Shan and Bao Fu had arrived at Tian Yu Qiao's home. On the surface, it seemed like he was here to give a gift to Qiao Qing from Tian Yu Qiao's family, but in reality, he had heard the news and knew that Tian Yu Qiao's family's sausages were delicious. He wanted to buy them.

A hundred taels of silver from the start, this almost scared née Wang to the point that her soul almost flew off her body. Tian Yujie, on the other hand, remained calm and collected. The one with the same expression as her was naturally Fang Wenhao. He wouldn't care about a mere 100 silver.

Yuan Yuan and Tian Yu Tang were both very sensible and knew that the two shopkeepers were here to talk to their elder sister. Therefore, they went out very consciously to fight.

Originally, he thought that he already spent a lot of money for 100 taels of silver. However, he found that the little girl who signed a deal with him to sell mountain goods was not that shocked. On the other hand, her mother's expression was more normal, which made Yan Shan at a loss on what to do.

"Hahaha, you old thing, you really know how to talk. A hundred silver coins, how many prescriptions do you want to buy for me? " Yao Lao Wu teased him with a smile.

Yan Shan stared at him and said, "These are all sausages, but the taste is different. They should be the same thing."

On the other hand, Fang Wen Hao interrupted: "What this uncle says makes sense. Although it's all made from pork intestines, the stuffing inside is different. For example, what was made from meat was the meat sausage, and what was made from eggs was the egg sausage. They were all different. After all, it can't be that they're all the same dish because they're all wrapped in pig intestines, right? "

Everyone in the room was shocked, including Tian Yuqiao. She hadn't thought that her big brother wolf that she had dealt with in the deep mountains would actually understand so much.

"Hahaha, little brother is right, I was rude. Hur Hur." Now that the child had exposed him, he was naturally a bit embarrassed.

"How about you discuss how much you should pay." Yao Lao Wu suggested.

Tian Yuqiao pondered for a moment before replying, "Hehe, Qiashan Mountain is not an outsider. Why don't we do it like this?" The method of washing the intestines of pigs and the method of enema were considered to be one hundred silver taels. After that, our family's meat sausages, eggs, garlic sausages, spiced sausages, and I plan to develop a new type of sausage called the Leather Egg Intestine. I'll take one hundred and fifty silver. "

"Hmm, this is more fair. One set of ingredients is 10 taels of silver. It's worth it." Yao Lao Wu nodded his head repeatedly.

Yan Dashan felt that it was worth it, so he quickly took out the contract he had prepared long ago. He added a few more lines on the contract and showed it to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao shook her head and purposely said, "I don't know much about words yet."

Fang Wenhao took the contract and looked at it. Then, he nodded at Tian Yuqiao. "Mm, it's not wrong. It's as you said, you can sign it."

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless. She thought to herself, "How can this wolf-child brother know how to read?" So strange.

However, in front of outsiders, she could not ask any further, so she could only press her palm on the surface. Both sides would get one each. This was considered a success.

Tian Yuqiao dictated, while Fang Wenhao helped to record the prescription.

Since this recipe had to be kept a secret, the two of them went to the study room to write. At this time, they had Yutang receive the two elders.

After the prescription was brought over and read it, he slapped his thigh and said, "Wonderful, to think it could actually be like this. Tsk tsk, I've seen it for myself." "But what is this leech?"

"Hehe, Pigu, I still haven't researched it. However, once I have, I will sell it to you." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Fine, then this old man will be waiting for your good news." Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, and I don't intend to sell all of these at once.

Yan Shan took out two silver notes from his bosom. One was for a hundred taels of silver, while the other was for fifty.

Fang Wenhao took the banknotes and checked them. After confirming that the banknotes were genuine, he handed them over to Tian Yuqiao.

Although he had a lot of questions, Tian Yuqiao could not ask them at this time. She could only hold it in.

After throwing the two silver bills into the Void Stage, he felt a sense of relief in his heart. There will be no problem with the money I need to go to school next year, and it won't be a problem even if I want to trade for glazed windows. He just wanted to get a greenhouse to grow the vegetables for the season. He feared that this amount of money was not enough.

The revolution had not yet succeeded, and the soldiers still had to work hard.

At noon, Wang Shi cooked a big pot of wild boar meat cabbage. She added some dried mushrooms into the pot, fried a plate of stir-fried pork with wooden ears, sliced an egg and sausage with garlic, fried some peanuts, and also made a cold mixed potato shredded with potato.

He made Yuan Ji go out to get two jugs of wine and a pile of white bread.

The white noodle was sent over by someone just now. When it was being done, Lady Wang already knew that this was a top-grade powder, so it definitely wasn't cheap.

In order to let the customers be satisfied with their food, she was very diligent this time in cooking. But there was no way around it. They had no cellar and no greenhouse. In the winter, there were only radishes and cabbages in the house. Fortunately, they still had some wood ears and dried mushrooms.

"I didn't expect to be able to eat so many new things here." He didn't hesitate to praise.

"Hurry up and eat it, otherwise don't blame me for snatching it away from you later." Yao Lao Wu teased.

Although both of them had just eaten a plate of ham sausages, they still could not bear to put down their chopsticks at the big table cooked by Lady Wang. It could be said that they could not stop at all.

Lady Wang didn't eat with them, but served with Yuan Ji and Yuan Tong's stir-fried cabbage slices. After all, she still had to avoid suspicion. Tian Yuqiao was still young, so she naturally didn't mind.

Only after they had eaten their fill did the two of them leave in satisfaction, especially Baofu. He ate so much that he even had to straighten the carriage, unable to bend his back.

Seeing that everyone was eating well, Lady Wang finally smiled happily.

After sending off the guests, Lady Wang said, "Qiao'er, when Mother was cooking, she discovered that the white noodles they sent us were the best. Our sausage recipe can't be sold for that much."

"Mom, I naturally know this logic. Selling it isn't expensive."

"Oh, how much did you sell it for?" Mrs Wang was somewhat curious.

Tian Yuqiao casually replied, "One hundred and fifty taels."

"What?" 100... One hundred and fifty silver taels? " Mrs Wang's jaw nearly dropped out of shock.

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