After the evening reunion dinner, Wang inserted the gate outside, and the whole family went back to their houses to make up for their sleep. This evening, I have to pick up God, eat dumplings and set off firecrackers. I don't know when to toss.

The noodles have been kneaded. When you wake up, you'll be ready to make dumplings. The radish and meat stuffing have been cut and fed. Everything is ready. We are waiting to make dumplings at that time.

After about an hour and a half, Caicai woke everyone up.

After sleeping for such a long time, everyone seems to have just been fully charged. They are all full of power.

Every family is busy making dumplings. Only Tian's old house is different. Gao was beaten black and blue, and Li punished her. She was only allowed to work and not allowed to eat. Let her eat the usual meals. As for the good meals cooked for the new year, Gao naturally can't eat.

"The pig's head meat tastes very good, old four. You eat more. My mother heard that you can make up for what you eat. You can eat more pig's brain at that time. Maybe you can write better when you take the scholar's test."

Gao looked at his own man with a sad face and said that you patronize yourself to eat. Did you forget that you still have a daughter-in-law?

Tian Dajiang is eating the bone and meat picked from the pig's head. It's called a fragrance. He flows oil down his wrist. Gao's saliva is about to flow out.

"Mom, let's make dumplings for you." Tian Yuqiao smiled and rolled up his sleeve and said to Wang.

"No, my mother burned hot water on the stove over there in the bathroom. You'll all take a bath by yourself later. After washing, you'll all change into new clothes for the new year. Immortals like to go into clean houses and respectful children. You should pick up God at night. You all dress better."

After hearing this, Tian Yuqiao no longer said anything, but went to wait for the hot water to open, and then took a bath first.

The boys ran out to play with the children in the village and took the bolt from widow Li's house.

Tian Yuqiao specially asked the little guy not to be too stingy and to share candy with his friends. The little guy answered and went out to play with some brothers.

After the water boiled, Tian Yuqiao took a bath with his big bucket. There is no shower gel or shampoo here. The bath is basically soaked with vinegar, and the shampoo is decontaminated with rice washing water.

After washing it quickly, she changed her new clothes directly. It was a new cotton padded jacket made of red floral fine cotton, and a cotton skirt of the same style similar to a smock was worn outside.

Wearing a velvet flower on his head, the wind blows, and the velvet on the velvet flower constantly changes all directions, just like a dandelion.

"Wow, my sister looks so beautiful." the little guy looks like a flower maniac.

"Duang" got a blow on his head. Tian Yuqiao whispered, "cut, isn't your sister usually beautiful? She can't speak."

"Hey, hey, my sister has always been the most beautiful in my heart. I just said the wrong thing when I was happy."

"OK, don't talk nonsense. You guys go and wash it quickly. The water in the stove is enough for one person, and I added a pot of water over there. Which of you washed it first and remember to fill it with hot water. My mother hasn't washed it yet." Tian Yuqiao asked.

"OK, sister, I'll wash it first. Hey hey." the little guy said, and he was the first to grab the position.

Several other people also let him, did not argue with him, and let him wash himself.

"Brother, do you want my brother to rub your back?" Yuanji was worried that he couldn't wash well.

"Well, well, brother Yuanji, come and rub my back." the little guy said happily.

Don't bother to pay attention to how they take a bath. Tian Yuqiao is beautifully dressed. Wang says he won't let her help with anything. I'm afraid she'll get her new clothes dirty. I won't invite the God of wealth to see me at night

The cleaned children were all arranged in a row and sat on the edge of the Kang in Wang's room.

"Hey, I knew I wouldn't have finished washing so early. After taking a bath and changing my new clothes, my mother wouldn't let us move." the little guy said a little depressed.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you move because your hair hasn't dried yet. I'm afraid you'll catch a cold. It's unlucky to get sick during the new year." Tian Yuqiao comforted.

Everyone can only wait until their hair is completely dry before running out to play in the yard.

It soon became dark, and a curl of cooking smoke floated out of every family's chimney. From time to time, there were sporadic firecrackers, which were set off by those firecrackers that children picked up everywhere.

Yuanji also disassembled half hung firecrackers and turned them into scattered ones. They were inserted into the snowdrift and lit one after another. Everyone took turns to grab the fire fold. They all enjoyed it.

"Be careful not to burn your new clothes," Tian Yuqiao reminded.

"Sister, don't worry, I know," the little guy promised.

Wang's dumpling stuffing was also ready, while Tian Yuqiao changed into old clothes outside and helped Wang make dumplings together.

Tian Juhua's house over there and widow Li's house also sent their own dumplings. Tian chrysanthemum's house is stuffed with pork and radish, while widow Li's house is wrapped with pork and cabbage.

The dumplings on Wang's side had just been wrapped and had not been cooked, so he quickly started the pot and cooked some home-made dumplings for them.

"Oh, it's late for your dumplings today." Tian chrysanthemum said with a smile.

"Isn't it? In the first year of this year, the children plan to pick up their gods at night and sleep late, so I'm afraid they'll be hungry at night and wrap the dumplings later." Wang said with a smile.

The movement of the head in his hand still didn't stop. Soon a large pot of dumplings filled with pork, radish and mushroom came out of the pot. This year's dumplings are full of pork. Unlike those sent by the two families, there are more dishes in them.

Tian chrysanthemum and widow Li walked away with dumplings, and widow Li called away the embolus.

The firecrackers of Tian Yuqiao's family didn't sound until the firecrackers of other families had sounded. This time, two sets of firecrackers were set off. The sound of firecrackers in their house lasted a long time.

Wang opened all the doors of his family to meet the four gods of wealth. The whole family was clean and put on new clothes, eating dumplings and eating pig feet.

Plain dumplings filled with radish and cabbage, Yuanji and Yuantong are also very delicious.

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