On the day Fang Wenhao posted a notice saying he would recruit workers in the village, a dirty crazy monk suddenly crowded into the crowd. After identity confirmation, the old monk turned out to be huikong, the younger martial brother of senior monk Huiyuan.

The two brothers, Eryuan, seemed to have seen their relatives. They all spent their thoughts on huikong.

When he saw monk huikong waving his hand, he said, "monkeys, it's no use saying anything else. Hurry to take your martial uncle to dinner. Good wine and food are waiting for you. I don't hate your martial uncle. It's the so-called wine and meat passing through the intestines. The Buddha keeps it in mind."

They were stunned when they heard this, but the villagers didn't dare to say anything more. After all, master Huiren still has a name. No matter how crazy the monk is, he is also master Huiyuan's brother, isn't he?

He gave it to Fang Wenhao, and the two brothers of Eryuan took old monk huikong to Tian Yuqiao's house.

When Wang and Tian Yuqiao heard that the old monk was the younger martial brother of master Huiyuan, they immediately looked at him with new eyes. I can't help it. I can't even scratch my eyes. The smell of lampblack on the monk is really choking.

Wang quickly cooked. Soon there were four dishes of vegetarian dishes and a plate of white noodles.

The old monk didn't use chopsticks to eat, but was used to using his hands. Tian Yuqiao wondered if the goods had crossed over from Africa.

"I see that there are a lot of meat behind your house. Why don't you give me stew, but use this kind of thing to entertain guests?"

Hui Kong ate three bowls of noodles at one go and swept away all the vegetarian dishes on the table, which was more than enough.

Wang was stunned and said in his heart, isn't this their martial uncle? It should be a monk. Why eat meat?

"Your name is tong'er, isn't it? Oh, by the way, remember to make two pots of good wine for your martial uncle me in the evening. I think you two boys are doing well. Don't forget to be filial to your martial uncle me."

Tian Yuqiao felt several black lines hanging from his head. He said in his heart that the old scoundrel knew that master Huiyuan had passed away, so he deliberately said he was his younger martial brother and wanted to take advantage of him?

She pulled Eryuan aside and asked in a low voice, "are you really sure that unreliable monk is your martial uncle? Have you verified him?"

Yuanji touched his little bald head and said, "it should be my martial uncle. That's right, but we haven't met him before. Besides, according to his accent, it shouldn't be near us. He shouldn't know about my master's death. Moreover, there are not many people who know my master in Nanshan Temple. We live in seclusion."

"Does he have any evidence? Or does he have any characteristics?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

She doesn't want to be slaughtered as a wrongdoer. This matter must be clarified.

"Oh, by the way, Shifu seems to have said that when Shishu was young, he once competed with Shifu, and then accidentally fell off the plum blossom pile. It seems that the white wax pole poked a hole in his ass. it is said that Shishu didn't bother to go to the bathroom..."

After hearing Yuantong's words, Tian Yuqiao almost didn't laugh. The heart said that when he was young, he was burst into chrysanthemums. No wonder he could eat so many things at once. The back door was opened. He didn't worry about not digesting anything at all.

Zeng Changsheng also enlisted to make iron for the imperial court. The blacksmith's one-day salary is much higher than those who sell hard and hard work. It is said that Zeng Changsheng and his son earn 80 Wen a day.

Fang Wenhao didn't intend to help Zeng Changsheng at first, but when he thought of finding a job for their father and son, the boy wouldn't pester qiao'er all day. He decided to let Zeng's father be the leader of all blacksmiths, and Zeng Changsheng was also assigned a very heavy job.

Anyway, Zeng Changsheng can't be idle at all. He wants to go to the thatched cottage. He has to run forward.

Tian Yuqiao's family originally planned to keep old monk huikong in his home and live with Eryuan. After all, the Nanshan Temple on the mountain has not been repaired, although the old emperor ordered that the temple be built first and then the mausoleum be built. But his son also has to listen. He is procrastinating and still in arrears with his salary, so the Nanshan Temple has only built a facade now.

But even so, the porter at the door can live. Tian Yuqiao doesn't know how many floors of courtyard the temple will build, but it seems that this scale should not be small. Who let the noble man die in front of the Bodhisattva?

Fang Wenhao was afraid to tell Wang that the dead man was a prince, which worried her. So I didn't tell them the truth, only that a senior official died.

However, those soldiers usually don't speak so strictly. Coupled with the little shunfenger of gold, Tian Yuqiao naturally knows that the dead man is the twelve princes most loved by the emperor.

The twelve princes clashed with themselves in the street that day, and the little boy whose face was covered with meat skin jelly.

In addition to feeling sorry for him, Tian Yuqiao also breathed a sigh. Because it was not fun to offend a noble man in ancient times. Now that the man is dead, she has nothing to worry about.

Although old monk huikong is a meat and wine monk, he abides by the "color" ring. When Eryuan asked him to stay at Tian Yuqiao's house, he refused to say anything.

"Amitabha, there is a female benefactor here. Although I am old, I can't stay here, so as not to pollute the reputation of the female benefactor."

Tian Yuqiao picked his eyebrows and said to the old man, this time he said something that a monk should say.

"How about this? The front yard of Nanshan Temple on the other side of the mountain has been almost newly built. The gatekeeper can barely live there. If master huikong doesn't dislike it, you can move there. Moreover, there are bedding in the military camp. You don't need to bring anything."

Fang Wenhao hurried to cut corners. In fact, he didn't like a man living in Tian Yuqiao's house, because he didn't feel at ease

He doesn't know when it started. Now even Eryuan and Tian Yuqiao talk. Fang Wenhao feels a little upset. It's like something he especially likes is about to be taken away.

The boy has a violent temper since he was a child. That is, he likes things. Even if they are worthless, he doesn't want others to touch them. If he doesn't like it, even if it is valuable, he can use it as a stone to throw it around.

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