After the two sisters-in-law of the Wang family left, Wang was a little worried. After all, there are so many people coming to him all at once. No matter who it is, there will be a lot of pressure.

However, after listening to Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao's analysis, Wang felt much more comfortable. Her own mother lives in her own house. There must be no problem. It's mainly her two brothers and family, which is a little troublesome. After all, her own man is not at home.

If you want to be known by those gossip women in the village, it must be that she helps her mother's family and ignores her mother-in-law's family.

Wang Xiuer, his younger sister, should be 17 or 18 years old this year. Living in his own home, she can just help take care of Zhao, so Wang has no worries about his mother and younger sister.

"Mom, let's ask brother Hao'er to find someone to help tomorrow. Let's build a house next to the pond first. For the time being, let uncle and second uncle live there and help our family take care of the fish pond, and we will pay them monthly. Now the house hasn't been built, let's squeeze first." Tian Yuqiao said.

Wang looked at the layout of his house and then said: "Hey, let's do what joel says first. Let your two uncles go to the mountain to earn some money when building a house. When the house is built, let them help us manage the fish pond or something. Joel, your mother will go to your house first and let your grandmother and aunt live in your mother's house. Hao'er and Yutang sleep in the study first. It's hard for you. Your two houses will be given to your two uncles first Uncle, stay. "


"No problem."

Everyone reached an agreement, but Tian Yuqiao was worried and asked, "Mom, you said uncle and second uncle, can you listen to our arrangement?"

"What's the matter? My mother doesn't owe them. Your grandfather married my mother to your father in exchange for food to marry your second uncle's daughter-in-law. I haven't seen them for so many years, and I don't know what they have become. If they don't want to work and want our family to keep them, we don't care about them."

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect Wang to have such a powerful face. She was bullied like that in the Tian family's old house before. She was submissive. Why did she get tough with her mother's family this time?

It seems that my steamed stuffed bun mother and her mother's family should still have something to do, but it's not convenient for me to ask when I'm a junior.

The two sisters in law of the Wang family took a lot of white steamed bread to the broken temple. The whole family ate it like a wolf.

Zhao's old eyes faintly held the steamed bread and tears came down. "Xiaocheng and Xiaohai, my mother didn't expect to eat this white noodles again in my life."

"Mom, what did you say? The eldest sister's family is doing well now. She also said she would pick us up tomorrow." Mrs. Wang said with a smile.

"OK, wow. Just because there are so many people here, we can't eat your sister's family. After all, she is a married daughter, and people don't owe us anything. Alas, if it's true, your father's old fool owes your sister."

"Mom, don't cry. Your eyes are not good." the eldest brother of the Wang family advised.

The second brother of the Wang family also said, "yes, mom, don't cry. It was for me that my father married my eldest sister to another county. When I see her tomorrow, I'll kowtow and make amends."

Wang Xiuer also advised: "Mom, don't cry. Now we have an elder sister to help us. At least we don't worry about being starved to death."

The people on Zhao's side have their own thoughts, but fortunately, the two brothers Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai are honest. They don't want to take advantage of their sister.

I couldn't sleep in the broken temple at night. I wondered how to explain to my eldest sister after I met her. Now that they are rich, will they look down on their two brothers?

Wang didn't sleep much that night. Originally, she planned to pick up her mother immediately. However, she was too excited because of her ups and downs. She was afraid that the mother and daughter would stimulate the old lady as soon as they met, so she decided to slow down. It was not bad for the night.

The next day, it was a little gray and the air was still a little wet. Seeing that it was going to rain, Wang bothered big head and Zhu to help drive donkey carts and mule carts to the town.

Quickly, I came to the broken temple in the town that had been abandoned in unknown dynasties.

As expected, the Wang family were inside. Early in the morning, they eagerly looked forward to someone coming to pick them up.

Tian Yuqiao's brother and sister helped to make room for them at home, took out the unnecessary bedding and dried it. They also helped to find some clothes for Zhao's family according to Wang's instructions.

As for men's clothes, Wang doesn't have them for the time being. He can only buy more cloth and let his two sister-in-law make them for his family.

When Wang's family came back, Jin Jin had already reported a letter to Tian Yuqiao. Tian Yuqiao already knew that grandma's family had arrived, so he opened the door in advance and led the little guy to stand at the door to meet them.

Zhao took Wang's hand in the car. The mother and daughter cried all the way. When they got home, their tears still couldn't stop. It was like a flood opening the gate.

This time he sold his hometown's house, so Zhao still had some money on him, which didn't make the whole family starve to death. He begged all the way. Occasionally, the eldest brother and the second son of the Wang family helped others do some piecemeal work. Only then did he barely finish the journey of more than two months.

Originally a month's journey, because Zhao's health was not very good and he couldn't afford a car, he walked for more than two months.

When the Zhao family entered the yard, the eyes of Wang's two brothers were straight.

"Sister, is this really your house? This is the best green brick." the eldest brother of the Wang family is a little straight.

The second brother of the Wang family also said, "ah, the boss's house, sister, are you rich or what?"

Tian Yuqiao saw that his mother was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and came forward to salute grandma and uncle. Then he said, "grandma, your house and aunt's house have been vacated for you. It's in the east house, the one where my mother used to live. Your two families live first for the time being."

Wang also hurriedly said, "yes, Joe, take your grandmother and little aunt into the house first, and your mother will take your uncle to see their house."

After taking all the people to the house, Wang said that to the eldest brother and the second brother of the Wang family according to the words discussed by the family before.

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