Tian Yuqiao's fish pond had just officially started. The next day, Li took his two sons, daughter-in-law and a large group of grandchildren to find fault. This is called money moving people's hearts. Even the village head has repeatedly scolded, but once this interest comes first, Li immediately forgot all the previous things.

Regardless, he brought people over and began to fight directly against the eldest brother and the second brother of the Wang family. Dahu and erhu did not show weakness, and they fought against Dalang and Erlang respectively. As for the big dog and the little dog, they spread their legs and ran back to Tian Yuqiao's house to report.

It happened that Tian Yuqiao went to the town today to hand over the 500 bottles of medicine to Yao Laowu, so she was not at home, and Wang also happened to go to the market in Ningguan village, so she was not there.

This makes the two brothers of the Wang family a little embarrassed. The big dog and the little dog dare not let Zhao know about such things. They are afraid that grandma will get angry, so they don't say what happened.

But ash ash is a very spiritual little thing. He has been very familiar with the Wang family these days, so when he saw something moving over the fish pond, ash shook his tail and followed the big dog and the two dogs.

Tian Yuqiao is in town. Because the slippery pill has achieved initial results, she plans to recommend the slippery pill to Yao Laowu.

When she came to Jiren hall this time, she handed over the slippery pill that she had carefully improved to Yao Laowu. Yao Laowu just got angry recently. He hasn't excreted his stool for two days.

Now, as soon as Tian Yuqiao said that she had a powerful laxative here, he immediately took a pill himself without saying a word.

After eating it, after less than a cup of tea, he felt that his stomach began to turn upside down. Although it doesn't hurt very much, it can't hold back.

"Girl Qiao, I'm really sorry. Excuse me. Oh, no, Baofu, help me to the hut quickly..."

Looking at Yao Laowu's bent body, holding his legs all the way back and moving his head with small broken steps, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help worrying. I'm afraid the medicine is too strong. If Yao Laowu pulls it into his pants, it's not worth the loss.

After a cup of tea, Yao Laowu came from behind. He walked with the wind. It's the lightness of unloading a thousand kilograms of heavy load, and the whole person is much more comfortable.

"Uncle Yao, you are back. How do you feel about the pill I refined this time?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

Yao Laowu first washed his hands, then took tea and drank two mouthfuls. Then he smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "qiao'er girl wow, uncle, I'm really more and more curious about you now. How did you do it? Can you tell Uncle me? Did you really study this medicine?"

Tian Yuqiao had thought that Yao Laowu would ask herself, so she had long thought of her words.

"Uncle Yao, I knew medicinal materials before and was taught by the brother wolf boy who saved me. Now I know the method of alchemy, which was taught to me by master Huiyuan. You should also know that he has the title of divine monk. He said that I was destined for him, so he gave me something not to spread. In addition to a recipe, there is also the method of alchemy."

Yao Laowu looked at Tian Yuqiao carefully. From the eyes of a nine-year-old girl, he couldn't see that the other party was lying, so he believed it.

"Oh, no wonder you can get such a good laxative. It's thanks to being used in the right way. If this medicine falls into the hands of evil people, the consequences will be unimaginable at that time." Yao Laowu sighed.

On the surface, he was sighing, but in his heart, he thought again, why didn't he get the favor of master Huiyuan?

"Uncle Yao, I don't know if you can take this medicine, so I didn't do too much, only 50 bottles." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Well, that's good. I'll take this medicine according to 200 Wen a bottle. It's a little powerful. One pill can be taken twice, which will be much better."

Yao Laowu still studied the small pill the size of the nail cap, and on the other side asked Baofu to get Tian Yuqiao silver.

A bottle of laxative is 200 Wen, 50 bottles are ten Liang silver, and another 400 bottles of golden sore pills are sixty Liang silver. There are also fifty bottles of Qingxin pill and five Liang silver.

This time, Tian Yuqiao got a total of 75 liang of silver. With more than 360 liang of silver she had saved before, she now has more than 420 liang of silver in her hand.

I think it's time to replace the glazed windows at home and build a glazed greenhouse. Tian Yuqiao asked Yao Laowu about colored glaze.

"Joel, the glass seller does have some contact with us. After all, the glass needs to be fired, so the workers are often scalded and burned. Well, I'll explain later. After that, I'll go with you to ensure that you can buy things at the most reasonable price."

"Then thank uncle Yao. I'm not in a hurry this time. I'll go shopping first and come back to you later."

"Well, you'd better get busy first. When I separate all these medicines, ha ha, I've made money this time. It's really rare that you can destroy two bottles of medicine."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and didn't speak. He came to the outer medicine shop and called big head together. They began to go shopping.

Fang Wenhao only assured big head to follow Tian Yuqiao. He was really worried about others. Now Tian Yuqiao's family has a lot to do, and everyone is very busy. Fang Wenhao can't get out of his body to send her to town, so he can only let the big brother help.

Big head has Kung Fu, and his driving skills are also very good. His character is absolutely guaranteed, so Fang Wenhao has a hundred confidence in him.

Tian Yuqiao bought some oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar this time, and then bought many different kinds of beans. He planned to go home and grind some soybean milk and tofu to drink.

I also bought some cloth and cotton. After all, most of those things were used by Grandma's uncles. Also, I bought some pen, ink, paper and inkstone for the little guy. Those things are really expensive. Every time she paid, she felt like cutting meat from her body.

Just these things, almost spent those small change. It cost more than 50 liang of silver just to buy the four treasures of study for the little guy.

There were only 300 Liang left. She didn't dare to neglect it, so she went back to Jiren hall and asked Yao Laowu to take her to a glass factory.

Yao Laowu is very familiar with the workers there. After all, no one hasn't taken medicine from him, so everyone is very polite to them.

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