On the other side of the main house, Third Wife Gao was deep in thought, wanting Lady Gao to take a stroll in the second house. At the same time, Third Wife also had his own plans.

"Mom, just now I saw that brat, Shiro, sneaking around. He was at the back of Second Aunt's house peeking through the window." And I could hear him swallowing at a distance. I'm guessing, it must be something delicious cooked by Second Aunt's family. "

The person who spoke was Erlang Tian, Yu Gui. He had been in a messy and slovenly state all day, and his mucus had always hung below his nose. He was too lazy to wipe it off.

The sleeves of his clothes were shiny with oil. Who knew how many times he had smeared snot on them to save them from being starched.

He was already fourteen years old this year, but he was still greedy for food. The Jiang Clan was very worried about their second son's future marriage.

Great Lake Tian was not home today. He could not afford to be idle, and would do anything except work and good things.

They were like stealing chickens and dogs, fighting each other. Recently, they were even tricked into the gambling den, but they became uncontrollable, as if they were possessed.

"Sigh, your dad has nothing to do all day. This has truly caused you all to suffer. It's all your fault, if she didn't split your second aunt's family up, how nice would that be? Now that her family is at ease, your mother and aunt will be quite pitiful. Especially that lazy auntie of yours, all sorts of things like working and hanging on to me. "

The Jiang Clan began to complain to the children. Their faces revealed a hint of distress. She had just returned from a trip home. Not only did she not borrow any silver coins, she even got a nose full of dust.

The old tutor was a man who valued his son more than his daughter. In his eyes, a married daughter was like pouring out water. How could he still care about borrowing silver from his mother? Having a girl was originally a matter of losing money. If he were to give money to his wife, he wouldn't even think about it.

This time when she returned, her family didn't even leave her a single meal and directly chased her out.

"Mom, now is not the time to talk about this. That brat, Si Lang, is secretly sneaking around. There must be something going on." Jiro reminded him again.

"Mother knows. If your second uncle's family really had something delicious to eat, then with Shiro's personality, he would have definitely gone back and told his mother." Once your aunt finds out, she'll definitely go to the second room and cause trouble. We'll just keep an eye on your aunt. If you see her take something out from your second aunt's house, then we'll have to bite off more than we can chew. "

When Erlang Shen heard this, his eyes lit up. Tian Yufang, who was beside him, did not seem to care and curled her lips.

"Mother, if I had to say so, let's just go to Second Aunt's home." If we just openly ask them for it, would they dare to not give it to us? "

She was the only daughter of the Third Branch, Tian Yufang. She was ten years old this year, but the Jiang Clan was already worrying about her marriage.

With her personality, ordinary people wouldn't dare to marry her into their family. Tian Yufang was already used to bullying her second concubine brother and sister. This time, when he heard that the second room was secretly making food, he immediately became angry.

"Yufang, you have to change your personality. You can't just stick your head out and be a gun. If this happens, the things that we get might not belong to us. When the time comes, we might even get into trouble. "Listen to mom, we'll just keep an eye on your aunt."

The older the better, the calmer Tian Yufang felt that her mother's words made sense, so she and Erlang and Jiang Zhengkai stayed by the window, staring at the movement in the west wing.

"Achoo, choo!" Tian Yuqiao sneezed a few times and rubbed his nose speechlessly.

"Sis, did you catch a cold?" Tian Yutang asked with a concerned expression.

Tian Yuqiao comforted her, "Don't worry, sister is in good shape. I think it's the old crow calling out earlier. Hur Hur."

Tian Yutang seemed to understand a little but he still nodded his head. That small look of hers was as cute as it could be.

The dumplings in the pot were turning flowers, and the water in the pot was boiling. The fragrance of the wheat that was unique to the white noodle constantly emanated from the wok, causing one to be unable to help but salivate.

"Shh, there's movement outside. It seems like someone came out from uncle's house." Tian Yuqiao vigilantly whispered.

When Lady Wang heard this, the wooden spoon in her hand fell into the pot. Her expression immediately changed with a "shua" sound.

There were still some dumplings in the kitchen that hadn't gotten out of the kitchen in time. Tian Yuqiao gestured for Yutang to hide the dumplings. The dumplings that had already been cooked were all waiting to be scooped out of the pot.

Who would have thought that the person in this old residence had such a sharp nose. Even though they were being this careful, they were still able to sniff it out. Could it be that those people had a dog's nose? Tian Yuqiao cursed in his heart.

As expected, there was a knock on the door. Seeing that there was no movement from inside the house, the person who came in said, "Second Sister-in-Law, I am your eldest sister-in-law. Open the door, I have something to talk to you about."

Lady Wang placed the cooked dumplings in a large wooden basin and then hid it in a large wooden box inside the house. It was as if she had become a thief, and her face was somewhat pale.

"Mother, I'm going to open the door." Tian Yu Qiao said.

Lady Wang nodded. "En, go. Don't make your Eldest Uncle and Aunt wait too long." She purposely said this out loud.

Tian Yu Qiao had just pulled the latch when Lady Gao, who was standing outside, impatiently squeezed her fat body inside.

As soon as she entered, her rodent-like eyes began to sow all over the place.

"Yo, what are you looking for, auntie?" Could they be here to catch the thief? " Tian Yuqiao hugged her shoulders and looked at Mrs. Gao with a smile.

When Lady Gao heard this, her face twitched. He then said with a smile that did not reach his eyes, "Yo, Qiao'er, look at you, I haven't seen you for the past few days. You seem to have become more sharp-tongued, hehe."

Lady Gao saw that there was nothing special in the kitchen. After all, it was only a small, fart sized space. It could be said that it could be seen at a glance. Thus, she held Lady Wang's hand and, as if the two of them were on good terms, directly entered the room.

After entering the room, she scanned through it a few more times, but still couldn't find anything. She was somewhat unresigned. After all, when she first entered the room, the smell was very familiar. It was definitely white.

There was indeed a small amount of white flour on the edge of the brick bed. When Lady Gao saw it, she was immediately overjoyed.

Just now, when she came in, she did not open the pot in the second room. The pot was still steaming hot, probably because the dumplings were still being cooked.

Thinking of this, Madame Gao couldn't help but suck in a mouthful of saliva. She chatted with Lady Wang about some irrelevant topics, but her eyes kept glancing in the direction of the kitchen.

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