Zhu Rongrong was depressed at home for several days and tried to dig the scholar out of his heart. In these days, the hospital examination has been completed.

During this period of time, xueshulang ate and drank with his classmates in the county. He spent a lot of money every day.

Most of the silver was provided to him by Marseille flowers, so he spent it with confidence and without any embarrassment.

Marseille flower is also happy, so that she can have a sense of achievement to hold the reading Lang in the palm of her hand.

County seat, Saihua Rouge shop.

"Girl, do you really like that poor scholar? Their father has been inquired about. It's just the wrong door and family with us. If you marry in such a remote place, your father's heart will be uncomfortable." the horseshoe cupboard frowned and said.

Mrs. Ma also advised: "girl, what's good about that poor scholar? Your father knows many bosses and shopkeepers in the business field. None of them is richer than the Tian family. Do you want to think about it?"

"Mom and Dad, I know everything you said, but I don't want him to do anything else, just want him to be kind to me in the future. Which of the CHILDES and young masters of rich people you said is not flirting outside? The childe of poor people is more reliable, and his daughter can hold him in the palm of her hand." Marseille flowers look like they have a winning ticket.

"Hey, which children's marriage is not the order of their parents or the words of the matchmaker? Our daughter is different. Hey, your mother and I spoil you at ordinary times."

Masai Hua hurried forward to act like a spoiled child, took her father's hand and said: "Oh, Dad, how can you say that about your daughter? You and your mother spoil me. These daughters know that. You love your daughter again. I'm really optimistic about the old fourth of the Tian family this time. He is elegant and considerate to his daughter. He doesn't have the airs of those rich CHILDES."

"Hey, in that case, let's go with our daughter. But if he doesn't pass the scholar's examination, we can't blame him. Dad will never marry you to a scholar who doesn't have ability. Being admitted to the scholar's examination is the minimum requirement."

"Dad, don't worry. My daughter gave him 50 liang of silver before. Let him manage it. You should be able to buy the test questions. It's estimated that it's nothing to be admitted to the scholar."


As soon as Marseille finished speaking, she realized that she had said something wrong. How could she say it carelessly?

"Oh, I said to the old man, just calm down. It's nothing. You've seen an official who really has real talent and learning? It's nothing for a girl to do this." the groom was humane.

Five days later, it was time to release the list. All the children who came to the examination gathered outside the county yamen one by one, waiting to post the list.

At dawn, two groups of Yamen servants came out of the Yamen. Each of them was carrying waist knives and looked very terrible.

"Push back, give way, don't push forward. If anyone pushes forward, don't blame us for directly disqualifiing him. Do you hear me?"

These scholars immediately retreated and quickly gave way to the place of the list.

Early in the morning, the eldest, the third and the fourth of the Tian family all came. They were caught in the crowd and were crowded to change their shape.

"Hey, I said, brother, I ate a little too much in the morning. Now I feel that the excrement will be squeezed out." Tian Dahu said.

"Why do you have so many things to do? Bear with it. The list will be published soon. Even if you pull my pants, it's not important to read the list. If the fourth is admitted to the scholar, it's more important than anything. It's the matter of our old Tian family's glory." Tian Dajiang brought out his eldest brother's airs.

As soon as Tian Dahu heard this, he suddenly wilted and tried to clamp his legs for fear that he would really pull shit in his pants.

Soon the county magistrate came out of the Yamen. He was wearing a brand-new official suit and holding a tray covered with red cloth in his hand. Naturally, the list was placed there, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the tray, as if his future was covered there.

The scholar Lang pinched all the fans in his hand, but he didn't realize it.

"Cough, candidates, a total of 800 students in the county took the exam this year, and only 100 were admitted. Don't be proud of those on the list. Make persistent efforts and strive to be admitted as soon as possible so as to serve the country. Don't be discouraged if they are not on the list. You still have a chance."

Listening to the county magistrate's nagging, he said a lot. If he hadn't been the county magistrate, it's estimated that those candidates would scold him one by one.

After the red list was posted, the three brothers of the Tian family crowded around in the crowd, looking from beginning to end. Although Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu didn't know the word, they still knew the word "Tian".

"Tian... Tian ~ old four, look at the eighth in the second row. Is that you?"

"By the way, there is also the third in the fifth row, who is also surnamed Tian. Look."

The scholar Lang frowned and said, "Oh, no, it's not. Don't shout. It makes my head big. Let me see for myself. It's really troublesome. I knew I wouldn't bring you."

Hearing what shushulang said, Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu have some complaints. Who are they doing this for? Not for him? People are ungrateful to suffer from the crowded work here.

I can't help it. Who makes people become a scholar master soon? Even if you have gas in your stomach, you can only give it up.

However, after other candidates left, shushulang still stood at the top of the list and felt a burst of cold behind him.

In the summer, he felt like he was stabbed by the cold wind. Because among the top 100 names on the list, there is no him Tian Dahai.

He can only accept his fate if he falls short of a hundred.

He left the county with his eyes blankly and didn't say a word. Tian Dajiang and Tian Dahu over there have been so anxious that they are burning their hips, and shushulang just doesn't speak.

"I said fourth, are you happy and stupid? Don't scare me. If you are really stupid because you have been admitted to the scholar, how can we explain to your parents?"

"Yes, old four, what's the matter with you? Just say a word?"

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