Tian Yuqiao's Glazed shed has been covered. A pull of willows is more than 20 meters. The straw curtains above were also paved. Tian Yuqiao asked people to try. It was also very appropriate to roll up and put down. After practicing several times, Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai have been able to skillfully master the skill of putting the straw curtain.

Over there in the old house, there has been a constant quarrel over whether to let xueshulang continue to study.

"Mom and Dad, the fourth is a big man now. It's not good to always drag on and don't get married. After all, he has two nephews. If he's an uncle and doesn't get married, where can a nephew marry a daughter-in-law in front of his uncle?" Tian Dajiang said.

Tian Dahu also said, "Mom, my eldest brother is right. The fourth has been tested several times and failed. I think he just doesn't have the life to be an official. As he said before, just let him go to Ningguan village and be a teacher."

"What are you talking about? The fourth man has studied for so many years, but he can't give up halfway in order to save so many liang of silver." old man Tian rattled.

"We've survived all these years. Don't we just wait for another three years? It's nothing. It's really not good. Let him marry the pig killing girl of the Zhu family. We can't delay the fourth year's study anyway." Li said.

"Mom, we offended the matchmaker Zhang in Ningguan village before. If we want to propose marriage to the Zhu family again this time, I'm afraid people may not agree." Gao said.

Jiang Shi smiled and said, "it's nothing. Anyway, the scholar Lang is elegant and can be worthy of the careless pig killing girl."

"Well, you two take two bags of snacks later, go to the village to find matchmaker Liu, and ask her to go to Ningguan village to kiss the fourth." Li ordered.

As soon as Jiang heard this, he was so happy that his mouth was about to grin to his ears. He quickly took 500 Wen from Li's hand and went out with Jiang with a smile.

They soon asked the matchmaker Liu to move. The matchmaker Liu who got the silver money was naturally like wiping honey on her mouth. As soon as Gao said that she wanted to kiss the "yizhihua" of naningguan village for the reading Lang of the Tian family, she immediately patted her thigh to make sure.

"Yes, it's up to me. The fourth in your family is also a scholar and has a reputation. When it comes to the Zhu family in Ningguan village, who doesn't know? She is a big trouble in Ningguan village. The boys of ordinary people really don't dare to step on the threshold of their family."

She seemed to think her words were a little bad, so she said with a laugh: "Oh, look at my mouth. When I'm happy, I like Hu. In fact, I also think they are a good match. I'm not saying that the Zhu girl is bad. The land is always a partial match. Your fourth is a scholar and weak, so he should find a better wife."

"That's not why. I also think they are a good match. It's not so. My mother specially asked you to help me talk to the matchmaker."

"Yes, yes, since it's a natural match, it's still early. You can go as early as possible. My mother is still waiting for a letter at home."

After wearing it, matchmaker Liu twisted her ass and went to the official road and walked towards Ningguan village. Naturally, she was still carrying the snacks brought by Gao and them. She felt that there was no problem with this matter.

At the thought of the Zhu girl in Ningguan village, she felt a little headache. This was also what they talked about when they were matchmakers.

Matchmaker Liu is very happy and proud. If she helps the Zhu family solve this big problem this time, it is estimated that the Zhu family will also give herself a lot of media gifts.

The Zhu family is not as shabby as the Tian family. They have sold pork in Ningguan village for so many years, and the silver in their family has gone to sea. At that time, they will leak a little from their fingers, which will be enough for themselves to eat for the first half of the year. If you step back ten thousand steps, at least the pork will come back smoothly?

When she came to Ningguan village, matchmaker Liu turned directly into the door of Zhu's house.

Seeing that a matchmaker came to the door, the Zhu family were a little unhappy. However, when the two sisters in law of the Zhu family came out with dirty water and were about to spill her, they found that the matchmaker who came this time was not the same person as the one last time.

Seeing the posture, matchmaker Zhang immediately changed her face. She stepped back two steps and asked, "is that how you old Zhu family greet the matchmaker? Oh, if so, I think I'd better forget it. The scholar Lang of the Tian family is not blessed to absorb this blessing, so I'd better leave first."

Seeing the matchmaker, she was about to leave, especially when she heard the sensitive words "Tian Jia" and "Shushu Lang". The Zhu family couldn't calm down immediately and quickly invited people in.

"Oh, aunt, look what you said. We didn't know it was you. We thought it was matchmaker in our village." sister-in-law Zhu said with the a smile.

The second sister-in-law of the Zhu family also came forward at this time, took the matchmaker Liu's hand and smiled, "your adult doesn't remember the villains. Don't be common with us. Please hurry to the house. It's the same as your own home."

The second brother of the Zhu family over there has gone to find Zhu Rongrong. Zhu Rongrong heard that he proposed marriage by the matchmaker in the mountain village, and the object of the marriage proposal was the scholar who made her think about it. Her whole heart was about to jump out of her mouth. She didn't care to put down the knife. She rushed straight towards the matchmaker with the knife that had just cut the meat.

Scared the matchmaker Liu "ouch", she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, two sister-in-law of the Zhu family helped people in time.

"This... This is your girl?" asked matchmaker Liu tremblingly.

Father Zhu quickly grabbed the knife in Zhu Rongrong's hand and helped her take off her apron.

"Sister smash, hurry to sit in the house. Rong Rong, go back to your house first. This family is here to tell you about marriage. It's inconvenient for you to listen here."

"No, Dad, I'm going to listen here. I want to know if I'm dreaming!"

Father Zhu smiled awkwardly at the matchmaker and said, "Hey, I've spoiled this girl, but there's no way. Who let me have only such a girl?"

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