Tian Yuqiao's family was a little nervous with the arrival of the two big "bosses" of the eldest prince and Lao Jiu. After all, those two are Fang Wenhao's superiors. If one of them doesn't do well and offends them, let alone inquire about the whereabouts of Tian Dahe, even Hao'er may be implicated.

Seeing that Wang was at a loss, Fang Wenhao smiled and said, "Mom, you don't have to care too much. Although these two are my superiors, the officials are not very big. This time they come to support the big head, so you don't have to be too cautious."

"But why does my mother think that young man is a noble man? He is not like other soldiers, but like a senior official." Wang said.

The eldest prince was chatting with the old monk huikong at this time, but his ears were paying attention to the movement around him. When he heard Wang's evaluation of himself, he immediately raised his vigilance.

Even a mountain village woman can see her extraordinary appearance. If someone under the other brothers finds out, I'm afraid she will be in danger this time. I knew I should have brought more people out. Hey!

The banquet here was soon put on the table. Wang didn't invite too many people, only those from her own family, those from her mother's family, and those soldiers under the hands of the great prince and Fang Wenhao.

However, there were also five tables, after all, to entertain Zhu Rongrong's mother's brother and sister-in-law.

"We shouldn't have stayed for dinner, but since things have changed, we're not polite. We'll stay for a wedding drink, ha ha." brother Zhu decided.

The other brothers of the Zhu family have long smelled the fragrance in the Tianjia stove. Now we're going to blow them away with a big stick. It's estimated that they won't go. Anyway, today is a good day for my sister. It's no big deal for them to stay and beg for a wedding drink.

Because huikong and his family brought a roe deer from the mountain and the Zhu family brought two big fat pigs, the Wang family naturally had enough meat for the banquet this time.

It's enough to kill one fat pig. The remaining one is still tied with a big red flower. It is regarded as a mascot and placed in the yard.

However, when one pig was killed, the other pig was not calm. He broke free of the rope and ran and bumped into the crowd.

Sadly, Tian Yuqiao is really a pig recruit! The big fat pig ran straight in her direction.

Seeing this, several brothers of the Zhu family hurried to help catch the pig. Who knows that this pig seems to have practiced cross-country running. It runs skillfully.

The people who helped in the yard, as well as the big brothers, also came to help.

All hands and feet, did not catch the pig, did not say, but even collided with each other. For a moment, the whole yard was very lively.

Poor Tian Yuqiao was arched near by the pig again. But fortunately, huikong was beside her this time. Huikong just threw a peanut bean in the past. As a result, the pig seemed to have been hit by a numb tendon and fell directly to the ground and began to twitch.

They took the opportunity to rush up, directly pressed down the pig, and then threw it into Tian Yuqiao's pigsty.

The four little pigs that used to be inside have grown some now. However, when the old sow went in, the piglets ran forward without fear, as if they wanted to eat milk~

The old sow, who was originally very grumpy, saw the four little pigs close to her, and her mood calmed down. Inside the pigsty, there was a peaceful scene, while outside the pigsty, there was laughter and laughter.

"Hahaha, is it the third time that sister qiao'er has been bullied by pigs?" embolus opened her big front teeth and smiled back and forth.

"Embolus, don't be big or small. My sister is a rich woman who attracts money! People say that pigs symbolize wealth. My sister likes pigs so much, so she will be rich and noble." the little guy seriously began to brainwash embolus, big dog and two dogs.

Fang Wenhao is a little speechless. What does qiao'er like? I like her too. Isn't that a pig?

But at this time, he couldn't say anything more, but asked Tian Yuqiao with a worried face: "Joe, are you okay?"

"It's all right. If the old monk watches my excitement for a while, it's estimated that something will happen. Alas, my mother, I'm really afraid of pigs now, and I don't dare to feed pigs in the future." Tian Yuqiao has some lingering palpitations.

She is also very speechless. Why is Mao so unpopular with pigs? Could it be that he killed pigs in his previous life and made a big deal with pigs?

It's very lively here. There are delicious meat stews in the large stoves temporarily set up in the yard. The iron pot is not enough. I borrowed it directly from Tian chrysanthemum and widow Li's house, as well as tables and chairs, which were also moved from Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai's house.

Compared with the excitement of Tian Yuqiao's family, the old Tian's house is even more lively! But on one side, there is peace and happiness, and on the other side, there are chickens flying and dogs jumping.

Because the Zhu family took all the pork from the old house, Li didn't prepare meat, which led to the fact that the banquet was all vegetarian.

Originally, Marseille flower was dissatisfied with the poverty of xueshulang's family. Now, hearing the little girl Qiuyue say that the banquet was not meat at all, she was even more unhappy.

He directly accused the scholar Lang: "Wow, you didn't even buy meat when you married me. Didn't my father ask the housekeeper to take a lot of money for your family? Your mother is really stingy because she made such a broken house with earth bricks."

"Sai Hua, I'm really sorry. This time is too short, so I haven't had time to prepare. Otherwise, anyway, my mother still has the silver you brought before. I'll build you a big brick house in the future."

The scholar Lang said very sincerely. Although Marseille flower didn't give his mother face today, after all, he took a lot of money from others, so he can only bear it.

Now people choose not to buy meat at home, which can't blame her. After all, women get married only once in their life.

Ma Wencai doesn't have any scruples. Seeing that the Tian family is getting too much, they are all vegetarian dishes. In places like the countryside, vegetables are grown in their own fields and don't need to spend any money at all.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. He pointed to Tian Dajiang's nose and shouted, "I said, boss Tian, your family is too deceptive. Our young lady is also a lady of the family. You will use this meager soup to make the banquet. Did you feed the dog all the silver I sent before?"

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