This day is like a child's face, which means that it changes. In the twinkling of an eye, the dark cloud had been pressed down. There was a strong wind everywhere outside. It was difficult to see a person's facial features within three meters of the other side.

After the big head picked up Tian Yutang, he drove Tian Yuqiao's little donkey car and said he was going to town.

"Godmother, sister qiao'er, it's going to rain hard. I don't have much food at home. I'll go to the town and buy more food." big head said.

"Oh, big head, there's still a lot of food at home. It's estimated that you can eat for ten days and a half months. It's not urgent," Wang said.

Zhu Rongrong said shyly, "grandma doesn't have a lot of food there. It's all my fault. I eat too much at a meal..."

The little guy couldn't help smiling. Tian Yuqiao stared at him. He quickly lowered his head. Nevertheless, the little guy's stomach is still bulging.

"Oh, Rong Rong, it's a blessing to eat. Do you know? If you were in your hometown before, ah, even if you want to eat so much, our family can't afford it." Zhao began to think about it again.

Zhu Rongrong nestled in Zhao's arms and felt that although the old lady's arms were thin, they made her feel very secure and warm. If only her mother were still there?

After being intimate with Zhao for a while, Zhu Rongrong saw that big head left. There was no one in the yard except Zhao. Wang's sister-in-law also led her two sons to reinforce the fish pond so that the heavy rain would not wash the soil into the fish pond.

"Grandma, you wait in the house. I'll do the work outside."

When Zhu Rongrong finished, he changed his old clothes and went straight to the house to hold firewood.

After reporting the firewood, she also covered the newly built chicken coop outside with an oilcloth and pressed it with stones. These chicks are Zhao's heart. Zhu Rongrong naturally wants to help look after them.

When Wang Decheng returned from Tian Yuqiao's house, Zhu Rongrong had all the things that should be prepared in the yard.

When Wang's sister-in-law came back, she was relieved to see that everything had been packed.

"Oh, this is all the work of Rong Rong. Oh, it's really hard for you. We were worried that we might not be able to collect the firewood in the yard. We were relieved this time."

When she finished, she put down a basket of vegetables, which Tian Yuqiao asked them to bring back. Even Wang Dehai's home divided a lot of dishes.

When the big head came back from the town after buying food, the little donkey was carrying two people like dead dogs. One is Tian Dahu, the other is the three inch Ding.

When he arrived at Tian's old house and unloaded them, big head drove the donkey car to Tian Yuqiao's house.

After leaving some rice noodles for Tian Yuqiao's family, he took the rest of the grain back.

After all, there is a large population over there, especially Zhu Rongrong's "belly", which can top three or four. Although big head can afford it, at this time, the price of grain outside has risen. He spent more than 30 liang of silver just buying this truck of grain.

As soon as the donkey was tied in the barn, it was dark. Then there was a thunder in the West sky. A flash of lightning lit up half the night sky from top to bottom.

Now every household is closed and bolted, and even the poultry and livestock are quiet. The animals also felt that there would be a heavy rain, so they chose to be quiet.

The two ducks in Tian Yuqiao's chicken coop are now fulfilling their obligations. Surround the young chickens and let them rely on each other, which can better block the wind and rain outside.

The two ducks, like two guards, spread their wings and stood outside, shielding the chickens from the wind and rain with their wings.

The chicken coop is very strong, but there will still be rain blown in by the wind. On the other side of the pigsty, the old sow, who was brought as a dowry, is also protecting the half pigs. They all lean close to the mouth of the pigsty and hum to each other.

Against the wind and rain, Wang first filled the pig trough with some pig food, and then sprinkled the chicken food in the chicken nest. After all this, she filled the donkey with fodder and rechecked the gate. She didn't enter the house until she was sure it was locked.

At this time, the big rain fell from the air like hail. Wang had used the fastest speed, but when she came back, most of her body was still wet.

Now the project on the other side of the mountain is at a critical juncture. As a small leader, Fang Wenhao is naturally not good at running home all day. Now it's going to rain heavily, and he can't get away.

There are only Wang and Tian Yuqiao, little guys and Caicai left in the family.

"Mom, I'll boil water for you now. Wash your body first, but don't catch cold. If you get sick at this time, it's not fun."

Tian Yuqiao had just found clean clothes for Wang, so he went to the back to boil water.

The little guy also said, "Mom, our husband also said today. He said that in such a weather, we must keep warm and don't let ourselves get wet, otherwise we won't like it once we get a cold. Just listen to my sister and wash quickly. I'll cook ginger syrup for you now."

"My mother is not as expensive as you said. When I lived with them before, my mother didn't come like this and didn't get sick."

Although Wang said so, his heart was warm.

At this time in previous years, she was the busiest and most tired. The work outside the house was busy and organized by her alone, and she was very tired, and no one was distressed. Now her two children are so concerned about themselves. She feels that she is very satisfied with such a life.

Tian Yuqiao burned a large pot of hot water. While Wang took a bath, she filled it up again.

"Little brother, you'll come and take a bath later. Let's all take a bath and get rid of the moisture." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Since I went to a private school, the little guy has become very clean. When Honda Yuqiao asked him to take a bath, he would be awkward, but not now.

After cheering, the little guy ran directly to the bathroom, stepped on the bench and jumped into the big barrel. Splashing water in it, I had a lot of fun.

At the beginning, Wang also helped him wash, but now he knows what "men and women are different", so he won't let people see his birds again.

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