At the old house of the Tian family, because everyone is busy building houses these days, we didn't have time to take care of the vegetable fields during the rainy season this year. Now the weeds in the vegetable field are about to grow higher than the vegetables, and there is no ditch dug in the yard to drain the water.

It rained heavily. Three inch Ding ate his stomach at night and had some diarrhea. I ran to the hut several times a night, but a big thunder came and broke the hut down.

He was biting his teeth in the hut and competing with his chrysanthemums. As a result, he heard "click, splash", and then his short body fell into the pit.

The pit of the Tian family's old house is a broken water tank. He really can't jump up when he falls down.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who has diarrhea tonight. The girl Chunhua also has diarrhea.

"Oh, I said, sister Qiuyue, is the wok we ate this evening broken? Why, after eating it, my stomach hurts! No, it's coming again now."

When Chunhua finished, she pulled a pair of shoes and ran to the hut.

"Be careful, Chunhua. It's raining hard outside. Don't get caught any more." Mrs. Feng got up and helped her light the lantern.

"Eh, where's the thatched cottage? Why is the thatched cottage gone?" Chunhua covered her stomach and stamped her feet in place. She couldn't find where the thatched cottage was.

When Mrs. Feng came with a lantern, she saw a piece of thatched ruins in front of her.

"Hey, the thatched cottage of the Tian family is not strong. It was washed down by the heavy rain."

"What should I do? I can't wait. There are four people sleeping in our room. Lao Tian's family doesn't even prepare a toilet. It's so ~!"

"I said you girl, don't complain. You'd better solve it on the spot. I'll block you. Hurry up."

Chunhua squatted in front of the Maokeng site. As soon as she squatted down to prepare for the avalanche, she heard something behind her. Frightened, Mrs. Feng exclaimed, "there's a ghost!" then she threw away the lantern in her hand and ran away.

The spring flower was so frightened that she quickly pulled up her pants and ran back with one foot deep and one foot shallow. However, in this hurry, she ran back to the warehouse where she lived before.

It was also dark. In addition, she was in a panic and didn't know the old Tian family house very well, so she ran to the wrong place in such a hurry.

After she entered the house, she found that this was the barn she had lived in before, not the newly built one at all.

Because she was a little frightened, she didn't hurry back to the house, but twisted the water on her skirt corner in the warehouse.

The three inch Ding happened to be arranged here today, but Chunhua didn't know.

When the boy finally stepped on the grass above his head, he climbed out of the pit with a bad smell.

Just because of the heavy rain outside, three inch Ding directly stood in the heavy rain and took a bath. He was shivering with cold. Now I hope I can take a hot bath.

There was still a bad smell on his body, and he couldn't care so much. He directly stepped away from his lap legs and ran towards his house.

However, when he finally touched the Kang, he found that there was a meat thing on the Kang, which scared him to sit on the ground again.

After lighting the oil lamp, he found that it was the spring flower girl he had admired all day.

"Ah ~ how is it you? What are you doing?" Chunhua pinched her collar and said with a wary face.

"Don't shout, maybe you don't know? I have a life-long friendship with your third master. We've always been together since childhood. I came back with him today just to marry you." three inch Ding smiled and moved forward.

"Go away, I don't even know you, you dead dwarf. If you get closer, I'll call someone." Chunhua threatened.

"I said, sister Chunhua, I can't blame my brother. It's clear that you went to my Kang yourself. How can you blame me? If you weren't interested in my brother, how could you come so actively? Ha ha, just shout. Now there's wind and rain and thunder outside. It's estimated that even if you break your throat, no one will hear you."

There was a "click" outside and another thunder. This really responds to the three inch Ding's sentence. It's really that you shouldn't do it every day and that the earth doesn't work.

"You... Are you really a friend of the third master? If you really like me, let the third master tell our fourth lady and let her promise me to you. But before that, you can't do anything to me."

Chunhua can only think of such a way to delay, but how can she compare with a Jianghu veteran like sancunding?

Her trick was exposed at once, and the three inch Ding was not angry, but continued to move towards the spring flower. The cheap smile on his face never stopped.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, and in the barn of the Tian family's old house, there were two people turning over clouds and rain.

Chunhua is not the opponent of that three inch Ding at all. Although he is short, he also has two sons in his hands. Spring flowers will soon be subdued~

Early the next morning, the autumn moon couldn't find the spring flowers, so she held an oil umbrella and looked everywhere.

Mrs. Feng has been seriously ill by the "ghost". She can't tell what to ask her.

Now the weather outside is not very good. Dr. Lin took great effort to come to the Tian family's old house to see Mrs. Feng.

"There are ghosts, there are ghosts..." Mrs. Feng's eyes are a little dull, and she can only say the word "there are ghosts".

"Oh, she should have been frightened and stimulated, so she became like this." Dr. Lin said.

The little girl Qiuyue said, "yes, doctor, sister Chunhua had a bad stomach last night and went to the bathroom. Mother Feng was afraid that it was inconvenient for her not to light up, so she chased her with lanterns. Then sister Chunhua never came back. She became like this as soon as she came back. Can't there really be a ghost? Was sister Chunhua caught by a ghost? Sobbing ~"

Li Shi said, "OK, don't howl. Why, when you didn't come, such a thing never happened in our family? If there are ghosts, it's also what you invited."

"No, I think the eighth floor is the lecheron brought back by the third master from outside! When he entered the hospital yesterday, he still stared at sister Chunhua. Those thief like eyes are about to fall off." the little girl said unconvinced.

"What, you said the little man brought back by the third child yesterday. He took a fancy to the girl of spring flowers?" Li's eyes lit up.

If it's really like what the little girl Qiuyue said, can't you accept a large amount of bride price from the dwarf?

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