Because the two young men Fang Wenhao and big head are going to travel with the army, even they are not sure how long it will take to come back. Tian Yuqiao proposed to give them a farewell banquet. Wang personally took the spoon. Mrs. Chen, who came from Chenjia village, and her daughter-in-law also came to fight Wang.

Wang Xiuer chose some vegetables to be used in the back shed, while Zhao accompanied Zhu Rongrong and told her some things to pay attention to when she was pregnant.

"Rong Rong, you're not as pregnant as you usually are. You must pay attention to your emotions. You can't be too excited or too depressed. Although the big head is leaving this time, you can't be too sad, otherwise it will affect the fetus. You're still young this month, so you should pay special attention at this time. Also, you'd better not sleep with him..."

Zhao nagged, while the two sisters in law of the Wang family occasionally added two sentences nearby.

Fang Wenhao and big head see that women talk about pregnancy and childbirth. Naturally, it's hard for them to stay in the house. They didn't know what they could do, so they spontaneously went to the yard to help chop firewood.

Tian Yuqiao's family doesn't have a field, so naturally they don't store firewood. Now the firewood they burn is two round wood that they bring down from the mountain from time to time.

The big head image placed his parting feelings on the father and son in his hand, and soon piled the chopped firewood as high as a hill. When Tian Yuqiao saw it, he immediately smiled and said, "big brother, you don't have to do this. My mother has promised to help you prepare for building a house, ha ha."

"Sister Qiao, I'm not because of that. Hey, I feel strong and have no place to vent..." big head wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

The two uncles of the Wang family naturally know why big head is like this. Just now Zhao reminded Zhu Rongrong that they can't have the same room during this period of time. Now he's leaving tomorrow. I don't know if it's monkey years and horses.

He had planned to fight with Zhu Rongrong until dawn this evening, but he listened to Zhao's instructions. No way, for the sake of his children, he can only bear it.

After he endured the thoughts in that regard, he could only vent his spare strength on the stumps in front of him. So this one didn't pay attention. He chopped all the firewood Tian Yuqiao's family needed in a month

Before dinner was ready, Fang Wenhao called Tian Yuqiao to the foot of the back mountain. There, his vision was wide, and he didn't have to worry about what he said and would be heard by others.

Tian Yuqiao saw that he looked nervous, just like a thief.

"Brother Hao'er, what are you doing?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

"Well ~ tomorrow I'm leaving," Fang Wenhao said quietly.

"Well, I know that."

"Don't you have anything to say to me? Or do you have anything to give me?"

After Fang Wenhao's reminder, Tian Yuqiao patted his head and suddenly realized: "by the way, the golden sore medicine I promised you to prepare for you last time, if you don't say it, I'll forget!"

Fang Wenhao suddenly wanted to cry without tears. God, is it so unimportant that he is in the little girl's heart?

Tian Yuqiao said that and ran away, because she had to hurry back to her house and get ready. It's better not to be found by too many people and let Fang Wenhao take all the golden sore medicine away.

Fang Wenhao's face was black. He wanted to say more words to the little girl. Although he doesn't have to go back to the barracks tonight, it's not good to talk to the little girl all the time, isn't it? After all, men and women don't give and receive. He naturally understands that he has been taught by Royal etiquette since he was a child.

There's nothing wrong with yourself. You can't ruin Joel's reputation. Although she is still young, he will never allow her to suffer any harm because of his recklessness.

Trailed behind Tian Yuqiao. When he got home, Tian Yuqiao was already standing at the door waiting for them with a smile.

"Brother Hao'er, call brother big head in. Oh, by the way, I have everything ready for you."

In short, whatever it is, as long as it is prepared by Joel, it is of commemorative significance. It's just... It's too much, isn't it? There are two big wooden boxes. I don't know when she bought them. It's really strange.

Big head was a little unclear, so he didn't know what was in these bottles and cans. But seeing Hao'er's eyes shining, he knew it must be a good thing.

Tian Yuqiao locked the door, and then said in a low voice, "one of these two boxes is golden sore powder, and the other is oral golden sore pills. You will inevitably get hurt on the battlefield. Of course, it's best not to use them. Take them all tomorrow. Don't let others know. It's sold in Jiren hall, but it's very expensive."

"Ha ha, I told you earlier that this medicine is a good thing. Even if we take it back, there are too many. It's impossible not to be found. And I'm in charge of so many people now. Naturally, I can't be too stingy. Just according to what we said before, a bottle of silver or two. Anyway, I can find the money and get it back. Don't worry."

When Fang Wenhao finished, he had counted the number of drugs. Unexpectedly, Joel was really generous, with 600 bottles of powder and 600 bottles of pills. This is because Tian Yuqiao's Wooden bottles are gone, and the time is too tight, otherwise she plans to get more.

Soon there was a voice outside asking everyone to go out to dinner. As soon as the voice fell, I heard a Buddha call: "Amitabha, I'm not late. The two cubs are leaving tomorrow. Today, I have to drink with them."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said that the old guy was really good at calculating. His family can't escape his nose every time they cook delicious food. Fortunately, there were many people today, so he came directly. If Fang Wenhao and big head are not here in the future, he will have to ask the two brothers Eryuan to pack it for him.

After the big head went out first, Tian Yuqiao hooked his finger at Fang Wenhao. He said mysteriously, "I have a gift for you. It's very good."

Fang Wenhao suddenly brightened his eyes and said that qiao'er still treated himself differently from big head. Look, she remembers to give herself a present.

Tian Yuqiao took out a whistle made of willow bark from his neck, opened the glazed window and blew outside. After a while, a pigeon flew over from outside.

"Ah? So you're going to give me this?"

"Yes, give you a bird!"

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