Tian Yuqiao learned the identities of the two teenagers on the mountain from Jin Jin, and also knew that they would find the old monk huikong in trouble. In the empty world, I didn't want to refine pills, but reluctantly planed the ground with the small medicine hoe in my hand.

"What do you think I should do? If the old monk doesn't admit that he taught me, will those two people trace us?" Tian Yuqiao was a little melancholy.

If she were alone, it would be a big deal to hide in the void. But now she has a family and a career here, and she also has a mother who loves her very much and a very lively and lovely brother. There are a lot of people and things that she can't give up, so she can't involve the people at home this time.

Caicai suddenly entered the empty realm at this time, rolled his eyes and said to Tian Yuqiao, "what's the big deal? Just put everything on the dead old monk. He's already in peace. Are you still worried that the two people will dig him out of the ground and confront him on the spot?"

Tian Yuqiao had an idea and was right. Just like using wolf boy before, master Huiyuan said he was his predestined friend before his death, so it's OK to use it.

Hey, why do you think of that boy again? Tian Yuqiao was speechless and quickly removed Fang Wenhao's shadow from his head.

Originally, Fang Wenhao was blamed for her literacy and knowledge of medicinal materials. I didn't think that awesome guy really did. He actually knew a lot of things, so he didn't let himself go. This time, we should also be able to avert danger. The big deal is to go up the mountain later and burn two more incense for master Huiyuan.

After making up her mind, she continued to refine the new poison she had just mastered in the past two days. She renamed it zhutou qiri powder herself.

This poison is made from precious medicinal materials in the medicine field, but these medicinal materials are mutually exclusive. In other words, they are good medicine when taken out alone, but once they are mixed together in a specific proportion, hey hey, the effect is not what Tian Yuqiao can imagine now.

Up to now, she has not successfully refined a pig head seven day powder, which makes her a little distressed. Although this medicine can't kill people, if it's used for that smelly boy, it's estimated that the expression on his face will be very rich.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing as he thought about the appearance of Murong Bo after he became a "pig head".

"Tut Tut, this pill is really good. Although it's not poisonous enough, it's more terrible for those handsome boys to destroy their appearance than to kill them." Tian Yuqiao was a little complacent.

Caicai replied, "no matter how powerful the medicine is, you have to be able to refine it successfully. Otherwise, nothing you say will help."

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly glanced and said, "when I say Caicai, you are really not cute at all. What's the truth? Don't you know how honest and annoying it is?"

"Hum, you human beings are so hypocritical." Cai turned his head and didn't look at Tian Yuqiao.

"Eh, didn't Cai follow Yutang? Why did he come back?" Jin's little ear moved and said.

Tian Yuqiao, as if he had caught something, quickly fought back and said, "no, I think the eighth floor of wealth is despised by others. It's such a character that five doctors won't like it."

Caicai snorted coldly with his nose. Then he said, "no, I hate that ash. He robbed me of the handsome boy all day. I hate it. People hate it. I must teach him a lesson another day so that he won't always pester my little fresh meat."

Tian Yuqiao falls Khan. Unexpectedly, Cai Cai always heard her muttering "little fresh meat", and even learned the word. Do you want to be so shocking? Are you a little pet? Why are you so crazy?

"Come on, I'll let the dust stop pestering the jade hall after the big deal. Tell me the secret of the pig's head seven days powder quickly. I need your advice." Tian Yuqiao smiled and handed it to Caicai with a pile of defective products.

Although Caicai likes to eat poison, what he likes is the perfect poison, okay? For Tian Yuqiao to feed himself with defective products, Caicai's heart is actually very broken.

Seeing that Caicai was indifferent, Tian Yuqiao said with some embarrassment: "Oh, you know, people are busy recently. I promise I'll come in to refine pills as soon as I have time and promise to refine delicious poisons for you."

"Hum, you used to make alchemy sore medicine for that cold and murderous boy before, but you didn't practice poison well. You're so useless. Alas, you're the most unreliable descendant of the medicine King I've ever seen." Caicai looked high.

Tian Yuqiao said, I can't bear it~

"When you refine this pill, you must hold your breath and concentrate. You can't have any thoughts in your heart, otherwise you can't become a pill. Also, you can't always think about success. The poisons in this poison code are spiritual. The more you desire it, the harder it will be." Caicai said and went to the thatched roof to rest.

It seems that he is really unhappy with his praise to the little guy today. I can't help it. Who let Caicai have no other great role, and the little guy hasn't encountered danger during this time, so naturally there's no place for Caicai to play.

"Oh, OK, I see. You don't have to be jealous. In the future, there will be more and more people and animals around Wulang. If you are always jealous, can you finish it? You'd better make do with what I gave you first. I don't have anything else."

Gold is very dogleg to carry the poison of the defective product that Caicai has shown weakness to Caicai. Caicai has no choice but to make do with it.

It was originally the guardian spirit of the medicine king in the virtual environment. If you don't eat the poison produced in the virtual environment for a long time, you will reduce your cultivation and other indicators. Therefore, although it disdains to eat these defective products, it can only make do with it.

Tian Yuqiao sat quietly for a while and threw all the handsome boys' faces out of his heart. Then he began to try alchemy again.

Not to mention, after the first blast, the second scorch and the third lump... After nine hundred and eighty-one attempts, she finally got the first pig head seven day powder.

She was so happy that she quickly took it to show off with Caicai. It turned out that joy begets sorrow. Caicai thought her pill was well refined and swallowed it in one bite~

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