Tian Yuqiao went to the Nanshan Temple on the mountain. Sure enough, he saw the two teenagers. Today, they all changed into very simple clothes and were sitting in the meeting hall. He didn't know what they talked about with Hui.

Jin Jin also told Tian Yuqiao about the distribution of the bodyguards around him. After a quick analysis, Tian Yuqiao could determine that the bodyguards were not aimed at themselves, but to protect the two teenagers.

In that case, she can safely and boldly deceive. Sample, I poisoned you yesterday. It seems that your arms and legs are all right. Is it because that place is not working? Er... No, he's still young. He thinks wrong himself.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but despise himself in her heart. However, her eyes swept somewhere of Murong Bo intentionally or unintentionally, making Murong Bo almost stand up and get angry.

He didn't expect that the little girl in the mountain dared to look at herself so wantonly.

"I said, young master, I was too abrupt yesterday. I thought you were going to hurt me, so I poisoned you. But I can swear that I really don't have the poison. After master Huiyuan passed away, he left me only a few small bags. I used some of them when dealing with wild boars..."

Tian Yuqiao said and made a look of bitter hatred. At this time, huikong smiled directly.

He explained with a smile: "ha ha, yes, the poor monk has heard about this girl. She was almost trampled to death by an old sow because she fell out of the pigsty. Later, the family put wine at the bottom of the pot, but the dowry was an old sow. The pig was crazy and almost arched her again..."

Tian Yuqiao's head is covered with black lines. He said in his heart, you old man, do you want to go so far? Although you say that for my good, you can't black me so much.

Even the son of King Jing, who was terminally ill next to him, could not laugh at this time. Fortunately, murongbo took out a red pill from his arms in time and quickly took it to Gongsun Yu.

Before he could rinse with water, he patted him on the back and then beat him twice on the chest. The Gongsun Yu choked and rolled his eyes. It was not easy to swallow the pill as big as hawthorn.

"Cough, I said brother Murong, can I give you some advice? When you refine pills in the future, can you make smaller ones or instant ones? It almost choked me."

"Oh, how can you complain? I didn't want to bring you here today. It's you who have to follow."

Today Gongsun Yu is wearing a white silk robe, while murongbo is wearing a black suit. They are really a "black-and-white match". In addition, both of them look good, Tian Yuqiao is crazy.

The young man in white robe was sick, like a weak Liu Fufeng, while the young man in black was angular and cold. If only they hadn't broken their sleeves, tut tut.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know why. As soon as she met, she thought the two teenagers were that kind of relationship. Once this first impression is settled, it is difficult to change. She had tried her best not to think about that kind of dirty things, but when she saw these two handsome and graceful teenagers together, she couldn't help thinking.

Are you jealous that they are ~ more beautiful than you? Tian Yuqiao couldn't help touching his face as delicate as baby skin.

In the eyes of the two people opposite, her action was "scratching her head".

Murong Burton frowned and said that women are indeed a virtue. So did his grandfather's concubines, and so did his father's concubines. Even the little village girl who is a little older in the valley has learned to hook up with men. It's really hateful.

If he hadn't wanted to know the prescription of the poison, he might have been tempted to leave by now.

"Cough, my elder martial brother likes to travel around at ordinary times. Moreover, he has met many people, all kinds of people. Although he has left a book for girl Qiao, it is just an ordinary recipe. As for the Dan recipe mentioned by the two CHILDES, I haven't heard the elder martial brother mention it." Hui Kong frowned.

Tian Yuqiao seldom sees old monk huikong talking so seriously. Don't say it. If people who don't know his details see him, they will really think he is an eminent monk. Look at his unfathomable appearance. Tut Tut, he's really an acting school.

Without saying a word, Tian Yuqiao touched directly from behind and took out a book. She asked Fang Wenhao to copy this recipe for her. The original is with Wang.

"Yes, that's the book. But I can only lend it to you, because any prescription here can sell at a good price." Tian Yuqiao reluctantly handed over the recipe.

Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo both craned their necks and read a few pages together. Don't mention it. It's really some strange recipes.

"The pill of poison, don't you really have it?" Murong Bo frowned, but still continued to ask.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head and pretended to be innocent. "No, the poison can soften the limbs of old sows and wild boars, so they can't catch up with me. I used it three times before, and I used it again yesterday."

Murong Bo was so angry that he directly stood up, pointed to Tian Yuqiao's nose and said, "you, you actually compare this childe with those sows and wild boars. Do you know if you have offended me? The consequences are very serious?"

Tian Yuqiao pretended to be shocked and opened his mouth: "Oh? What will happen if I offend you? Do you want to poison me with your poison? Master huikong, this is an important place of Buddhism. In front of Bodhisattva, these two people can't be presumptuous?"

Huikong narrowed his eyes and said, "Amitabha, that's good. Two benefactors, even if you don't believe this little girl, you should also believe me? I'm not going to offend the two great Buddhas of King Jing's house and Yaowang villa for such a little girl."

"It's us who are abrupt and dare to disturb. I hope master huikong won't be surprised." Gongsun Yu arched his hand.

"It doesn't matter." Hui Kong's face suddenly hung up that kind smile.

Murongbo still stared at Tian Yuqiao. He always felt that the little girl smiled very thief. Although she said she was afraid, she didn't notice any fear in her body.

Murong Bo can't be blamed for being suspicious, because he was able to distinguish the "Qi" around a person's body since he was a child, so as to judge whether the other party killed him.

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