Three inch Ding went to Tongfu inn to take charge of the affairs and asked for silver. Unexpectedly, he took his own woman in. This is really a loss for his wife and a loss for his soldiers. Now he is so regretful that his intestines are green.

At noon, the door outside was opened with a "creak". Then someone sent them two bowls of food. Let alone, the little guy was really hungry. I ate it without thinking about it, and three inch Ding couldn't eat anything.

Now he wondered whether his daughter-in-law had been eaten and wiped away by the old beast~

"I'll fight with you and let our spring flowers go quickly."

Three inch Ding knocked over the food in front of him, and then he put his head on the stomach of the man who delivered the food. It's not that he doesn't want to hit other places, but his height. He can only hit there

With a bang, three inch Ding's body was like a rolling gourd, which was directly bounced back by someone else's stomach. Directly rolled to the little guy's feet, and his nose was bleeding.

"With your short stature, you want to compete with me? It's too much. Wait here, or you'll have good fruit to eat."

As soon as the man finished speaking, a lazy voice came from his son: "OK, as long as you sign this divorce document, I'll give you a hundred liang of silver immediately."

Steward Zhang's clothes were half open, and there were kiss marks on his body. Beside him, there are spring flowers with messy hair. She was afraid to look at three inch Ding and half blocked her face with her hair.

"Spring flower, did he force you?" three inch Ding was about to crack.

"Alas, I don't like to force anyone. She volunteered all this. Chunhua has printed her hand on it and will wait for you next. If you don't promise, not only will you not get the silver, but I will send you to the government so that you can't get out all your life." manager Zhang smiled proudly.

"No, it's impossible. Chunhua, they must have forced you to do this, right?" three inch Ding's eyes were wet.

"Well, Chunhua, you can discuss it with him here. I'll give you a cup of tea."

When steward Zhang finished, he asked someone to lock the door outside. He himself went back to drink ginseng soup and mended his body. Just now he fought with the spring flower for hundreds of rounds, and he was really tired.

"Spring flower, did they force you? You're talking? Untie it quickly. I must take you away." three inch Ding said.

Chunhua shook her head and whispered, "no, he didn't force me. I volunteered all this. It's much more promising to follow manager Zhang than you, and... And his words are more powerful than yours ~"

Three inch Ding looked incredulous and continued to ask, "what spring flower, you say it again, who are you going to live with?"

Chunhua bit her teeth, raised her face and said word by word, "I like to talk to money. I'll talk to anyone who has money. Do you understand this time? In fact, what he said is true. If you sign on the divorce letter, he will give you one hundred liang of silver. With this money, you can buy a house."

Three inch Ding sat on the ground, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

When the little guy saw this, he immediately felt that the opportunity came. He said to the three inch Ding, "your daughter-in-law has said that she plans to live with rich people, so you'd better give up your heart. Why don't you think about what I told you before, and you can have two hundred Liang silver by then."

"You little fart boy, what do you know? Shut up." three inch Ding shouted fiercely, throwing all his anger at Tian Yutang.

The little guy ignored him, but smiled at the spring flower way: "Chunhua, for the sake of you and his wife, why do you have to help him again? It's not worth your husband and wife. I told him before that if he tried to save me and take me home, I would tell my mother that he saved me and ask my mother to give him another hundred liang of silver as a gift. If you have a little conscience, give him a hand."

Chunhua also felt that she was sorry for the three inch Ding. Although he didn't look very good, she always treated herself sincerely. So she bit her lip and promised, "OK, I'll find a way to let them let you go, just help him."

Three inch Ding was silly and still didn't say a word. But people outside began to urge him: "Hey, I said, the time is almost up. You have any last words to say. The steward is still waiting for an answer."

The spring flower said, "come, come, come."

When she finished, she quickly untied the rope on three inch Ding and the little guy, and whispered to them, "you go through the back window. There is a rain on the first floor. Step on the top and jump down, and then you can escape."

Three inch Ding still refused to go, took Chunhua's sleeve and said, "no, madam, I'd rather not have money, and I want to live with you. Don't worry, I will be able to earn a lot of money in the future. Do you believe me?"

Chunhua shrunk her hand and roared, "hurry up, it's too late. Here's a silver note of one hundred Liang silver. Take it away and go..."

The little guy had jumped out of the window, and three inch Ding was riding on the windowsill, and people outside had broken through the door.

"How did you let them go?" the strong man asked gnashing his teeth.

Chunhua said, "I'll tell steward Zhang about it myself. Anyway, he has put his fingerprints on the divorce letter, and I'll be steward Zhang in the future."

"Oh, the little girl is still pulling up. Tut Tut, we have changed more women in charge of Zhang for a year. You really treat yourself as a dish."

Chunhua told steward Zhang about letting sancunding and Tian Yutang go. Steward Zhang said, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, since it's certain that the man the master is looking for is here, it doesn't matter."

"Xianggong, don't you really blame me?" Chunhua pasted on Zhang's body as if she were boneless.

"Little beauty, it's too late for me to love you. How can I blame you? Oh, by the way, do you know where Wang Xiuer lives now?" steward Zhang asked with a frown.

Chunhua said, "I know. I lived in that village with our young lady for a while before. But I don't know that Wang Xiuer very well. She doesn't go out very often."

"Hahaha, you know where she lives. Anyway, the monk also ran to the temple. Let's take someone and get her back. Then you'll wait to go back with me and have a good life. The master will reward me." manager Zhang said with a smile.

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