It is said that there is no lover in the flood, but this sentence is farting for the Tian family's old house!

Now Tian Dahu has committed a crime alone. He is so frightened that the old Tian family's house is silent, for fear that he will be implicated by him. So Mr. Tian also made up his mind and decided to give Sanfang a single pass.

Dr. Lin came to feel li's pulse and wrote two prescriptions to calm the nerves and remove the fire. Dalang went out to get medicine, while the others stayed at home waiting for Mr. Tian to separate.

"Hey, old four, you used to invite the village head and several ethnic elders. Originally, it was a family scandal, but after all, it shocked the villagers. Now we can't keep this face even if we want it. Go and ask everyone to bear a witness." old Tian said dejectedly.

He looks like he's several years old all at once. The waist is bent, the back is hunched, and there seem to be several more white hair~

The village head and several ethnic elders have long heard of an accident in the village, and the cause of the accident is actually related to the new county magistrate. So they didn't dare to take it lightly. At this time, they all gathered at the village head's house for a meeting.

Seeing that the scholar came to call someone, the village head asked, "you came to us, but it has something to do with what happened in your family today?"

Xueshulang nodded and said, "yes, uncle village head, my third brother is the only one who caused this, so my father plans to separate his family. He gambled in the town before, which caused a lot of losses to the family. Later, he planned to steal and sell Joe together with Jianghu gangsters. This time, it's even more serious. He joined forces with gangsters to tie up our five lang."

"Stop talking, we've already made it clear. But what you just said is not the key point. The key point is that your useless third brother still helps people from other counties to deal with your sister-in-law this time. And Wang Xiuer is the daughter of the county magistrate. This time, it's really a big thing." the village head frowned.

The oldest old man in the village said, "hum, the third Tian family is really shameful. He has been sneaking around since he was a child. Unexpectedly, he is even more shameful now. Originally, there was a county magistrate in our village. Everyone is happy like something, but the third Tian family is really cheating."

"Elder brother is right. That boy is not a good thing. I don't think it's enough for the Tian family to separate this time. We should drive the black sheep out of the village, otherwise it's not enough to calm the people's anger."

Reading Lang listened and was immediately stupid. Anyway, he's his own brother. Is it a little too serious to drive him out of the village directly?

However, when he thought that Tian Dahu might affect his future career, shushulang bit his teeth and said, "please bother the village head and all the elders in the village. Come back with me. What do you want to do? Do you want to make plans after listening to my father?"

Wang Heng breathed a sigh of relief: "well, everyone is working hard. Let's go together."

Several old men soon arrived at the Tian family's old house. At this time, Tian Yuqiao hid in the house alone and secretly asked Jin Jin to tell her what happened in the Tian family's old house.

Li's illness was nothing serious, but he was hit too hard. It's not because Tian Dahu made trouble that she was so sad. In fact, she was distressing her one hundred liang of silver!

Mr. Tian had already let Tian Guihua burn hot water and took a plate of peanuts waiting for the village head to come. Seeing that everyone was here, he said, "hard work, you have come to my house. Hey, I think everyone knows something? It's really unfortunate."

When master Tian finished, he even shed two lines of sad tears.

"Tell me what's going on. It's getting late today," said the oldest man.

"Here's the thing. My third son is too incompetent. Our family can't stand his burden. I invite you to come here today to give us a witness. I want to divide the third family. Do you have any opinions?" Mr. Tian said carefully.

It is reasonable to say that parents can't separate their families, which is an eternal rule. However, since this rule has been broken in the second room before, there is nothing to say about distributing the third room now.

The village head said, "yes, we also studied the matter of your third son today. He not only humiliated your old Tian family, but also made our whole mountain village lose face."

"That's right. I don't know how you usually educate your son. You're really a black sheep. Originally, a county magistrate came to our village, and everyone followed him. This time, it's good. The old man of your family threw dirty water on him before he touched it."

The village head frowned and said, "old brother, don't blame me for my bad speech. Now what your third son has done has exceeded the limit that everyone can tolerate. So I have discussed with several elders on the way. Black sheep like him must be driven out of the village."

"What? Village head, this is not so serious. If the third is really driven away, which village will dare to take him in in the future?"

As soon as Li pulled off the hot towel on his head, he was refreshed immediately.

No matter how bad the big lake was, it somehow climbed out of her stomach. She didn't want him to come to such an end.

Jiang's side was already crying. It was really pathetic.

Master Tian said, "you guys, let's divide the family first. What will happen to my useless third son in the future depends on what the government will do. After all, the third daughter-in-law and his children are innocent. I hope the village can give him a chance."

"Well, I'll help you divide your home today. But if Tian Dahu comes back in the future, the people in the village will certainly not tolerate him. Let's see how the government deals with him. If he is directly sentenced, his mother-in-law and children can still stay in the village."

When the village head saw that the oldest and the highest generation in the village had already spoken, he naturally could not refute it, so he looked at old man Tian's separation.

Finally, the result of the separation is to let the Jiang family continue to live in their original two and a half houses, and the house is even distributed to them. As for money, Jiang signed an IOU of one hundred liang of silver for Tian Dahu, and gave old man Tian and Li a total of two liang of silver each year.

As for the fields and so on, the dry land, which is only divided into two mu for Sanfang, is still the worst two mu for the old house. As for the other pots and pans, except the original ones in Sanfang, they don't have their share.

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