Tian Yuqiao took Fang Wenhao into the virtual environment, and also took time to secretly feed him some medicinal food. Fortunately, there is a big time difference between the virtual environment and the outside, so she can rest assured that Fang Wenhao can rest inside.

After going out, I found that the twelve puppets were guarding the door outside. Now they have been broken by the great wizard. Now these people have become the minions of the great wizard, so it is impossible for Tian Yuqiao to break through.

There was a roar of killing outside, but it was still calm here. Daimei is outside to show you the way. It's reasonable that she shouldn't be so slow. She hasn't come yet.

The sound of "Dong Dong" came from the next door. Tian Yuqiao listened and heard that there seemed to be a terrible beast imprisoned next door.

Taking a small hammer from the virtual environment, Tian Yuqiao began to chisel along the gap in the dungeon. Before half a brick had been chiseled off on her side, there was a rapid sound of footsteps outside the dungeon.

"Come on, the poor apprentice is inside. If she has any mistakes, it's you. It's really a waste of time."

Huang Banxian pulled his neck and shouted outside. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing bitterly. Heart said, do you want to be so fake? I'm afraid who doesn't know you love your apprentice most.

The twelve puppets outside were not the opponents of Huang Banxian and Lao Jiu at all, and the first person to rush into the dungeon was the big head.

He was carrying a big knife that was still dripping blood, and the tip of the knife was dripping blood. He was ticking all the way and was about to come in. Tian Yuqiao hurriedly dragged Fang Wenhao out and laid him flat on the ground.

At this time, he had rested in the virtual environment for a long time, and his physical strength recovered a little, but he didn't wake up.

After Huang Banxian came in, he looked at Tian Yuqiao first. Seeing that she was not hurt, he continued to check Fang Wenhao.

"Fairy, I don't know how my subordinates are?" Lao Jiu asked with concern.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He's been fasting for too long, so he's a little collapsed. But fortunately, he's been taken care of by my disciple. He's all right. Just take him back and have a rest."

"That's great. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We'd better leave as soon as possible." Lao Jiu said.

Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said, "it's not busy. There seems to be a very powerful guy in custody next door. Shall we let him out?"

Huang Banxian smiled and said, "that's necessary. As long as we can block the old immortal, we have to do it. Don't worry, apprentice. As a teacher, let it out."

Lao Jiu didn't expect that Huang Banxian had such a big feud with the great wizard of Hu people. It seems that the reason why he chose to help himself this time should be to target the great wizard.

Huang Banxian pasted a thunder fire charm on the wall, and then read the Dharma. As soon as I heard the "boom", the wall collapsed.

What came into view was a pair of scarlet triangular eyes and two white tusks.

As soon as the monster saw a stranger, he immediately opened his big mouth and made a hissing sound from his throat that made people's eardrums crack.

The people were so frightened that they retreated one after another, while Huang Banxian lit a fire and took the lead in walking past. Tian Yuqiao also stepped over the ruins of the wall and went in to have a look. It turned out to be a giant gorilla covered with white hair.

"God, it's so big!" the big head couldn't help looking up and sighing.

All the soldiers outside also saw this frightening scene, and the timid had withdrawn from the dungeon.

The monster was wearing a pair of iron shoes. His body was scarred and his limbs were chained to the wall.

It seems that it should be very hungry, and Tian Yuqiao can't care so much. Fortunately, those soldiers didn't follow in, and there is only one big head here.

She directly took out two top-grade ginseng from the virtual environment, held it in her hand and swayed in front of the huge white orangutan.

The orangutan seemed to smell ginseng. His saliva immediately flowed out like a stream, and soon formed a puddle on the ground below.

"Master, big head, do whatever you should do. I have something to say to him." Tian Yuqiao said seriously.

Big head was a little worried, but he still went out with Fang Wenhao behind his back. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Tian Yuqiao to be careful, while Tian Yuqiao nodded.

Huang Banxian wanted to stay, but Tian Yuqiao also drove him away.

After they were gone, Tian Yuqiao asked Jin Jin to act as an interpreter.

"Gold, tell it that if you want to eat, you must submit to me. I will not enslave it. I will treat it as my friend and partner. If it agrees, I can feed it and heal it."

Gold jumped to the gorilla and climbed directly to its head along the black iron chain. He screamed at it. It seemed that gold was also a little excited and anxious.

At the beginning, the big guy was still very grumpy. He couldn't listen to anything and still opened his mouth and roared. However, when it was patted with two claws by gold, the red light in its eyes dissipated and gradually returned to dark brown.

It yelled at the gold and the hair in its throat. Gold soon told Tian Yuqiao that it was half done.

Tian Yuqiao was delighted when he heard the news from Jin Jin.

"Are you sure you heard right? Is it really willing to go with me as long as we help it kill the great wizard?"

Jin Jin nodded, and after a few squeaks, he shouted again at the gorilla. The gorilla shed tears and his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

Tian Yuqiao asked xiaoruan to go out and find someone to copy the key, but xiaoruan said Meng Meng: "no, people know it. Its name is Dabai, which was forcibly captured by the great wizard. The great wizard killed all its people in order to make it surrender. I knew what the key looked like for a long time, so I didn't have to copy it."

After Xiao Ruan said that, he directly turned his body into a key, then hardened, and directly opened all the white chains.

But Dabai was still unable to act. Tian Yuqiao frowned and asked, "Xiao Ruan, what's going on?"

"Oh, because it was nailed through the lute bone, it was badly hurt."

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he quickly took out some golden sore powder and asked the gold to apply medicine to Dabai. Then he took some golden sore pills and let Dabai eat them.

And the big white seemed to be hungry for a long time, and even the medicine bottle was swallowed and chewed. Tian Yuqiao listened to the molar voice and felt that the hairs on his body were numb.

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