Tian Yumei came back from other places and brought back a very shocking news that Zhangjia was going to retaliate.

Wang was worried, while Tian Yuqiao had a new plan. If you can't wait for someone to come, you have to choose to take the initiative. Being beaten passively is not her character, so we must find a way to start first.

Early the next morning, Tian Yumei and Gao Guijun came to see Wang with gifts. They did not expect that Wang could live in such a good big house. Especially in the next two barns, there was a horse in them.

"Second aunt, Wulang, I came to see you with the my head of the family." Tian Yumei said hello to Wang from a distance.

Wang smiled and took the man in and asked the little guy to bring fruit to Gao Guijun. Although they had eaten these things in the old house, they were all cut into small pieces. Gao couldn't bear to take them out.

"Second aunt, I didn't expect that such a big change had taken place in my family just a few years ago." Tian Yumei said, gnawing at the apple.

Wang smiled and said, "yes, but this has happened in the past two years. Your second uncle has become a soldier, and his life and death are still uncertain. Your third uncle is ~ alas, let's not mention him. Your fourth uncle is in the county now, and he should live very well."

"By the way, where's qiao'er's sister?" Tian Yumei looked around and asked.

"Sister Yumei, my sister went to Nanshan Temple on the mountain to make a wish." the little guy said with a smile.

"Oh, is that the broken temple on the mountain? I remember I saw it several times when I dug wild vegetables." Tian Yumei recalled.

Wang smiled and shook his head and said, "now it's a very magnificent temple. By the way, I'm going to ask the Bodhisattva to bless your second uncle to come back safely. Do you two want to go and have a look?"

As soon as Tian Yumei heard this, she immediately bit Gao Guijun's ears for a while, and then their faces turned red.

Tian Yumei said shyly, "I want to go, but we don't have anything ready. After two days, we'll go up the mountain to ask the Bodhisattva."

The little guy shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter. The temple also sells those things. My sister proposed that. Hey, hey. If you buy in front of the temple, the price is higher, but it's more convenient."

"Really? If so, let's hurry. To tell you the truth, aunt, my stomach hasn't moved yet, I ~"

Tian Yumei then lowered her head and scratched a loss in her eyes.

Wang had planned to ask about her child, but fortunately he didn't ask.

Hurry up to clean up. Wang and the little guy led Tian Yumei and his wife up the mountain.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao was playing with Dabai. He was so envious that the two old guys next to him were stunned. Dabai especially likes to play with Tian Yuqiao, and in front of her, Dabai will only be coquettish and never reveal his violent side.

"Hey, this big white is spiritual. It seems that it also likes the girl qiao'er. No wonder my senior brother chose her as his predestined friend."

"That's not why. I also chose her as my closing disciple."

"Cut, if it weren't for your damn cow's nose and hair, I would certainly be able to take her in front of you."

It's not a day or two for the two to quarrel, and Tian Yuqiao is a little tired at this time. In fact, it's just that she throws out the fruit and asks Dabai to chase it. Dabai likes playing this childish game very much. Even ash is tired of playing this kind of game, and it enjoys it.

When Tian Yuqiao came to have a rest, he asked Huang Banxian by the way, "master, didn't you travel all over the country and press your legs on the railway? I want to ask, didn't you say you knew everything before? Let me ask you, Zhang Jia over there in Sishui County, do you know?"

"What's the matter? Zhangjia? It's estimated that no one in Sishui county will not know. Three generations ago, there was a senior official in the family. Although the family is a little lonely now, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and now there are thousands of mu of good land."

After Tian Yuqiao's eyes flashed, she said, "by the way, master, you haven't taught me alchemy. We can't say nothing. Let others call master for nothing. It seems that you haven't taught me anything."

"That's natural, master. I want to teach you, but you have to come out when you have time." Huang Banxian said with a smile.

Just as the two teachers and disciples were entangled, Yuanji ran over with a whistle: "master, my mother led two people up the mountain to worship the Bodhisattva. My mother wants you to show them."

He just came from the practice field, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Huikong finally caught such a rest space and said to Huang Banxian, "just right, you continue to accompany Dabai here. I'll go too!"

Then he disappeared like a gust of wind in the blink of an eye. Tian Yuqiao also squeezed out a smiling face and said to Huang Banxian, "master, since it's my mother, I'm sorry. I'll go and have a look. Please come here and play sports with Da Bai so that he can recover as soon as possible."

Poor Huang Banxian was sold by his unscrupulous teammates.

Tian Yuqiao thought while walking. Now he has found out the details of the Zhang family. They just rely on their ancestors to have senior officials, and they have more land at home. In this way, I dare to rob civilian women. I really don't know how the local government governs it.

In that case, let her teach these rich and unkind local rich men in her own way.

Thousand mu of good farmland? Yes, what she needs most now is land. This is a good chance given to her by God. Since the other party is unkind, don't blame her!

When he came to the main hall, Tian Yuqiao really saw the back of Wang and a pair of young people. It seemed that he had just arrived at No. 9 and was kneeling down to worship the Buddha statue in the main hall.

Tian Yuqiao didn't bother them. Instead, he found a futon and knelt on it. She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the Bodhisattva could bless her parents in her previous life, so that the two old people could be free from disease and disaster.

He is now unlikely to go back, so he can only ask the Bodhisattva to take his filial piety to his previous life.

Yuanji and Yuantong on one side saw Tian Yuqiao so pious in front of the Buddha for the first time. They both knelt beside Tian Yuqiao and muttered: "Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, we must bless Qiao's wish."

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