Tian Yuqiao doesn't know why the sick childe Gongsun Yu and the black boy murongbo of Yaowang villa haven't left yet. Fortunately, she's idle and bored and plans to come out to breathe. Otherwise, it's estimated that these two guys will be beaten flat by white and become "extra meals" for wild animals.

Although she came in time, many people in the team were still injured. Although the injury is not fatal, it is difficult to act for a while.

Murong Bo is worthy of being a famous doctor. Now he started to treat the injured people without saying a word. Then let others hold the injured to go back to rest first, while they still stand where they are.

"You raised it?" Gongsun Yu's face was a little white, and his lips were still accompanied by a morbid white frost.

Seeing that the tiny human dared to use his fingers, big white opened his mouth and exposed two pairs of white tusks. There was a low roar in their throat, which scared them back several steps.

"No, it's called Dabai. It's my friend. By the way, why are you still here? Haven't you gone back before?" Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

Gongsun Yu was about to answer. Murong Bo over there looked white and said, "we don't know her very well. Why pay attention to her!"

Tian Yuqiao was so angry that his eyebrows jumped. He said in his heart, sister, I shouldn't have come to save you. It's really a dog biting LV Dongbin.

"Yes, since we are not familiar, let's just go back to one horse. If I hadn't arrived in time to save you this time, I'm afraid your little lives would have been lost. They all say that the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by Yongquan. Now it's time for us to settle accounts."

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao was about to blackmail people, Murong Bo took Gongsun Yu and left with disdain on his face.

Dabai gets Tian Yuqiao's signal and immediately jumps and stops them directly.

Originally, they thought that Da Bai was just very strong. Unexpectedly, it had such a big body and was so sensitive. It seems that he was deliberately playing cat and mouse with himself and others. If he used killing tactics as soon as he came up, it is estimated that two more lives will not be enough to die.

After seeing the strength gap between the two sides, murongbo had to stand in place and put on a helpless expression of "being slaughtered by others".

"Come on, what conditions do you want to talk to us about? But we don't have any more silver for you. You've completely knocked it out last time." Murong Bo said dragged.

"Since you don't want to repay, you might as well just ~ um..." Tian Yuqiao deliberately lengthened his voice and scanned them up and down with a very impolite look. That's like buying vegetables in the market and looking at the quality of the radish in front of you.

They didn't feel how cold they were in the cold wind. After being seen by Tian Yuqiao, they even sent out a cool feeling from their back.

"Hey, you little girl, why do you look at us like this? Even if we don't have enough silver, we will never promise you by example." Murong Bo held his head high and looked like death at home.

Tian Yuqiao smiled directly and almost slipped from Da Bai's shoulder.

"Oh, I said you look black. Do you want to be so confident? Who said you should promise each other by example. Even if I really have that idea, I won't be interested in a black boy like you. The sick childe next to you looks much more polite."

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that he would flirt with two teenagers in public. If her mother knew this, she would take her to worship the Bodhisattva. She would definitely think she was evil.

Gongsun Yu didn't expect that his own position was so high in Tian Yuqiao's mind. Although he was molested by a little girl several years younger than himself, he didn't feel anything. Instead, he felt very honored. In particular, seeing murongbo's guy eat flat, Gongsun Yu's mood was as comfortable as meeting a sunny day.

He seemed to be aware of the imperceptible radian outlined at the corner of Gongsun Yu's mouth. He was so angry that murongbo gnashed his teeth and roared: "Gongsun Yu, what I regret most in my life is taking this deal from your Gongsun mansion. I didn't expect you to be such a casual person. Hum, just a little girl, you are so willing ~"

"Cough, I didn't say anything?"

"But you just smiled happily. You're so happy when people say I'm black. Aren't you? I'm in a bad mood today. Your antidote is gone. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Gongsun Yu's pale face suddenly became whiter when he heard the speech. In Tian Yuqiao's opinion, this sick childe has a morbid beauty like a male version of Daiyu.

I touched the corner of my mouth with my hand. Fortunately, there was no saliva. Otherwise, wouldn't I be ashamed?

"Come on, smelly girl film, how do you want us to repay?" Murong Bo frowned and stepped forward.

"This doesn't seem to be the attitude of thanking others?" Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes.

Seeing this, Gongsun Yu hurried forward to squeeze out a smiling face for Tian Yuqiao and said, "Miss Qiao, my brother is a little reckless. Don't be surprised. If you can, I'm willing to give you an IOU. How about 1000 liang of silver?"

Murong Bo frowned and said, "Hey, you boy, you are so stingy with me at ordinary times. This time, the young master went out to treat you personally, and your family only paid 5000 Liang."

Tian Yuqiao said impatiently, "in your eyes, you two and the lives of those bodyguards are not worth a thousand liang? I doubt your arithmetic level, black boy. Is there only prenatal education?"

She doesn't care if they can understand what "prenatal education" is. Anyway, as long as it's damaging him, that's right.

"Well, I won't talk to you lions. At present, I really have some difficulties. If you are willing to help me, our account will be written off. In addition, I will give you some poisons for self-defense. Don't you know if you agree?"

Tian Yuqiao was too lazy to waste time and went straight to the point.

Gongsun Yu agreed without thinking, but murongbo frowned. You know the name of their Yaowang villa is very famous in the Jianghu. If he agrees to other people's things outside, it may bring disaster to the whole villa. Therefore, he has to think carefully.

"Don't worry, I won't let you kill and set fire, and I won't let you do anything bad. It's just to punish a rich man who is a land bully. Why, can't you even do such a small thing?"

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