Tian Yuqiao smoothly got 250000 liang of silver from steward Zhang, plus the 100000 she got before. Now she really became rich in an instant.

When steward Zhang got another vase, he hurried back in a hurry. This time, he didn't intend to share the credit with the shopkeeper, so he ran directly back to Sishui county and was eager to offer treasure to Zhang laocai.

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly urged, "come on, the road should be unblocked now. Let's get out of here. At least we can't wait for them to find it back and go."

"Hey, you can't cheat others, so you're in a hurry to run away?" Murong Bo said.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense. It's too late to explain to you. We'd better go quietly. Also, let your bodyguards hide. There are too many people and it's easy to expose the target." Tian Yuqiao said, and went back to change his clothes.

"Hey, it's you who lied to others. Why should we run? Besides, there are so many medicinal herbs here that I haven't visited enough. Why don't you go first and we'll stay here." Murong Bo said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao said indifferently, "are you really sure? Then people won't care who cheated them. If you want to stay, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. At that time, they will ask you for money directly. If it's a big deal, you can help me compensate them for more than 300000 Liang."

They were petrified and stared at Tian Yuqiao in amazement. The heart said that the little girl is not old. How can she be so black?

Especially Murong Bo, when watching Tian Yuqiao, he thought she was more treacherous than his old fox's grandfather.

"Hey, grandpa is right. It's really difficult to raise only women and villains in the world!" Murong Bo shook his head and went upstairs to pack his things.

Gongsun Yu thought it seemed very exciting. If he went back and told the family about it, it was estimated that those cousins would envy him very much.

Unexpectedly, he had such a great harvest this time. He was so excited that his face became ruddy, which seemed to cover the sick pallor before.

The bodyguards were all hidden in the dark. Tian Yuqiao was also dressed up as a Taoist boy at this time. The three sat in the carriage. Chen Jiabao was responsible for driving the car. He soon left the town and set out in the direction of Sishui county.

"No, we're going in the right direction. Isn't that where the steward is going? Don't we throw ourselves into the net?" Gong SunYu frowned.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "don't worry, this is the most dangerous place is the safest place. They certainly didn't expect us to appear under their eyes. Then we'll find a way to punish the shameless old man. Who made him find so many wives."

"Er ~ isn't it because I want to help your little aunt get justice?"

"Yes, you little girl, it's normal for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the rich man surnamed Zhang is a little special."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "I said you and your men. Do you really think you are all big pig hooves? There is no throne to inherit in your family. What do you want so many women to do?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that your little girl's idea is quite strange. Do you think that a man can only marry one wife?" Gong SunYu asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao said, "isn't it? Why can your men have three wives and four concubines and women can't have three husbands and four sons in law? It's too unfair."

"Poof! You little girl, don't you still want to marry several people? But you're really interesting. I'm so big. I've never heard a woman say I want three husbands and four sons in law. Sure enough, I'm a little girl from the countryside. I'm brave enough and have a wild heart." Murong Bo smiled unexpectedly.

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that this little black donkey egg guy had two dimples on his face when he laughed. It was pretty good.

"Ha, although you look a little ugly and have a vicious mouth, you look good when you laugh."

"What, you say I look good? I'm so big. No one has spoken to me like that. You're really not afraid of death." murongbo's face was covered with ice again.

"Forget it, it's strange that she will be afraid of you. Don't forget how you stumbled in her hands at the beginning. People play with poison much better than you." Gongsun Yu joked with a smile.

"Hey, I'm going too far to say which side your boy is on or not a brother."

"Hey, if you treat people as brothers, you shouldn't threaten them with antidotes. Who have you ever seen so mean to your brothers? Also, when you smile clearly, it's sunny and bright. Why do you have to keep a stiff face? Do you think it's cool?" Tian Yuqiao turned his white eyes.

Murong Burton pinched his face and tried to smile. Although the smile seemed a little stiff this time, it looked better than his straight face.

"I think Joe is right. You should smile more." gongsunyu said solemnly.

"No, I heard the sound of horses' hoofs. I think the Zhangjia people on the eighth floor found themselves cheated, so they came to chase us this time." Murong Bo's expression suddenly became dignified.

The air in the whole carriage seemed to be much tense, and Kia seemed to be much lower.

Tian Yuqiao carefully opened a corner of the curtain of the carriage and looked out. Then he said, "Oh, it's really the group of zhangjias. I don't know if the bodyguards you brought can beat them?"

"Don't worry, they are all trained and have the best Kung Fu. There should be no problem dealing with these evil slaves."

Gongsun Yu said so, but his clenched hand had betrayed him. At this time, he should also be a little nervous. After all, he did something wrong this time.

"Elder brother Chen, let's run quickly." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

However, when Gongsun Yu was about to send a signal, he found that those who rode on horses ran away from both sides of the carriage.

"Well, they didn't come for us."

"Yes, these people actually passed by. It seems that they should just be on their way."

"No matter what, we'd better hurry as soon as possible." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

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