Tian Yuqiao checked all the paddy fields near the county seat of Sishui county. He roughly estimated that there were about 500 mu. But these are enough. The smile around her mouth is like the moon in the sky, but there is a very cunning feeling in every way.

"Miss, although you look good when you laugh, how can I feel a little evil?" Xiaoyu touched her head and said curiously.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Hey, you'll know later. Xiaoyu, go and take me to the street. Let's buy more specialties and take them back to my parents."

"Well, well, I usually look at the good things sold in those shops. I always fantasize that one day I can go in and buy things myself. I didn't expect this wish to come true so soon. It's great."

Looking at Xiaoyu's excited face, Tian Yuqiao smiled helplessly and said, "let's go and have a good stroll. Well, I'll give you a month's salary in advance. If you have anything you like, buy it first."

Tian Yuqiao said this and gave Xiaoyu two pieces of money, while Xiaoyu quickly waved her hand and said: "No, no, no, miss, I haven't done anything yet, and I've been eating and drinking well these days. I really don't dare to ask for your money. Moreover, I haven't spent the one or two silver you gave me last time. By the way, miss, I'm going to go to my parents' and grandma's graves and buy something to worship."

"Well, I'll accompany you to pay homage to your relatives first, and then we'll go shopping. Let's go and buy some paper money first."

Tian Yuqiao still shoved the two hanging money to Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu didn't refuse this time, but took Tian Yuqiao to a shop selling ghost paper with tears.

Carrying a lot of ingots and candles, they walked towards the mass grave on the outskirts of the mountain.

Xiaoyu also bought a thin skinned coffin that the dog met in a coffin shop. Seeing that they were young, the shopkeeper sent the guy in the shop to help carry the coffin to the countryside.

Originally, Xiaoyu's grandmother was buried with a broken mat. Now with a coffin, she buried the body again.

Tian Yuqiao felt that it was gloomy here, so she stayed far away and looked at it from a distance. As a result, she suddenly felt a dark wind behind her head. The next moment she felt dizzy, and then she fainted.

When she woke up again, she found that she was already in a very dark room. There was only a very small window close to the roof, which was probably reserved for her to breathe.

Have you been kidnapped? I didn't expect to accompany Xiaoyu to a random burial post and be kidnapped by others. Alas, I'm really unlucky. I didn't expect to stumble in such a place.

"After dinner, you must be honest, or you will suffer a lot more." a man's voice came from outside, accompanied by a clash of pots and bowls.

After Tian Yuqiao adapted to the darkness for a while, she found that she was not the only one here, but also several children.

Those children are submissive one by one, and most of them have tears and runny nose on their faces.

Seeing the man put his rice bowl at the door, they rushed forward in a swarm. The man seemed to enjoy the feeling of "feeding pigs" and kept beating the barrel with a spoon.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the thin soup and little water scooped out by the big spoon feeding pigs, and he had no appetite at all. While the children all rushed in and ate up Tian Yuqiao's share.

There are men and women here, but those children look young. The youngest is only six or seven years old, and the oldest should not be more than twelve or thirteen years old.

Now she can be sure that she must have been abducted and trafficked. These eight floors are human traffickers, but she doesn't know where they want to sell these children.

If she wants to get away, it's easy, but she can't watch so many children being sold. In that case, her conscience will hurt.

When he heard the "bang bang" sound of closing the door, Tian Yuqiao said to a little girl next to him, "how long have you been arrested here? Do you know where they are taking us?"

"Woo woo, I don't know. I came here to do business with my father. As a result, I was caught here because I was playful."

"Yes, we are so scared. People are sent here every day. I don't know where they want to send us."

"Hey, don't talk. My father is very rich. I told them to let my father redeem me with money, but they didn't agree. It seems that we are going to be finished this time."

An older boy said with a depressed face.

Tian Yuqiao sent Jin to listen to the wind outside. As a result, Jin soon came the news.

The gang were all dressed in strange clothes, and they all seemed to have strange tattoos.

"This time, the great wizard suffered a heavy internal injury. I don't know who beat him to the sky. As a result, he flew for a long time before falling down. As a result, he fell and hurt himself."

"Yes, otherwise he wouldn't let us do such boring things and let us catch children. Alas, it's really troublesome. I hate children crying all day. I have to live. It would be easier if they were killed with one knife."

"Don't talk nonsense. If the Dharma protector hears us, we will all be dragged to feed the insects."

"It's true that I have to eat the hearts of a hundred boys and girls. I don't know if it doesn't work?"

"Hey, who knows, alas, anyway, our task this time is just to catch ten children. Now we have enough. Next, we'll wait for the divine carving messenger to pick up."

Tian Yuqiao's head was going to explode when he heard it. Unexpectedly, the damn great wizard was still alive after he was kicked to heaven by Da Bai. What an old monster! He wants to eat a child's heart. What's the difference between the national teacher and the goblin in journey to the west?

It seems that the matter this time is really not simple. I can't stand idly by. Now the only way to save those children is to go deep into the tiger's den.

Then find a way to contact Fang Wenhao. Maybe the army can take care of this matter. Both sides are enemies, so this is not too much. It should be to pay off the remaining sins of the Hu people.

When Tian Yuqiao thought of this, he took out a bottle of golden sore powder and smeared a thick layer of the big bag beaten out on his head.

"Hiss ~ it really hurts."

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